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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

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Mbappe09 skrev (8 timer siden):

Du er dessverre fryktelig naiv. Det er ikke rart Europa og europeiske politikere sliter og har mistet bakkekontakt. 

Serbia og Russland er som sønn og mor. Ingen land i verden kan splitte disse to. Den serbiske folkesjelen er pro-russisk. Serbia forsøker å ri to hester med EU da de ikke har noe valg når de kun har EU- og NATO land rundt.

Eg er tilhengar av å gje dei ein sjanse. Den serbiske folkesjela kan vere så pro-russisk den vil, så lenge Serbia offisielt ikkje støttar krigen i Ukraina.

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With Russia on Its Doorstep, a Ukrainian Town Packs Its Bags

Ukraine gambled that its move into Russia would draw Moscow’s forces away from the town of Pokrovsk. It didn’t happen. And now resigned residents are evacuating daily.


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Nytt russisk angrep på Ukraina
Russland angrep igjen Ukrainas hovedstad Kyiv med raketter natt til onsdag, mens Lviv helt i vest ble angrepet med droner, melder Ukrainas militære.
Angrepene kommer bare en dag etter at Russland traff et militærakademi i byen Poltava, der minst 50 mennesker ble drept.

Minst to skal være drept og 19 skadet i angrepen mot Lviv, melder Reuters.



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AI sammendrag:

  • Ukrainian Progress in Kursk:

    • Over the past three weeks, Ukrainian forces have advanced into the Russian Federation, liberating nearly 1,300 square kilometers in the Kursk region. Analysts suggest that an additional 700 square kilometers could be seized in the Glushkovo area.
    • For comparison, during the six-month-long Kherson counter-offensive in 2022, Ukraine liberated 4,800 square kilometers.
  • Impact on Russian Society:

    • The Ukrainian control of this territory has caused various reactions in Russia. Ukrainian soldiers are seen aiding Russian civilians left behind, delivering humanitarian aid and assisting in daily needs. In one clip, a woman declares that "Sujia is Ukraine" after receiving help.
    • In contrast, Russian soldiers released videos criticizing men from the Kursk region for fleeing instead of defending their land. However, the local population is generally evacuating rather than supporting the war effort.
  • Discipline Issues in Russian Forces:

    • Surveillance footage shows Russian soldiers, including Chechen troops, looting shops and supermarkets in villages under their control. Reports also allege assaults against young girls, further highlighting the breakdown in discipline within the Russian military.
    • These issues have led to frustration and complaints from the local population.
  • Public Opinion in Russia:

    • A recent poll by the state-owned Public Opinion Foundation revealed that 28% of Russians expressed dissatisfaction with their government’s actions, and President Putin’s approval rating dropped by 3.5%.
    • The Kursk operation, despite being a small part of the region, has had a substantial psychological impact on public sentiment in Russia.
  • Russian Military Shortages:

    • With significant losses on multiple fronts, Russia has been forced to deploy African mercenaries to defend their territory. Videos confirm the presence of these foreign troops, some of whom have been captured by Ukrainian forces.
    • Additionally, footage shows Russian reliance on foreign soldiers, including tanks displaying the old Belarusian flag, while Belarussian volunteers are fighting for Ukraine.
  • Psychological Blow to Russia:

    • The success of the Ukrainian forces in Kursk, coupled with the misconduct of Russian troops, has widened the gap in the effectiveness and legitimacy between the two sides. Ukrainian forces have gained support from local civilians, while Russian forces are seen as increasingly desperate and fragmented.
  • Conclusion:

    • The Ukrainian advances in Kursk have not only exposed the vulnerabilities of Russia’s military efforts but have also triggered growing internal discontent within Russia. These developments could undermine the Kremlin’s control and its ability to sustain its war efforts.


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AI sammendrag:


  • Ukrainian Progress in Kursk:

    • Ukrainian forces are making progress in their offensive in the Kursk oblast. Ukrainian troops conducted multiple assaults around Suja and Korino on September 1, and Ukraine has secured additional villages.
    • The current focus of Ukraine’s offensive is the village of Korino, which is a bottleneck for Russian supply lines. About 3,000 Russian soldiers are reportedly trapped, with limited resupply routes.
  • Russian Chaos and Disorganization:

    • Reports from the Russian side show disorganization and panic. Rumors of a Ukrainian breakout led local militia to fire on civilians and Russian military personnel by mistake, further highlighting the chaos.
    • There are also reports of widespread looting by Russian soldiers and local militia, undermining their ability to defend the region.
  • Russian Leadership's Focus:

    • Despite Ukraine’s incursion, Putin remains focused on offensive operations in Ukraine rather than defending Russian territory. The Russian president seems willing to lose territory in Russia if he can continue making gains in Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian and Russian Forces Reallocated:

    • Additional Ukrainian forces have been reallocated to the Donetsk oblast to stabilize the front line, as Russia continues to make progress toward the town of Pokrovsk.
    • The high-level assessment suggests Ukraine’s offensive in Kursk was partially aimed at drawing Russian forces away from the Donbas, but it hasn’t fully achieved that goal.
  • Russian Terrorist Tactics:

    • Russia has continued its attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals, schools, universities, and churches. These strikes are seen as acts of terror aimed at demoralizing Ukraine’s civilian population.
  • Humanitarian and Educational Targets:

    • The Russian military also bombed a Danish and Norwegian humanitarian church headquarters and an orphanage in Sumy, causing outrage.
    • U.S. and Ukrainian officials have condemned these attacks, calling for more air defense systems and long-range missiles to protect Ukrainian cities from Russian strikes.
  • Frustration with U.S. Policy:

    • Some commentators, such as General Ben Hodges, express frustration with the lack of decisive action from the U.S. government, criticizing statements of support that are not backed by concrete action.
    • There is a call for the U.S. to provide long-range strike capabilities to Ukraine, but the upcoming U.S. elections have made decision-making uncertain.
  • Drone and Missile Strikes on Russia:

    • Ukraine has launched a large-scale drone and missile attack on Russian infrastructure, targeting power plants and oil refineries. This marks a shift in Ukraine’s tactics, as they now target civilian infrastructure in response to Russian strikes on Ukrainian cities.
  • Putin's Visit to Mongolia:

    • Putin visited Mongolia, an ICC (International Criminal Court) member state. Despite an arrest warrant issued by the ICC, Mongolia did not arrest him due to geopolitical complexities.
  • International Support for Ukraine:

    • Several countries, including Serbia, Romania, Germany, and the Netherlands, have announced new aid packages for Ukraine, providing laptops, air defense systems, and military assistance.


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Huff mine tanker går til hjelpemannskapet og frivillige som forsøker å redde liv og berge sårede. Midt opp i alt dette vet de at det er store sjanser for at russerne kjører en double tap og bomber dem. 

Skoler, kirker, universitet, sykehus og boligblokker. Dette er russlands mål når de kjører missilangrep. Nå må alle demokratier våkne. 

Jeg vil oppfordre alle til å donere til Ukraina nå. De har hatt noen skrekkelige uker og de trenger å føle på støtten nå. Og de pengene som doneres kan Ukraina benytte på det de trenger mest akkurat nå. 

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AI sammendrag:

  • Ukrainian Offensive in the Kursk Region:

    • Ukraine has crossed a river near the city of Kursk and is pushing from multiple directions, creating new assault vectors.
    • Ukrainian forces are using artillery to target Russian positions and continue making gradual advancements, despite needing reinforcements.
    • Ukrainian officials indicate they plan to stay in the Kursk region for a long time, though the speaker doubts this will force Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine.
  • Russian Defense Preparations:

    • Russian forces have quickly built robust defensive lines near critical areas, including the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
    • Despite earlier successes, Ukraine faces increased resistance as Russian defense lines become more solid, and Ukraine requires reinforcements for further advancement.
  • Russian Looting in Occupied Areas:

    • Russian soldiers are reportedly looting in the Kursk region, taking personal belongings such as cars and scooters from locals who have fled the area.
  • Developments in Other Frontlines:

    • In Vuhledar (Vuhledar), Russia has made some advances, bypassing Ukrainian defenses, and is expected to gain more ground soon.
    • The pace of Russian assaults has slowed, but there is still a risk that they could break through in certain areas, like Pavlivka, threatening Ukrainian-held regions.
  • Russian Strikes on Ukraine:

    • A significant Russian missile strike on a training facility in the Poltava region resulted in over 50 deaths and 100 injuries, marking one of the deadliest single attacks in 2023.
    • Other Russian strikes targeted civilian infrastructure, including in Lviv and Sumy, exacerbating suffering in Ukraine by cutting off essential services like electricity and water.
  • Ukraine's Defense Challenges:

    • Ukraine lacks strong defensive lines in some regions, raising concerns about holding key territories like Pavlivka.
    • The country also faces logistical challenges in repelling Russian missile strikes, particularly those launched from long distances by strategic bombers.
  • Potential Western Aid:

    • The U.S. has reportedly agreed to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles (AGM-158), which could help Ukraine target Russian positions and airfields.
    • However, the U.S. has not yet granted permission for these weapons to be used on Russian military airfields.
  • Internal Political Developments in Ukraine:

    • Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is expected to be dismissed along with other ministers.
    • A Ukrainian drone commander is under investigation for alleged ties to Russia.
  • New Ukrainian Drone Tactics:

    • Ukraine is using new “Napalm drones” that deploy thermite, a substance that burns for a long time, to attack Russian positions.


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OneWhale og Noah meiner Hvaldimir er skoten ... dei er i ferd med å levera inn ei melding til politiet i samanheng med Hvaldimir sin død.


Jeg aner ikke hvor relevant dette er. Kan være Vladimir som fikk Hvaldimir drept fordi han hadde byttet side, eller en tilfeldig galning som gjorde hærverk ved å drepe en hval. Jeg vet ikke, men plutselig finner man kanskje noe som gjør det mer relevant. Han hadde jo ikke blitt obdusert av norske myndigheter om han hadde dødd et annet sted. 

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