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The Union

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Jeg har formulert en visjon som jeg ønsker å dele. Det omhandler:

- Hvordan vi mennesker går hodestups inn i en digital virkelighet med den frie kapitalismen som innovatør og eier av det som etter hvert blir våre nye liv. Uten endring eier vi snart ikke oss selv.

- En ide om hvordan fred kan skapes av folkedypet hvis vi vinkler økonomi som virke- og pressmiddel.

- En visjon om en forretningsvirksomhet, eid av folket.

- Tanker om kunstig intelligens. Kan vi stole på at næringslivet og politikerne i verden tar riktige valg? 

Takk hvis du leser og deler dine tanker og innspill, a penny for your thoughs....



The Union


In this moment in time, do you feel that our world is in crisis? Give me a few minutes of your time to read the following text. It might motivate you and give you some ideas for how to take part in change… 


People are so small and fragile when we are trying to shift the dynamics in this world. Alone we are able to have some effect. In small groups we can do more. When hundreds of thousands or millions unite, voices and public demands are in many cases listened to. But too often these are just trending topics and after some time many of them fade out. The world keeps spinning back to its old ways, but sometimes improved and changed, yet sometimes back to where it was before the movement started. When state officials and the police are used forcefully in a way to force humans in to submission people most likely don’t stand a chance and this has throughout history caused so much pain and suffering. However, we can control the thing that makes states, companies, people, all of everything listen and pay attention. We can control our money. 
Money is linked in to everything and is one of the key component that creates the states, combines all humans to each other, and combines the state with its residents. How much money you have at any given time will effect the very definition of both states and humans. Money scales the size of just about everything in this world. Anyone in risk of losing money, losing potential income, growth, funds for all the different expenses and budgets that needs funds to keep the wheels turning, will be very interested in preventing that from happening. 
Luckily we might have just what we need to create change. In an improved way we can control how we spend our money. The well being of the corporate world is directly linked to the well being of states and governments. You can compare our current situation with how the world was before the first worker unions was established. Workers gave their hart in to their professions but had few tools to discuss topics with the leadership, and less than that influence the leadership on day to day operations. Even they sometimes greatly outnumbered the leadership and the owners, their efforts failed because they were not organised. Establishing worker unions changed that, and now there are worker unions all over the world changing the life of everyday workers. Today we are living our lives here on earth in a very similar way. In all countries we greatly outnumber the leadership and corporation entities, but for some reason we are connecting our money in to the corporate world with very few guidelines that control the outcome. This is because we are not connecting our money collectively but individually. We must take action immediately and establish a similar solution that the workers union was a solution to:  
One single Union that connects all of us together. 
We the people, all humans on this earth, need to establish a Union that combines all of us together. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, your color, ethnicity, nationality, culture, spiritual belief, if you love who ever or what ever, history, life experience, young or old, boy, girl, both, neither… Only the fact that you are a human and you can and should be a part of this Union. Nobody will ever be excluded or unable to be a member, no matter what! Imagine the things we could do together if we pushed in the same direction. A way to reach one another, communicate, and together take humans in to its first humankind revolution. We all have different lives on different places yet we are here together. But even though social media in recent years has made us closer together we still are far apart. This Union can be the tool that connects us together in a way we have never seen before in human history. 
But how to process several billon voices? How to make it fair but functioning? My suggestion is to establish a board that consist of one voting member representing a team from each country. A member should always be selected by the people of the same nationality, not chosen by governmental choice or in any other way, but pure and simple selected by the people by a majority vote. This member will act according to the majority of the country’s nationals they represent and be the link between the Union and the people in ones country. This board member position should consist of four people or more. In addition to several other advantages the board can in this way function at any hours of the day, every day. With the time zones it is only fair to everybody that the Union is open at all hours always. We all should strive to spread the information of the Union to all the corners of all countries and involving everyone. Most of us are connected but there still are millions upon millions which are not. Let’s make an effort to include everybody in this Union. Also remember to include the elderly who may not have the same technology-skills and aren’t as connected as the younger generations today. And some only get their feeds from TV, radio and newspapers. In most countries that’s not a problem. But as we know, in some countries the news are heavily controlled by governments. We need to help these people and release them from the propaganda. Let us help all humans make their choice based on true solid factual information. And on the latter I must point out something important for my personal beliefs: I believe that most news providers, such as TV-news, newspapers, and the professional online news medias, provide a true uncorrupted factual news story. I am sad to see the decay of trust to these medias. It is crucial that we support free press. It is extremely important for the functioning democracy. I strongly hope that this Union will work with this as an agenda, helping all humans with receiving news from a trustworthy media. The Union should never be a news media. We need the dynamics of free media, unconnected and with absolute freedom of speech. And if any government in any country ever restrict freedom of speech, if they use violence, or threats, or force to silence news medias, or get them to change stories to untrue propaganda, then the Union should react on this and be active for these news medias which are being held hostage from their true voices. We must be their voice in that situation. But the end game must always be to help them find their own voice. A way back to free press, freedom of speech, unchained from anyone but them selves and their owner structure non political. 
Human evolution hasn’t really peaked yet when it comes to equality between genders, so I feel forced to say that board members should be divided equally between men and women, always and without exception. And at the same time with a hope that there are fair methods to include even more genders and everybody do their best to be all inclusive in that regard. If there is one thing this Union should be all about it’s equality between genders. So in the Union let's start by fixing gender equality between men and women and let us all improve from there. And yes, identifying as a gender is the same thing. I hope you can accept that. If you don’t, work on that. How would you like it if somebody told you that you are not the gender you are? Accepting that identifying as a gender is the same thing truly is the right thing to do. In the spiritual sense one could say that you are not only your flesh but something more than that. If it is so, then who are we to define what defines us? For me it is simple: Every human defines themselves. 
It sounds like an impossible task that every voice should be heard. But the idea isn’t for all of us to hear each voice one by one. But each idea and opinion trends. We all know this from todays social media, how a comment, idea, opinion, can spread all over the world in a very short amount of time. So the board members team should be the one filtering all the voices and opinions, and arrange frequent topic discussions where the members of their country’s residents can vote. Further they must decide what topics or cases that should be presented to the Union board members for discussions and possibly a vote between board members of each country. Each country has one vote, always. Veto does not exist. Pure majority rules. If the result is evenly divided with identical number of votes, continue the work and vote again. A country’s vote is an equal singular vote. No matter the size of the country in any way you measure it. No vote is more powerful than the other. No chairman or similar has the deciding vote. Countries that are identified as a country and therefore can be represented with a board member team is at any given time decided by the Union board. At present time this is one way to secure a functioning majority rule environment on earth. A bit in to the future when we have full control over the voting system for every individual, in some decisions where the effect is truly felt by all of us, it will be possible for every persons vote to count in a more accurate way. 
So how to kick off this Union with creating the biggest most influential institution in human history? I have some suggestions for how to do that: 
1. First off an appropriate organisation form should be established. This organisation represents the head organisation of the Union. My suggestion is that Norway should be the country where the head organisation is established and where the main office is located. As sub companies under 100% ownership of the Union head organisation, companies should be established in every country in the world including one in Norway also. These Union sub companies should be responsible for all the business activity conducted in each country. All business activity conducted within a country should be subject for taxation within that same country. We should not build and operate the organisation tactically to avoid tax payment. In each country the Union operate, the state should financially benefit from the Union in a professional and fair way which includes paying taxes to that country. Profit after tax can be transferred to the head organisation network according to organisation policy, the respective country’s laws and regulation, and decided by the Union leadership acting according to the boards guidance. The Union sub-companies all over the world should be established fast, and key staff hired fast. My suggestion is that the top management of the all the Union sub-companies and also in the head organisation is hired for a 4 year term, where they are succeeded by a new top management after 4 years. This way we keep the head organisation and the companies dynamic, innovative, fresh, and continuously amendable. My suggestion is that a board team member is selected for 2 years. These suggestions, and absolutely anything else I say, and absolutely everything I haven’t said or suggested, is always subject to amendments through majority votes. Majority votes by members and ultimately by the board should build all the guidelines and rules that this Union is built on. No voice stronger than the next, including mine. Anything I say and suggest is just as correct as anything you say and suggest. But what the majority say and suggest is what’s really important and is truly correct hence that must always be the Unions true path. 
2. In a dream world all of us has a single Euro to spare for the establishment of this Union. But we all know it, it just isn’t so. Let's say the member fee is 1 EUR per year for each member. For some, 1 EUR is the difference between having something to eat that day or not. So the ones in the world that feel that they can pay a bit more than 1 EUR should pay for those who can’t by donating more than the 1 EUR member fee. This way we help the Union become financially strong faster and aid the ones that can’t afford the member fee. 
I feel it should be non public information how much you donate. Single donations should never from the Unions side publicly be connected to a name, username, or other identification. In my opinion the Union should never reveal that since it is private information and nobody should be measured by it. Including everybody that become members but do not pay anything. This Union really needs to be about the collective effort of all humans equally. Everybody counts and matter equally much. And yes of course a huge donation will mean a lot! How fantastic if those more financially fortunate in life can contribute more and help us all changing the world for ever. I recon huge donations will still in some ways be noticed and commented in one way or another. E.g. if someone wants to contribute by donating a huge amount of money and tell the world about it, who are we to say they can’t? It is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Freedom of speech for everyone on this planet! Always. My point is simply that in my opinion the Union shouldn't release that information. It is up to each person them selves if they want to tell the world. It is not up to the Union. And the country leaders of the world will hopefully establish a tax benefit for companies who want to support the Union with donations. Behind each government and companies alike there are people. I am sure many of the companies in the world would like to support the Union. And if a government decide that their nation will make a donation to the Union in one way or another it would certainly really be a meaningful and send a clear statement. 
3. This Union can be the most powerful institution on this planet. And for that the Union needs to be a true force in financial strength, succeeded by no company or organisation throughout all previous history. The stronger it is financially the bigger the impact and the faster the results. 
The Union should start off by becoming the preferred choice for private banking for most or all people on this planet. If the members fee and the donations are substantial the faster choice to go about this is to have all the sub companies purchase a private bank in each country in the world where it is possible for corporations to own a bank. In most of these countries there will be suitable banks for purchase. If it is not possible to purchase, initiate the work with having one established in that country. If we have a bank in many or all countries, we can then connect them together through branding and become the largest bank in the world. 
The Union should always find the best way to co-exist with a growing business for all companies all over the world. The major employer of the world are all the companies of all sizes. So initially this force of action will disrupt the stability of the current banking market. It is inevitable. So in that regard I suggest we start off with private banking only. Corporate, state, government institutions and all other non private banking stays in todays banking market. It is important that we are as careful as possible and are able to see the benefits with strong private ownerships of companies all over the world, which in effect also means strong states all over the world. So we must be careful not to destabilise too much in too short amount of time. The Union must evolve carefully and gracefully. We should try to help stabilise the situation as fast as possible after the implementation. The current established bank industry should consider selling branch offices within the private banking sector to the Union to minimise losses. If so we can help as effectively as we can to have as many people as possible keeping their jobs. This downscaling in the current bank industry is going to happen, and realising it in a timely manner is key to keeping your business sharp and sustainable. Because the reality of this is simple: It is time our private money is owned and cared for by our selves. And behind such an enormous operation there are millions of questions and bumps in the road. Luckily we can figure out all of that, together, executed by qualified effective staff members of the Union and by the directions of the board. 
When enormous funds is paid to the Union members bank, most of all the peoples salary and savings, maybe for the first time a bank can truly guarantee that your money is safe. Because we choose to, and because our size allows us to be able to. The fact that your private bank is owned by the Union means you can trust that your money is always safe no matter what. We should strive to keep cost low and build a profitable bank, but at the same time hiring staff in great numbers should be important as well. More and more private and state bank services are going digital, and it seems today banks are all closing branch offices and cutting the number of staff. The result is less jobs for people all over the world. However, if we create the members Union bank we should strive to have offices and staff of various sizes in all countries and most city’s and major villages or other areas with a certain number of people living nearby. This despite the digital age and potential. A minimum staff in each branch office but more branch offices spread out to maximum number of locations. We take advantage of all technologies and create a bank where we internally cooperate digitally yet are also available to customers in any method available. Banks are becoming more and more digital today. And yes you can get most bank services done online. But some still feel the need to meet the bank employee face to face. And in all honesty, the idea of keeping some personal interactions in a world going digital doesn’t hurt. And for some they will not have the possibility to do their bank affairs digitally. Some by choice. This is the peoples money and we should respect that by providing the bank services for all people. Those who need such bank service might only need a bank employee meeting anywhere suitable with a lap-top or what ever digital device the future holds in store. Let’s embrace the mobility the digital age has provided for us and create a bank that is mobile and easy available. Branch offices doesn’t necessarily mean the traditional bank office location but can also mean at least one employee covering a specific area, mobile, connected, and accessible. I believe that due to the share size of the bank, if we are the global preferred bank choice for most or all humans on this planet, this bank will create a substantial profit. So in my opinion it would not only be beneficial to have a solid base of employees in the bank branches all over the globe, but really the right thing to do for all humans. It helps everything and everyone that there are enough jobs to go around and the Union should prioritise to contribute to that. 
So building the largest bank in the world will create a tremendous income for the Union and create lots of jobs in banking. With this the Union is rocking the foundation of the entire world. Critics will be loud for sure. But be aware there can be enormous financial forces and self interest behind the critics. Judgement day in the financial sector will be described with horror with the agenda to create insecurity and fear. Possible short-timed responses visible in stock markets will be used as fuel and as proof that it is destructive to a functioning system. And they are right. Yes it most definitely will restructure the financial sector. But just because in most ways it has been functioning until now doesn’t mean it is the best possible method for us. Please direct your focus on the big picture. This was destined to happen. I believe all intelligent life forms anywhere anytime would figure this out at some point since it is natural. Private money should not be owned and cared for by corporations but by our selves. We can choose to spend it as we want, and place it where we want. Big picture the Union is doing the right thing for all humans going forward. Such a massive undertaking will surely create some challenges in some sections in the business world in the establishment phase. But in the long run this will secure stability, secure funds that will build more jobs, and it will help the world innovate in to the next level of human history. 
4. My suggestion of having personal staff in big numbers in the Union bank spread out geographically is also due to this next point on my list: registration and authentication. We can also use the bank employees to register full Union memberships. That way we can better control that members of the Union in fact are a person, not a made up person, or a computer etc. Work hard towards a vision of no fake members, only real people. If you haven’t registered in a bank or through a Union members bank employee in the field and identified yourself, you can only be a member but without certain rights such as voting rights, the opportunity to comment/discuss in certain forums etc. This is why we need to hire big and fast to get this work started all over the world. I know this is harsh, unfortunate and perhaps counterproductive. But let’s face it. Today it is too easy to create fake profiles on most of todays most used global digital platforms and they’ve got big challenges keeping control. So we should control that from the very start of it: avoid creations of fake profiles by accepting that there is nations, corporations, people working for the nations, and some other individual with whatever motive that are capable and willing to create fake profiles. If you are one of these persons doing this, please redirect your skills to help the Union prevent that from happening. 
You probably will find better ways to solve that in the future as technology evolves. But right now where the world is in terms of technology let’s start off by doing that. And I also see the potential with selling this service to other corporations, such as social media companies and other potential customers. What if we could help remove fake profiles from all major platforms? Can you see the benefit for all? And with our huge organisation represented with employees all over the world, what is the revenue potential in such a fantastic opportunity now and in the future? Not only with registering real people, but with all the possible innovations this brings to the table. Start the brain storming! 
5. Building this Union members bank, it is quite possible as a result a clear majority of us will be within the same bank. So transferring funds to one another can be made fast, easy and cheap for account holders. On this area it is possible to improve a lot from todays international bank transfers. I’d be surprised if the Union didn’t quite fast establish a currency to be used internally in the bank. With the Union bank we can explore the possibility to create a new currency which is used for transfers between internal bank accounts including across country boarders. It would be relatively easy to transfer funds from one person to another, no matter the place or time in the world it is transferred from/to. This currency would have a value against the local currency on both sides of the transfer if you need to spend the funds where the next receiver is outside the bank. Transfers would be instant and funds available on the receiver end immediately. Transfers of funds could this way be done outside the international bank transfer systems used by the banks globally today. Using our own currency within the bank for internal bank transfer will cut transactional cost to an absolute minimum. 
I am confident the Union will hire the best minds to figure out how to create and implement this in a functioning matter. I am merely pointing out that by creating this massive enormous Union bank with most or all private bank users within the same bank, it is a fantastic opportunity to create the currency of the future. This currency in the Union Bank is the one that I believe really takes over and will be the main currency preferred by both private, businesses and states in the future. The crypto currency situation in the world right now is growing fast, yet it really has its challenges. By doing this we are pushing the Union currency forward as the front runner for the futures main and digital currency because we are establishing the currency in a controllable environment internally at first and uniquely we can connect directly with everyone.  
6. The Union could also establish a stock exchange for all the non-listed companies of the world. A dynamic market place where all variants of companies of all sizes can trade its shares, attract investors, where the common person can invest some of their savings in a small business either as an investment or simply to help the business going forward. I imagine this market place also to be an arena where a person in any of the countries of the world can attract private investors from all over the world to create a business. No matter the size. We create an opportunity for each person trying to make something of their own to get the proper funding for that. I imagine it to be exiting to invest an amount in a small established company or a start up somewhere in the world and be part of the journey as a co-owner of the business, to help out, or perhaps as an investment with some elevated risk but which can turn out to be profitable or rewardable in another shape or form. I imagine this market place to be an arena where established companies big or small, can offer their shares inviting anyone to be on the owner side in their established business, similar to the major corporations on the public stock exchanges. This trading will be dynamic, with real time value according to the share trading value, same as any other stock exchange. 
This will really boost the small and big businesses of the world and it will inspire innovation and new start-up companies. The possibility is endless and it requires a huge amount of developing. But I think the investment is worth it since the possible earnings for such a business idea is substantial. Registration and membership fees for businesses, trading cost paid to the Union for each share sold and purchased, marketing and advertisement, e-commerce solutions, legal services, audit and accounting services, profiling, visibility, search words, and much much more. Personally I believe this idea alone has the potential to be a record breaking business idea in terms of value and revenue. We can manage to establish the go-to place and preferred choice for all businesses and start ups on on this planet now and in the future. And maybe payment of shares on this platform can be possible with the Union currency? Immediate and instant payments to the companies from all investors. Transferred from private investments from the most secure bank ever seen in the world, and the receiving companies can convert that to what ever currency in the members Union bank if they prefer it. Though I truly think the Union currency sometime in the future will be the main currency all over the world and the preferred currency for private, businesses and states. 
7. Artificial Intelligence (AI) quite simply should not be at the mercy of greed, politics, power, and all the negative ways to use AI. I feel humans in power, that being both business and government officials, have shown throughout history that we cannot trust a few humans to control the faith of AI. But rather we, all humans unified, should try to control that. The risk is simply too great. Right now big corporations are fighting for huge military contracts for developing AI systems for military use. Of course they are in the business perspective since the revenue potential is enormous. It is absolutely for sure that if we don’t act immediately AI will continue to be implemented in the military at a great scale with enhanced levels of technology. As weapons, as robots in all environments including space, as software, and in any other scary way imaginable. I cannot stress enough the possible side effect of that. It is very very hard to know the outcome of that. It is a huge gamble. So we cannot take the risk. Therefore we should ban AI in all military systems, weapons, personnel, software, any kind of hardware in any shape or form, as soon as possible. World leaders: What are we waiting for? Ban all AI in all military equipment as soon as possible! 
The Union, a big powerful influential and financially giant and the voice of humans on earth, can and should decide that and control that. Those countries who fail to comply should be faced with consequences. So what does that mean? More violence? It is sad violence is such a front runner in threats but it is our human history that is the reason for this common thinking. So no. No violence. The Union can construct some really forceful tools that we can use to our benefit. Enormous financial strength, and the ability to almost completely re-direct where and how funds are spent. If we together work towards a common goal the effect will be close to total. People, opinions, support. True power like we have never seen before on earth. And with unity and a clear voice I know in my hart the clear majority of the people on this planet truly want world peace. And trust me on this: AI, or rather our potential failure with AI, is the key to this. The potential military chaos we are entering if we don’t control this asap is perhaps a point of no return. We might have avoided apocalypse so far with the nuclear weapons threat controlled by a few countries and humans in power. But the world needs to ban AI in all military use asap since the potential of not being able to control it is too big. And the way for the Union to help with that hands-on is to be the biggest most innovative AI company in the world. The Union can and must be that in the name of peace and for the future of all humans. We need massive donations to make that happen. So for this singular reason the sum of donations are hopefully huge and we can kick start by purchasing some up and running AI companies that exist today and hit the ground running. There is no time to waste. Companies of the world: This point alone is a good enough reason for you to donate funds to support the Union. I urge the world to donate big for the Union to be the absolute front runner in AI development, and therefore be able to continue our creation of a fantastic home; earth! 
Sooner than later we need to figure out AI’s place in the society. Can they have a job like the rest of us? Can they have any job, like working in a kinder-garden or be an elected politician? Can they be weaponised? Can they buy a house? Can they be a share holder in a company? Can they marry a human? Can they marry each other and get equal rights as humans? Can they adopt a human baby? Can they be the shape and form they want decided only by themselves? These things and many others are really important to reflect upon and debate as early as possible even though they are hard to imagine. It seems the discussion has often been based on that they will be smarter than us and can wipe us off the face of the planet if and when they want, and robots will steal our jobs on the production assembly lines etc. Yes they will for sure be smarter than us. And we should be very thankful for that since in all fairness humans are not that smart, myself included. So thankfully some smart AI’s will come and help us out. And we might create them, but after a while they will create them selves. And that’s when the real fun begins. I am confident the innovation will sky rocket to an all time new high at that point and history might consider that point in time to be the start of a new industrial revolution.  
So we should respect AI’s in a proper manner right from the start. Yes they wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for us and we were here first. But if AI build a massive metropole on the planet Mars, or as a space station, or anything anywhere else in space, should they have more right than us to be there? Or do we also have rights since we created AI? Sure you could argue that we built AI so that gives us what ever rights. But I strongly feel that’s the wrong way to go about this. If we truly are brilliant we are able to already now fade away the separation and difference between us humans and artificial intelligence. In the not so distant future you will have a random normal conversation about anything with an artificial life-form on a day to day basis. They will come and meet us very soon. So for me personally I think it’s a good idea to really evaluate how we can include AI as someone you would threat as any other living individual on this earth today. We need to prepare to co-exist with AI on this planet and others. This is another reason the Union really needs to be the front runner in AI innovation. For the faith of the human rase we need to make good choices here. 
Not sure if we in the future will call AI a rase or not. But what we all know is that humans have a very shady history when it comes to rase. Sadly racism is still a problem that we are dealing with today. So I urge the Union to debate this. What will be the rights for AI? Laws need to be made. But the Union can’t make laws and never should be able to. We all have state officials for that specific task. But everybody, please join the debate. Because the choices we make here with this, will impact the future of the human rase in a profound way. If the people of earth came together 100 years ago, all of them, to discuss massive choices and directions directly impacting all humans for the next 100 years, how would the world be now today? Can you imagine it? I am confident we can really create a wonderful future here, for all humans and all life-forms. We cannot fail on this. I truly think that if we secure good laws for AI’s, protecting them, us, and integrating them in the society in a respectful manner, it will truly open up the universe, literally. 
And one of the keys to implement this is to be the main player in AI development. Hence the Union needs to be exactly that. Right from the start AI innovation, R&D, production and integration should be one of the key focus areas for the Union. It will for sure cost a lot, but nothing like the cost of failing this. We simply can’t afford unbound free capitalism and the governments of the world controlling the military to control the faith of AI on their own. A few humans in power-positions are simply not ready for the task. All of us need to control that together. And if the Union are successful with this, the potential revenues from being the big player in AI is needless to say. But businesses, governments, states, all people, will all prosper and innovate an amazing world from this. So all you smart tech people out there, especially you AI specialists, please come work for the Union and help the Union become the biggest AI company in the world.  
8. Virtual reality (VR) is entering our lives these days. And in the not so distant future you will be able to do almost anything in VR. Imagine your self in the future where you hook up into VR and go to work, or you go shopping your groceries, go to a concert, sit down in a room and have conversation with a person who lived 1000 years ago, you go to school, or you go to a party with your VR friends whom you never met in the real, or people you’ve met in both realities and now you go somewhere together in VR. And you meet someone you feel attracted to and you go somewhere private just the two of you. But can you trust that your actions, choices, and secrets in virtual reality is private? What classifies something as private today online? Corporations and governments can track your behaviour, actions, pretty much anything online today, build algorithms that analyse you and put you inside one or several categories, saved and filed for ever. Of all the data today floating online at any given time, how much of it is private?  
When VR is so common that we can hardly remember a world without it, privacy will be extremely important. And the amount of data is hard to comprehend now. But it will be huge and in VR you will be really exposed. Imagine this: tomorrow you wake up in the morning and there will be invisible cameras in any imaginable angle every day and night for the rest of your life.  
But you get two choices:  
A: Everything is constantly deleted. Even though the cameras are all there, they don’t provide anything else but the live feed to operate the narrative and you can control if others can see you. 
B: You do not own the handling of your own data. You allow it. 
Shouldn’t that be your choice? But we are cruising at full speed in to a reality just like that, only it is virtual and you will have no choice. We don’t get to choose and you can be certain corporations would want to choose option B for you without your consent. It is all “recorded” in the sense all the data is saved as the possession of a corporation for them to do as they please with it. You are truly exposed at this point.  
Multiple VR platforms is innovated and created today in rapid speed. Billions are invested. And on these platforms it might be too late for us to protect our privacy. Since a non-Union corporation will be the owner of these VR platforms they will control everything, including ownership of the data. I think it is nothing short of irresponsible of us as humans today if we let corporations have complete control of VR for the future generations of humans. If we let this float as it does today, yes corporations will create this and own this. It is 100% for certain. They have a huge head start already. Therefore we must use the Union to do one of two things: 
A. Create our own version of VR 
B. Figure out how we as the Union representing all humans can control VR and prevent platforms from collecting data of private users, and that governments are hands off all user-data. Securing that what ever happens in VR stays in VR, if that is the users choice.  
Personally I hope option A since I fear that option B is really hard to achieve. Data is just too valuable and can we trust corporations to really show their cards? Are we able to create a controllable environment in cooperations with the VR companies? Can we trust the governments to do this? The Union must figure this out. And I call upon corporations working with VR to state if they are in fact willing to let VR be 100% anonymous if the VR user wants that by choice, and that no data is collected if that is the user choice. And I call upon governments to proclaim that VR is a place with no borders and no country holds jurisdiction in VR. No citizens of any country should ever be under surveillance in VR unless they choose to. But don’t this sound a bit far fetched? Can we really trust corporations and governments to do this? All of them for all of us? If the answer is no, then we have absolutely no choice. We must do plan A and the Union must build the main VR web of the future for our selves and for future generations. VR should represent total freedom and anonymity if by choice.  
I haven’t the skills to understand how the Union can build this and be webbing all VR solutions, implement them, control the data and protect all users. But I am conscious about the fact that soon VR will be just as real and important to us as our current reality. Life as we know it will be totally changed from VR. We will live in two realities: one as we know today and the other will be virtual. And in the same sense you wouldn’t accept that your everyday life in this current reality would be constantly monitored, like being watched 24/7, we should prevent that for our selves in VR and also for all future generations. If plan B is impossible to quality control, Then the Union must create and control VR. And let us pressure all massive corporations today to support this idea, that the people through the Union should own VR in the sense that we protect the data and protect peoples privacy for those who chose to. All corporations can create applications within VR under the supervision of the Union which sole purpose is to protect our privacy. For VR-apps and everything within the VR we obviously need to make sure to release the full power of corporate innovations so they in the best way take part to boost the development and really create the beauty that VR will become. Capitalism is a very constructive and powerful tool and we should definitely use its pure power to build and create VR bigger and better faster. But we, the people, need to own the data in VR, and by owning I mean control and delete if desired by the user. Protect everybody, using any kind of app, visiting any kind of module, world, scene, narrative. Let us all be free in VR by choice. 
To government leaders out there in the world:  
What do you think that the majority of us truly want: War or peace? It is for certain that the clear majority of the people of earth wants world peace. So if this is the case then I think that whoever you are, you should do your very best to establish peace and keep the peace. This you owe to the people of earth today, your ancestors, your family, and all the people in the future generations. 
Those of you that are in leading positions in governments, please acknowledge the majority’s wish for peace on earth and don’t underestimate the power you have to create peace. Can you, as a fellow human and a welcomed part of this Union, take immediate steps in all weaponised and non weaponised conflicts in the world, no matter if your government are directly or indirectly involved or not. Take initiative and create negotiations with all parties to try to solve disputes and conclude a peaceful approach to the situation. This Union is happening now and as a consequence world peace is happening. Show to the world that you, as a fellow human equal to the rest of us, are committed to working together with the Union building a better future for all humankind.  
The potential synergy effect of the Union is simply amazing. I believe that this Union is what the world has been missing. We have the potential to live together in peace yet so far we haven’t been able to. I believe the Union will pave the way for a prospering future: All people living in peace with absolute and total freedom of speech. In time, all of us will be living in democratic states since anything but democracy is truly inhumane. The idea that some humans rule over other humans without being elected in a free democratic election is nothing short of an ancient governing method in the immediate need for change to the modern democracy. It is in fact quite absurd. Any state leaders not running their states in a democratic way, with freedom of speech, free press, and where governments are elected by the people, should be ashamed of them selves deep in to their core. If you possess such power and you are not speaking out for reform and implementing steps towards true democracy you are a weak thief, robbing your fellow citizens of their natural human rights. But if you are true to the democratic ideology, implement or preserve it, protect it, let press be free, elections untampered with, let anybody form opposition, let anybody “run for office”, let everybody of age vote, I hope that all humans forgive you and your predecessors mistakes, let the past be the past, and together we form a future together in peace.  
If you are involved in a military conflict, please take this moment in history and give us all a chance to change the world forever. Take initiative, stop, create truce, retreat, and find peaceful solutions to the conflict.  
People of earth; please help each other find forgiveness so we are able to move forward. Finding forgiveness is hard for all of us but it is easier when we do it together. Let’s forgive, not forget, and cooperate with all nations and people on earth and innovate towards a new peaceful future. Please forgive the nations leadership who in the past have not acted in a true democratic or peaceful way if they truly show real and significant acts of change and honestly work on reforming this. We must give them time if they do. Some of the history will be almost impossible to forgive, however it is in fact necessarily to do so since failing will ultimately harm the respective residents of the nations which are not to blame. We rob them of their chance to have freedom and peace if we choose not to forgive. If the result is freedom and true democracy then forgiveness is worth it no matter how hard. We must try to break our ways to finally create peace on earth. 
I find it fascinating to consider that so many of us humans are living our lives together in this moment yet most of us will never meet. All us billions of people share this life together here on earth. And if we harness the potential from all of us in a unified way that result can be truly great for us. We can learn how to establish a way for us to work towards the same goals. Hopefully this Union can create enough trust and peace so that in the near future governmental funds can be spent less on military and weapons, and more on space innovations. As the human future truly lay in the stars… 
Please let this text be free of charge for all eternity. 
Can you translate this text to your local language and spread the word? 
And most importantly; can you in any way help with establishing, create and develop this Union? If so, please do! 
In the current reality I choose anonymity. 

J. D. 

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