Red Frostraven Skrevet 25. januar 2024 Del Skrevet 25. januar 2024 Som de som følger med på amerikanske politikk har fått med seg, så har det republikanske partiet bestemt seg for at de skal bruke Joe Biden sin sønn, Hunter Biden, til å produsere propaganda til propagandamaskineriet til republikanerene, for å narre folk til å støtte det republikanske partiet, gjennom å gi et inntrykk av at Joe Biden har latt seg kjøpe via sønnens forretninger som advokat. Propagandakampanjen begynte med en stjålet innhold fra en laptop som opprinnelig skal ha vært Hunter Biden sin, som ble forsøkt brukt til å implisere koblinger mellom Hunter Biden sine forretninger og Joe Biden, i et forsøk på å både spre disinformasjon og muligens kriminellt implisere Joe Biden for å få ham fjernet fra makten, i hva som bare kan beskrives som et angrep på demokratiet. Det feilet, da republikanerene sine beste folk og FBI ikke evnet å sannsynliggjøre at det fantes noen ulovligheter: Sitat Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden The report delivered on Wednesday appeared to be little more than a rehashing of unproven allegations that echoed a Russian disinformation campaign. An election-year investigation by Senate Republicans into corruption allegations against Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter, involving Ukraine found no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the former vice president, closing out an inquiry its leaders had hoped would tarnish the Democratic presidential nominee. Ekspander Republikanerene fikk bare trøstrepremien; tilgang på all informasjon de 'behøvde' for å gjennomføre etterforskningen, som kan og vil bli manipulert for bruk i fremtidige svertekampanjer. Republikanerene i kongressen fortsetter akkurat nå i samme fotspor fordi det igjen er valgår, med nye forsøk på å misbruke makt for å skaffe seg ammunisjon til disinformasjon gjennom å gjennomgå advokatfirmaet Hunter Biden jobber for sin økonomi: Nye høringer om Hunter Biden foregår i disse dager for kongressen bak lukkede dører, i hva som allerede var varslet å være et forsøk på å manipulere folket og verden ved at republikanerene rapporterer sine egne fantasi-baserte tolkninger av hva som kommer frem av høringene i kongressen, i fravær av offentlig innsyn... Sitat Morris’s lawyer accused Comer last week of grossly misrepresenting what Morris actually said during his deposition. Bryan Sullivan slammed Comer’s “cherry‐picked, out of context and totally misleading” press release and demanded the representative release the full transcript. Oversight Committee Democrats have previously accused Comer of misrepresenting witness testimony in his quest to prove the Biden family is guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Comer has for months accused the president of corruption and influence peddling, but he has yet to produce any actual evidence. Ekspander ...og det var akkurat hva som hendte, som går frem av transkriptene: Sitat New Transcript Blows Up James Comer’s Entire Hunter Biden Argument A new transcript from a key Hunter Biden witness undercuts many of the claims Republicans are making about “Biden corruption.” The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday released the transcript of the testimony of Kevin Morris, a friend of and attorney for Hunter Biden, and his statements undercut everything Republicans have said about the embattled first son. Morris is a high-powered entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles who met Hunter at a 2019 presidential fundraiser for his father, Joe Biden. Morris has loaned Hunter nearly $5 million in the years since. He testified about his relationship with Hunter in a closed-door committee hearing last week. Initially, Oversight Chair James Comer just released a list of paraphrased highlights from Morris’s testimony. Comer claimed that Morris informally loaned Hunter the money and does not expect to be repaid until after the 2024 election—or possibly ever. But the transcript shows this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, Morris never once mentioned the possibility of forgiving the loans. Instead, he said he has a “100 percent” expectation that Hunter will repay him, and repeatedly states that he and Hunter have a series of promissory notes agreeing the younger Biden will pay back the money. What’s more, Morris testified that there is a “balloon” on the loans set for after the election. This means that Hunter is currently making low or even no payments but will start making lump repayments in 2025. The only person who mentions loan forgiveness in the entire interview is Representative Andy Biggs. The Arizona Republican has been a vocal critic of the Biden family, accusing them of criminal wrongdoing. Biggs asked what consequences Hunter would face if he defaulted on these loans. Morris joked that, hypothetically, a lender could ask the borrower to “come over and wash your car for the rest of their life.” Biggs replied, “Or you can forgive. You can forgive it.” Morris agreed that was an option, but he never said he would. Morris also repeatedly stated that Hunter never asked him for the money. Morris would voluntarily send money through his lawyers to Hunter’s, but the younger Biden did not ask him to do so. Morris only gave Hunter cash directly once, when he bought two paintings on their second meeting in 2019. And again, he wants the rest of the money he loaned paid back with interest. Ekspander Som forventet så spriker hva republikanske folkevalgte forteller fra hva transkripter faktisk sier om hva som kom frem, som igjen demonstrerer at USA sitt nest største parti har alvorlige problemer med å forholde seg til demokratiske prinsipper, i det republikanske folkevalgte i komiteer lyger offentlig om hva som kom frem under lukkede høringer for politisk vinning, som har vært et problem i lengre tid. ...totalt sett; Republikanerene bruker hva deres egne representanter sier i spørsmål eller kommentarer til vitner som bevis for at vitnet har fortalt hva spørsmålet impliserte eller den folkevalgte foreslo, uavhengig av svaret: De stiller spørsmål i hensikt å misbruke svaret -- og bryr seg ikke engang om svaret, når de kan lyge om hva som ble sagt. Men de ble avslørt. Skaden er dog sannsynligvis allerede skjedd, da Comer sine løgner om hva som ble sagt i den lukkede høringen allerede er formidlet som sannhet av propagandamaskineriet. 3 Lenke til kommentar
Red Frostraven Skrevet 31. januar 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 31. januar 2024 Nok et vitne forteller sannheten bak lukkede dører, som gagner både Hunter Biden og hans far, i det at republikanerene sliter med å misbruke informasjon til å spinne løgner for å forsvare den politisk motiverte hevnaksjonen og misbruk av kongressens makt. Også transkript fra dette vitnemålet er publisert, som undergraver og stopper republikanske påstander og løgner om hva som ble sagt. Sitat “Just like every other witness called by House Republicans, Eric Schwerin told the Committee that he never saw evidence of any wrongdoing by President Biden and that President Biden was not involved in, did not profit from, and took no official actions in relation to his family’s business dealings. Mr. Schwerin, who was previously interviewed by Committee staff in March, voluntarily appeared again today to reiterate these basic facts. “From 2009 to 2017, Mr. Schwerin performed a number of administrative and bookkeeping tasks for then-Vice President Biden related to his household finances, which included helping then-Vice President Biden and his accountants in the preparation of his taxes and annual financial disclosure statements. In helping then-Vice President Biden with his personal finances, Mr. Schwerin could see transactions into and out of the then-Vice President’s bank accounts. “Mr. Schwerin confirmed that he never saw any transactions or compensation going into then-Vice President’s bank accounts related to his family members’ businesses. Mr. Schwerin was clear that he was not aware of any involvement by Joe Biden, as a public official or a private citizen, in his family members’ businesses. And Mr. Schwerin was clear that he has no recollection of any promises or suggestions made by Hunter to any of his clients that his father would take any officials actions on their behalf. Mr. Schwerin told investigators that his conversations with then-Vice President Biden were limited to his personal finances, and the then-Vice President was always clear that he wanted to take the most transparent and ethical approach possible to the management of his personal finances. “House Republicans are about to begin the 14th month of this Trump-demanded fishing expedition. They have uncovered a mountain of evidence discrediting their own allegations, and they have failed to uncover any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden whatsoever, much less an impeachable offense. Yet, Republicans have devoted more than a year to circulating lies and conspiracy theories in service of Donald Trump’s demands for political retribution and vengeance.” Ekspander Republikanere prøver åpenbart å få opinionen til å støtte 'impeachment' av Joe Biden, i en hevnaksjon for Trump før valget 2024, hvor målet er satt i stein og helliger alle midler. 2 1 Lenke til kommentar
Red Frostraven Skrevet 16. februar 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 16. februar 2024 (endret) En tidligere FBI-agent er siktet for å ha løyet og forfalske dokumenter for å bidra til den politisk motiverte forfølgelsen av Hunter Biden, i hensikt å bedra det amerikanske folk og å gi det republikanske partiet en unnskyldning for å gå til riksrett mot hans far: ... "Alexander Smirnov, 43, is facing charges in connection with lying to the FBI and creating false records. He was arrested Thursday at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, after his arrival in the US from overseas, and will make his initial appearance in federal court Thursday afternoon. The indictment alleges that Smirnov’s story to the FBI “was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise unremarkable business meetings and contacts that had actually occurred but at a later date than he claimed and for the purpose of pitching Burisma on the Defendant’s services and products, not for discussing bribes to [Joe Biden] when he was in office.” Congressional Republicans have championed Smirnov’s now-discredited allegations for roughly a year, though not by name. They fought with the FBI to obtain memos about what Smirnov told investigators and publicly released the materials over the FBI’s objections. The congressional Republicans repeatedly praised Smirnov as “credible” and put his uncorroborated claims front-and-center in their impeachment inquiry into the president." ... Det er bra FBI og demokratene tar ut søpla etter hvert som den bygger seg opp, men republikanerene har laget en fylling ut av kongressen, og løgnene til denne sekken med dritt har sirkulert i et helt år, og har påvirket meningene til mennesker som liker å spise dritt-smørbrød fylt av desinformasjon. Endret 17. februar 2024 av Red Frostraven 2 1 Lenke til kommentar
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