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Krigen mellom Israel og Hamas

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JK22 skrev (7 minutter siden):

Det er også et flertall som mener den israelske fremgangsmetoden i Gazastripen er for sterkt overdrevet og destruktivt...

Tall fra Pew, som ble sluppet i dag, viser at amerikanere, med marginalt flertall, mener at Israels respons er delvis akseptabel, eller helt akseptabel (38% mot 34%).



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Katta som sitter og vente tålmodig utenfor et musehull, alltid belønnes til slutt - og det hendt i Gaza by, hvor IDF-styrkene bokstavelig talt satt seg utenfor al-Shifa hospitalet og deretter sitter og venter i flere uker. Til slutt kom musa ut av hullet og fanges. Det finnes ikke helsefasiliteter og annet nødvendigheter nede i tunnelene som til slutt vil bli uutholdelig, slik at man måtte ut før eller senere. 

Og det var litt av en fangst. 650 blir anholdt, og av disse var 358 funnet og identifisert som palestinske militante. 

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JK22 skrev (25 minutter siden):

Og det var litt av en fangst. 650 blir anholdt, og av disse var 358 funnet og identifisert som palestinske militante. 

Ja, dette var en velykket operasjon. IDF hevder ingen pasienter eller ansatte ved sykehuset ble skadet, og en enorm mengde terrorister er drept eller pågrepet, deriblant flere ledere.

Først tok de ut #3 i Hamas, Marwan Issa, tidligere denne uken, og på det bildet du har postet ovenfor har flere bemerket at det ser ut som om den ene personen er Raed Saad, kommandør i Hamas.

Det hevdes også fra flere i OSINT-miljøet, at flere av de på bildet trolig tilhører Islamsk Jihad, som også nå mister en hel rekke medlemmer, samt at tallet på drepte terrorister i operasjonen varierer noe fra 90 til 140, men det kommer nok mer informasjon etter hvert, om hvor mange, og hvem Israel har tatt, men dette ser ut til å være litt av en storfangst.


Mads GIlbert synes dog ikke operasjonen var vellykket, Han har jobbet på Al-Shifa i 16 år, men aldri sett Hamas inne på sykehuset.

For to dager siden klaget han igjen til Al-Jazeera over at Israel på nytt angriper sykehuset, de ansatte, pasienter og flyktninger ....


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0laf skrev (7 minutter siden):

Tall fra Pew, som ble sluppet i dag, viser at amerikanere, med marginalt flertall, mener at Israels respons er delvis akseptabel, eller helt akseptabel (38% mot 34%).



Among Americans between the ages of 18 and 29, 46 percent said that the way Israel is carrying out its response to the October 7 attack by Hamas is unacceptable, with only 21 percent saying it was acceptable and the rest responding they were not sure.

Young people’s views were nearly flipped among older Americans, with 53 percent of those aged 65 and above supporting Israel’s response and 29 percent calling it unacceptable.

Generational divide: Young Americans more critical of Israel, survey finds (alarabiya.net)

Ikke bare skyldes dette TikTok, det er også meget klart at amerikanerne er blitt sterkt isolert i Vesten med sine holdninger - slik at det nå er et flertall som mener Israel overdriver - men også at store deler av folket i USA er blitt helt ignorant over at de er på den tapende fronten i den globale opinionen omkring Israels maktbruk. 

We will invade Rafah ‘even if the entire world turns on Israel’ – official; Blinken to meet Netanyahu (msn.com)

A top Israeli official said his country’s military was ultimately going to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah and defeat Hamas “even if the entire world turns on Israel, including the United States”. 

“We are going to go in and finish this job, and anybody who doesn’t understand that, doesn’t understand that the existential nerve of the Jews was touched” by the 7 October attack when Hamas operatives killed 1,200 and abducted 250, Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer said on a US podcast posted online on Thursday.  

Hvis det verste tenkelige scenarioet skjer i Rafah - det ser ut at mange valgt å bli værende fremfor å dra ut. Rapporter derfra tyder på at mange nå oppførte seg som tyskerne i byene: da terrorbombingen var på sitt verst hadde mange - som Hitlers regimet hadde hindret fra å rømme deres hjembyene - kledt seg i sine beste antrekkene, feiret som hvis livet er ved en ende, og deretter bare satt og vente på den visse døden. Befolkningen i Rafah forbereder seg på martyrdøden. De har blitt presset mot en mur og har mistet all fremtidstro. 

På utsiden sitter flere tusen israelske soldater som har blitt sterkt preget av 7. oktober-retorikken slik at de vil ha færre skrupler enn normalt, og det har blitt dokumentert at mange har gjort seg skyldig i overtredelser mot sivilbefolkningen med en karakterisk straffrihet, selv da flere gisler var drept under åpenbare overreaksjoner som RoE ikke gir åpning for, var de skyldige ikke straffet. Dette er perfekt for å skape blivende krigsforbrytere ut av normale mennesker i militæruniform som sett gjentatte ganger. Da Praga stormes, var stemningen blant russerne hatsk, de mente de burde hevne seg; og 7. oktober har gitt israelerne mye å hevne seg for. 

Dermer nekter å innse at en amoralsk krigsforbrytelse kan ikke besvares med en lik amoralsk krigsforbrytelse. Hvis titusener massakreres på affekt og impuls i kaotiske gate- og bygningskamper mellom uniformerte menn og sivilkledde militante som gjør det umulig for oppjagede og besluttsomme soldater som slåss for deres liv, å kunne skille ut de faktiske sivilister - som kan meies ned uten nåde - kan dette sende Israel ut i en generasjonslang moralkrise. En krise som kan få det israelske folket til å miste fatningen hvis det kommer ut bilder og opptak av tusener av drepte barn, kvinner og menn som hadde blitt skutt ned på kloss hold av sine soldater. 

Intet folk kan leve uberørt etter slike begivenheter. I Sri Lanka er krigsslutten fremdeles et meget følsomt og belastende emne for singaleserne, som aldri kommer til å unngå påminnelser om dette. 


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JK22 skrev (3 minutter siden):

A top Israeli official said his country’s military was ultimately going to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah and defeat Hamas “even if the entire world turns on Israel, including the United States”. 

“We are going to go in and finish this job...

Jeg tror, at uansett hvem som styrer i Israel, og uansett hvem som blander seg inn, så vil dette være strategien.

Unntaket må være om Yahya Sinwar blir statsminister i Israel.

En hver israelsk statsminister som avslutter krigen nå, inngår varig våpenhvile, eller på noe som helst måte lar Hamas komme seirende ut av dette, vil bli husket i de neste to tusen år som den statsministeren som lot terroristene seire.

Ingen israelsk politiker ønsker den tvilsomme æren, utover kanskje en og annen araber.

Spørsmålet er hvor vel de vil lykkes, og om de klarer å flytte sivilbefolkningen til tryggere områder, uten at Hamas følger med.

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4 hours ago, 0laf said:


Dette betyr jo at dersom USA gir oppdraget til Al Hisi, da er de medskyldige i terror, i følge Israel.

At USA er medskyldige i terror, tviler jeg ikke på. Men ikke på Hamas sin side.

Spørsmålet er om det hele ikke er påfunn fra Israels side for å forsinke hele prosjektet.

Endret av Rhabagatz
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Litt av en diplomatisk runddans mellom Israel og Storbritannia de siste dagene.

Det begynte med at utenriksminister David Cameron skrev til Parliament med anklager og krav rettet mot Israel:

  • Israel hindrer hjelp fra å komme inn i Gaza i form av tilfeldige avvisninger, kronglete rutiner og begrensede åpningstider. Dette fører til lange køer av hjelp som venter på å komme inn.
  • Britiske hjelpeorganisasjoner har opplevd at hjelp holdes tilbake i tre uker før de slippes inn.
  • I gjennomsnitt kommer 165 lastebiler inn i Gaza om dagen, mens han mener at man må opp i 500 for å avhjelpe situasjonen
  • Israel hindrer distribusjonen inne i Gaza ved at de nekter hjelpearbeidere å komme inn. Dette gjøres ved å gi avslag eller ikke svare på visumsøknader
  • Det britiske spesialutsendingen fremmet krav til Israel om innførsel av hjelp i januar, men ingen ting har endret seg.
  • Vannverket i Gaza mangler drivstoff, og dermed står 300 000 mennesker uten vann i Nord-Gaza. Dette kunne Israel ha fikset enkelt.

Den israelske talsmannen Eylon Levy, som er mye bruk her i tråden, svarte at det ikke finnes noen hindringer, og at britene burde sende 100 lastebiler for å teste om de kom inn. For dette ble han suspendert av Netanyahu, som lenge har vært irritert over at de mister støtte i den engelsk-talende verden. Vi vet ikke hva som er den virkelige grunnen for suspensjonen, men det er trolig ikke at han lyver. derimot var det oppfordringen om å sende 100 lastebiler med nødhjelp som var problemet.


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Finland gjør som Canada, Australia, Sverige, Danmark og EU - gjenopptar utbetalingene til UNRWA. Det annonserte utenriksminister Ville Tavio i dag. Han opplyser at de har fått tilstrekkelig informasjon fra to rapporter, og at organisasjonens interne kontroll blir styrket, slik at de derfor kan fortsette støtten.

Minister Tavio: Finland continues to support UNRWA

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Rhabagatz skrev (6 timer siden):

Den israelske talsmannen Eylon Levy, som er mye bruk her i tråden, svarte at det ikke finnes noen hindringer, og at britene burde sende 100 lastebiler for å teste om de kom inn...

Det har vært spekulert en del i israelsk og engelsk presse, men ingen vet helt hva som har skjedd.

Lord Cameron leverte en offisiell klage til Israel, etter å ha fått dette svaret fra Levy på Twitter, som han tydeligvis ikke satt pris på.

De fleste tror vel at dette var årsaken til at Levy ble suspendert.

Jeg har ikke sett noen andre enn deg hevde at årsaken skulle være en oppfordring til å sende mer nødhjelp?

Levy er opprinnelig britisk, og kom fra en stilling som talsmann for president Herzog.

Han er angivelig ikke særlig populær blant enkelte i den nåværende israelske regjeringen, som mener han har sin egen agenda, og fremmer egne interesser.

Netanyahus kone har angivelig også forsøkt å få han sparket, ettersom han har deltatt i protester mot Netanyahu tidligere, og ikke er noen tilhenger av Netanyahu.

Dette kommer samtidig som lekkasjer til pressen fra et møte mellom Benny Gantz og Netanyahu, men hvorvidt Levy sto bak dette, er kun spekulasjoner.

Han er dog ikke sparket, kun midlertidig suspendert, og er fremdeles aktiv på Twitter.
Det blir også veldig mye "angivelig", ettersom alt er stort sett bare rykter.

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Biden and Schumer’s pivot away from Israel is already backfiring

Democrats are reminded that most Americans still support Israel, and that their stand is helping the GOP, which plans on inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.

....President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer walked into a political trap of their own making when they decided to attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In his State of the Union address, Biden had more harsh words for Netanyahu than for the Hamas terrorists who perpetrated the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel. Then Schumer gave a speech on the floor of the Senate that not only labeled the prime minister as being equally responsible for the lack of peace with the Palestinians as Hamas in Gaza and the supposedly more moderate Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, which has repeatedly rejected offers of statehood while also subsidizing terrorism.

...when political leaders stop listening to voices outside of their echo chamber, they can forget that there is a world in which they, their advisers and their press cheering sections live. When it comes to the broad backing of Jerusalem from those not in deep-blue enclaves, it presents a sobering lesson in political math for Democrats.


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Problemet med krigen er ikke hvilken side som har "rett" og hvem som har "feil". Problemet med krigen er heller ikke i hovedsak at det dør mange tusen barn, selv om jeg er sikker på at mange her inne hadde blitt like sinte om det var deres familier som ble rammet. Problemet er i hovedsak at krigen har endret krigens regler. 

Så lenge Hamas anses som en terrororganisasjon kan man ikke forvente at de følger krigens regler, men man må forvente mer av et vestlig støttet demokrati. Man skal ikke angripe sykehus, hjelpearbeidere eller journalister uansett årsak. Nå kan jo egentlig Russland begynne å bombe sykehus i Ukraina uten at vi har rett til å reagere i og med at vi har akseptert disse endringene i hva som er greit å gjøre i krig og ikke. Så vil sikkert noen argumentere for at det er forskjell på et land som angriper og et som forsvarer seg selv, men selv det er et definisjonsspørsmål og endrer ikke krigens regler

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2 hours ago, 0laf said:

Biden and Schumer’s pivot away from Israel is already backfiring

Democrats are reminded that most Americans still support Israel, and that their stand is helping the GOP, which plans on inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.

The trouble with living in a bifurcated political culture isn’t just that everyone seems to be living in an ideological bubble. We’ve seen how this coarsens and embitters public discourse. But in the last week, it’s now clear that this isn’t just something that impacts the way ordinary citizens interact with each other. It’s also leading politicians to make some terrible decisions.

That’s the best way to understand how President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer walked into a political trap of their own making when they decided to attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In his State of the Union address, Biden had more harsh words for Netanyahu than for the Hamas terrorists who perpetrated the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel. Then Schumer gave a speech on the floor of the Senate that not only labeled the prime minister as being equally responsible for the lack of peace with the Palestinians as Hamas in Gaza and the supposedly more moderate Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, which has repeatedly rejected offers of statehood while also subsidizing terrorism.

What’s more, speaking at the behest of the White House because both men thought it would help the president’s re-election prospects, Schumer called for regime change in Jerusalem. In a blatant act of interference in the politics of a fellow democracy, the senator demanded that Israel hold new elections and oust Netanyahu, who won the last Knesset election that was held only 16 months ago. The senator seemed not to know or just not care about the fact that while Netanyahu remains a controversial figure, the overwhelming majority of Israelis back his policies of continuing the war until victory. They also oppose a Palestinian state that would allow Hamas to make good on its promise to repeat the horrors of Oct. 7.

Yet days later, Biden had to disavow any intention of trying to overthrow Netanyahu’s government. Even more humiliating is the way Schumer is being forced to acquiesce to the idea of inviting Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, where he could use that bully pulpit to make the case to support Israel’s war to finish off the Hamas terrorists who threaten not just the Middle East but the world.

Of course, that’s not what Schumer wants to do. But the backlash against his speech was such that he quickly realized that he had made a terrible mistake, even if he and other Democrats continue to try to justify his words. Far from isolating Netanyahu, Biden and Schumer had handed a campaign issue to the Republicans, who were quick not just to condemn the Majority Leader but to use the administration’s statements to buttress their claim that they are the only pro-Israel party. That led Senate Republicans to invite Netanyahu to give a virtual address to their caucus meeting this week, where he briefed them on the war against Hamas and Israel’s intentions to keep fighting until the terrorists are eliminated. House Speaker Mike Johnson then said he intended to ask the prime minister to address Congress, leaving Senate leader Schumer in a position where a refusal to go along with the idea would brand him and his party as foes of the Jewish state.

The problem for Biden and Schumer was that they were so immersed in the debates inside their own party that they forgot that what passes for conventional wisdom among left-wing Democrats, especially when it comes to Israel, bears little resemblance to the political reality of the rest of America.

Biden thinks that the reason he’s currently trailing Trump in the polls and in danger of losing key battleground states like Michigan and Nevada is that he’s been too supportive of Israel since Oct. 7.

There has been a civil war going on within the Democratic Party since then as lower-level administration officials, congressional staffers and even Biden re-election campaign workers have voiced their opposition to Israel’s war against Hamas and demanded an immediate ceasefire that would leave the genocidal terrorists still standing and make them the victors of the war they launched. Party activists, most of whom appear to have been indoctrinated in the woke ideologies of critical race theory and intersectionality that falsely label Israel and the Jews as “white” oppressors, mimic Hamas’s lies about “genocide” being committed against the Palestinians and want the administration to sanction, rather than to aid, the Jewish state.

Their lack of enthusiasm, as well as the potential defection of Arab-American voters, is seen as the key factor that could cost Biden Michigan and the support of younger voters around the country who also have been taught to hate Israel.

That’s a mistaken analysis since—as the shift in voting patterns among Hispanics and African-Americans shows—Biden’s real concern is the way working-class voters are abandoning the Democrats. The president’s failed economic policies, coupled with the open border he created that has let in between 7 million and 10 million illegal immigrants, are creating what could be a devastating political realignment due to the Democrats being seen as the party of credentialed elites who are indifferent to the concerns of ordinary Americans.

Biden and Schumer seem to have been only listening to the political left, where Israel is falsely seen as a villainous “apartheid” state. The president, who claims he ran for office in 2020 because of his anger about the 2017 “United the Right” neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Va., now seems to think that the only way he can hold onto office is by seeking to appease antisemitic voters.

More than 100 Democratic Party donors signed a letter demanding that Biden act to end the war in Gaza and prioritize aid to the Palestinians. And 19 Senate Democrats signed a letter calling for the administration to conduct a new push for an independent Palestinian state. The Palestinians have repeatedly rejected such schemes because they would have also meant they would have to live in peace with a Jewish state, no matter where its borders are drawn. But to suggest forcing Israel to accept such a threat to their existence in the aftermath of Oct. 7 would not only be immoral but grant the Palestinians a reward for terrorism.

The Democrats, however, got a recent reminder that there is a wide world beyond the ideological box in which those views and hostility to Israel are considered conventional.

The pushback against Schumer’s attack on Israel from mainstream Jewish organizations, including umbrella groups like the Conference of President of Major American Jewish Organizations, had to shock the senator since he assumed that most of organized Jewry agreed with him and with leftist Jewish groups about opposing the continuation of the war against Hamas and deposing Netanyahu.

Other pro-Israel Democrats, like former House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and former Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla), either distanced themselves from Schumer’s stand or maintained silence about it, showing that they understood the danger to their party posed by the abandonment of Israel.

More importantly, the willingness of Republicans to eagerly embrace Netanyahu and Israel was a cue to the Democrats that outside of the political left, support for Israel remains strong. And though left-wing activists may stay home or vote for a third-party candidate in November, there are far more votes from independents and moderates in the political center and swing states. That includes the support of some liberal Jews who have been shocked by the way a surge in antisemitism has impacted their lives and endangered their children on college campuses.

A Netanyahu speech in Washington will be deeply embarrassing for Biden since he has refused to invite him to the White House since he returned to the premiership, as the administration openly rooted for the Israeli left to topple him. But just as the Biden-Schumer attacks on issues supported by Israelis strengthen Netanyahu at home, so, too, have their broadsides encouraged Republicans to double down on their embrace of the Jewish state.

Such an address will be a great opportunity for the prime minister to make Israel’s case to Americans and to the world in a way he has been largely denied since the current war began. That’s a huge win for Israel in its efforts to combat the lies told by Hamas and its American apologists who have had free reign in the corporate media. But it will also enrage the political left and further divide the Democrats, with some likely boycotting it while others will attend as they signal their voters that, unlike the president, they are not in thrall to the woke Israel-haters.

That’s the last thing Biden and other Democrats wanted to happen because it will help demonstrate how much support Israel still has even after months of left-wing smears and biased reporting that mimics Hamas propaganda. That will make it even harder for them to force the prime minister to stop the war before Hamas is defeated. 

It will also demonstrate that when political leaders stop listening to voices outside of their echo chamber, they can forget that there is a world in which they, their advisers and their press cheering sections live. When it comes to the broad backing of Jerusalem from those not in deep-blue enclaves, it presents a sobering lesson in political math for Democrats.


En lenke og en oppsummering gjør jobben.

I tillegg til at du krenker opphavsretten, er det nesten ingen som leser slike lange innlegg.

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Angela Buchdal som er blant USAs mest innflytelsesrike rabbier og kanskje den mest kjente de siste årene kommer med flengende kritikk av Netanyahu, og sier at mistro til hans ledelse og synet av de sivile lidelsene på Gazastripen "gjør det vanskelig for amerikanske jøder å støtte Israel". Dette svarte hun under en nettkonferanse på spørsmål om hvordan stemningen og støtten til Israel er i hennes virkeområde.

For dette blir hun angrepet fra andre konservative amerikanske rabbier. En ortodoks rabbi mente at hun med disse kommentarene har "sveket sitt folk" (!), mens en annen beskyldte henne for å være hjerneskadet og mangle moralsk kompass.

Times of Israel skriver at progressive jødiske ledere har kritisert både Netanyahu og lidelsene på Gazastripen lenge, men at det er sjeldent at en så mainstream og innflytelsesrik rabbi kommer med denne typen kritikk.

Top US rabbi says Gaza’s plight, distrust of Netanyahu make supporting Israel ‘hard’


The comments by Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl of Central Synagogue NYC at a Jewish peoplehood conference trigger harsh rebuke amid concerns for inter-communal and bilateral ties.

A prominent Reform rabbi from New York said that distrust of Israel’s government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and suffering of civilians in Gaza was making it difficult for American Jews to support Israel in its war against Hamas, drawing harsh pushback from other American rabbis.

Angela Warnick Buchdahl, the senior rabbi of Central Synagogue in New York City, commented on this issue during a conference at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem on Wednesday on Jewish peoplehood. She attended remotely via a live video interview.

During a speakers’ panel at Wednesday’s Heschel Conference in Jerusalem, which focused on Jewish peoplehood and Israel-Diaspora relations in times of war, an interviewer asked Buchdahl: “As the war continues, does your community experience difficulty in supporting Israel?”

Buchdahl replied at length. “I think that it’s been really challenging, as the war continues, to see the continued loss of life in Gaza,” she said, adding that: “Americans are seeing very different news” on Gaza than Israelis.

American Jews, she added, are “seeing the devastation and the loss… of some children and women and innocent lives, as well as, of course, a war that is necessary to defend Israel, but the destruction of entire cities… such hunger and desperation that people are stampeding to get food. These are images that any human being should be devastated seeing. And it’s very hard, in particular, because there is not, I would say, a lot of trust in the current Israeli government.”

She went on to elaborate on this point. “When there’s no clear pathway for what the day after looks like, I think that all of these things make it much, much harder for Jews in America, as the war continues on, to be able to support it. And then, of course, they feel the pressure of the community surrounding us that is calling for a ceasefire.”

A prominent Reform rabbi from New York said that distrust of Israel’s government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and suffering of civilians in Gaza was making it difficult for American Jews to support Israel in its war against Hamas, drawing harsh pushback from other American rabbis.

Angela Warnick Buchdahl, the senior rabbi of Central Synagogue in New York City, commented on this issue during a conference at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem on Wednesday on Jewish peoplehood. She attended remotely via a live video interview.

Her comments, and her assertion that suffering in Gaza is something “that any human being should be devastated seeing,” invited sharp-worded disagreement, including from Shmuley Boteach, a well-known Orthodox rabbi, who is an outspoken advocate of Israel. He accused her of committing a “public betrayal of her people.”

Coinciding with friction over the war in the bilateral relations between the United States and Israel, Buchdahl’s remarks and ensuing blowback highlight the polarizing effect that the fighting is having both on the relationship that some American Jews have with Israel, and within their own communities.

During a speakers’ panel at Wednesday’s Heschel Conference in Jerusalem, which focused on Jewish peoplehood and Israel-Diaspora relations in times of war, an interviewer asked Buchdahl: “As the war continues, does your community experience difficulty in supporting Israel?”

Buchdahl replied at length. “I think that it’s been really challenging, as the war continues, to see the continued loss of life in Gaza,” she said, adding that: “Americans are seeing very different news” on Gaza than Israelis.

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl (2nd from right) and congregants attend the March for Israel rally, Nov. 14, 2023, on the National Mall in Washington. (Sarah Rosen/Times of Israel)

American Jews, she added, are “seeing the devastation and the loss… of some children and women and innocent lives, as well as, of course, a war that is necessary to defend Israel, but the destruction of entire cities… such hunger and desperation that people are stampeding to get food. These are images that any human being should be devastated seeing. And it’s very hard, in particular, because there is not, I would say, a lot of trust in the current Israeli government.”

She went on to elaborate on this point. “When there’s no clear pathway for what the day after looks like, I think that all of these things make it much, much harder for Jews in America, as the war continues on, to be able to support it. And then, of course, they feel the pressure of the community surrounding us that is calling for a ceasefire.”

Buchdahl was among several dozen American rabbis who visited Israel in November on a solidarity trip following the October 7 onslaught by Hamas, in which its terrorists murdered some 1,200 people in Israel and abducted another 253. Her synagogue, whose building was completed in 1872, is one of the oldest Jewish houses of worship in continuous use in New York City, and a hub for Jewish education and advocacy attended by some of the local Jewish community’s most influential figures.

Her unease over the war is shared by many liberal American Jews, including by J Street, the dovish lobby group founded in 2007 to challenge the more conservative pro-Israel lobby AIPAC. “The civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza that the Netanyahu government’s military operation have caused are unacceptable and out of line with American interests and values,” they wrote in December.

But such criticism has been rare coming from more mainstream rabbis such as Buchdahl, who has made appearances in the Israeli media and has addressed rallies in Israel for the release of the hostages.


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majer skrev (56 minutter siden):

Problemet med krigen er ikke hvilken side som har "rett" og hvem som har "feil". Problemet med krigen er heller ikke i hovedsak at det dør mange tusen barn, selv om jeg er sikker på at mange her inne hadde blitt like sinte om det var deres familier som ble rammet. Problemet er i hovedsak at krigen har endret krigens regler. 

Så lenge Hamas anses som en terrororganisasjon kan man ikke forvente at de følger krigens regler, men man må forvente mer av et vestlig støttet demokrati. Man skal ikke angripe sykehus, hjelpearbeidere eller journalister uansett årsak. Nå kan jo egentlig Russland begynne å bombe sykehus i Ukraina uten at vi har rett til å reagere i og med at vi har akseptert disse endringene i hva som er greit å gjøre i krig og ikke. Så vil sikkert noen argumentere for at det er forskjell på et land som angriper og et som forsvarer seg selv, men selv det er et definisjonsspørsmål og endrer ikke krigens regler

Hamas har alltid oppført seg som en terrororganisasjon,  og derfor kalles de for det. Hvilken hær har noengang hatt som taktikk å sprenge selvmordsbombere på kafeer og busser? Hvilken hær gjemmer seg i tuneller pg blant sivile uten uniform?

Det er terrorgrupper som gjør sånt 

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Tussi skrev (49 minutter siden):

Hamas har alltid oppført seg som en terrororganisasjon,  og derfor kalles de for det. Hvilken hær har noengang hatt som taktikk å sprenge selvmordsbombere på kafeer og busser? Hvilken hær gjemmer seg i tuneller pg blant sivile uten uniform?

Det er terrorgrupper som gjør sånt 

Og geriljakrigere, frihetskjempere mm. Ulike motiver som brukes for å rettferdiggjøre den type oppførsel. Som regel kan den heller ikke rettferdiggjøres. Men ved at man har fokusert på at de er terrorister har man samtidig gitt de et langt mindre ansvar enn Israel. Man forventer tross alt ikke mer av terrorister. Men man forventer mer av en vestlig støttet demokratisk land. Det er altså en seier for Hamas og andre terrororganisasjoner. 

Den som er den største seierherren er kanskje Kina. Det blir lett for Kina å skaffe allierte i fremtiden blant land og folk i Midtøsten, Afrika og andre som har blitt styrt av koloniherrer. Kina har tross alt klart å holde seg utenfor den type Konflikter som vesten på nytt har blitt dratt inn i. Vi hadde liten legitimitet for et par hundre år siden og er i ferd med å miste den igjen

Viktig å ikke se seg blind på hvordan verden ser ut om 50 år, men fokusere mer på verden flere hundre år frem i tid

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