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Presidentvalget i USA 2024

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Early voting is down significantly compared to 2020 — and the data hold bad news for Democrats

The dramatic rise in early voting has led many to think the election might be effectively over days or weeks before Election Day. The data thus far show that won’t be true — and the numbers aren’t comforting for Democrats.

En generell nedgang for dems og en generell oppgang for republicans.
Samme trend for mail ballot requests, og registrering av nye velgere.
For eksempel for første gang i historien har republikanerne flere aktive velgere i North Carolina enn demokratene.


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jallajall skrev (2 minutter siden):

Spørs nok om "kupp" er den rette betegnelsen å bruke her.

At han prøvde å fjerne makten fra velgerne med ulovlige midler er det som er viktigst.  Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor du ikke fordømmer oppførselen, og isteden bare  krangler på hva det heter

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3 minutes ago, jjkoggan said:

At han prøvde å fjerne makten fra velgerne med ulovlige midler er det som er viktigst.  Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor du ikke fordømmer oppførselen, og isteden bare  krangler på hva det heter

Det er av en viss relevanse om det er kupp eller annet. Og om det ikke er så farlig hva det heter, er det vel heller ikke noe i veien for å gå vekk fra denne "kupp"-betegnelsen og heller kalle det noe som faktisk gjenspeiler virkeligheten og det som faktisk skjedde..

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jallajall skrev (Akkurat nå):

Det er av en viss relevanse om det er kupp eller annet. Og om det ikke er så farlig hva det heter, er det vel heller ikke noe i veien for å gå vekk fra denne "kupp"-betegnelsen og heller kalle det noe som faktisk gjenspeiler virkeligheten og det som faktisk skjedde..

Som du ikke fordømmer 

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And the blood will not only be on his hands but those who voted for him

Det er hva flere millioner amerikanerne som oppfører seg som idioter, risikere - de har glemt et sentralt prinsipp med demokrati; når man gir en representant fullmakter på vegne av seg, betyr det at man er ansvarlig for representantens handlinger om dette forvarsles uten å bli tatt på alvor, som dermed automatisk betyr at man gi sin tilslutning til representantens valg. Så hvis Trump sette i gang ødeleggelse av det føderale statsapparatet, bryter med tradisjonelle allierte, arrestere både ulovlige og lovlige immigranter for å sette dem i interneringsleir og gir utvidede fullmakter for bruk av vold og terror til andre - vil ansvaret tilfaller det amerikanske folket. 

'Pogrom rhetoric': Experts warn Trump is now openly 'inciting violence' against immigrants (msn.com)

On Friday evening, former President Donald Trump took to X (formerly Twitter) to post a lengthy tweet promising a brutal crackdown on immigrants across the country. His tweet is now being condemned for both its caustic tone and for invoking a centuries-old law that would allow Trump to round up and detain legal immigrants.

"November 5th, 2024 will be LIBERATION DAY in America," Trump wrote. [W]e will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell OUT OF OUR COUNTRY."

The former president then invoked the names of four women killed by undocumented immigrants before announcing a new anti-immigrant initiative named after Aurora, Colorado, where he hosted a rally on Friday. Trump has become fixated on a story circulating among far-right media outlets about Venezuelan gang members in apartment buildings in Aurora to justify his mass deportations agenda, even though the city's police force and Republican mayor have said repeatedly that there is only "isolated" Venezuelan gang activity in the city of roughly 400,000 people.

"I am announcing today that upon taking office, we will have an OPERATION AURORA at the Federal Level. To expedite removals of this savage gang, I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American Soil," Trump wrote in the tweet. "No person who has inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris has inflicted on this community can EVER be allowed to become President of the United States!"

Trump's tweet was criticized by Washington Post editor Amanda Katz as "plain-old ethnic cleansing/pogrom rhetoric" on the social media platform Bluesky. University of Colorado-Boulder political scientist Alex Newhouse interpreted Trump's tweet as a signal that he would "deputize brownshirts and do his own Kristallnacht," a reference to Adolf Hitler's November 1938 pogrom targeting Jewish people.

"Trump is inciting violence. Whether he wins or loses, there will be violence. Now and then after the election," Canadian political science professor Steven Saideman wrote on Bluesky. "And the blood will not only be on his hands but those who voted for him."

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 — one of the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts — would allow a president to target "the natives and citizens of an enemy nation" to be detained and/or deported without trial, based solely on their country of birth. The Brennan Center noted that the law "can be — and has been — wielded against immigrants who have done nothing wrong, have evinced no signs of disloyalty and are lawfully present in the United States." The last time the Alien Enemies Act was used was during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration, when he invoked it to detain Japanese-American citizens during World War II.

"Trump's ancestors arrived in America about 100 years after the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, but I suppose there's a chance that JD Vance's Irish ancestors were a target of it back in the day," Willamette University historian Seth Cotlar posted to his Bluesky account. "The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 also authorized the gov't to lock up journalists, so that's on brand too."

Cotlar is right in that the law would allow Trump to target journalists. According to the National Archives, the law Trump invoked would make it a crime to "write, print, utter or publish" any "false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States." Violations could be punished with a fine of $2,000 and a prison sentence of up to two years.

On Bluesky, University of Kansas law professor Corey Rayburn Yung observed that Trump "isn't even bothering to distinguish legal and illegal immigrants anymore." And American University assistant professor David Ryan Miller called Trump a "full-throated fascist," citing the recent report by the Independent in which former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley referred to the former president as "fascist to the core."

"He's anathema to everything the United States aspires to be," Miller wrote. "That he and his merry band of authoritarians could retake the reins of the federal government in 3 months is a terrifying prospect."

Dessverre nok er det tydelig at meget mange amerikanerne ikke er i stand til å innse at presidentvalget er alt annet enn et vanlig valg, de tenker "det skjer ikke", "det vil ikke skje", "det er bare prat" eller "hva så?" - slik at så mye som halvparten vil stemme på Trump, mange av disse virker helt blendet av Trump og hans MAGA inntil punktet av å bli helt lamslått - og nå har forskerne endelig fått en vitenskapelig studie på Hitlers maktovertagelse, men selv da Hitler kom til makten hadde han nemlig ikke et flertall av det tyske folket bak seg i 1933. 

Alt som vil skje etter Trump vinne, vil dermed hviler direkte på det amerikanske folket som kan få seriøse problemer i senere tid uansett USAs skjebne, for de kan ikke forklare seg og kan ikke forsvare seg. De vil være medskyldig. Spørsmålet er hvordan det vil slutte, et År Null eller restart. 

  • Innsiktsfullt 1
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JK22 skrev (7 timer siden):

 Vi må vaske landet vårt

Dette er folkemordretorikk i praksis, som er kjent fra Rwandafolkemordet i 1994 da 1,1 million ble nådeløst slaktet av medborgerne og sivilmilits etter langvarig påvirkning med propagandassendring gjennom radio i et land der de fleste ikke hadde TV eller kunne lese avis, hvor tutsiene var "kakerlakker", "unaturlige" og "beskitne" som skulle skylles bort. INGEN PRESIDENT ELLER PRESIDENTKANDIDAT I USAs HISTORIE HAR BRUKT SLIK RETORIKK FØR. 

Et tiår med "man kan jo ikke si noenting lenger uten å bli kalt rasist" og "man trenger ikke kalle noen rasist bare fordi noen har meninger du er uenig i" (tross for at ytterst få kaller noen en rasist med mindre vedkommende faktisk er en rasist), "æ'kke dette bare storm i vannglass a?" og andre politiske diskurs-taktikker har hjulpet den reaksjonære bølgen med å varme opp flere og flere mennesker med å stadig akseptere mer og mer retorikk som dette, byggestein for byggestein. Og nå er preik som dette bare nok en torsdag.

  • Hjerte 1
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JK22 skrev (1 time siden):

And the blood will not only be on his hands but those who voted for him

Det er hva flere millioner amerikanerne som oppfører seg som idioter, risikere - de har glemt et sentralt prinsipp med demokrati; når man gir en representant fullmakter på vegne av seg, betyr det at man er ansvarlig for representantens handlinger om dette forvarsles uten å bli tatt på alvor, som dermed automatisk betyr at man gi sin tilslutning til representantens valg. Så hvis Trump sette i gang ødeleggelse av det føderale statsapparatet, bryter med tradisjonelle allierte, arrestere både ulovlige og lovlige immigranter for å sette dem i interneringsleir og gir utvidede fullmakter for bruk av vold og terror til andre - vil ansvaret tilfaller det amerikanske folket. 

'Pogrom rhetoric': Experts warn Trump is now openly 'inciting violence' against immigrants (msn.com)

On Friday evening, former President Donald Trump took to X (formerly Twitter) to post a lengthy tweet promising a brutal crackdown on immigrants across the country. His tweet is now being condemned for both its caustic tone and for invoking a centuries-old law that would allow Trump to round up and detain legal immigrants.

"November 5th, 2024 will be LIBERATION DAY in America," Trump wrote. [W]e will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell OUT OF OUR COUNTRY."

The former president then invoked the names of four women killed by undocumented immigrants before announcing a new anti-immigrant initiative named after Aurora, Colorado, where he hosted a rally on Friday. Trump has become fixated on a story circulating among far-right media outlets about Venezuelan gang members in apartment buildings in Aurora to justify his mass deportations agenda, even though the city's police force and Republican mayor have said repeatedly that there is only "isolated" Venezuelan gang activity in the city of roughly 400,000 people.

"I am announcing today that upon taking office, we will have an OPERATION AURORA at the Federal Level. To expedite removals of this savage gang, I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American Soil," Trump wrote in the tweet. "No person who has inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris has inflicted on this community can EVER be allowed to become President of the United States!"

Trump's tweet was criticized by Washington Post editor Amanda Katz as "plain-old ethnic cleansing/pogrom rhetoric" on the social media platform Bluesky. University of Colorado-Boulder political scientist Alex Newhouse interpreted Trump's tweet as a signal that he would "deputize brownshirts and do his own Kristallnacht," a reference to Adolf Hitler's November 1938 pogrom targeting Jewish people.

"Trump is inciting violence. Whether he wins or loses, there will be violence. Now and then after the election," Canadian political science professor Steven Saideman wrote on Bluesky. "And the blood will not only be on his hands but those who voted for him."

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 — one of the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts — would allow a president to target "the natives and citizens of an enemy nation" to be detained and/or deported without trial, based solely on their country of birth. The Brennan Center noted that the law "can be — and has been — wielded against immigrants who have done nothing wrong, have evinced no signs of disloyalty and are lawfully present in the United States." The last time the Alien Enemies Act was used was during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration, when he invoked it to detain Japanese-American citizens during World War II.

"Trump's ancestors arrived in America about 100 years after the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, but I suppose there's a chance that JD Vance's Irish ancestors were a target of it back in the day," Willamette University historian Seth Cotlar posted to his Bluesky account. "The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 also authorized the gov't to lock up journalists, so that's on brand too."

Cotlar is right in that the law would allow Trump to target journalists. According to the National Archives, the law Trump invoked would make it a crime to "write, print, utter or publish" any "false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States." Violations could be punished with a fine of $2,000 and a prison sentence of up to two years.

On Bluesky, University of Kansas law professor Corey Rayburn Yung observed that Trump "isn't even bothering to distinguish legal and illegal immigrants anymore." And American University assistant professor David Ryan Miller called Trump a "full-throated fascist," citing the recent report by the Independent in which former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley referred to the former president as "fascist to the core."

"He's anathema to everything the United States aspires to be," Miller wrote. "That he and his merry band of authoritarians could retake the reins of the federal government in 3 months is a terrifying prospect."

Dessverre nok er det tydelig at meget mange amerikanerne ikke er i stand til å innse at presidentvalget er alt annet enn et vanlig valg, de tenker "det skjer ikke", "det vil ikke skje", "det er bare prat" eller "hva så?" - slik at så mye som halvparten vil stemme på Trump, mange av disse virker helt blendet av Trump og hans MAGA inntil punktet av å bli helt lamslått - og nå har forskerne endelig fått en vitenskapelig studie på Hitlers maktovertagelse, men selv da Hitler kom til makten hadde han nemlig ikke et flertall av det tyske folket bak seg i 1933. 

Alt som vil skje etter Trump vinne, vil dermed hviler direkte på det amerikanske folket som kan få seriøse problemer i senere tid uansett USAs skjebne, for de kan ikke forklare seg og kan ikke forsvare seg. De vil være medskyldig. Spørsmålet er hvordan det vil slutte, et År Null eller restart. 

Er du sikker på at du vil dra det så langt? Vil dette gjelde andre steder også, f eks Palestina? Det er ganske alvorlig å gi vanlige sivile ansvar for noe myndighetene i et land foretar seg, uavhengig av hvilket land. 

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Tussi skrev (19 minutter siden):

Er du sikker på at du vil dra det så langt? Vil dette gjelde andre steder også, f eks Palestina? Det er ganske alvorlig å gi vanlige sivile ansvar for noe myndighetene i et land foretar seg, uavhengig av hvilket land. 

Det var vanlig konsensus fram til etterkrigstiden. Et folk som valgt å holde med sin leder, er ikke i stand til å unnskylde seg - og det er verre med et valgbart representantsystem hvor folkets vilje skulle uttrykkes gjennom representanten. Det er på tid for folk flest å innse at de kan ikke gjøre valg uten konsekvenser, spesielt når det er snakk om folkelig medbestemmelse i maktforvaltingen. Det er disse som må reagere i møte med kritikk og anklager, og det var dette som hadde gjort at makthaverne i demokratiske land og land med pluralistiske tradisjoner måtte være lyttebart i møte med folket - for deres makt hviler på legitimitet gitt av folket. 

Det går begge veger. Trump har ikke skjult noe som helst; og alt som kunne skje har blitt så sterkt forvarslet - slik at man kan ikke unnskylde seg, selv hvis man skulle reise seg i opprør når skaden er hendt for fremtidige generasjoner og for andre som vil dermed ha et kritisk synspunkt som kan bli en sterk påkjenning for lang tid. 

Et valg innbar at man ta ansvar for det man velge. Folk i alle land må lære at makt betinger ansvar. 

  • Innsiktsfullt 3
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From Covid lies to FEMA lies, disinformation is in MAGA's DNA (msn.com)

On Thursday, former President Barack Obama took aim at Donald Trump over his hurricane disinformation. During a speech in Pittsburgh, Obama called Trump “a guy who will just lie … to score political points.”

“The idea of intentionally trying to deceive people in their most desperate and vulnerable moments,” the former president continued. “My question is, when did that become OK? I’m not looking for applause right now. I want to ask Republicans out there, people who are conservative who didn’t vote for me — I have friends who disagree with me on every issue — when did that become OK?”

It is shocking to see just how far and wide the lies surrounding Hurricanes Helene and Milton have penetrated. But it becomes slightly less shocking when you consider how right-wing forces — and one politician in particular — have spent the better part of a decade eroding the trust relationships Americans share with their elected officials, civil servants, scientists and even with one another. 

It’s exactly what we faced in Trump’s first term during the Covid-19 pandemic. He flailed wildly for an angle to the pandemic that would make him look better — that was always the north star, day in and day out. Trump downplayed the dangers of the disease and pushed quack lies about medical cures. He suggested scientists and public officials wanted to take your freedom and actively undermined confidence in life-saving vaccines. In the end, thousands of Americans died who didn’t have to, victims of lies pushed by Trump and many of his supporters. 

And now that dynamic is here again, in the wake of Helene and Milton. Trump is pushing dangerous lies that he thinks will get him back into the Oval Office

That’s making life hard for the Republicans who support Trump but also want to save their constituents’ lives.

Just look at the mental gymnastics being performed by Rep. Ana Paulina Luna, a far-right Republican whose district was slammed by both Helene and Milton. On Thursday, she tried to reassure residents the government was on their side.

“Just got off the phone with [President Joe] Biden,” she posted on X. “He is personally overseeing that FEMA does not create problems with the debris removal and is supportive of the 15 Billion in FEMA funds ONLY FOR Hurricane victims.”

But where would Luna’s constituents have gotten the idea that FEMA doesn’t have the needed resources and isn’t coming to help them? Maybe from a video she posted last week, full of false claims.

“North Carolina’s underwater, 1,000 people missing,” Luna said in the video. “While in Pinellas County we had 11 deaths and we have the majority of our residents that aren’t gonna be able to come back to their homes because they’re completely destroyed. You have Mayorkas, the Biden-Harris administration and radical leftists in Washington, mostly in the Democrat Party, [giving] illegals $1.1 billion in housing assistance.”

"And the administration says it’s OK, we’ll give you $750,” she continued. “Meanwhile, they send our tax dollars overseas to fund countries that don’t need it and they give it to illegal immigrants.”

All of that is a lie. FEMA is fully funded. They are not taking money from disaster relief to house migrants. And the $750 in aid is just an immediate start to the aid that storm victims will receive.

But that was Luna last week, spreading gross and racist lies about storm aid and now, this week, she’s trying to walk it back and reassure the people she represents in Congress that the government will help them.

The disinformation isn’t just an accident or a byproduct of Republican politics: It’s central to their entire political project. They want to cut people off from trusting relationships with public agencies, with media, with experts and create an alternate universe in which reality is whatever the great leader says it is.

It’s wildly dangerous. It claimed lives in the pandemic. And it’s risking lives in disaster areas today.

Obama har rett, det kommer nå meldinger fra North Carolina om voksende sosiale uroligheter hvor disse som oppriktig tror på FEMA-løgnene, er i ferd med å sette deres familier og deres eiendommer i stor fare, akkurat som da viruset herjet har det blitt oppdaget at mange foretrakk å lide fremfor å motta hjelp. 

Mange som har sluttet seg til Trumps løgnregimet er i ferd med å realisere at løgn ikke er noe å leve av, Luna som hadde kommet med uhyrlige løgner var en av mange lokalpolitikerne som hadde fått en bråkvekking i møte med virkeligheten - og risikere å miste både venn og støtte. Annetsteds kom det erklæringer fra MAGA-politikerne om at de vil legge ned FEMA og overla ansvaret til delstatene, uten å innse at det er en håndfull delstater med økonomisk styrke for katastrofehåndtering på egen hånd - North Carolina er ikke en av disse. 

Når blir vi alle Goebbels? 

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