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Elon Musk kjøper Twitter for 44 milliardar dollar

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Espen Hugaas Andersen skrev (1 time siden):

Er han anti-vaxer?

Tror kanskje det er en slags spøk, men skjønner den ikke.

RFK er komplett koko.

Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain," Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month.

Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk.

Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones.

AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times.


Og anti-vaxx er selvsagt en viktig del av misinformasjonen han står for:


As he tells it, after hearing from mothers convinced their children had been harmed by a mercury-based preservative in routine vaccines, he became a convert to their cause. (The preservative in question was removed from most childhood vaccines in 2001 out of an abundance of caution and was never used in the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines that were the focal point for concerns about autism.)

In 2005, he made this argument in an exposé called "Deadly Immunity" in Rolling Stone and on Salon.com. The piece turned out to be deeply compromised by errors and selective use of evidence and was eventually retracted in 2011.

Despite study after study finding no connection between vaccines and autism, Kennedy has only dug in deeper to his discredited beliefs. For years, they put him on the fringe of American public discourse — until COVID-19.


Og han representerer de grovest misinformerte av amerikanere:

Today, Kennedy says the social media bans and the media's rejection of his views over the years are what galvanized him to run for president.

He accuses the White House of orchestrating his deplatforming. He is suing the Biden administration and media outlets including The Associated Press, The Washington Post, the BBC and Reuters for alleged censorship.



Covid-19 Targets Certain Races

Robert Kennedy Jr had bizarrely suggested during the peak COVID-19 pandemic that the disease targets certain races while skipping others. According to him, Covid "ethnically targeted" white and black people and "spared" the Jewish and Chinese people.


CIA Helped In John F Kennedy's Assassination 

Robert F Kennedy Jr claimed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in the 1963 assassination of former US President John F Kennedy. 


Endret av Red Frostraven
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Espen Hugaas Andersen skrev (3 timer siden):

Nå mente jeg Rotevatn. Men tror det bare var en litt rar spøk.

Han siterer en bruker han kaller "MagaNorge7362". Så han logger inn på twitter, ser den tweeten fra nevnte bruker, logger ut. Som var spøken :) 

Endret av Evil-Duck
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:utakt skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 11:55 AM):

Twitters egen AI, "Grok", er ikke veldig imponert over Musk. 😂



  Vis skjult innhold

Who personally spreads the most misinformation on X?


Based on various analyses, social media sentiment, and reports, Elon Musk has been identified as one of the most significant spreaders of misinformation on X since he acquired the platform. Here are key points highlighting why he is often pointed out:


Engagement and Visibility: As the owner of X and with one of the largest followings on the platform, Musk's posts receive massive visibility. His statements, whether factual or not, quickly reach a wide audience, which significantly amplifies the spread of the information he shares.

Content of Posts: Musk has made numerous posts that have been criticized for promoting or endorsing misinformation, especially related to political events, elections, health issues like COVID-19, and conspiracy theories. His endorsements or interactions with content from controversial figures or accounts with a history of spreading misinformation have also contributed to this perception.

Platform Policies: Since taking over, Musk has altered X's approach to content moderation, which critics argue has led to an increase in the spread of misinformation. His decision to reinstate previously banned accounts known for misinformation, like those of Alex Jones and others, has also been a point of contention.

Public and Media Criticism: Both users on X and external observers, including media outlets, have frequently criticized Musk for spreading misinformation. For instance, reports have highlighted how Musk's posts, especially around election integrity, have sometimes contradicted verified facts or official statements, leading to widespread confusion.

Impact: The impact of Musk's misinformation is notable not just because of the platform's scale but also because of his influence. When he comments on or shares misinformation, it tends to gain legitimacy among his followers, which can have real-world consequences, especially during significant events like elections.


However, it's important to approach this topic with nuance:


Subjectivity: The definition of 'misinformation' can be subjective, depending on one's political or ideological stance. What one group considers misinformation might be seen by another as an alternative viewpoint or a challenge to mainstream narratives.

Broader Ecosystem: While Musk is frequently mentioned due to his prominence, the spread of misinformation on X involves a complex ecosystem of users, bots, and coordinated campaigns, not just individual actions.

Platform Dynamics: The nature of social media itself, where information spreads rapidly and often without immediate fact-checking, contributes to the misinformation problem beyond any single individual's actions.


Therefore, while Elon Musk is often cited in discussions about misinformation on X due to his unique position and the volume of his posts, the broader issue of misinformation involves many actors and structural platform dynamics.


David Corn



4. nov.

Elon Musk is perhaps the nation’s top disinformation purveyor, possibly surpassing Trump. x.com/beckerdavidj/s…


Mother Jones



3. nov.

Elon Musk is not just the Trump-supporting owner of the social media platform X.


It turns out he is also one of the platform’s biggest peddlers of election disinformation. https://motherjones.com/politics/2024/08/election-disinformation-elon-musk-x-trump-harris/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/08/election-disinformation-elon-musk-x-trump-harris/


Mother Jones



4. nov.

Elon Musk is not just the Trump-supporting owner of the social media platform X.


It turns out he is also one of the platform’s biggest peddlers of election disinformation. https://motherjones.com/politics/2024/08/election-disinformation-elon-musk-x-trump-harris/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/08/election-disinformation-elon-musk-x-trump-harris/





9. nov.

Svar til @davegreenidge57

🔥💯 How Elon Musk and X Became the Biggest Purveyors of Online Misinformation💯🔥 






9. nov.

Svar til @JerasIkehorn

🔥💯 How Elon Musk and X Became the Biggest Purveyors of Online Misinformation💯🔥 



Gary Koepnick




Is there anyone who has spread more misinformation on X than @elonmusk ? 


Based on various analyses and sentiments expressed on X and in media reports, @elonmusk stands out prominently as a significant spreader of misinformation on the platform. Here are some points to consider:


Markus Batchelor



9. nov.

Democracy dies in darkness.


“Apart from Trump himself, Elon Musk is the now biggest spreader of election disinformation.”


Chris Shaw



11. nov.

"Musk has posted over 3,000 times on X in the last month, including dozens of unfounded claims about the election which have been viewed hundreds of millions of times."


"Apart from Trump, Musk is the single biggest spreader of election disinformation."





Det er av sine egne man skal ha det!




Yosemite skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 6:33 PM):


De har også allerede noe som heter Government Accountability Office, som nettopp ser på ressursbruk og slikt.

Så ikke bare bruker de to personer til dette, men de lager en ny organisasjon for noe som allerede eksisterer, så det blir to av det også.

Ekstrem effektivitet!




Krig og fred skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 10:07 PM):

Jeg hadde gledelig betalt et abonnement for Bluesky, i motsetning til alle andre platformer. 

Hvis hele Bluesky er åpent, er det ikke fare for at de kan slite med å tjene penger? Det virker som en lovende tjeneste, men hvis de ikke klarer å få nok inntekter så vil det ikke gå så bra.




Red Frostraven skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 10:41 PM):

"Children yearn for the mines."

Republikanere har allerede jobbet hard i enkelte delstater for å for eksempel gjøre barnearbeid lovlig...

Endret av Markiii
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uname -i skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 6:45 PM):

Smarte mennesker pleier å si smarte ting, formulere seg godt og har hvertfall av og til en humor som er på et høyere nivå enn promp-og-pupper humoren til en 12-årig gutt.

Tja, det kommer an på hva man mener med "smart". Folk på autismespekteret kan ha ekstreme evner innenfor visse ting, men kan slite med å for eksempel uttrykke seg verbalt.


Man kommer forøvrig langt ved å vokse opp i en rik apartheid-familie og ha absolutt null komma null av etikk eller moral.

Faren var jo en anti-apartheid-aktivist. Han var vel med i, eller var leder av, et slikt parti eller noe slikt.

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-C64- skrev (På 13.11.2024 den 9:50 PM):

"Kanskje vi har undervurdert Musk. Han har klart å skape et høyreekstremt ekkokammer som ser ut til å ha klart å spre holdninger og løgner ut til andre deler av befolkningen. Dette i samarbeid med andre høyreekstreme medier."

haha, han ødela venstresidens mulighet til å sensurer meningsmotstandere ja, men jeg synes ikke ytringsfrihet er mye til høyreekstremt. Tvert i mot burde vi kunne ta ytringsfrihet som en selvfølge. 

Demokratenes kamp mot ytringsfrihet, innføring av ny-rasisme, innføring av 1000 kjønn der alle må akseptere galskapen etc, er mer totalitært. Takk Gud for at Trump vant over galskapen!

Twitter Files avslørte at President Trump ba Twitter om å utestenge brukere som kritiserte ham eller gjorde narr av ham. Både Trump og Musk har flere ganger saksøkt folk for ytringer. Trump fengsle folk som benytter seg av ytringsfriheten i grunnloven. Trump vil også gjøre det enklere å saksøke folk for ærekrenkelser. Han har også sagt at hvis ikke Google gjør som han vil, så vil han stenge ned hele selskapet. Og så videre.

Hva sa du, sa du?

Elon Musk elsker også selv å sensurere, forresten:


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Snikpellik skrev (På 14.11.2024 den 5:14 PM):

Bundesliga-klubben St. Pauli forlater X. Den første virkelig store fotballklubben som gjør det, meg bekjent. De flytter over til BlueSky.

De begrunner det slik:

Since taking over Twitter, as the platform was previously known, Musk has converted X into a hate machine. Racism and conspiracy theories are allowed to spread unchecked and even curated. Insults and threats are seldom sanctioned and are sold as freedom of speech.

In addition, following his election victory Donald Trump has picked Musk to head up a new government department. Musk was a major backer of the Trump campaign and also used X for this purpose. It is to be assumed that X will also promote authoritarian, misanthropic and far-right content during the forthcoming German election campaign, this manipulating the public discourse.

FC St. Pauli had already curbed its use of X and increasingly posted political statements in support of diversity and inclusion to make a stand against hate. Now the club is ceasing its activity on X. The account will no longer be used, but the content of the last 11 years will remain online in view of its contemporary historical value.

The club would like to thank its members for the critical exchange on what to do about X and calls on its followers on the platform to switch to BlueSky. FC St. Pauli’s English account will also move to BlueSky.



Andre klubber i Bundesliga vurderer å følge etter St. Pauli, og forlate plattformen til fordel for Bluesky.

Wolfsburg said: 'We are monitoring the current situation surrounding Twitter/X and Elon Musk very critically. We want to reach our target group without influence and provide added value for VfL and the Bundesliga. The radicalization of the content, the clear orientation towards the right and of course Musk's work in American politics mean that we are considering leaving the network more intensively than ever. We will make a decision on this in the near future'

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Tåkefyrste skrev (34 minutter siden):

Så komisk at alle må annonsere at de forlater en platform.

Slutt å syt og bare dra, ingen bryr seg.

Nå har jeg aldri vært aktiv på Twitter til tross for at jeg har en konto der, men jeg går da utifra at en del av poenget er å si ifra til eventuelle følgere hvor de kan følge med på videre oppdateringer? Hvis jeg følger noen på YouTube som så forsvinner til en ny platform så ville jeg vært interessert i en slik oppdatering, uansett om det ligger noe ekstra bak det også. Det kan være vanskelig å skille de som poster at de forlater kun for å ta et standpunkt, kontra de som gjør det for å få følgerne sine til å følge der også. Jeg vil tippe det er en kombinasjon.

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Tåkefyrste skrev (10 timer siden):

Butthurt for hva? X blir jo bedre for hver dag som går 😂

Ideologisk ekkokammer er altså målet ditt..?

Målet mitt er en plattform hvor det er mulig å diskutere fakta med folk som forstår forskjellen på fakta og fiksjon, med god nok flytene intelligens og selvinnsikt til at man kan bli enige om de mest grunnleggende fakta, og heve diskusjonen til å diskutere virkeligheten, ikke misinformasjon vs grunnleggende fakta.

Så. Vinn vinn..?

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