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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

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Dama er visstnok også milliardær. Mon tro om det demper den innebygde russiske kulturelle trangen til å stjele? 😄

Det er forøvrig meget interessant at nesten alle som nå har ansvar for det russiske forsvaret - ikke er militære, men er nære politiske allierte av Putin. Han er åpenbart redd for både korrupsjon og kupp.


Endret av Brother Ursus
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(det er video i lenken)

Russians tell BBC they are worried and angry at Ukraine incursion

Ukraine’s cross-border attack into Kursk region marks the first time since World War Two that a foreign army has been fighting inside Russia.

It is a dramatic and unexpected development in this war, nearly two-and-a-half years after President Vladimir Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The Kremlin has vowed to "force the enemy" out of Russia. President Putin hasn’t publicly used the word "invasion" to describe the Ukrainian offensive, as if to play down what is happening and avoid any sense of panic.

But how are the Russian people reacting?

Drive two-and-a-half hours south of Moscow, into Tula region, and you’ll arrive in the small leafy town of Aleksin.

It’s only 100 miles (160km) from Moscow, yet somehow feels a world away from the Russian capital.

The day we visit there is a patriotic pop concert on the town square. Most of the people I speak with express alarm at what is happening further south.

Since February 2022, Russian state TV has been reporting Russian forces operating in Ukraine.

No-one here expected Russia’s border to be broached.

There is an evident fatigue. Everyone talks of the need for peace. But right now there is no common view of how this can be achieved.

Repeating the official messaging of the state media, some Russians call for “peace on Russia’s terms” (in other words, Ukraine’s full capitulation).

Others express hope that Moscow and Kyiv will sit down at the negotiating table and work out a way to end the conflict.

The Kremlin is still calling what its troops are doing in Ukraine a “special military operation.” It says that now Russia is conducting a “counter-terrorism operation” in Kursk region.

That’s the official view. But ordinary Russians use one simple word to describe all of this: "war".

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Russland er da altså tradisjonelt en nær alliert av Armenia.
Armenia dumpet Russland til fordel for USA og EU etter at Russland ikke klarte å beskytte dem.
Azerbaijan er nær alliert av Tyrkia og tildels Israel, og imot Iran.
Og nå kanskje... Russland?

Endret av Brother Ursus
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Kursk incursion aimed at creating buffer zone to protect Ukraine, Zelenskiy says

In his nightly address on Sunday, Zelenskiy said: “It is now our primary task in defensive operations overall to destroy as much Russian war potential as possible and conduct maximum counteroffensive actions. This includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressor’s territory – our operation in the Kursk region.”



ISW: AFU Overcomes Russia’s Manpower and Equipment Numbers Using Maneuver Operations

Ukraine’s use of maneuver combined with operational surprise in the Kursk region shows how to make greater territorial gains in a much shorter period with fewer fighters and less equipment.



Putin is moody and misfiring — and his regime is getting worried

Ukraine’s operation in Kursk is a body blow to the Russian president, and even Kremlin media sound critical

In 1993, following a botched monetary overhaul, the Russian prime minister accidentally told the country what he was really thinking. “We wanted the best,” Viktor Chernomyrdin said. “But it turned out as usual.” The line still amuses his fatalistic compatriots who have learnt through bitter experience not to hope for “the best” too often.

So last week, as it became clear just how far off course President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has veered, even one of the hyper-patriot military commentators who typically cheerleads for the Kremlin could not restrain himself from slapping the late Chernomyrdin’s phrase over footage showing Ukrainian troops rampaging through Russia’s Kursk region.

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Ett par artikler på norsk. Norske soldater driver med opplæring i bruk av tanks for ukrainske rekrutter. Det dør også en del i Ukraina, men færre enn under covid. 

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zorry skrev (På 18.8.2024 den 2:21 AM):

Forøvrig foreslår jeg at du kontakter Forsvarets forum og oppdaterer dem angående de 1000 ekstra milliardene du vet om: https://www.forsvaretsforum.no/bjorn-arild-gram-forsvaret-jonas-gahr-store/langtidsplanen-styrker-forsvaret-med-600-milliarder/372077

Og du bør vel også gi regjeringen et hint slik at de kan oppdatere hjemmesidene sine: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/styrker-forsvarsevnen-med-600-milliarder/id3032880/

My bad, @zorry! Jeg var litt for kjapp i avtrekkeren og så på dette sitatet fra Regjeringen.no:


Regjeringen vil samlet bruke 1624 milliarder kroner på forsvaret av Norge de neste tolv årene, fram til 2036. Da vil forsvarsbudsjettet være nesten dobbelt så stort som det er i dag, målt i reell kroneverdi.

Det er altså som du korrekt påpeker en styrking av fremtidig budsjett med 600 MRDNOK, det resterende ca 1000 MRDNOK ville ha blitt avsatt uansett, for å si det litt enkelt.

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