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Krigen mellom Israel og Hamas

Melding lagt til av Uderzo,

Vennligst ikke post politiske memes, det har kun en negativ effekt på diskursen, gjentagelser kan føre til advarsler.

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11 hours ago, Snikpellik said:

Etter et initiativ fra den svenske regjeringen har de nordiske landene blitt enige om en felles uttalelse vedrørende de israelske planene om å stemple hjelpeorganisasjonen UNRWA som «terrororganisasjon».

Nordiske utenriksministre hardt ut mot israelske lovforslag 

De nordiske utenriksministrene går hardt ut mot lovforslag i det israelske Knesset som kan stanse FNs hjelpeorganisasjon for palestinske flyktninger (UNRWA).

Om forslagene blir vedtatt hindrer de i praksis UNRWA i å operere både på Vestbredden og i Gaza, heter det i en uttalelse som er publisert hos Utenriksdepartementet.

– UNRWA ville i så fall ikke lenger kunnet gjennomføre sine nøkkeloppgaver som er lovfestet ved vedtak 302 i FNs hovedforsamling av 8. desember 1949. Kun generalforsamlingen kan definere UNRWAs mandat, skriver de.

Uttalelsen er undertegnet Norges utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) og utenriksministrene fra Danmark, Finland, Island og Sverige.



Hva de nordiske land er blitt enig om forandrer vel ikke det faktum at UNRWA ansatte deltok i terrorvirksomhet? Og grunnen til at Israel vil stemple UNRWA som en terrororganisasjon er vel nettopp terroren og hjelp til Hamas derfra, ikke for at de liksom utfører noen nøkkel operasjoner?

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-C64- skrev (52 minutter siden):

Hva de nordiske land er blitt enig om forandrer vel ikke det faktum at UNRWA ansatte deltok i terrorvirksomhet?

Det ville vært noe rart om de nordiske landene hadde evnen til å endre fortiden, ja.


Og grunnen til at Israel vil stemple UNRWA som en terrororganisasjon er vel nettopp terroren og hjelp til Hamas derfra, ikke for at de liksom utfører noen nøkkel operasjoner?

Det er noen krefter i Israel som hevder dette, uten særlig grunnlag. Alle forstår at det er andre årsaker bak.

Alle landene som støttet UNRWA tidligere har gjenopptatt støtten igjen på bakgrunn av etterforskningene som ble gjort, inkludert Israels nærmeste allierte. USA har gjort sin egen etterforskning i tillegg, og har sagt til Israel at UNRWA ikke er en «terrororganisasjon» og heller ikke bør stemples som en. Så får vi se hva som skjer.

USAs uttalelse:

(…) UNRWA is not a terrorist organization, and we urge the Israeli Government and the Knesset to halt the movement of this legislation. We have been clear about the important role that UNRWA plays in delivering humanitarian assistance and other critical assistance to Palestinians in Gaza – and throughout the region, not just in Gaza. The – I think you know the United States provides the majority of its funding for – a majority of the funding for humanitarian efforts in Gaza through the UN. We expect to continue to do so. As you know, we are currently barred by statute from providing assistance through UNRWA, but that doesn’t mean we don’t support the work that they do and we don’t support other ways to get humanitarian assistance.

So I would say – and you’ve heard us say this before – that the attacks that the Israeli Government has leveled on UNRWA are incredibly unhelpful. They do nothing to advance the cause of getting humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. So we’re going to continue to support the work that UNRWA does in the region, while also recognizing the need for reform – something that you have heard UNRWA and the UN also speak to.


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UglaSukk skrev (10 minutter siden):

Er det noe nytt om sykehuset i Beirut, der det skal ligge en halv milliard dollar og gull under?

Har Libaneserne gått mann av huse for å få sin del?

Det virker som planen var at de skulle gå helt bananas, og skape fullt kaos.

Hizbollah har nok flyttet dette for lengst

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47 minutes ago, Ballalaika said:

Får tro hun fra BBC jobber med en oppfølgningssak.

Nei, hun er nok opptatt med dagens skolebombe. Eller tar hun saken om sykehuset? Eller flyktningeleiren?

På alvor: I enhver annen konflikt med daglige bombinger av skoler/sykehus/flyktningleire hadde vestlige land krevd godkjenning fra FN for å bombe, og hadde trolig bombet selv uten tillatelse. 

I dette tilfellet leverer vi bombene likevel, men på litt en annen måte.

Endret av Rhabagatz
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Rhabagatz skrev (1 minutt siden):

Nei, hun er nok opptatt med dagens skolebombe. Eller tar hus saken om sykehuset? Eller flyktningeleiren?

Så ikke for opptatt til å vandre rundt i sykehuset for å lete etter gull, men for opptatt til å rette opp i saken når det ble klart at de leter en annen plass enn angitt?

Den saken der er symptomatisk for hvordan journalister opptrer i denne konflikten, kan man si.

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CNN i kveld:

The Israeli military has used Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, soldier and former detainees say

The Israeli military has forced Palestinians to enter potentially booby-trapped houses and tunnels in Gaza to avoid putting its troops in harm’s way, according to an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier and five former detainees who said they were victims of the practice.

The soldier, who said his unit held two Palestinian prisoners for the explicit purpose of using them as human shields to probe dangerous places, said the practice was prevalent among Israeli units in Gaza.

“We told them to enter the building before us,” he explained. “If there are any booby traps, they will explode and not us.”

It was so common in the Israeli military that it had a name: “mosquito protocol.”

The exact scale and scope of the practice by the Israeli military is not known. But the testimony of both the soldier and five civilians shows that it was widespread across the territory: in northern Gaza, Gaza City, Khan Younis, and Rafah.

The soldier explained that, at first, his unit, which at the time was in northern Gaza, used standardized procedures before entering a suspect building: sending in a dog or punching a hole through its side with a tank shell or an armored bulldozer.

But one day this spring, the soldier said an intelligence officer showed up with two Palestinian detainees – a 16-year-old boy and 20-year-old man – and told the troops to use them as human shields before entering buildings. The intelligence officer claimed they were connected to Hamas.

When he questioned the practice, the soldier said one of his commanders told him, “‘It’s better that the Palestinian will explode and not our soldiers.’”

“It’s quite shocking, but after a few months in Gaza you [tend not to] think clearly,” the soldier said. “You’re just tired. Obviously, I prefer that my soldiers live. But, you know, that’s not how the world works.”

The soldier said that he and his comrades refused to carry on with the practice after two days and confronted their senior commander about it. Their commander, who first told them not to “think about international law,” saying that their own lives were “more important,” ultimately relented, releasing the two Palestinians, the soldier said.

The fact that they were released, he said, made it clear to him that they had no affiliation with Hamas, “that they are not terrorists.”

CNN was connected with the soldier by Breaking the Silence, an organization that provides a forum for Israeli soldiers to speak out and verifies their testimony.

Breaking the Silence provided CNN with three photos depicting the Israeli military using Palestinians as human shields in Gaza. One haunting photograph shows two soldiers urging a civilian forward in a scene of devastation in northern Gaza. In a second, two civilians used as human shields sit bound and blindfolded. A third shows a soldier guarding a bound civilian.


Vanvittig. Grove, systematiske krigsforbrytelser og menneskerettsbrudd.

Endret av Snikpellik
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Snikpellik skrev (6 minutter siden):

CNN i kveld:

The Israeli military has used Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, soldier and former detainees say

The Israeli military has forced Palestinians to enter potentially booby-trapped houses and tunnels in Gaza to avoid putting its troops in harm’s way, according to an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier and five former detainees who said they were victims of the practice.

The soldier, who said his unit held two Palestinian prisoners for the explicit purpose of using them as human shields to probe dangerous places, said the practice was prevalent among Israeli units in Gaza.

“We told them to enter the building before us,” he explained. “If there are any booby traps, they will explode and not us.”

It was so common in the Israeli military that it had a name: “mosquito protocol.”

The exact scale and scope of the practice by the Israeli military is not known. But the testimony of both the soldier and five civilians shows that it was widespread across the territory: in northern Gaza, Gaza City, Khan Younis, and Rafah.

The soldier explained that, at first, his unit, which at the time was in northern Gaza, used standardized procedures before entering a suspect building: sending in a dog or punching a hole through its side with a tank shell or an armored bulldozer.

But one day this spring, the soldier said an intelligence officer showed up with two Palestinian detainees – a 16-year-old boy and 20-year-old man – and told the troops to use them as human shields before entering buildings. The intelligence officer claimed they were connected to Hamas.

When he questioned the practice, the soldier said one of his commanders told him, “‘It’s better that the Palestinian will explode and not our soldiers.’”

“It’s quite shocking, but after a few months in Gaza you [tend not to] think clearly,” the soldier said. “You’re just tired. Obviously, I prefer that my soldiers live. But, you know, that’s not how the world works.”

The soldier said that he and his comrades refused to carry on with the practice after two days and confronted their senior commander about it. Their commander, who first told them not to “think about international law,” saying that their own lives were “more important,” ultimately relented, releasing the two Palestinians, the soldier said.

The fact that they were released, he said, made it clear to him that they had no affiliation with Hamas, “that they are not terrorists.”

CNN was connected with the soldier by Breaking the Silence, an organization that provides a forum for Israeli soldiers to speak out and verifies their testimony.

Breaking the Silence provided CNN with three photos depicting the Israeli military using Palestinians as human shields in Gaza. One haunting photograph shows two soldiers urging a civilian forward in a scene of devastation in northern Gaza. In a second, two civilians used as human shields sit bound and blindfolded. A third shows a soldier guarding a bound civilian.


Vanvittig. Grove, systematiske krigsforbrytelser og menneskerettsbrudd.

Nye vitneutsagn fra bl.a. en IDF-soldat som kan legges i mappen til ICJ. Begynner å bli en bra case against Israels sivile og militære ledere.

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2 minutes ago, Folkflesk said:

Nye vitneutsagn fra bl.a. en IDF-soldat som kan legges i mappen til ICJ. Begynner å bli en bra case against Israels sivile og militære ledere.

Hørt fra en israeler:

Vennene våre (USA, UK og Tyskland) lot oss sette oss drita inn i bilen 8. okt. De stoppet oss ikke. Og verre, de ga oss en flakse whisky til å ha på veien. Gode venner hadde stoppet oss når vi var fulle av raseri og hat.

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UglaSukk skrev (5 timer siden):

Jeg så etter nytt om saken nå. Fant ikke noe fra BBC, eller andre mainstream media.

Men jeg fant en video der RT ser på dette, og besøker adressen der pengene/gullet skal ha vært.


Russia today..

Gikk han rett han nå da? Hele oppsynet hans virker ikke tillitsvekkende tbh.

Tror ikke vi får svar på dette før Hizbollah er tilstrekkelig svekket til at myndighetene tør gå inn uten å være redd for motstand og/eller fremtidige represalier els

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Ballalaika skrev (11 timer siden):

Russia today..

Gikk han rett han nå da? Hele oppsynet hans virker ikke tillitsvekkende tbh.

Tror ikke vi får svar på dette før Hizbollah er tilstrekkelig svekket til at myndighetene tør gå inn uten å være redd for motstand og/eller fremtidige represalier els

Hvis RT sin reportasje er fra feil sted, så kan jo hvem som helst som befinner seg i Beirut oppsøke disse plassene, og lett vise at RT er juksemakere som laget reportasje på feil adresse.

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"Karim Khan, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, has denied allegations of misconduct towards a member of his office saying the ICC and himself are being “subject to a wide range of attacks and threats.”


“There is no truth to suggestions of such misconduct. I have worked in diverse contexts for 30 years and there has never been such a complaint lodged against me by anyone,” Khan said on X."


De tar en "Assange" på ham.

Og det har gått seks måneder, uten at ICC tør å komme til noen konklusjon i saken om Israels krigføring i Gaza.


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