qualbeen Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 toreae skrev (6 timer siden): Skytingen nær Trump hadde ingenting med Trump å gjøre, og Trump var aldri i fare, etter det jeg har fått med meg. Nja ... joda, Trump var ikke i nærheten da skuddene fra sikkerhetsstyrkene smalt. Men det var jo fordi nevnte sikkerhetsstyrker oppdaget at noen drev å rigget seg til inni buskene. Hva hadde skjedd om mannen hadde fått sitte uforstyrret i fred, tror du? Det er vel ganske nærliggende å tro han ønsket å "campe" der til Trump selv tuslet inn i skuddhold, på denne golfbanen? - Litt OT i forhold til tråden, men det er nå så. 1 Lenke til kommentar
bojangles Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 (endret) Endret 16. september 2024 av bojangles 5 1 Lenke til kommentar
bojangles Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 AI sammendrag: Spoiler 1. Ukrainian Offensive in Kursk Region Initial Attack: The Ukrainian forces launched a powerful offensive across the border towards Glushkovo. The Russians, recognizing the imminent threat, tried to establish logistical lines using pontoon bridges and the Korenevo-Glushkovo highway. Ukrainian Anticipation: Ukraine anticipated these moves and targeted Russian reinforcements using ATACMS cluster warheads, effectively neutralizing Russian efforts. 2. Russian Struggles and Isolation Russian Logistical Issues: Around 3,000 Russian soldiers in the Glushkovo area have struggled to maintain logistical support, as crucial roads, including the Glushkovo-Korenevo highway, are under Ukrainian fire control. This has isolated the Russian forces, leaving only bridges across the Seym River as the remaining supply routes. Pontoon Bridges Destroyed: Combat footage shows Ukrainian forces using HIMARS to destroy Russian pontoon bridges and construction equipment. Ukrainian drone operators also destroyed Russian equipment attempting to repair these bridges. 3. Russian Counterattacks Russian Counteroffensive: The Russians launched several counterattacks, attempting to retake the Korenevo-Glushkovo highway to reconnect their forces. Redeployed troops from eastern Ukraine entered Snagost and launched assaults on Ukrainian positions in various villages. Ukrainian Defense: Ukraine was prepared for the counterattack, using FPV drone units to target Russian assault units along the highway. These drones continuously disrupted Russian reinforcements, striking troops every five minutes. 4. Ukrainian Tactical Success Preparation for the Next Offensive: Ukrainian forces assembled a formidable assault group, including tanks and engineering vehicles, to clear Russian fortifications at the border. The assault group advanced across open fields, knowing that the Russians had not had time to lay landmines, and moved towards the town of Veseloye, which they are now storming. Breakthrough: The weak Russian response allowed Ukrainian forces to break through by at least three kilometers, leaving only seven kilometers to reach Glushkovo. 5. Russian Desperation Night Reinforcements: In a desperate attempt to reinforce their defenses, Russian troops tried to use the Seym River bridges to deploy soldiers under cover of night. However, Ukrainian drone operators detected the movement and called in a HIMARS strike, inflicting heavy casualties. 6. Strategic Implications Russian Vulnerabilities: The Ukrainian offensive has outflanked Russian forces that had penetrated into Ukrainian-held territory, putting them at risk of encirclement. This development undermines the Russian efforts to reestablish logistical lines to Glushkovo and exposes weaknesses in their operational planning. Tactical Shift: The success of the Ukrainian strategy highlights a shift in the tactical balance in favor of Ukraine, potentially leading to a major setback for Russian forces and altering the broader dynamics of the conflict. 7. Support for Ukraine The video concludes by promoting an online store, UA Supporter, where viewers can purchase products with Ukrainian symbols to show support for both the channel and Ukraine. In summary, the Ukrainian forces have successfully launched a significant offensive in the Kursk region, disrupting Russian supply lines and counterattacks, leading to a potential breakthrough that could have larger strategic implications in the conflict. 4 3 Lenke til kommentar
Jarmo Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Sitat Hasheim mener droner vil bli helt avgjørende i fremtidens kriger. Annenhver uke ser han nye innovasjoner i Ukraina. Tiltak og mottiltak rulles ut i et voldsomt tempo. https://www.nrk.no/norge/forsvaret-henger-etter-i-drone-kapplopet-1.17026619 3 6 Lenke til kommentar
Sjørøver Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Jarmo skrev (11 minutter siden): https://www.nrk.no/norge/forsvaret-henger-etter-i-drone-kapplopet-1.17026619 Begynner å forstå hvorfor de ikke tok ut opsjonen på flere stridsvogner. 3 Lenke til kommentar
lada1 Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 (endret) Innen forsvaret er det ofte (intern) kamp om bevilgninger. De store med høye sjefer (gamle ringrever) har en tendens til å vinne. Slik er det mange steder innen det offentlige. Endret 16. september 2024 av lada1 2 1 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg Dragavon Skrevet 16. september 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 1 4 5 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg oddeh Skrevet 16. september 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 💪 8 5 Lenke til kommentar
Jarmo Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 - Ukrainernes innovasjonsevner er generelt veldig imponerende - viljen til å sette ressurser bak og realisere sjumilssteg, sier Nils Håheim-Saers, overingeniør ved dronegruppen i forskningsinstituttet NORCEs teknologiavdeling, til Dagbladet. https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/nytt-vapen-veldig-flinke/81937469 6 3 Lenke til kommentar
DrAlban3000 Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Men dette designet jo Nammo for lenge siden, må bare lage fler! https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/nytt-vapen-veldig-flinke/81937469 https://www.nammo.com/story/drone-mounted-m72-shows-promising-results/ 5 3 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg Dragavon Skrevet 16. september 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Sitat Fremmedkrigeren fra Japan takker sine norske instruktører for at han i dag lever og at han har to ben å stå på. For den japanske fremmedkrigeren «Munin» er den norske sanitetsutdanningen han fikk, grunnen til at han i dag har to ben. Kallenavnet «Munin» har han i likhet med mange av sine ukrainske kolleger hentet fra norrøn mytologi. Munin er en av ravnene til guden Odin. Han er tettbygd, blid og nettopp utskrevet fra sykehuset. Han bestiller et glass med tradisjonell japansk Matcha-te og begynner å fortelle om det han har opplevd. Før krigen hadde han en ukrainsk venn. Under den russiske invasjonen forsøkte vennen å flykte sammen med familien sin. Han ble drept da bilen de satt i ble beskutt av russiske soldater i nærheten av byen Tsjernihiv, nord i Ukraina. Drapet gjorde Munin sint. – Da bestemte jeg meg for å verve meg, sier japaneren. https://www.forsvaretsforum.no/reddet-livet-med-norsk-trening/394107 5 2 5 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg oddeh Skrevet 16. september 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Denmark will soon deliver another batch of F-16s Ukraine will receive another batch of Danish F-16 fighter jets by the end of this year. The Minister of Defense Troels Lund Poulsen stated this. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/denmark-will-soon-deliver-another-batch-of-f-16s/ 6 6 Lenke til kommentar
Penny Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Forsvarets Forum skriver om hva som er særnorsk med de norske artillerivognene: https://www.forsvaretsforum.no/artilleri-forsvarsdepartementet-krigen-i-ukraina/norskdonert-artilleri-ubrukelig-over-tid/391626 https://www.forsvaretsforum.no/artilleri-donasjon-forsvaret/ukrainsk-fabrikk-holder-liv-i-norsk-artilleri/393785 2 2 Lenke til kommentar
Populært innlegg bojangles Skrevet 16. september 2024 Populært innlegg Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 Denne poster jeg spesielt til deg @JK22 nå ryker også speiderdronene oftere og oftere hos russerne. De har delt disse videoene i noen uker nå, men vi tåler en til slik at @JK22 kan sovne med lettere hjerte i kveld. 11 Lenke til kommentar
bojangles Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 AI sammendrag: Spoiler 1. Kursk Offensive Ukrainian Counteroffensive: Ukraine has launched a new offensive operation in the Kursk region, which is proceeding successfully. Ukrainian forces are using artillery, tanks, and aviation bombs to push back Russian forces. Russian Counteroffensive: Russia is attempting its own counteroffensive, capturing a few villages but failing to achieve significant tactical success. Ukrainian forces have inflicted considerable damage on Russian convoys, halting Russian advances. Russian Dilemma: The video discusses a critical dilemma for Russian forces, as they face the possibility of either continuing their offensive or withdrawing from the region. 2. Velika Village Operations Ukrainian Advances: Ukrainian forces have gained ground in the Velika region, using aviation bombs to strike key Russian positions, including a major Russian base that was completely destroyed by a Ukrainian bomb. 3. Surrender of Ahmad Battalion Soldiers Voluntary Surrender: Some members of the Russian Ahmad Battalion voluntarily surrendered to Ukrainian forces. The commander of the Ahmad Battalion stated that these soldiers "no longer exist" for him and that they would not be exchanged in any prisoner swaps. 4. Kursk Nuclear Plant Ukrainian Drone Activity: Ukrainian drones captured images of cooling towers near the Kursk nuclear power plant, indicating the proximity of Ukrainian forces to this strategic location. The objectives of this operation remain undisclosed by the Ukrainian command. 5. Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump Details of the Attempt: The video reports on an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump during a golf game. The suspect, Ryan Roth, was armed and had pro-Ukrainian views, which negatively impacts Ukraine's image in American politics. Political Rhetoric: The video discusses the dangers of extreme political rhetoric and its potential to incite violence, stressing the need for neutrality when discussing politics, particularly in the context of US support for Ukraine. 6. Russian Advances in Eastern Ukraine Prokhorivka and Vuhledar: The situation in Prokhorivka and Vuhledar is tense, with Russia making small but steady advances, particularly around Vuhledar, a key logistics hub for Ukraine. Russian forces are pushing to secure the railway for winter logistics. Kharkiv Region: Russian forces are advancing in the northern Kharkiv region, closing in on the Oskil River and posing a threat to Ukrainian forces in the area by potentially cutting off supply routes. 7. International Military Support US and European Aid: The video mentions upcoming military aid from the US, including new modifications of Bradley fighting vehicles. Italy has also committed to sending additional air defense systems to Ukraine, while a deal with the Netherlands for Patriot systems has stalled. In summary, the video provides updates on the evolving military situation in Ukraine, particularly in the Kursk region, as well as insights into the broader geopolitical implications of US and European military aid to Ukraine. Additionally, the report touches on the sensitive issue of political rhetoric and its potential consequences in the US 1 3 Lenke til kommentar
Gjest MKII Skrevet 16. september 2024 Del Skrevet 16. september 2024 (endret) On 5.9.2024 at 3:09 PM, Gjest MKII said: Fra det jeg har fått med meg sies det at raZZland verver omkring 20.-25.000 til krigen i Ukraina i måneden. Samtidig mister raZZiske styrker omkring 34.-35.000 personell i krigen hver måned. Dette regnskapet går jo over hodet ikke opp. Det raZZiske militæret burde ha kollapset for en god/lang stund siden. Er det noen her som har en forklaring på hvorfor det ikke allerede har skjedd en kollaps? Er utenlandske styrker fra Kina/Sør Amerika/India/Nord Korea/lignende utenom de 20.-25.000 som det sies at verves på raZZisk side, hentes diferansen tilbake fra Afrika, Syria og lignende, eller hvilken del/hvilke deler av regnskapet/puslespillet er det som mangler?! Lever fortsatt i håpet om at raZZland's invasjon i Ukraina kollapser, og det snart, på grunn av mangel på kjøtt å sende i kverna' for putler og de andre fachistene. Her er det argumentert for at det kan skje snart: TLDR-sammendrag: Spoiler Short Summary The war in Ukraine has taken an unexpected turn, with Russia's initial plan for a quick invasion faltering. Ukraine has reclaimed 54% of the territory lost to Russia by May 2024, while Russian forces occupy only 18% of the country. The conflict has evolved into a brutal attrition battle for Russia, reportedly losing up to 1,000 soldiers daily due to aggressive tactics. Estimates suggest Russian casualties range from 350,000 to 500,000 soldiers lost since February 2022. Russia intensifies attacks on key areas like Kharkiv, deploying soldiers without regard for losses, leading to devastating consequences. High casualty rates are attributed to Russia's military strategy, which involves overwhelming enemy defenses with large numbers of soldiers, often referred to as a "meat grinder" approach. Reports indicate significant losses among Russian troops, including 20,000 men from the Wagner mercenary group. President Putin's disregard for the lives of soldiers has raised concerns, particularly as inadequately trained ex-convicts are sent to the frontlines. Recruitment practices have become increasingly coercive, with harsh penalties for those refusing to fight, resulting in a desperate situation for soldiers. The video highlights the grim realities of the conflict and the human costs of Russia's military strategies, questioning the sustainability of its approach. Detaljert sammendrag: Spoiler Detailed Summary Section 1 00:00:00 The war in Ukraine has taken an unexpected turn, as Russia's initial plan for a quick invasion has faltered. Although Russia managed to advance towards Kyiv, Ukraine's fierce resistance and substantial international support have shifted the dynamics of the conflict. By May 2024, Ukraine had reclaimed 54% of the territory lost to Russia, while Russian forces now occupy only 18% of the country. The war has evolved into a brutal attrition battle for Russia, which is reportedly losing up to 1,000 soldiers daily due to its aggressive tactics. Estimates suggest that Russia has suffered significant casualties, with figures ranging from 350,000 to 500,000 soldiers lost since February 2022. As Russia intensifies its attacks on key areas like Kharkiv, which holds strategic and economic importance, it continues to deploy soldiers without regard for losses. The approach of overwhelming enemy defenses, previously effective in battles like Avdiivka and Bakhmut, has led to devastating consequences for Russian forces. This ongoing conflict raises critical questions about Russia's military strategy and the reasons behind its substantial losses. Section 2 00:05:04 The transcript discusses the high casualty rates in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, particularly focusing on Russia's military strategy, which involves overwhelming enemy positions with large numbers of soldiers—a method referred to as the "meat grinder" approach. This strategy has led to significant losses, including 20,000 men from the Wagner mercenary group, as claimed by its leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. Although Russia achieved victories in Bakhmut and Avdiivka, the same tactics are reportedly less effective in Kharkiv, where progress has been minimal despite heavy losses. The situation is exacerbated by President Putin's apparent disregard for the lives of his soldiers, as he has been willing to send inadequately trained ex-convicts to the frontlines. Reports indicate that these individuals, many of whom have committed serious crimes, are promised pardons in exchange for their service. This has raised concerns about the safety of Russian civilians, as some of these former convicts have returned to commit violent acts. Furthermore, the recruitment practices have become increasingly coercive, with harsh penalties for those refusing to fight. This has led to a desperate situation where soldiers feel they have no choice but to participate in the conflict, with reports of executions for those attempting to retreat. The recruitment strategy also appears to target impoverished non-ethnic Russian regions, raising questions about the motivations and conditions of the soldiers involved in the war. Overall, the video highlights the grim realities of the conflict and the human costs of Russia's military strategies. Section 3 00:09:55 The video discusses Russia's military strategy under Putin, highlighting his willingness to sacrifice large numbers of soldiers, including ex-convicts and poorly trained conscripts, to sustain the war effort in Ukraine. Putin believes he can buy loyalty and manpower, leading to a situation where Russia loses around 1,000 soldiers daily without concern for their lives. The military is primarily composed of poorly trained reservists forced into service, using outdated equipment, which contributes to high casualty rates. Reports indicate that Russia is adapting its training methods to focus on helping soldiers survive rather than win, suggesting an acknowledgment of training deficiencies. However, changes may be too late and inconsistent. The strategy involves sending waves of inexperienced soldiers to absorb Ukrainian fire, followed by more experienced troops, which allows for continued offensive operations despite heavy losses. This approach reveals a grim reality of Russia's military tactics, where the loss of life is seen as an acceptable cost in the pursuit of military objectives. Section 4 00:14:58 The video discusses the significant losses faced by the Russian military in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, attributing these losses to several key factors. Firstly, it highlights the indifference of Russian leadership, particularly Putin, towards the well-being of soldiers, focusing solely on victory regardless of casualties. This disregard has led to thousands of soldiers dying due to ineffective attack strategies against Ukrainian positions. A major contributor to Russia's losses is low morale among its troops. Many soldiers are conscripts who do not wish to fight, leading to poor unit cohesion and operational effectiveness. Reports indicate that over 18,000 Russian soldiers have deserted, primarily from the 8th Combined Arms Army, with many being mobilized conscripts pressured into service. The fear of severe punishment for desertion, including long prison sentences, reflects their unwillingness to engage in combat. Additionally, the video outlines that the Russian military's structure and strategy are ill-suited for the current conflict, suffering from a lack of planning and preparation. The shift from a conscript-heavy army to a smaller, contracted force has left units under-resourced and operating at half-capacity. This structural issue, coupled with low morale and high desertion rates, has resulted in weakened military operations, contributing to the staggering loss of around 1,000 soldiers per day. Overall, the combination of these factors illustrates the challenges faced by Russia in sustaining its military efforts in Ukraine. Section 5 00:19:56 The video discusses Russia's failures in equipping its military during the Ukraine war, highlighting its reliance on outdated Soviet-era equipment from the 1940s to the 1960s. This equipment, poorly maintained and not suited for modern warfare, contributes to high casualty rates, with reports indicating Russia loses around 1,000 soldiers daily. Despite these losses, Putin continues to employ a strategy of sending waves of soldiers into battle, using inexperienced conscripts and even ex-convicts to absorb casualties. The video notes that Russia is replenishing its forces by recruiting 25,000 to 30,000 soldiers monthly and may be planning a second wave of mobilization, potentially adding 300,000 conscripts. The strategy relies on overwhelming Ukraine through sheer manpower, despite the high human cost. The video poses questions about the sustainability of this approach and the potential for erosion of Putin's power at home due to his disregard for soldiers' lives. Endret 16. september 2024 av Gjest MKII 7 1 Lenke til kommentar
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