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Krigen mellom Israel og Hamas

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Snikpellik skrev (1 minutt siden):

En kilde i IDF sier sivilbefolkningen i Gaza forsøker å hindre Hamas i å skyte mot Israel.

(...) "At the same time, we found that individuals in Gaza have started trying to intervene in Hamas's firing attempts. This marks a local rebellion by the population against Hamas. It is in our interest that similar interventions happen again in the future," said the source.

'Local rebellion': Gazans attempting to stop Hamas from firing at Israel, IDF source says

Strålende hvis dette stemmer. Det aller beste for alle ville vært om palestinerne selv kvittet seg med Hamas. 

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Rhabagatz skrev (8 minutter siden):

Det bestemmer det angrepne landet, ikke USA.

Nå er det ikke bare USA som har designert Hezbollah som en terrororganisasjon, men også Israel, en rekke europeiske land og den arabiske liga.

Men jo, du har for så vidt rett, alle entiteter, det være seg legitime stater eller terrororganisasjoner vil jo selv føle at de har rett til å forsvare seg. 

Endret av VifteKopp
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1 hour ago, VifteKopp said:

Strålende hvis dette stemmer. Det aller beste for alle ville vært om palestinerne selv kvittet seg med Hamas. 

Om de hadde klart det, hadde det vært spennende å se om flere ville være mer positive til Palestina som egen stat...

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Snikpellik skrev (2 timer siden):

En kilde i IDF sier sivilbefolkningen i Gaza forsøker å hindre Hamas i å skyte mot Israel.

(...) "At the same time, we found that individuals in Gaza have started trying to intervene in Hamas's firing attempts. This marks a local rebellion by the population against Hamas. It is in our interest that similar interventions happen again in the future," said the source.

'Local rebellion': Gazans attempting to stop Hamas from firing at Israel, IDF source says

En veldig positiv nyhet

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Rhabagatz skrev (7 timer siden):

Dette er altså landet der "fri palestina" anses som oppfordring til folkemord, og som gir GRATIS bomber som Israel kan slippe over befolkingen i Gaza.

Det er like troverdig som når Putin uttaler seg om forholdene i Hviterussland.


Denne sammenligningen med Putin hører ikke hjemme noen plass. USA med demokratisk styre og dyktige Blinken er selvsagt troverdige.

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0laf skrev (5 timer siden):

En krig mot Hezbollah kan dog utarte seg noe annerledes enn man kanskje tror.

Hezbollah er riktignok den største terrororganisasjonen i Midtøsten, men de har også mange fiender.

Selv om en del av styresmaktene i Libanon er i lomma på Iran, og Hezbollah har støtte blant mange partier, så finnes det politikere og politiske partier som er imot Hezbollah, og ønsker de fjernet.

Store deler av befolkningen hater Hezbollah, og deler av det libanesiske forsvaret ønsker intet annet enn å bekjempe terroristene.

I 2019 var det store protester mot styresmaktene i Libanon, som i stor grad har vært kontrollert av Hezbollah med korrupsjon og elendighet, og landet har hatt den verste økonomiske krisen på 150 år, hvor over 80% nå lever i fattigdom, mens Hezbollah tar seg til rette.

I Syria var Hezbollah instrumentelle for at Al-Assad fremdeles har makten, og hele den syriske motstandsbevegelsen hjelper trolig villig vekk til med å fjerne Hezbollah.

Det finnes også andre militante grupper i Libanon som er i mot Hezbollah.

Jeg tror at dersom Israel går til krig mot Hezbollah, så satser de nok på at en del av alle de andre fiendene til Hezbollah også vil benytte anledningen til å angripe samtidig.

Militært har fremdeles ikke Hezbollah noe å stille opp med mot Israel.
Selv om Hezbollah er mer som en konvensjonell militærmakt, som ikke gjemmer seg i tuneller under skoler og sykehus, så har de ingen skrupler og fører mer geriljakrig enn ordinær krigføring osv. så det er vanskelig for Israel å utslette Hezbollah.

I beste fall kan Israel svekke de betydelig, slik de også har gjort de siste månedene med stadig flyangrep, og håpe på at andre motstandere av Hezbollah gjør resten, ettersom Libanon ikke er som Gaza, hvor nesten hele befolkningen støtter Hamas og hjelper de. I Libanon er det mange som vil ha Hezbollah bort, og få inn reelle styresmakter som gjør livet bedre for folket.

Tyrkiskstøttede terrorister kommer aldri til å angripe hizbollah fot å støtte Israel

Rhabagatz skrev (4 timer siden):

if Hezbollah decides to Retaliate with a Large-Scale Rocket and Missile Attack, the U.S. would provide Assistance to Israel in the form of Air Defense Munitions, Intelligence, and even Direct Military Support


Gjelder ikke retten til å forsvare seg for Hizbollah?

For en terrororganisasjon, nei

Rhabagatz skrev (2 timer siden):

Det bestemmer det angrepne landet, ikke USA.

Ja. Libanon, ikke hizbollsh, men takk for at du legitimerer et israelsk angrep mot Libanon ved å hevde at terrorgruppa representerer landet 

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Snikpellik skrev (3 timer siden):

En kilde i IDF sier sivilbefolkningen i Gaza forsøker å hindre Hamas i å skyte mot Israel.

(...) "At the same time, we found that individuals in Gaza have started trying to intervene in Hamas's firing attempts. This marks a local rebellion by the population against Hamas. It is in our interest that similar interventions happen again in the future," said the source.

'Local rebellion': Gazans attempting to stop Hamas from firing at Israel, IDF source says

Det er gode nyheter.

Det viktigste er at palestinerne begynner å vender seg mot Hamas. Det gir håp! 

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Gallant to Austin: This is the moment for US to prevent a nuclear Iran

This is the moment for the US to finally prevent a nuclear Iran, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during a Tuesday visit to the Pentagon.

"This is the time to fulfill the promises of all US governments in recent years - to prevent a nuclear Iran which would constitute a danger to the entire world," said Gallant. 

The defense minister said that regarding preventing a nuclear Iran, "time is running out."

Austin told Gallant, “We stand together to ensure that Iran, which is the source of so much of the region's violence and instability, can never achieve a nuclear weapon."

Gallant spoke after a series of recent greater focus and scrutiny on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program from the US and the E3 (England, France, and Germany) as well as the IAEA nuclear inspectors.

With Tehran having increased its nuclear violations on a steady basis since mid-2019, and also gradually reduced the IAEA's ability to continue surveillance of its nuclear program since 2021, the IAEA Board of Governors finally condemned Iran for its nuclear violations on June 5.

Since then, the US and the E3 have continued to pressure the Islamic Republic, including with another statement on Tuesday, to restore its compliance with IAEA surveillance as well as to return to the limits placed on it by the 2015 nuclear deal. 

In addition, the E3 seemed more ready to potentially refer the issue in the coming months to the UN Security Council, which could potentially snap back the global sanctions on Tehran that were part of the deal - with the snapback being veto-proof.

To date, Israel had remained comparatively silent over the past month on the issue until Gallant's dramatic statement on Tuesday.

Time is running out
As of October 2025/January 2026, significant aspects of limits on Iran's centrifuges from the nuclear deal as well as the snapback sanctions threat will expire, leaving a limited amount of time to bring Iran back into the deal's nuclear limits.

Currently, estimates are that Iran has enough enriched nuclear material to the 60% and 20% levels that if it spent some weeks or months, it could weaponize half a dozen or more weapons-worth of uranium.

There is a debate as to whether it would need six more months or two years to master remaining nuclear weapons issues.


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Ny rapport fra IPC i går, og som vanlig er det alt annet enn lystig lesning.

Hamas, Israel og resten av verden forøvrig, spesielt de som forsøker å bagatellisere, bør og skal skamme seg over denne situasjonen.

Gaza population at risk of famine as it continues to face emergency levels of hunger, report finds


A high risk of famine persists in Gaza and the situation “remains catastrophic” as the war between Israel and Hamas continues, according to a report released Tuesday by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).

Nearly half a million are projected to face catastrophic levels of hunger, the most severe level on the IPC scale where people “experience an extreme lack of food, starvation, and exhaustion of coping capacities,” according to the report.

96% of the population of Gaza – more than 2 million people – will face crisis, emergency, or catastrophic levels of food insecurity through at least the end of September, the report projects.

“A high risk of famine persists across the whole of the Gaza Strip as long as conflict continues and humanitarian access is restricted,” the report said. “Only the cessation of hostilities in conjunction with sustained humanitarian access to the entire Gaza Strip can reduce the risk of a famine occurring in the Gaza Strip.”

“The last few months have demonstrated that food and humanitarian access and malnutrition prevalence can change very quickly, the risk of epidemics is increasing and eight months of extreme pressure on the lives of the population make them much more vulnerable to collapse into famine,” said the report, compiled by the IPC’s Famine Review Committee.

“Given the unpredictability of the ongoing conflict and humanitarian access challenges, any significant change may lead to a very rapid deterioration into Famine,” the report said.

The findings of the report echo testimonies from those on the ground about the dire humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Nearly nine months of Israel’s bombardment and siege have depleted the health care system, battered water infrastructure and created dire conditions for the entire population of more than 2.2 million people.

Increased Israeli attacks in the southern city of Rafah have triggered mass displacement and an outbreak of infectious diseases in the sprawling tent camps where people cannot access basic sanitation. With no signs of an imminent ceasefire being agreed to stop the fighting, relief workers say the suffering of civilians on the ground will only get worse.

“The latest data shows that, to be able to purchase food, more than half of the households had to exchange their clothes for money and one third resorted to picking up trash to sell,” the report detailed in its “special snapshot.” “More than half also reported that, often, they do not have any food to eat in the house, and over 20 percent go entire days and nights without eating.”

The report acknowledged there were some improvements to the situation in the north of Gaza, where the IPC warned in March that famine was imminent. Tuesday’s report assessed that due to an increase in food deliveries in March and April, “the available evidence does not indicate that Famine is currently occurring” in the north. However, it notes the possibility remains throughout the entire Gaza Strip.

Although there was also some improvement in the south of Gaza in that time, the report said, the situation deteriorated with the launch of Israel’s military operations in Rafah. The Rafah crossing – a key transitway for humanitarian aid to Gaza – has been closed since early May, and only a handful of other land crossings remain open. Humanitarian aid workers continue to face tremendous risks to try to distribute the desperately needed aid to Gaza. The majority of the infrastructure to support humanitarian work in Gaza has been destroyed in Israel’s war against Hamas.

“The humanitarian space in the Gaza Strip continues to shrink and the ability to safely deliver assistance to populations is dwindling,” the report’s special snapshot said. “The recent trajectory is negative and highly unstable. Should this continue, the improvements seen in April could be rapidly reversed.”

The report also “encourages all stakeholders who use the IPC for high-level decision-making to understand that whether a Famine classification is confirmed or not does not in any manner change the fact that extreme human suffering is without a doubt currently ongoing in the Gaza Strip.”

It “does not change the immediate humanitarian imperative to address this civilian suffering by enabling complete, safe, unhindered, and sustained humanitarian access into and throughout the Gaza Strip, including through ceasing hostilities,” the report continued.


‘Specter of famine continues to hang over Gaza’

The United States, Israel’s closest ally, has repeatedly called on the Netanyahu government to do more to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. US President Joe Biden warned in early April that Israel had to take immediate concrete steps or risk changes in US policy. Thus far, there have been no such changes in policy.

A spokesperson for the US humanitarian agency USAID said in response to the report that “the scale of food insecurity in Gaza is staggering.”

“More than 2 million people are in need of food assistance And the inability of food to get into the hands of people and the ongoing insecurity is driving that need,” the spokesperson said in a statement to CNN.

The spokesperson said that “civilians and aid workers must be protected; attacks on hospitals, health facilities, ambulances, water services, civilian telecoms services, and IDP shelter locations must stop; and the health, water, and sanitation system must be strengthened in order to avert worse outcomes.”

“Since the conflict first began unfolding, USAID has worked relentlessly to increase assistance into Gaza and we will continue to do so,” they said.

“The IPC report … obviously it confirmed what we all know and what we’ve been dealing with for some time is that the humanitarian situation on the ground is extremely dire. That’s why we have been so incredibly focused on alleviating that situation,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said Tuesday.

“We can’t wait for a ceasefire, obviously, even as we try to get one and we need to do more to improve the humanitarian situation on the ground,” he said. “That’s what we’re trying to do … through working to resolve these issues between the government of Israel, the Israeli security forces and the UN humanitarian agencies.”

Meanwhile, humanitarian workers are warning that the situation in Gaza is untenable.

“In the north, when we raised the famine alarm, we were able to get some more trucks in. And so for the moment, it is better. Not great — I don’t want to give false illusions here that this is all hunky dory, because it’s not,” said World Food Programme Director Cindy McCain. “There’s still great need in the north, and it’s complex. It’s complex for this reason. It’s not just food they need. They need water, they need sanitation, they need health care. All of those things contribute to famine.”

A humanitarian official told CNN, “I think we’re going to very rapidly be back on the sort of trajectory that we were seeing in north. The scale will be much larger because it was 300,000 people give or take in northern Gaza. It’s one and a half to 1.8 million people now in the southern middle areas who are in similar boat.”

Kate Phillips-Barrasso, of Mercy Corps, added, “The population cannot endure these hardships any longer. The toll of military action has been far too high, and we fear without dramatic changes to the provision of humanitarian aid, the death toll will climb as people succumb to months of deprivation.

“The humanitarian situation is deteriorating rapidly, and the specter of famine continues to hang over Gaza,” Phillips-Barrasso told CNN. “Despite some aid getting in, the glaring contradictions remain. Commercial trucks are allowed passage, yet humanitarian aid is limited, scrutinized at the border, and, when permitted to cross, typically only reaches some city centers without proper security.”

“Compounding the suffering is oppressive summer heat, no access to clean water, and increasing exposure to garbage and sewage. This lethal equation will undoubtedly lead to acute suffering and mortality,” she said.

On Friday, the commissioner-general for the UN’s agency for Palestinia refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, urged the “uninterrupted, regular, coordinated and meaningful flow of humanitarian assistance.”



Endret av Snikpellik
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Har risikoen for "famine" økt, minket eller er den like lav som før? Når jeg søker opp hva "famine" er, så er et symptom at 2 per 10000 dør av sult hvert døgn.


The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) defines famine as an extreme deprivation of food. Starvation, death, destitution and extremely critical levels of acute malnutrition are or will likely be evident.

A Famine classification (IPC Phase 5) is the highest phase of the IPC Acute Food Insecurity scale, and is attributed when an area has at least 20% of households facing an extreme lack of food, at least 30% of children suffering from acute malnutrition, and two people for every 10,000 dying each day due to outright starvation or to the interaction of malnutrition and disease.

Det er vel sendt inn mer enn nok gratis mat til Gaza til å stoppe sultkatastrofer?

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no u skrev (2 timer siden):

Har risikoen for "famine" økt, minket eller er den like lav som før?

Den har gått ned, og de dementerer til dels også sin forrige rapport, og gjør det klart at det ikke ble noen sultkatastrofe, slik de antok.

"Following the publication of the second FRC report on 18 March 2024, which projected that a Famine would occur in the most likely scenario, a number of important developments occurred.

In contrast with the assumptions made for the projection period (March – July 2024), the amount of food and non-food commodities allowed into the northern governorates increased.

Additionally, the response in the nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health sectors was scaled up. In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that Famine is currently occurring. "

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24 minutes ago, 0laf said:

Following the publication of the second FRC report on 18 March 2024, which projected that a Famine would occur in the most likely scenario, a number of important developments occurred.

In contrast with the assumptions made for the projection period (March – July 2024), the amount of food and non-food commodities allowed into the northern governorates increased.

Additionally, the response in the nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health sectors was scaled up. In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that Famine is currently occurring. "

Og neste setning:

However, the situation in Gaza remains catastrophic and there is a high and sustained risk of Famine across the whole Gaza Strip

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Rhabagatz skrev (4 minutter siden):

Og neste setning:

However, the situation in Gaza remains catastrophic and there is a high and sustained risk of Famine across the whole Gaza Strip

Det har de hevdet siden oktober, men igjen, det pågår ingen sultkatastrofe på nåværende tidspunkt.

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Rhabagatz skrev (11 minutter siden):

However, the situation in Gaza remains catastrophic

Det er jo ganske åpenbart at man kan si det, det har vært krig og mange områder og infrastruktur er ødelagt og utbombet. Mange er hjemløse og dermed er situasjonen naturligvis katastrofal for sivilbefolkningen. Vanligvis så ville folk fått flyktet til naboland som Egypt men... Araberne synes visst ikke noe om det.

Jeg synes ikke denne krigen til Hamas virker som en god ide eller spesielt gjennomtenkt.

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