Tussi Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 (endret) FriskLuft skrev (30 minutter siden): Ingen,untatt gale mennesker,vil ha terrorister. De som derimot kaster ut slike påstander om andre vil jeg anse som onde mennesker. Mitt poeng er at Israel mangler en troverdig exit strategi. Men Israel har allerede sagt at de ikke vil ha sivil kontroll i Gaza, du bare overser det. Ar de ikke har en strategi er jeg enig i, men du virker i dine kommentarer overbevist om at Israel skulle fullt okkupere og inn med bosetter, og det har du intet grunnlag for å påstå. Endret 16. mai 2024 av Tussi 7 Lenke til kommentar
Aviene Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 0laf skrev (12 minutter siden): Uigurbarn i Kina jubler for innsatsen, der de sitter innelåst i fabrikken på 17. mai, og må sy flere palestinaskjerf. Det, akkurat det å støtte Kinas slaveri av uigurene, er å støtte Palestina. Sitat: Kuzzat Altay, a Uyghur activist and former president of the Uyghur American Association, said on Twitter that Abbas’ statements “further legitimize” Uyghur genocide. https://www.voanews.com/a/palestinian-leader-s-endorsement-of-china-s-xinjiang-policy-sparks-backlash-/7150767.html I mens støtter Uigurenes talsperson i utlandet Israel samtidig som vedkommende fordømmer Hamas. Sitat: Salih Hudayar, the founder of the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement, expressed, “While some Uyghurs may differ, I stand with Israel against the aggression of Hamas" https://uyghurtimes.com/uyghur-groups-condemn-hamass-terror-attacks-on-israeli-civilians/ Israel er det land i Midtøsten som taler uigurenes sak, ikke den arabiske verden. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-709426 https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4417694-china-is-making-gains-in-the-middle-east-uyghurs-could-be-key-to-stopping-them/ 3 3 1 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 (endret) Snikpellik skrev (7 timer siden): Den konservative israelske avisa Israel Hayom (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/israel-hayom/) skriver at "gnisningene mellom Netanyahu og forsvarsminister Gallant har nådd nye høyder". Gallant sa i en tale i går at Netanyahu nå må ta tøffe avgjørelser for å etablere et ikke-Hamas-styre i Gaza, selv om det får en personlig kostnad for ham. Gallant sa "Israels folk ser på oss og forventer at vi tar de riktige avgjørelsene." Netanyahu er lenge beskyldt av IDF- og etterretningstopper i Israel for å egentlig ikke ønske å beseire Hamas, og for å ha hjulpet de til makta. Gallant fremhever at uten en "day after"-plan vil Israels militære styrker være bundet og sittende fast i kamper på de samme stedene om og om igjen, og enten ende opp med et fortsatt Hamas-styre eller en ren israelsk militær okkupasjon av Gazastripen. Mangelen på plan og at konsekvensene av dette bare er mer radikalisering, kaos og anarki er noe som har vært synlig for alle lenge, og som både USA, IDF-sjefen, opposisjonen i Israel m.flere har påpekt i lengre tid, men som nå endelig har blitt ytret av et medlem av krigskabinettet. Netanyahu-Gallant tension reaches new high over day-after for Gaza https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/05/15/pm-gallant-tension-reaches-new-high-over-day-after-for-gaza/ Oppdatert: Både finansminister Smotrich og sikkerhetsminister Ben Gvir krever at Gallant sparkes (!) som forsvarsminister etter hans kritikk av Netanyahus mangel på plan for hvem som skal styre på Gazastripen. Gallant ba om fortgang på dette, så ikke det IDF har oppnådd skal være forgjeves, og ikke måtte gjenerobre områder om og om igjen. Flere andre høyreekstreme politikere beskyldte også Gallant for å «oppfordre til terror», forøvrig en etterhvert velkjent respons fra israelsk ytre høyre og propagandister dersom noen sier noe som kan oppfattes en millimeter kritisk. For et sirkus denne regjeringen er. Totalt bananrepublikk. Far-right politicians demand Gallant be fired for challenging PM on Gaza’s future https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-politicians-demand-gallant-be-fired-over-challenging-pm-on-gazas-future/ Sitat Two of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners called for Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s ouster on Wednesday evening, after he challenged the government’s postwar thinking for the Gaza Strip in a televised address, with some on the right accusing him of encouraging terror. Endret 16. mai 2024 av Snikpellik 2 2 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg Aviene Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Gode nyheter! Israels økonomi har tatt seg opp igjen etter å ha så vidt nikket litt under krigen. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/israel-economy-rebounds-sharply-slump-101240652.html 8 3 Lenke til kommentar
Tussi Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 @FriskLuft https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-uae-morocco-said-weighing-us-plan-to-create-post-war-gaza-peacekeeping-force/ Sitat In a public challenge Wednesday, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant urged the premier to reject both Israeli military and civil control over the Strip, adding that it was imperative for a plan on post-war Gaza to be developed immediately or else Hamas would return to power. Gallant in the past has spoken in favor of an international peacekeeping force in Gaza as well. 4 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2024 Egypt has rejected an Israeli proposal to work together with Israel to reopen the Rafah Crossing into the Gaza Strip and manage its operation jointly, two security sources in Cairo told Reuters on Thursday. The Egyptian government demands the crossing be managed only by Palestinians, the sources said, adding that Jerusalem had offered a mechanism for how to manage the crossing after its forces withdraw. https://www.jns.org/egypt-rejects-israeli-proposal-to-reopen-rafah-crossing/ 4 1 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Kongressen har stemt for et forslag som vil tvinge Biden til å levere våpen til Israel. Det omstridte forslaget ble vedtatt av både republikanere og demokrater som støtter Israel. Det er ventet at Bidem vil nedlegge veto, og at demokratene vil overholde dette, men det sender fremdeles et sterkt signal til Biden om at det ikke er greit at presidenten stanser våpenleveranser som Kongressen allerede har godkjent. ___ The House has delivered a bipartisan rebuke of the Biden administration’s pledge to withhold certain heavy bombs from Israel amid its ongoing conflict in Gaza, passing a bill designed to compel delivery of the weapons. But Democrats largely held the line amid heavy lobbying against the GOP-led bill from the White House and their party’s leadership against what many deemed a poorly crafted, political ploy to divide them. Only 16 Democrats joined with Republicans to pass the legislation, which the Biden administration has threatened to veto. Ultimately, the measure passed 224-187. President Joe Biden’s pause on shipments of heavy bombs to Israel’s conservative government, made on CNN last week, has divided Democrats – causing particular agita among vulnerable and staunchly pro-Israel members. Even so, senior Democrats in and out of the administration tamped down on defections through a concerted pressure campaign throughout the week. “This administration wants to dictate how Israel executes the war that they were thrust into,” House Foreign Affairs Chair Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said on the floor as he advocated for the measure. “[Israel] did not ask for this war. They did not start this war. Hamas started this war.” The legislation would slash budgets for the offices of the defense secretary, secretary of state and National Security Council if Biden doesn’t deliver the stalled heavy bombs. It also includes language that would condemn “the Biden administration’s decision to pause certain arms transfers to Israel.” .... https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/16/congress/republican-funders-for-gallego-arizona-senate-democrats-lake-sinema-mccain-00158427 8 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg 0laf Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Israel is obligated to stop Hamas's genocide Israel and much of the world have a legal obligation under international law to stop the genocidal intent of Hamas in the wake of the October 7 massacre, former United States Justice Department Office of Special Investigations director Eli Rosenbaum told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Wednesday, in which he also decried the abuse of international criminal law to attack Israel and rejected the allegations of genocide against the Jewish state. Rosenbaum, whose 38-year career with different incarnations of Department of Justice war crimes investigatory departments saw him prosecute Rwandan génocidaires, Russian war criminals, and more World War II Nazi criminals than the rest of the world combined, explained that not only does Israel have a right to pursue the destruction of the Hamas terrorist entity if it can, “but Israel has a legal obligation under international law as a signatory of the Genocide Convention “The treaty obligates all signatory nations not just not to commit genocide and punish it, but to prevent it,” said Rosenbaum. On October 7 Hamas proved that it was committed to its genocidal founding charter, and its spokesmen promised to commit further Operation Al-Aqsa Floods until Israel’s destruction, said Rosenbaum. The indiscriminate targeting of civilians regardless of age or gender during the pogrom, and the nature of the murders, were indicative not just of genocidal intent, but of genocidal acts. “Hamas intentionally carried out an attack that was so gruesome, so far beyond what anyone could have imagined in terms of cruelty, attacks that rivaled and even exceeded the cruelty seen at the hands of Nazi forces in World War II,” said Rosenbaum. “And I feel fairly well qualified to opine on that, having studied and investigated and prosecuted Nazi cases for some 40 years.” “Every country that signed the Genocide Convention, which is the vast majority of the countries of the world and that has the capability to act, has a treaty obligation that is an obligation under international law,” said Rosenbaum. “To quote the International Court of Justice, if they’re aware or should normally have been aware of the serious danger that acts of genocide would be committed, those countries are obligated to employ all means reasonably available to them to prevent genocide within the limits permitted by international law. ..... The accusation of genocide by Israel during the Israel-Hamas war is an "obscene falsehood", according to Rosenbaum. The crime of genocide requires not just an outcome of mass death over the course of war but the intent “to destroy a population in whole or in part.” “Genocide is not a crime that is based on numbers,” said Rosenbaum. “If it were, then the allies would have committed genocide in the Battle of Manila with over 100,000 civilian deaths in World War II. We would have committed genocide in Germany, where, just to speak of aerial bombing, not ground operations, by the British Royal Air Force and the then US Army Air Force, that combined bombing killed somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 people. No one would say that the Allies committed genocide against Germans. That’s just absurd. Germany started a war. It was also a genocidal war, particularly against Jews and Roma, and they killed millions of people. The Allied militarycampaign is what brought an end to genocide.” ......... “Hamas has been tragically successful in its effort to ensure that a large number of Palestinians die in order to gain world sympathy,” said the lawyer. “But every single death in Gaza of Palestinians and hostages is the doing of Hamas. They are responsible, morally and legally, for all of those deaths.” Rosenbaum said that South Africa, which was at the forefront of filing genocide accusations against Israel, demonstrated the “height of hypocrisy,” as it had previously ignored its responsibility as a state party to the Rome Statute to arrest former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for the outstanding ICC warrant against him for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Darfur. The state had also sought to shield Russian President Vladimir Putin, for whom the ICC also issued an arrest warrant for unlawful deportation and transfer of children during the Ukraine-Russia War. ...... Regardless of the US position on Rafah, Rosenbaum said, a “so-called permanent ceasefire will not, in fact, end the war. “A permanent ceasefire that leaves Hamas in power and with battalions of armed killers, and with its commitment to destroying Israel in place, is not an end to the war. It’s only an end to this chapter awaiting the next attack by Hamas. Referencing the four armed battalions that Hamas is widely believed to retain in the stronghold of Rafah, Rosenbaum added, “The Allies did not say to the Germans in January of 1945, ‘Well, this is a very destructive war, a lot of people are dying on both sides. We’ll call it off now. You all can stay in power in Berlin, and you can have four battalions of SS mobile killing units, and we’ll just see what happens down the road.’” Instead, he noted, World War II came to an end in Europe only when the Nazis acceded to the same demand that he says Israel should keep making of Hamas as it wages its own genocidal war of aggression: “Surrender unconditionally, come out with your hands up, release your prisoners, and relinquish your weapons.” The Allies had, as the Israelis have now, a moral obligation to finish the fight in the face of the supreme crime of genocide, Rosenbaum said. “Hamas had said publicly, they’re going to repeat October 7, again and again, until Israel is destroyed. So a ceasefire is simply delaying the next genocidal attack. It does not end the war. “Only Hamas can end this war, unless they want to wait and let the Israelis destroy them. There are only two alternatives for Hamas, surrender or destruction.” https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-801461 6 4 Lenke til kommentar
Maabren Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Iran, Russland, Kina og Sør-Afrika bruker Palestina som brekkjern for å undergrave Amerika, Europa og Israel. Det blir meir og meir tydelig at venstrevridde og høgrevridde fundamentalistiske strømninger i Amerika, Europa og Israel vil skape splid og død. Og med aktører som FN, Erdogan, Biden, Barth Eide osv får Iran, Russland, Kina og Sør-Afrika utmerka hjelp... 6 1 Lenke til kommentar
Aviene Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 (endret) Protesterer, men vil ikke at det skal filmes og vises at de protesterer. Protesterer, men vil ikke at noen skal vite at akkurat de protesterer. Make it make sense. Endret 17. mai 2024 av Aviene 4 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 (endret) 0laf skrev (17 timer siden): Kongressen har stemt for et forslag som vil tvinge Biden til å levere våpen til Israel. Det omstridte forslaget ble vedtatt av både republikanere og demokrater som støtter Israel. Dette er helt feil. Kongressen har ikke stemt for dette, bare Huset - hvor republikanerne har flertall. For at forslaget skal gå gjennom kongressen må også Senatet ta det opp og stemme det gjennom, noe som ikke vil skje. Mange av de største Israel-støttespillerne i kongressen, deriblant Schumer støtter forøvrig ikke forslaget. Endret 17. mai 2024 av Snikpellik 5 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 (endret) Den svenske regjeringen har annonsert nok en hjelpepakke til Gaza, denne gangen på 120 millioner. Siden oktober i fjor har Sverige gitt over en halv milliard svenske kroner i humanitær bistand til Gaza. Regeringen ökar det humanitära stödet till Gaza https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2024/05/regeringen-okar-det-humanitara-stodet-till-gaza/ Sitat Med anledning av de omfattande humanitära behoven i Gaza presenterar regeringen ett nytt humanitärt stödpaket om 120 miljoner kronor. Stödet fördelas till FN:s barnfond (Unicef), FN:s befolkningsfond (UNFPA) och FN:s livsmedelsprogram (WFP). – Den humanitära situationen i Gaza är förfärande och behoven akuta, inte minst för många kvinnor och barn. Sverige är sedan tidigare en av de största humanitära givarna till krisen i Gaza. Regeringen ökar nu stödet ytterligare, med särskilt fokus på att bemöta hunger och att motverka kvinnors och barns utsatthet. Vi fortsätter också driva på för ett ökat humanitärt tillträde och ett omedelbart frisläppande av gisslan, säger bistånds- och utrikeshandelsminister Johan Forssell. Beslutet om det ökade stödet innebär att Sverige sedan oktober 2023 med anledning av den humanitära krisen i Gaza har bidragit med drygt 520 miljoner kronor i humanitärt bistånd. Sverige är därtill sedan tidigare en av världens största givare av kärnstöd till flera av de humanitära aktörerna på plats i Gaza. Endret 17. mai 2024 av Snikpellik 5 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Israel recovers bodies of Shani Louk, Amit Buskila, Yitzhak Gelerenter Israel recovered the bodies of 22-year-old Shani Louk, 28-year-old Amit Bouskila and 56-year-old Itzhak Gelerenter during an overnight operation in Rafah, in southern Gaza, according to multiple official Israeli sources. The three hostages, all of whom attended the Nova music festival, were killed on Oct. 7, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Their bodies have now returned to Israel. https://www.jns.org/israel-recovers-bodies-of-shani-louk-amit-buskila-yitzhak-gelernter/ 3 2 2 Lenke til kommentar
Snikpellik Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Forfatter Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 (endret) Australia, Storbritannia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Sør Korea, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Italia, Nederland og Sverige har sendt et felles brev der de oppfordrer Israel til å ikke gjennomføre en full bakkeinvasjon i Rafah, samt lar nødhjelp passere flere grenseoverganger inn til Gazastripen. 13 countries – including UK, Germany, Canada – urge Israel not to launch ‘full-scale’ Rafah op https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-17-2024/ Sitat Thirteen Western countries, including many traditionally supportive of Israel, appeal to it not to launch a large-scale offensive on Rafah. “We reiterate our opposition to a full-scale military operation in Rafah that would have catastrophic consequences on the civilian population,” reads the appeal, sent by the countries’ foreign ministers to their Israeli counterpart Israel Katz and made public. The signatories are Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and EU member states Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. The ministers welcome recent measures adopted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet to improve the flow of international aid into Gaza, but call for “further steps.” “We urge the Government of Israel to let the humanitarian aid enter into the Gaza Strip through all relevant crossing points, including the one in Rafah,” they say. Endret 17. mai 2024 av Snikpellik 2 Lenke til kommentar
0laf Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2024 Snikpellik skrev (8 minutter siden): ... samt lar nødhjelp passere flere grenseoverganger inn til Gazastripen. Man undres om de har sendt brev til Egypt, som har stengt overgangen ved Rafah ? 9 Lenke til kommentar
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