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Presidentvalget i USA 2024

Gjest Slettet-ZwZXKsIXQp

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Palladio skrev (1 minutt siden):

At Harris er ekstremt falsk og sier denne type ting som hun innbiller seg at velgerne vil tro er utrolig kloke utsagn men som de ikke er smarte nok til å forstå. Dette fordi Harris ikke er i stand til å ha en normal samtale der hun snakker om ekte problemstillinger eller ekte forslag til løsninger. Hvorfor demokratene valgte dette mennesket er en stor gåte. 

Har du svelget alle Trumps konspirasjoner på en gang ?

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Snikpellik skrev (Akkurat nå):
Vokteren skrev (12 minutter siden):

Og hva var poenget her ?

@Palladio referer til et retorisk poeng Kamala Harris kom med i en tale. Videoklipp av dette er spredt i sosiale medier blant annet av Trump-vennen Sean Hannity, men der konteksten er fjernet i forsøk på å lure seeren for å få det til å fremstå meningsløst. Palladio er en av de som har latt seg lure.

Jeg må dessverre opplyse deg om at du tar feil. Dette er noe Kamala sa i en relativt ny podcast: 


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Palladio skrev (4 minutter siden):

Jeg må dessverre opplyse deg om at du tar feil. Dette er noe Kamala sa i en relativt ny podcast: 


Hun sier ikke det, hun sier fra 31:46 i videoen du lenker til ordrett følgende;

"My plan is that we give young parents a $6,000 child tax credit to help them pay for child care for a a crib or a car seat because you and I both know the vast majority of our young parents have a natural desire to parent their children well but not always the resources. And back to the way I was raised, I know that the children of the community are the children of the community, that you and I will benefit from that young family having the resources they need so it's about all of us benefiting."

Slutt å lyve.

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Vokteren skrev (3 minutter siden):

En klassisk metode for å spre fakenews er å klippe ut et utsagn og «glemme» kontekst.
Da blir 3 fjær fort til 10 høns…

Her var påstanden at hun aldri hadde sagt noe slikt, hviket jeg dokumenterte at hun så visst har gjort opptil flere ganger.

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jallajall skrev (5 timer siden):

Obama: I don't understand how we got so toxic, so divided, so bitter
Harris: Trump is a facist
Biden: His [Trump] supporters are garbage

Trump har kalt Harris både fascist, kommunist og sosialist på en gang mange ganger. Men det er tydeligvis greit det da?

Hva synes du forresten om at Trump har sagt at han ønsker å bruke militæret mot politiske motstandere?

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mandodiao skrev (2 minutter siden):

Troller du?

Nei jeg skriver konkrete ting om Kamala Harris. Ting som hun rent faktisk har sagt. Ting som absolutt er tema for tråden, så derfor utrolig vanskelig å se hvor et slikt spørsmål som du kommer med stammer fra. Men mulig at ditt spørsmål til meg nå har å gjøre med at jeg stilte deg et eksakt likt spørsmål til en kommentar der du rent faktisk trollet.

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Snikpellik skrev (1 time siden):

Arnold Schwarzenegger om valget:

I don’t really do endorsements. I’m not shy about sharing my views, but I hate politics and don’t trust most politicians.

I also understand that people want to hear from me because I am not just a celebrity, I am a former Republican Governor.

My time as Governor taught me to love policy and ignore politics. I’m proud of the work I did to help clean up our air, create jobs, balance the budget, make the biggest infrastructure investment in state history, and take power from the politicians and give it back to the people when it comes to our redistricting process and our primaries in California. 

That’s policy. It requires working with the other side, not insulting them to win your next election, and I know it isn’t sexy to most people, but I love it when I can help make people’s lives better with policies, like I still do through my institute at USC, where we fight for clean air and stripping the power from the politicians who rig the system against the people.

Let me be honest with you: I don’t like either party right now. My Republicans have forgotten the beauty of the free market, driven up deficits, and rejected election results. Democrats aren’t any better at dealing with deficits, and I worry about their local policies hurting our cities with increased crime.

It is probably not a surprise that I hate politics more than ever, which, if you are a normal person who isn’t addicted to this crap, you probably understand.

I want to tune out.

But I can’t. Because rejecting the results of an election is as un-American as it gets. To someone like me who talks to people all over the world and still knows America is the shining city on a hill, calling America is a trash can for the world is so unpatriotic, it makes me furious. 

And I will always be an American before I am a Republican.

That’s why, this week, I am voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

I’m sharing it with all of you because I think there are a lot of you who feel like I do. You don’t recognize our country. And you are right to be furious.

For decades, we’ve talked about the national debt. For decades, we’ve talked about comprehensive immigration reform that secures the border while fixing our broken immigration system. And Washington does nothing.

The problems just keep rolling, and we all keep getting angrier, because the only people that benefit from problems aren’t you, the people. The only people that benefit from this crap are the politicians who prefer having talking points to win elections to the public service that will make Americans’ lives better. 

It is a just game to them. But it is life for my fellow Americans. We should be pissed!

But a candidate who won’t respect your vote unless it is for him, a candidate who will send his followers to storm the Capitol while he watches with a Diet Coke, a candidate who has shown no ability to work to pass any policy besides a tax cut that helped his donors and other rich people like me but helped no one else else, a candidate who thinks Americans who disagree with him are the bigger enemies than China, Russia, or North Korea  - that won’t solve our problems.

It will just be four more years of bullshit with no results that makes us angrier and angrier, more divided, and more hateful.

We need to close the door on this chapter of American history, and I know that former President Trump won’t do that. He will divide, he will insult, he will find new ways to be more un-American than he already has been, and we, the people, will get nothing but more anger.

That’s enough reason for me to share my vote with all of you. I want to move forward as a country, and even though I have plenty of disagreements with their platform, I think the only way to do that is with Harris and Walz.

Vote this week. Turn the page and put this junk behind us. 

And even if you disagree with me, vote, because that’s what we do as Americans. 


bra innlegg, men han misser at en stor betydelig del av "taking power back to the people" ikke bare innebærer politikere men også storbedriftseiere. Storbedriftseiere har mildt sagt et balletak rundt amerikansk politikk. Å ta makta fra kun politikere og gi den tilbake til folket vil i praksis innebære at storbedriftseierne lett kan stjele den fra folket på nytt og enten gi den tilbake til de samme politikerne, eller nye politikere som de har valgt ut som mer nyttige skattekutt-marionetter. Arnold toucher innom temaet med å skrive om skattelette for de rike og ingen andre, men det er noe mer omfattende enn som så.

Men jeg liker at han omsider tok et standpunkt mot sitt gamle parti. Uansett hva som skjer om en uke, kan jeg iallefall fortsette å nyte de gode, gamle Arnold-klassikerne med noe sjelefred.

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