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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

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Two Ukrainian Su-27s ruined, four damaged in outdoor attack
A surge of frustration is rippling through social networks from accounts that back Ukraine’s armed forces against the Russian invasion. The catalyst? A Russian attack that occurred over Sunday-Monday [July 31 – August 1]. 


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24 F-16s export papers to Ukraine were signed – Kajsa Ollongren
Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren has signed documents for the export of 24 F-16s to Ukraine, signaling a significant move that could lead to direct engagements with Russian forces. According to Greek media, these jets “will soon face Russian fighters.” 


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1 hour ago, Dragavon said:

Two Ukrainian Su-27s ruined, four damaged in outdoor attack
A surge of frustration is rippling through social networks from accounts that back Ukraine’s armed forces against the Russian invasion. The catalyst? A Russian attack that occurred over Sunday-Monday [July 31 – August 1]. 

En tragedie, men jeg lurer på om årsaken er at ukrainerne har flyttet flyene sine nærmere fronten.

Myrhorod flybase ble interessant nok brukt av amerikanske bombefly i 1944 mot tyskerne.

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SISTE: Norsk statsborger pågrepet for forsøk på spionasje

En norsk statsborger ble mandag denne uken pågrepet av PST.

Vedkommende er siktet for forsøk på spionasje til fordel for Kina, opplyser PST til NTB.

Det er en mann i 30-årene som er pågrepet mandag. Han varetektsfengsles i fire uker.

Mannen ble pågrepet på Gardermoen etter å ha vært i Kina.

– Vi er helt i en innledende og sårbar fase. Derfor vi er ganske ordknappe nå. Kommer ikke til å gi mange detaljer i saken, sier Thomas Blom i PST til pressen etter fengslingsmøtet.

Seniorrådgiver Eirik Veum i Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) sier til NTB at personen er siktet for brudd på straffelovens paragraf 122, som omfatter grov etterretningsvirksomhet mot statshemmeligheter, og paragraf 126, som omfatter annen ulovlig etterretning.


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Yulia Navalnaya is Elected Chair of Human Rights Foundation, Succeeding Garry Kasparov

NEW YORK, NY (July 1, 2024) — The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) is pleased to announce the election of Yulia Navalnaya as its new Chair, succeeding Garry Kasparov after the conclusion of his third term as chairman.

“As someone who has personally witnessed the threat dictatorships pose to our loved ones and the world at large, I am deeply honored to take on the role of Chair of the Human Rights Foundation,” said Yulia Navalnaya. “In these challenging times, defending fundamental rights and freedoms is more crucial than ever. The mission of HRF is close to my heart, and I look forward to helping advance it.”

“I believe in term limits. Unlike the dictators that we fight,” said Garry Kasparov, who has chaired HRF since 2012. Kasparov, who endorsed Navalnaya, expressed enthusiastic confidence in her leadership: “I look forward to supporting Yulia and HRF in this new chapter. It has been a privilege to serve as Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation. Yulia’s courage and commitment to justice are inspiring. HRF will continue to thrive and make an ever-growing impact in the fight for human rights.”

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(google oversatt fra tysk)

Clooneys sue Putin's soldiers

Hollywood star George Clooney and his wife, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, are taking legal action against soldiers of warmonger Vladimir Putin

The Center for the Enforcement of Human Rights International (CEHRI) and the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) of UN human rights lawyer Amal Clooney (46) and her husband, Hollywood star George Clooney  (63), are suing Putin soldiers

The foundation announced that it had filed a lawsuit with the Austrian Federal Prosecutor's Office on Monday demanding an investigation into the crimes of sexual violence and murder committed by Russian forces in Ukraine.

The background is evidence against perpetrators who occupied a village in the Kyiv region in the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The CFJ represents two women who were raped by Russian soldiers during that time.

"This case is first and foremost a testament to the incredible courage of the two Ukrainian women who decided to speak out and seek justice," said Anya Neistat, legal director of the ECJ's Docket Initiative, which promotes accountability for atrocities around the world.

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Siktet for spionasje-forsøk: Dette er nordmannen

Den siktede er en mann i 30-årene som er bosatt i Oslo. Han har i flere år hatt en tilknytning til Arbeiderpartiet.

Mandag ble den Oslo-bosatte mannen i 30-årene pågrepet og siktet for forsøk på spionasje til fordel for Kina.

Han har tidligere engasjert seg politisk i kamp mot ekstremisme.

Mannen har i flere år også hatt en tilknytning til Oslo Arbeiderparti.

Han har i dag et verv i et lokallag – sammen med sentrale Arbeiderparti-politikere.

– Han har deltatt i dette partilaget i en tid, men ikke hatt noen fremtredende tillitsverv noe sted i Oslo Ap, sier Frode Jacobsen, som er leder i Oslo Ap, til VG.


Vært politisk aktiv i kampen mot ekstremisme, ja? Og så selger han ut landet sitt til fordel for Kinas kommunistparti? Dette er vel godhetssposering og dydssignalisering på et helt nytt nivå.

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Yesterday, on 1 July, Ukrainian pilots struck a Russian ammunition depot in the temporarily occupied Crimea, according to the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Mykola Oleshchuk

Ukrainian aviation continues to carry out combat missions and launch missile and bomb strikes on the Russian positions, as well as destroy military facilities in the deep rear of the Russians.



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Bikkja orban gjør som hans herre og mester putler befaler.



Ukraine should cease fire and start negotiations with Russia, says Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a joint press conference with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv.

According to him, the war has a very intense impact on the security of Europe.



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8 minutes ago, Enceladus said:

Er vel et potensiale å benytte slike gamle utrangerte fly som decoys? Håper det var tilfellet her.

Men nå når F-16 snart er på plass må vi fanken meg også få på plass nok luftvern til å beskytte dem!

F-16 blir nok stående i vestre Ukraina. De har en rekkevidde på over 4200km.

Det faktum at disse SU-27 har stått der i 30 år gjør at jeg tenker at russerne visste (eller burde ha visst!) at det bare var skrog, og at de likevel tok dem ut for propaganda eller fordi de har få gode mål.

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