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Trump 2025

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1 hour ago, JK22 said:

Det er voksende sinne i NASA som nå opplever å bli pådyttet folk rett fra SpaceX som de ikke har et generelt godt forhold med pga. meget forskjellige ledelseskultur og væremåte, mange frykter med rette at meget mange prosjekter omkring vitenskapelig utforskning av kosmoset og himmellegemer kan bli kansellert eller tilsidesatt til fordel for en Musk-besettelse som er blitt allgripende etter et uvanlig funn på Mars. Der var en merkelig steinleging med skarpe hjørner oppdaget, som av mange "bedrestilte" var tolket som "kunstig... naturen liker ikke skarpe hjørner". Det stemmer ikke. 




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Clear skrev (4 minutter siden):


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Ja, det er den. Men som hver nordmann som vandret ofte ute i det frie er klart over, skarpe kanter, symmetriske linjer og skarpe hjørner er ikke fremmedartet i naturen spesielt fra ulike vinkler hvordan man betrakte et utvalgt objekt. Denne "fjellformasjonen" er bare simpelt for stor, hele tre kilometer - og det er mye som tyder på at det er menneskehjernen som bedrar oss fordi bildet som var tatt i 1990-årene (1997-2006) var med eldre teknologi med dårlig skarphet etter vår standard i dag, med optiske forvrengning pga. vinkling, skyggedanning og lysforhold. Jeg kan se at det ikke er så skarpt som det sies. 

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Det er nå slått alarm.

Robert Reich: This is no longer about Democrats versus Republicans | Opinion


It’s a coup.

As Trump talks about taking over Gaza (“beautiful shoreline”), Greenland (“great minerals”), Panama (“very strategic”), and making Canada the 51st state, the media has gone ape-shite wild.

Meanwhile, Trump’s goons are taking over the federal government without congressional authority and very little public awareness.

They’re using two techniques.

The first is to physically take over an agency or department.

Consider USAID. Elon Musk (now a “special government employee”) calls it a “criminal organization” that needs to “die” and brags about feeding it “into the wood chipper.”

Which is what he and his tech goons have done — dismantling the work of the 10,000-person, $40 billion foreign-assistance agency, along with the thousands of people in nonprofits and other groups that work with it.

The irony of the richest man in the world almost single-handedly destroying an agency designed to help the world’s poor, so that the U.S. federal budget has more room for another giant tax cut for the richest man in the world and his pals, should not be lost on anyone.

Yesterday, all of USAID’s Washington facilities were closed. Nearly all USAID’s 10,000 employees have been put on administrative as of Saturday. Staff working around the world have been ordered to return home within 30 days.

Thank you for your service,” is the last message on USAID’s website, which for days was offline.

Make no mistake: The takeover and dismantling of USAID is a test case for whether Musk and the Trump regime can destroy a part of government without legal or political resistance.

So far, the answer seems to be yes.

Republican Senate Majority Leader John Thune says he “doesn’t believe” the Trump administration is closing an agency without congressional approval, but that it is rather reviewing how the agency is spending money.

Thune is either a fool or a knave.

The second technique being used by Musk and his tech goons is to gain access to the Treasury Department’s payments system, responsible for nearly all payments made by the U.S. government, and alter it — writing new code for programs that control more than 20 percent of the U.S. economy, including Social Security benefits and veterans’ pay.

Musk says he’ll be shutting down some Treasury payments in an effort to root out “corruption and waste.” That is, whatever Musk considers corruption and waste.

What’s next? Will Trump, Musk, and Musk’s tech goons take over, or stop funding, the Labor Department? (My sources there tell me Department of Labor workers have been ordered to give Musk’s DOGE access to anything they want — or risk termination.)

I don’t know, but I do know that nothing right now seems to be stopping them.

The Republican-controlled Congress has essentially surrendered Congress’s powers, including the power of the purse (it has already surrendered its powers over tariffs and foreign policy). There’s not much of a role for Congress left.

This afternoon, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee tried to subpoena Musk, but Republicans called a procedural vote without notice so the Dems wouldn’t get there on time. Here’s Congressman Ro Khanna’s account, followed by Musk’s response.

My friends, this is no longer about Democrats versus Republicans, left versus right, liberals versus conservatives.

The choice right now is democracy or dictatorship (or if you’d rather use the term fascism, go right ahead). And we are sliding faster than I ever thought possible into the latter.

Everyone must choose which side they’re on. Now.

Det er veldig tydelig at ledende republikanske kongressmedlemmer som Mike Johnson og John Thune kan ha gjort seg skyldig i landsforræderi fordi når disse tiltre deres embete må de avlegge ed til landets konstitusjon, så ved å tolerere kuppshandlingene lansert av Trump og Musk, og deretter motarbeide de legale reaksjoner samt holdt de andre republikanerne ned har de indirekte gitt sitt samtykke til dette massive angrepet på den amerikanske konstitusjonen. Reich har rett, det er ikke lenge snakk om parti eller ideologi, det amerikanske demokratiet er kommet under angrep. 

The only thing standing between democracy and dictatorship in America

Opinion by Thom Hartmann


Trump wants FBI agents who investigated his coup attempt, his facilitating espionage, or his other financial and criminal activities fired.

Let’s be very clear: this is how dictatorships start.

A guy who wants to be a dictator always begins by changing how the government works. Even though the majority of the nation had agreed previously that the government should do certain things in certain ways, he reassures everybody he’s got a better way and it’ll all work out.

In the process, he breaks a bunch of laws, but people mostly shrug because they don’t directly affect them. Pastor Niemöller wrote about this in 1930s Germany; to paraphrase: First they came for the government workers…

Then people start resisting, which is when he begins to use the police power of the state. The people who show up in the streets, the people who speak out in the media, the people who try to fight him in the legislatures and the courts: he figures out ways to get them fired, harassed, and ultimately imprisoned.

When she was being confirmed, Attorney General Pam Bondi refused to say that she would not executed an illegal order on Donald Trump’s behalf. Like if he directed her to investigate somebody who irritated him. Or prosecute somebody who had investigated him. Or imprison — perhaps only temporarily, at first — somebody who has spoken out against him.

We’re there now. Bondi just announced that the political prosecutions are about to begin. At first they will be going after the police agencies themselves, as a way of bringing them to heel: Terrify the terrifiers.

Next will be the Press. First they will use financial terror to force compliance; we’re already seeing that with Trump’s lawsuits against all three major networks and multiple newspapers. That will expand. Eventually it will turn into shutdowns and arrests.

He will remake our schools so they become indoctrination factories for his white, male supremacist worldview and the new authoritarianism.

He will realign our democratic country away from democratic allies and toward countries run by dictators like he aspires to become.

He will purge the military of leadership that might resist him and of troops who might refuse his orders.

He will remake our criminal justice system so it becomes more violent and brutal, opening prisons for “the worst of the worst“ in places beyond the reach of law, like Auschwitz in Poland or Guantánamo in Cuba.

He will remake our media so it becomes a Greek chorus, singing his praises and carrying his every word.

By proclaiming, as every dictator does, that divine providence and the blessings of God put him where he is, he will bring the country‘s largest religious institutions to heel.

He will proclaim grand plans and spectacular efforts, like the Autobahn or remaking Gaza, Greenland, and Panama. They will distract the public from the relentless, grinding destruction of the guardrails of government itself.

He and his allies will empower civilian militias who will then become his terror shock troops against the people who oppose him. Hitler had his Brownshirts; Republicans in Nassau County are right now trying to field America’s first armed private militia.

He will remake commerce and business, so the most successful companies are those that throw money and resources at him. Fritz Tyson wrote a book about this, about his shame at facilitating it, titled I Paid Hitler. Someday, perhaps, Jeff Bezos or Tim Cook will write a similar book.

America today is early in this process, although it doesn’t typically take very long. It took Hitler 53 days. It took Putin about a year. It took Victor Orban about two years. It took Pinochet less than a week, although he had the help of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.

Trump and his project 2025 friends, however, have been preparing for this for four years: They hit the ground running.

This moment proves that the preservation of democracy requires constant attention and a collective commitment to uphold the integrity of its institutions.

Right now, though, the only thing standing between democracy and dictatorship in America are public opinion, the media, and the Democratic Party; Republicans have completely caved and the courts move too slowly to stop him.

Elon Musk and Donald Trump seem to think they can pull this off in a matter of weeks, and so far — because of the cowardice of Republican legislators and the disorganization and lack of leadership among Democrats — they may be right.

Unless we all stand up and speak out now.

Han har rett, men han ser ikke ut til å innse at det som Trump vil gjennomføre, vil lede til borgerkrig fordi et stort flertall av det amerikanske folket vil beholde det de allerede har, det er i virkeligheten bare 20 til 30 % av folket som støtter Trump og MAGA/republikanerne i et land hvor det er tradisjonelt lav folkepolitisk deltagelse under valg med omtrent 60 %. Så snart amerikanerne flest innser at de hadde blitt bedratt, svindlet og forrådt fordi de hadde blitt manipulert, narret i styr og dummet ut - vil de oppleve det samme som den fargede mannen i tegneseriefilmen om ham og Snurre Sprett; 

Snerrende, knurrende med mord i blikket

"Alle" har for lengst innsett at ikkevold og dialog ikke leder noe vei. Myanmar/Burma er for eksempel kastet ut i kaos hvor militærdiktaturet har mistet 50 % av hele landet og bare behersker de større byer. I Georgia merkes det at demonstrantene er i ferd med å forsvinne fra gatene mens det knurres mer og mer over tafattheten. Folk over hele verden er i ferd med å miste troen på ikke-vold, og amerikanerne selv vil hente fram våpnene i verste fall. 

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Herregud... Dette lukter forræderi lang vei. 

During her Senate confirmation hearing, Bondi promised not to weaponize the DOJ. However, on the first day of her job, she may have targeted a task force and law simply because their investigations and enforcement happened to uncover or prosecute the actions of the Trump campaign.

Vanligvis er det straffbart å lyve for kongressen, så det er ubegripelig at Bondi kunne gjøre det hun gjort! 


Trump ønsker å ødelegge FBI.

University of Michigan Law School Professor Barbara McQuade attacked President Donald Trump in an editorial Thursday for targeting law enforcement as part of his mass firings.

Trump is reportedly looking to cut as many as 5,000 FBI agents who worked on Jan. 6 cases. At the same time, Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove sent a memo to acting FBI Director Brian Driscoll listing "terminations" of top-level FBI officials.

These terminations and the potential agent firings "send a terrible message," McQuade wrote for Bloomberg, and are "degrading the rule of law."

She cited the list of Jan. 6 defendants who were granted full pardons or clemency, saying that Trump was giving "vigilantes" a pass for "taking the law into their own hands as long as they act in service to the leader."

Then firing the law enforcement officers who investigated such cases "erode respect for the law and those who enforce it," she added. It suggests that FBI agents did something wrong in prosecuting those who broke the law, she wrote.

She pointed out that on Wednesday, Bove also sent FBI employees a memo claiming they wouldn't be fired if they "simply followed orders and carried out their duties in an ethical manner." He claimed the only people who should be worried are those who "acted with corrupt or partisan intent" and were part of "weaponizing the FBI."

McQuade said the action has a "chilling effect" on all law enforcement agencies. Investigators are assigned to act with the law in mind, not with politics in mind. She noted that scaring them away from going after the wealthy, powerful, or those with political connections because they might be fired will put those acting ethically in the difficult position of following the law or following political orders.

The federal work system has safeguards in place to protect career employees from political decisions that can change every four years with a new president, she recalled.

"The so-called deep state is not a rogue operation thwarting a president from carrying out his mandate. It is a group of professionals upholding the law from abuses of power," McQuade wrote.

McQuade listed all the crimes FBI agents investigate and warned that fewer crimes would be caught with fewer agents. Even if Trump intends to hire other FBI agents, recruiting, background checks, and training can take many months. In the meantime, the country is left vulnerable, she wrote.

The larger concern, she said, is that culling the FBI hurts public safety, a similar argument made by former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi.

These actions gut everything the FBI stands for, she closed.

Det er begått SÅ MANGE LOVBRUDD helt siden Trump overtok, at det ikke er lenge mulig å tillate hans presidentskap som har blitt helt kriminelt og dermed dypt uegnet etter konstitusjonell standard! 

Demokratene og andre er blitt dypt rasende, det er voksende misnøye med Schumer som virker helt rådvilt og lamslått fordi han er sperret ut av både speakeren i huset og majoritetslederen i senatet i slik grad at demokratiske representanter måtte bruke fysisk makt for å komme i kontakt med dem! Det hjelpe ikke ved å satse på domstolene som arbeider for langsomt, det hjelpe ikke ved å føre dialog når folk som McConnell ikke er i stand til å stå på sitt og når MAGA sabotere all politisk debatt. Det kommer nå mange absurde lovforslag på republikansk hold at det er ufattelig. 

Det er tydelig at politikerne må innse at de må følge Konstitusjonens ånd; det er Loven, ikke folket, som bestemmer. Det hjelpe ikke ved å signalisere at folket hadde gitt et mandat til republikanerne når disse fritt bryte Loven som er essensielt for USAs eksistens som en føderal republikk. Da er de nødt til å gjøre opprør. De hadde prøvd med USAID, bare for å bli overstøyet av mediene som vinklet det helt om slik at folk forbli holdt i uviten. 

Det klokeste er å la alle eks-presidenter og eks-høyesterettsdommere marsjere i takt under størst alvor rett til John Roberts og gjør det meget klinkende klart at alle presidentordrer må erklæres ukonstitusjonelt og at Trump kan risikere arrest. Bush junior burde bli med, for ved å la Roberts nomineres risikere han evig vanære ved å være tilknyttet mannen som kan ha ødelagt USA ved å gi Trump absolutt immunitet. 

For hvis ikke, kommer borgerkrig til å bryte ut før dette året er omme. 


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