Snikpellik Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) Norge annonserer en ny støttepakke til UNRWA på 100 millioner kroner. Det kommer et par uker etter at Meloni og Italia annonserte en ny pakke på over 330 millioner kroner, samt nye store pakker til hjelpeorganisasjonen fra blant andre Frankrike, Tyskland, Japan, Canada, Australia, Polen, Danmark og Sverige. G7-landene (Frankrike, Japan, Tyskland, Storbritannia, USA, Italia og Canada) kom i helga med en sterk oppfordring til Israel om å la UNRWA få operere uhindret i Gaza, men deler av det israelske parlamentet ønsker på sin side for tiden å stemple UNRWA for det de kaller en "terrororganisasjon", og landet har også satt i gang en påvirkningsoperasjon i sosiale medier der det fremmes falske påstander om organisasjonen. Sitat (...) The final communique from the G7 leading industrialized nations’ three-day summit in Italy also said that UNRWA, the United Nations aid agency for Palestinian refugees, must be allowed to work unhindered in war-torn Gaza. Endret 17. juni 2024 av Snikpellik 4 1 Lenke til kommentar
The Very End Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) 1 hour ago, Snikpellik said: Israel nå: Netanyahu oppløser krigskabinettet (!). War cabinet 'cancelled', says Netanyahu Hva betyr dette for 1) Israels regjering / styre og 2) krigen overordnet? Endret 17. juni 2024 av The Very End 1 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) The Very End skrev (12 minutter siden): Hva betyr dette for 1) Israels regjering / styre og 2) krigen overordnet? Det betyr en maktkonsenstrasjon – store og små avgjørelser rundt krigen vil bli litt mindre transparente, og at opposisjonen ikke lenger vil ta del i avgjørelsene, bare regjeringen. Det vil også bety enda hardere kritikk og steilere fronter innad i Israels politiske landskap, og at ytre-høyre-lederne i Netanyahus regjering får større innflytelse. Endret 17. juni 2024 av Snikpellik 2 Lenke til kommentar
Rhabagatz Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 On 16.6.2024 at 12:07 AM, 0laf said: Furious George Clooney called White House [...] Råttent er min eneste kommentar. At det finnes folk som "debatterer" på denne måten, må vi regne med. Men trist at folk på forumet henter inspirasjon fra slike. 6 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Rhabagatz skrev (1 minutt siden): Råttent er min eneste kommentar. At det finnes folk som "debatterer" på denne måten, må vi regne med. Men trist at folk på forumet henter inspirasjon fra slike. Enig. Idét man stempler meningsmotstandere som terrorister og selvmordsbombere har man tapt enhver debatt. Det er bare stygt. Ser at mannen bak er den høyreradikale/MAGA gatekunstneren Sabo. 1 2 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) Det er ingen som reagerer på at en skuespiller som kjenner landets president, og som deltar i en pengeinnsamling med nevnte president, forsøker å benytte sin innflytelse til å påvirke presidenten på vegne av sin kone, som var instrumentell i rettssaken mot Israel. I stedet reageres det på at noen harselerer med nevnte pengeinnsamling og kona til skuespilleren, med en humoristisk plakat, og at dette er både råttent stygt. Endret 17. juni 2024 av 0laf 8 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 10 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 10 1 Lenke til kommentar
DukeNukem3d Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Rhabagatz skrev (4 timer siden): Råttent er min eneste kommentar. At det finnes folk som "debatterer" på denne måten, må vi regne med. Men trist at folk på forumet henter inspirasjon fra slike. Var ikke du for humor da? 6 1 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 STARVATION IN GAZA has been a lie since day one, promoted by UN and NGOs to pressure Israel to end its war on Hamas. Even IPC issued a report concluding famine was not plausible, yet media still pushes this narrative. 10 items of evidence that debunk Gaza starvation: 1. IPC published review Jun 4 concluding famine was not "plausible" with no "supporting evidence." IPC is partnership of NGOs & UN bodies that assess global food security and was main source of famine claim. Media predictably totally ignored report. 2. UN admits 33% more trucks of food & aid entered Gaza than pre-war. UN itself says 27,500 trucks of aid entered Gaza since 10/7, far more daily then pre-war. (107 trucks daily vs 80 prewar; not 500 which was total trucks, mostly construction good, per working day). 3. 1 billion pounds of food (455mm Kg) has entered Gaza since 10/7 or ~2 pounds per day for every man, woman & child in Gaza. COGAT has tracked trucks entering Gaza at over 35,000, noting UN undercounting, omitting Erez Crossings & JLOTs. 4. Hamas & WHO claim only ~30 total deaths from famine. However, based on the definition of Phase 5 famine, which means 2 deaths daily per 10,000, over 20,000 Gazans should have died by now from starvation. That's 30 recorded deaths vs 20,000 expected. 5. No photo evidence of famine. Not one photo of emaciated people is available from any media source. Until recently IPC said 1.1 million Gazans were wasting away so should be many photos. WFP exec Carl Skau in Gaza did not post such a photo, strange if such horrible starvation. 6. Widepsread photo evidence of abundant food. There are 1000s of images of busy markets, food trucks, Gazans cooking pizza. Every day for months, posted by Pal media, social media. @imshin posts these every day. Here is one recent example of so many. 7. Photos of children dying from claimed hunger did not die from starvation, but from underlying conditions such as cerebral palsy. NGOs even cite these diseases. All the photos are in hospitals with child next to healthy adult. Tragic but not because food is simply unavailable. 8. Many daily videos of healthy Gazan children. Numerous videos like the one below have been posted by Palestinian media outlet @qudsn for months. Remember, NGOs have been saying half of Gaza, a small area, is wasting away from hunger. 9. Food equal to 3,000 calories/day entered Gaza from Jan-Apr, according to study by leading Israeli experts. No one has refuted the study, and it is based on a detailed analysis of the good entering Gaza. 10. WCK admits food entering Gaza “at a fairly good clip.” WCK, not affiliated with UN, or fake NGOs like @hrw, @amnesty who only issue “reports,” actually works to feed people. WCK, lauded by Israel, admits the truth and never claimed famine in Gaza. Fra Salo Aizenberg 6 4 Lenke til kommentar
Rhabagatz Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 2 hours ago, DukeNukem3d said: Var ikke du for humor da? Du mener at vi har en klovn blant oss? 4 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) DukeNukem3d skrev (2 timer siden): Var ikke du for humor da? Humor og humor. Synes ikke at det å stemple folk som kritiserer som terrorister og selvmordsbombere har noe for seg egentlig, det er bare usaklig og barnslig. Det er veldig langt over streken for humor etter min mening, spesielt med denne grusomme krigen som bakteppe. Men sikkert "tøft" på internett blant MAGA-gjengen. Endret 17. juni 2024 av Snikpellik 3 1 Lenke til kommentar
DukeNukem3d Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Snikpellik skrev (9 minutter siden): Humor og humor. Synes ikke at det å stemple folk som kritiserer som terrorister og selvmordsbombere har noe for seg egentlig, det er bare usaklig og barnslig. Det er veldig langt over streken for humor etter min mening, spesielt med denne grusomme krigen som bakteppe. Men sikkert "tøft" på internett blant MAGA-gjengen. Jeg synes det er unødvendig begge veier. Men jeg spurte Rhabagatz fordi han mente tilsvarende usmakelig humor mot israelere burde være innenfor. 5 Lenke til kommentar
DukeNukem3d Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Rhabagatz skrev (57 minutter siden): Du mener at vi har en klovn blant oss? Nå er debatten på et lavt nivå her, men de eneste debattantene jeg vil definere som klovner er de som forsvarer Russland sin invasjon av Ukraina (eller gir NATO/Ukraina skylden). Da er man en klovn. De aller fleste andre meninger jeg har sett her inne er vel innenfor i min verden. 3 1 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 9 2 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Hamas sender igjen raketter mot grenseovergangen ved Kerem Shalom, hvor det nå har hopet seg opp 1400 lass med nødhjelp som venter på å bli hentet. 2 7 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 It's Time to Start Using the Term 'Palestinian Civilian' Correctly Last week's dramatic rescue of four Israeli hostages from Gaza included a shocking revelation: The hostages, who endured unbearable torture and constant threats of death, were held captive by Palestinian civilians in their home in central Gaza—including a journalist with bylines in Al Jazeera and his physician father. Amazingly, as soon the hostages were returned to Israeli soil, the operation was denounced by the usual suspects for the hundreds of "Palestinian civilians" it had claimed as casualties. The United Nations called the rescue operation a "war crime," while EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell called it a "bloodbath" and "massacre." Naturally, the press reflexively parroted Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry figures of purported casualties during the operation. It's a perfect opportunity for a long-overdue conversation about the use of the phrase "Palestinian civilian." ... How many Gazan "civilians" helped Hamas move and store rockets? How many "civilians" offered up their homes to hold hostages captive or keep guard to make sure they did not escape? How many have been the willing accomplices and collaborators of Hamas in the worst massacre and crimes against the Jewish people since the Holocaust? These questions are crucial. Yet the international community is failing to ask these questions. Instead, lawmakers, journalists and diplomats are blindly accepting reported casualty figures from the Gaza Health Ministry, as if it were Moses delivering the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Apparently, eight months into this war, it still has to be repeated that the Gaza "Health Ministry" is no more than a propaganda arm of the Hamas terror group. A group that murders, massacres, rapes, beheads, and abducts people, and has a relentless history of fabricating stories, inflating casualties, and using their own civilians as human shields, is not exactly the world's most trustworthy source. This has not stopped the international community from using the Hamas figures as evidence to maliciously accuse Israel of genocide, call for embargoes, or seek arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. It's all nonsense. Hele artikkelen her -> 9 3 1 Lenke til kommentar
Rhabagatz Skrevet 17. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 17. juni 2024 (endret) 4 hours ago, DukeNukem3d said: Jeg synes det er unødvendig begge veier. Men jeg spurte Rhabagatz fordi han mente tilsvarende usmakelig humor mot israelere burde være innenfor. Dette er piss. Jeg reagerte på at en komiker fikk sparken, og du da umiddelbart trakk inn eksempler på ikke-komikere som ikke har fått sparken. Endret 17. juni 2024 av Rhabagatz 4 Lenke til kommentar
UglaSukk Skrevet 18. juni 2024 Del Skrevet 18. juni 2024 (endret) Statsministeren I Albania forteller Blinken at Albania har I nyere tid opponert mot tre "djevler". En av dem Israel. Edit : Ser nå at han snakker om politikken mens Albania var en kommuniststat. Endret 18. juni 2024 av UglaSukk 1 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 18. juni 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 18. juni 2024 UglaSukk skrev (20 minutter siden): Statsministeren I Albania forteller Blinken at Albania har I nyere tid opponert mot tre "djevler". En av dem Israel. Kan være greit å ta med hele konteksten. Sitat QUESTION: And Mr. Secretary, may I ask the prime minister also a question? Albania recognized Palestine in 1988. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office said earlier today that now is not the time to be speaking about gifts for the Palestinian people. Do you think that a two-state solution is still possible with the current Israeli Government, and how do you and the U.S. think that is achievable? Thank you both. SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thank you, Alex. So look, on the first question, I’m obviously not going to be speaking for the prime minister or telling you what his views may or may not be on these questions. You’ll have to ask him yourself or have others ask him. All I can tell you is this. As I said to Olivia’s question, we believe it must be and must remain a priority to do everything we can to bring the hostages home, to get them back with their loved ones, and that’s where our focus is. We’ve done a lot of work to try to get back to this point; that is where we think an agreement is possible, even if it – even if difficult. And at least from the perspective of the United States, we think it’s imperative that we continue to pursue that urgently. And as I said, that would bring many other benefits with it, and notably an extended pause to the conflict, an extended expansion of humanitarian assistance, all things that would be very, very welcome – more than welcome – by men, women, and children in Gaza who continue to suffer every single day. So that’s where our focus is, but in terms of timing, how one thing fits with another, you’ll have to ask the prime minister. Edi. PRIME MINISTER RAMA: Yes. QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, on the detainees — SECRETARY BLINKEN: Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, on the detainees – or this question – well, two things. First, with regard to American citizens who reportedly were killed, the first thing I would say is our deepest condolences to the families, to the loved ones, to the friends. You’ve heard me say this before, the President feels the same say: the safety, the security of American citizens around the world is our number one priority, our number one responsibility. And we’ve made clear that with regard to the instance you alluded to, there needs to be an investigation. We need to get the facts and, if appropriate, there needs to be accountability. With regard to detainees, there is a limit to what I can say because of the privacy laws and the requirements that flow from that. But I can just say in general, without reference to specific cases, we insist that people be treated fairly, that they be treated with due process, and that they be treated humanely. And that’s something that, regardless of where an American citizen might be detained, we insist on and will continue to insist on. Prime Minister. PRIME MINISTER RAMA: It’s in my humble view the hardest (inaudible) one can get. And the answer straightforward to your question: yes, Albania has recognized Palestine long ago. To give you a little background, Albania was a communist dictatorship, and our dictator was one of the closest friends and allies of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, PLO, and of Yasser Arafat. And on the other hand, our regime was very viciously against three major devils – United States, Soviet Union, and Israel, so in other words, American imperialism, Soviet social imperialism, and Jewish Zionism. But this country, on the other hand, is the only country in Europe that had more Jews after the Second World War than before, and it’s the only country where Jews didn’t fly out, but flew in to be protected. And as it is very well shown in Yad Vashem, it’s a country where the Nazis didn’t succeed to get a single Jew. This is the background. Now, of course, the situation is tragic because on one hand, Israel has its legitimate right to defend itself, but on the other hand, the destroyal and the loss of life on the Palestinian side are far too much to accept the escalation, the further escalation. And the trouble is that this further escalation is not an action that, at the end, by itself will wipe out Hamas or whatever form of Hamas may grow from the bottom of the rubbles. So for sure the two-state solutions – solution is the only way. But my humble opinion is that, in this situation, there are many things that have to happen at the same time. It’s not one thing. Because if one envisage a two-state solution now, just like one piece, then who will be on the Palestinian side? So the reform of Palestinian politics, the need for a body that would somehow represent all the Palestinian society and would be a credible interlocutor to all the parties involved, on one hand; on the other hand, a direct involvement of the Arab countries that are the most interested and those, and also at the same time, the most vulnerable, potentially, from the escalation of this conflict, to create an interforce that, together with Türkiye and under some guarantees of United States, would somehow make sure that what may be a Palestinian state will not be seen like a threat again for Israel. And of course all this without the liberation of hostages sounds very improbable. And at the end, last but not least, for sure I don’t envy the Secretary of State. 5 2 Lenke til kommentar
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