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flått'a'gitt.. Kunta Kinte har funnet min email og sendt meg et tigge-brev..

hehe.. -og for å gjøre det mer troverdigt, så var det sendt fra en freeserv-email..-med "Freeserve AnyTime - HALF PRICE for the first 3 months - Save £7.50 a month" nederst.. :no:


noen som har lyst til å sende reply på denne? :dribble:



A.A.S Lottery Headquarters:

Customer Service

580 N. Tenth Street

Sacramento, CA 85914

Euro - Afro Asian Sweepstake Lottery

an Affiliate of Foundmoney International

Arena Complex Km 18 Route de Rufisque

I.P.P Award Dept.


johannesburg, south africa.


Batch: 03/06/MA34





We happily announce to you the draw of the Euro - Afro


Asian Sweepstake Lottery International programs

held on the 1st of NOVEMENBER 2003 in Dakar Senegal.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 564

756545 188 with Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky

numbers: 31-6-34-13-35-7, which subsequently won you

the lottery in the 2nd category.


You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum

of US$2,500,000.00 (Two million,Five Hundred Thousand

United States Dollars) in cash credited to file

KPC/9080118308/03.This is from a total cash prize of

US $ 25 Million dollars, shared amongst the first

Fifty (10) lucky winners in this category.


Please note that your lucky winning number falls

within our European booklet representative office in

Europe as indicated in your play coupon.


In view of this, your US$2,500,000.00 (Two

million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) would be released to you by our security firm in Europe.


Our European agent will immediately commence the

process to facilitate the release of your funds as

soon as you contact him.

All participants were selected randomly from World

Wide Web site through computer draw system and

extracted from over 100,000 companies. This promotion

takes place annually.


For security reasons, you are advised to keep your

winning information confidential till your claims is

processed and your money remitted to you in whatever

manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part

of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming

and unwarranted abuse of this program by some

unscrupulous elements. Please be warned.



To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please

quote your reference/batch numbers in any

correspondences with us or our designated agent.


Congratulations once more from all members and staffs

of this program. Thank you for being part of our

promotional lottery program. You are to contact our

Fiduciary agent as quickly as possible.


We await your response urgently so that we can furnish

you with the relevant details of our agent.





AFRO-ASIAN Zonal Coordinator.

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Vi fikk en tilsvarende fra Spania, og det hadde visstnok hele St. Pete også fått... Dersom vi hadde innebetalt 3 millioner USD slik at de så at kontoen virket, skulle de sende en billion(milliard er vel oversettelsen?!) eller to...


Dersom noen har lyst til å innbetale skal de få lov! De skal til og med få en eventuel premie!

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Fikk akkurat samme e-posten en gang(faktisk bare 2 mnd siden)

Visste jo at dette bare var bullshit, men tenkte jeg skulle bli med på leken.(ihvertfall så lenge de ikke spurte om bankkontonummer ol.)


Fyllte ut skjemaene som fulgte med og fikk svar etter ett par dager, joda det stemte det at jeg hadde vunnet 5mill dollar, så trengte de litt info om meg,(for å verifisere at det var meg) så jeg sendte dem det(vel og merke uten personnummer), tok noen dager igjen og jeg mottok en ny mail om at nå var jeg verifisert, så nå måtte jeg betale dem 500 euro for å få ut pengene, dette var for gebyruttak ol.

Sendte dem da en mail om hvorfor kunne de ikke bare bruke 500 euro fra de 5mill jeg hadde vunnet.......Fikk mail tilbake at det kunne de ikke, for de hadde ikke tilgang til pengene mine,de stod på en sperret konto som bare jeg kunne heve penger fra.....(bullshit)


Sjekket litt rundt på nettet og fant ut at de var svartelistet på en offisiell liste over bedragere(husker ikke helt hva den lista heter), konfronterte dem med det og har aldri hørt noe etterpå.....

Så folkens, pass på! Utrolig hva folk finner på.

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Får ofte sånne rare mail fra afrikanske folk med navn som "Dr. Hassan Bello" med "urgent business proposal". De har alltid høye finansielle stillinger i banker eller lignende. Forslaget de kommer med, er å få sette inn så og så mange millioner/milliarder dollar på min konto en stund mot at jeg får f.eks 10% av det. Har aldri svart på noen sånne, men folk som tror på dette og gjør det de ber om, blir garantert svindlet for det meste de har av penger.


Dessverre er det noen som er dumme nok... da kan man ikke ha mye IQ tilgjengelig.

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Han her vil rett og slett bare sette penger inn på kontoen min. SÅ heldig er jeg




Dear Friend,


I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of the late

President of Nigeria. I was falsely accused of murder

And as such was imprisoned, but thanks to Allah, I

Have been released for my innocence.



Well dear friend I need your assistance in transferring

some of my money into your account, because the

Government is making plans to seize them, as they did

To my fathers own. The amount is $14.7 million in the International payment center abroad. All that is needed is for me to instruct the company to transfer the funds to your account. I will remunerate you with 20% at the end, but most of all is that Solicit your trust in this transaction.



I have been confined only to Kano and all my calls are Monitored, so I will get my private attorney barrister Bala Williams  to get you the needed information’s. While replying include your personal phone and fax line for the business to Commence right away. Meanwhile you can contact my Attorney through his email address; [email protected]


I anticipate your quick reply.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Abacha.

Lenke til kommentar
Han her vil rett og slett bare sette penger inn på kontoen min. SÅ heldig er jeg




Dear Friend,


I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of the late

President of Nigeria. I was falsely accused of murder

And as such was imprisoned, but thanks to Allah, I

Have been released for my innocence.



Well dear friend I need your assistance in transferring

some of my money into your account, because the

Government is making plans to seize them, as they did

To my fathers own. The amount is $14.7 million in the International payment center abroad. All that is needed is for me to instruct the company to transfer the funds to your account. I will remunerate you with 20% at the end, but most of all is that Solicit your trust in this transaction.



I have been confined only to Kano and all my calls are Monitored, so I will get my private attorney barrister Bala Williams  to get you the needed information’s. While replying include your personal phone and fax line for the business to Commence right away. Meanwhile you can contact my Attorney through his email address; [email protected]


I anticipate your quick reply.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Abacha.

en sånn har jeg også fått, opptil flere ganger :D

Lenke til kommentar
Han her vil rett og slett bare sette penger inn på kontoen min. SÅ heldig er jeg




Dear Friend,


I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of the late

President of Nigeria.    (bla bla bla masse om å sette inn penger på din konto)...

Akkurat det samme som "Dr. Hassan Bello" foreslo for meg...

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