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Presidentvalget i USA 2024

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AveMORphine skrev (35 minutter siden):

At noen tror at denne mannen kan styre ett land er for meg helt sprøtt.

Nå har vi vel hørt slikt som dette gjentatt i det uendelige siden før valget 2020, og før 2016 også (verden går under..men det gjorde den alså ikke), og før det demonisering av enhver republikansk presidentkandidat nokså langt tilbake i tid, med litt gradvis økende fandenivoldskhet. Hver gang er det; "jo, men denne gangen er det virkelig sant, det er verre enn noen gang..".

Hva med å i tillegg sette det kritiske søkelyset på motsatt banehalvdel? Klarer du det på tilsvarende måte? For det siterte tror jeg stemmer for kanskje rundt 25-40 % av de som kommer til å stemme på Trump (altså av rundt halvparten av befolkningen), mens resten stemmer mer fordi det (i praksis) er et binært toparti-system hvor man ender opp med å stemme mer imot den man liker minst - enn for den man stemmer på. 

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32 minutes ago, Fustasjeopphengsforkobling said:

Nå har vi vel hørt slikt som dette gjentatt i det uendelige siden før valget 2020, og før 2016 også (verden går under..men det gjorde den alså ikke), og før det demonisering av enhver republikansk presidentkandidat nokså langt tilbake i tid, med litt gradvis økende fandenivoldskhet. Hver gang er det; "jo, men denne gangen er det virkelig sant, det er verre enn noen gang..".

Hva med å i tillegg sette det kritiske søkelyset på motsatt banehalvdel? Klarer du det på tilsvarende måte? For det siterte tror jeg stemmer for kanskje rundt 25-40 % av de som kommer til å stemme på Trump (altså av rundt halvparten av befolkningen), mens resten stemmer mer fordi det (i praksis) er et binært toparti-system hvor man ender opp med å stemme mer imot den man liker minst - enn for den man stemmer på. 

Det fordrer jo at begge parter har påvirkning og ansvar for hvem de setter frem som sin kandidat for sin ideologi. Trump har helt siden 2016 prøvd å løpe fra sitt ansvar for hvordan han håndterer det som skjer i verden (og ikke minst i hans bedrifter). Hans debattytelse er ett godt eksempel på hvorfor han ikke er egnet i rollen, da han hadde lurt seg selv til å tro på egen propaganda og antok at han ville løpe sirkler rundt en dum DEI hire. Når han så totalt feiler i debatten på grunn av at hans oppfatning av hvem motstander er ikke er i tråd med virkeligheten, så blir det alle andres feil. Ikke hans egen feil at han ikke klarte å debattere mot en dum svarrt kvinne. Da var det alle mot han. 3 mot 1 (LOL - for en chump).

Jeg hadde nok som de fleste rundt omkring fåretrukket at vi kunne hatt en reell diskusjon rundt ideer og løsninger istedet for en konstant whack a mole rundt kontinuerlig idioti som kun er relatert til en manns mangel på å se sine egne begrensninger og lære av de.

Tror jeg verden går under om Trump blir valgt som president; nope. Men hans idioti vil skape unødvendig mye problemer som resten av verdens befolkning må oppveie og betale for. Alt for å ofre alt for en manns ego.

Jeg må ærlig innrømme at i 2020 så var min tanke også litt at det beste er vel å la mannen fortsette for å endelig bevise at han er en komplett idiot. De som tror at noe som helst av de utfordringene som har utviklet seg i verden ville vært bedre med den mannen med roret, ok. Lykke til i ditt univers. Men i det minste så hadde vi vært ferdig med galskapen.

Det eneste jeg ville sagt er åpenbart er at dersom Trump dengang hadde annerkjent at han hadde tapt, så hadde settingen vært anderledes den dag i dag. Det samme om han hadde annerkjent eget ansvar for noe som helst de siste 10 årene (annet enn hans kontunuerlige projisering i sine anklager mot sittende administrasjon).

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Fustasjeopphengsforkobling skrev (3 timer siden):

Nei, det er jo mulig, men nei, ikke bevist, som allerede sagt flere ganger.

Er du medlem av korttidminneforeningen? Se vår samtale på side 297! Der sier jeg:
"Det er vel bevist at man har fulgt prosedyrer.
Det er vel her som overalt ellers, at det er anklageren som må bevise noe?"

Når de folkene som er med på valget, (jeg vet ikke hvem det er, det kan være de som teller og/eller de som overvåker, og/eller andre) signerer på et dokument som sier at alt er gjort riktig, SÅ ER DETTE BEVIS.
I et valg blir det signert mange slike dokument. MANGE.

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Fustasjeopphengsforkobling skrev (4 timer siden):

Nei, det er jo mulig, men nei, ikke bevist, som allerede sagt flere ganger.

Fordi alt er mulig(ingen vet noe 100%)så kan VP Harris benekte å sertifisere valgresultatene 2024 uten å svikte demokratiet, selv om alle rettsvesene sier det motsatt.  Bare en allvitende Gud kunne bestemme det 

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Jack Smith’s October Surprise

It’s impossible not to suspect the special counsel’s filing is politically motivated.

He rushed to file a superseding indictment in August that alleged the same four crimes, taking a minuscule view of core constitutional powers. He then requested the trial judge allow him to file an “oversized” brief—up to 180 pages—laying out the government’s arguments against immunity, and asking her to unseal it. Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the requests, ignoring the Trump legal team’s opposition to a brief that was “quadruple the standard page limits” and that allowed the prosecution “to proffer their untested and biased views to the Court and the public as if they are conclusive.” That brief was made public on Wednesday, 34 days before the election.

You don’t have to be a cynic to suspect Mr. Smith of brass-knuckle politicking. He knows that if Mr. Trump wins in November, both his cases (this one, involving Jan. 6, and the other, involving classified documents) are dead. Ergo Mr. Smith is actively working to undermine a Trump re-election by presenting to the public a bevy of new claims painting the nominee as criminal.

This is manna to Democrats, who are desperate for their Jan. 6 lawfare campaign to dominate the final sprint, to divert voters (finally!) from their (tedious) obsessions with inflation, border chaos or crime. Will Mr. Smith’s assist help?

But that’s beside the point. The damage is done. The brief is out. And if Kamala Harris does win, half the country will point to this filing as a reason—the latest Justice Department “interference” in an election. Mr. Garland must be proud.

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Også Elie Honig (senior legal analyst for CNN) hamrer løs på Smith.

Jack Smith’s October Cheap Shot

Jack Smith has failed in his quest to try Donald Trump before the 2024 election. So instead, the special counsel has bent ordinary procedure to get in one last shot, just weeks before voters go to the polls.

Smith has essentially abandoned any pretense; he’ll bend any rule, switch up on any practice — so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects. At this point, there’s simply no defending Smith’s conduct on any sort of principled or institutional basis. “But we need to know this stuff before we vote!” is a nice bumper sticker, but it’s neither a response to nor an excuse for Smith’s unprincipled, norm-breaking practice. (It also overlooks the fact that the Justice Department bears responsibility for taking over two and a half years to indict in the first place.)

Let’s go through the problems with what Smith has done here.

First, this is backward. The way motions work — under the federal rules, and consistent with common sense — is that the prosecutor files an indictment; the defense makes motions (to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence, or what have you); and then the prosecution responds to those motions. Makes sense, right? It’s worked for hundreds of years in our courts.

Not here. Not when there’s an election right around the corner and dwindling opportunity to make a dent. So Smith turned the well-established, thoroughly uncontroversial rules of criminal procedure on their head and asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first — even with no actual defense motion pending. Trump’s team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith’s request to file first was “procedurally irregular” — moments before she ruled in Smith’s favor, as she’s done at virtually every consequential turn.

Smith’s conduct here violates core DOJ principle and policy. The Justice Manual — DOJ’s internal bible, essentially — contains a section titled “Actions That May Have an Impact on the Election.” Now: Does Smith’s filing qualify? May it have an impact on the election? Of course.

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12 minutes ago, jallajall said:

Jack Smith’s October Surprise

It’s impossible not to suspect the special counsel’s filing is politically motivated.

He rushed to file a superseding indictment in August that alleged the same four crimes, taking a minuscule view of core constitutional powers. He then requested the trial judge allow him to file an “oversized” brief—up to 180 pages—laying out the government’s arguments against immunity, and asking her to unseal it. Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the requests, ignoring the Trump legal team’s opposition to a brief that was “quadruple the standard page limits” and that allowed the prosecution “to proffer their untested and biased views to the Court and the public as if they are conclusive.” That brief was made public on Wednesday, 34 days before the election.

You don’t have to be a cynic to suspect Mr. Smith of brass-knuckle politicking. He knows that if Mr. Trump wins in November, both his cases (this one, involving Jan. 6, and the other, involving classified documents) are dead. Ergo Mr. Smith is actively working to undermine a Trump re-election by presenting to the public a bevy of new claims painting the nominee as criminal.

This is manna to Democrats, who are desperate for their Jan. 6 lawfare campaign to dominate the final sprint, to divert voters (finally!) from their (tedious) obsessions with inflation, border chaos or crime. Will Mr. Smith’s assist help?

But that’s beside the point. The damage is done. The brief is out. And if Kamala Harris does win, half the country will point to this filing as a reason—the latest Justice Department “interference” in an election. Mr. Garland must be proud.

Rapporten er i praksis en fremstilling av Trump sine egne ord og handlinger. Hvordan det kan være ellection interference forteller mye om om hvordan hjernene til disse folka fungerer.

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12 minutes ago, jallajall said:

Også Elie Honig (senior legal analyst for CNN) hamrer løs på Smith.

Jack Smith’s October Cheap Shot

Jack Smith has failed in his quest to try Donald Trump before the 2024 election. So instead, the special counsel has bent ordinary procedure to get in one last shot, just weeks before voters go to the polls.

Smith has essentially abandoned any pretense; he’ll bend any rule, switch up on any practice — so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects. At this point, there’s simply no defending Smith’s conduct on any sort of principled or institutional basis. “But we need to know this stuff before we vote!” is a nice bumper sticker, but it’s neither a response to nor an excuse for Smith’s unprincipled, norm-breaking practice. (It also overlooks the fact that the Justice Department bears responsibility for taking over two and a half years to indict in the first place.)

Let’s go through the problems with what Smith has done here.

First, this is backward. The way motions work — under the federal rules, and consistent with common sense — is that the prosecutor files an indictment; the defense makes motions (to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence, or what have you); and then the prosecution responds to those motions. Makes sense, right? It’s worked for hundreds of years in our courts.

Not here. Not when there’s an election right around the corner and dwindling opportunity to make a dent. So Smith turned the well-established, thoroughly uncontroversial rules of criminal procedure on their head and asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first — even with no actual defense motion pending. Trump’s team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith’s request to file first was “procedurally irregular” — moments before she ruled in Smith’s favor, as she’s done at virtually every consequential turn.

Smith’s conduct here violates core DOJ principle and policy. The Justice Manual — DOJ’s internal bible, essentially — contains a section titled “Actions That May Have an Impact on the Election.” Now: Does Smith’s filing qualify? May it have an impact on the election? Of course.

Igjen. Rapporten ble påtvunget fremlagt av høyesterett og Trump sine handlinger og hva de bad om. At Jack Smith gav de hva de bad om er ellection interference? :lol:

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9 minutes ago, AveMORphine said:

Hvordan det kan være ellection interference forteller mye om om hvordan hjernene til disse folka fungerer.

Hjernen til hvem? DOJs longstanding policy?

I’m going to hand this one over to one of DOJ’s most esteemed alums, who explained it this way to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog: “To me if it [an election] were 90 days off, and you think it has a significant chance of impacting an election, unless there’s a reason you need to take that action now, you don’t do it.”

Those words were spoken by Sally Yates — former deputy attorney general, venerated career prosecutor, no fan of Trump (who unceremoniously fired her in 2017), and liberal folk hero.

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9 minutes ago, jallajall said:

Hjernen til hvem? DOJs longstanding policy?

I’m going to hand this one over to one of DOJ’s most esteemed alums, who explained it this way to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog: “To me if it [an election] were 90 days off, and you think it has a significant chance of impacting an election, unless there’s a reason you need to take that action now, you don’t do it.”

Those words were spoken by Sally Yates — former deputy attorney general, venerated career prosecutor, no fan of Trump (who unceremoniously fired her in 2017), and liberal folk hero.

Yup, og faktum er at det er en policy ikke en lov. Videre er det også Trump selv som har utsatt dette til nå. At han ikke trodde at Jack Smith var klar og i stand til å gjøre dette viser hans faktiske forsøk på election interference. Da det å holde informasjon om kandidaten tilbake fra the voting poblic i praksis blir election interference på samme måte som han gjorde med Pornostjerna si i 2016. Noe han nå er dømt for å ha gjort. Iht law of the land.

Criminal in chief.

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jallajall skrev (39 minutter siden):

Hjernen til hvem? DOJs longstanding policy?

I’m going to hand this one over to one of DOJ’s most esteemed alums, who explained it this way to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog: “To me if it [an election] were 90 days off, and you think it has a significant chance of impacting an election, unless there’s a reason you need to take that action now, you don’t do it.”

Those words were spoken by Sally Yates — former deputy attorney general, venerated career prosecutor, no fan of Trump (who unceremoniously fired her in 2017), and liberal folk hero.

Jack Smiths filing was “sealed “ and would not have influenced the election if left unsealed by the judge.  Also, the DOJ policy you mention doesn’t apply to pending cases 

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Fustasjeopphengsforkobling skrev (3 timer siden):

og før det demonisering av enhver republikansk presidentkandidat nokså langt tilbake i tid

Hva gjorde George "Dubya" Bush? Jo, han startet flere kriger som ble katastrofale for verden.

Hva har demokratiske presidenter måttet gjøre? Jo, rydde opp i det økonomiske kaoset etter repugnikanerne.

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jallajall skrev (1 time siden):

Jack Smith’s October Surprise

It’s impossible not to suspect the special counsel’s filing is politically motivated.

He rushed to file a superseding indictment in August that alleged the same four crimes, taking a minuscule view of core constitutional powers. He then requested the trial judge allow him to file an “oversized” brief—up to 180 pages—laying out the government’s arguments against immunity, and asking her to unseal it. Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the requests, ignoring the Trump legal team’s opposition to a brief that was “quadruple the standard page limits” and that allowed the prosecution “to proffer their untested and biased views to the Court and the public as if they are conclusive.” That brief was made public on Wednesday, 34 days before the election.

You don’t have to be a cynic to suspect Mr. Smith of brass-knuckle politicking. He knows that if Mr. Trump wins in November, both his cases (this one, involving Jan. 6, and the other, involving classified documents) are dead. Ergo Mr. Smith is actively working to undermine a Trump re-election by presenting to the public a bevy of new claims painting the nominee as criminal.

This is manna to Democrats, who are desperate for their Jan. 6 lawfare campaign to dominate the final sprint, to divert voters (finally!) from their (tedious) obsessions with inflation, border chaos or crime. Will Mr. Smith’s assist help?

But that’s beside the point. The damage is done. The brief is out. And if Kamala Harris does win, half the country will point to this filing as a reason—the latest Justice Department “interference” in an election. Mr. Garland must be proud.

Nei. Det er Trump-utnevnte Supreme Court-dommere som har gjort at dette skjedde. Smith hadde egentlig siktelsen klar for lenge siden, men så kom SC-avgjørelsen om presidentens immunitet, noe som gjorde at Smith måtte gjøre om på siktelsen for å følge den nye avgjørelsen.

Det er typisk repugnikanere å alltid innta offerrollen, og særlig når de selv får konsekvensene av egne handlinger i ansiktet.

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1 minute ago, AveMORphine said:

Yup, og faktum er at det er en policy ikke en lov. Videre er det også Trump selv som har utsatt dette til nå. At han ikke trodde at Jack Smith var klar og i stand til å gjøre dette viser hans faktiske forsøk på election interference. Da det å holde informasjon om kandidaten tilbake fra the voting poblic i praksis blir election interference på samme måte som han gjorde med Pornostjerna si i 2016. Noe han nå er dømt for å ha gjort. Iht law of the land.

Criminal in chief.

Det er en grunn til at DOJ har en slik policy. Det er jo heller ikke Trump som har utsatt dette til nå. Saken ble behandlet i Scotus i begynner av august og sendt tilbake til retten i slutten av august. Så har team Smith kun brukt ca 3 uker på denne briefen, som også jo er imponerende i seg selv. Og av en eller annen grunn, så er det viktig for Smith at han får oppenftliggjort briefen sin allerede nå, og før valget. Hvorfor tror du det?

Smith turned the well-established, thoroughly uncontroversial rules of criminal procedure on their head and asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first – even with no actual defense motion pending

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1 hour ago, jjkoggan said:

Jack Smiths filing was “sealed “ and would not have influenced the election if left unsealed by the judge.  Also, the DOJ policy you mention doesn’t apply to pending cases 

9-85.500 Actions that May Have an Impact on an Election

Federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party. Such a purpose is inconsistent with the Department’s mission and with the Principles of Federal Prosecution. See § 9-27.260. Any action likely to raise an issue or the perception of an issue under this provision requires consultation with the Public Integrity Section, and such action shall not be taken if the Public Integrity Section advises that further consultation is required with the Deputy Attorney General or Attorney General.

(60 eller 90 dager, litt avhengig av hvem man spør)

Så du tror ikke dette "may have an impact on election" ?

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