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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

Gjest Slettet-404071

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Hørte nettopp at det er slutt på fengsel i Russland nå. Så lenge du blir med på leken så slipper "alle" straff. Foruten de som går mot regjeringen da, såklart.

Noen som vet mer om dette evt har noen kilder å lese?

Høres ganske absurd ut, men kom fra en Russer på populært nettsted.

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Salvesen. skrev (31 minutter siden):

Høres ganske absurd ut

Det er russland det er snakk om, ingenting sjokkerer lengre. 😵‍💫

Skal prøve å få det verifisert.


Edit* Fant ingenting på mine usual suspects, noen andre?

Endret av Duriello
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26 minutes ago, Mbappe09 said:

Apatisk folk



Fordi middel klassen og de rike fortsatt kan dra til Europa så mye de vil, og de får fortsatt alt de vil i supermarket, kjenner en del i Russland etter mange turer ditt før krigen og har fortsatt kontakt med mange, ingen av de støtter krigen men de sier de merker ingen forskjell i livs kvalitet.

Schengen visum tar 4 dager lengre enn før krigen oh koster 30 euro mere..

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AI sammendrag:


The video covers recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war and offers insights into both military and political events. Here's a detailed summary of the key points:

Key Military Updates:

  1. Ukrainian Advances in Russia's Kursk Region:

    • Ukrainian forces have made progress, pushing Russian troops out of key settlements and continuing to consolidate their gains. Ukraine is focusing on capturing the village of Koryno, while Russian supply lines are being disrupted by Ukrainian drone patrols.
    • Russian forces are surrounded in certain areas, with only a limited supply route available, which is constantly being targeted by Ukrainian HIMARS strikes.
  2. Russian Losses in the Kursk Region:

    • President Zelensky claimed that 6,000 Russian troops have been killed, wounded, or captured in the Kursk region. Russian forces there are no longer a threat to Ukraine's Sumy region due to Ukraine's successful counteroffensive.
  3. Ukrainian Defense and Counterattacks in Pervomaisk:

    • The Russian offensive near Pervomaisk has slowed, with Ukrainian forces reclaiming some positions, particularly in the areas of New York and Lypovtsi. Ukraine has reallocated troops from the Zaporizhzhia front to defend Pervomaisk.
  4. Predicted Pullbacks and Defensive Maneuvers:

    • Ukrainian forces may pull back from low-lying areas to consolidate their defenses on higher ground. Planned retreats from certain fields are expected to stabilize the front lines.
  5. Civilian Evacuations and Destruction in Pervomaisk:

    • The town of Pervomaisk is under daily bombardment, with civilians encouraged to evacuate as water and electricity supplies are cut off.
  6. Russian Pontoon Bridge Failures:

    • Russian forces have attempted multiple times to construct a pontoon bridge in the region, only to have it destroyed each time by Ukrainian strikes.

Geopolitical and Strategic Insights:

  1. Ukraine's Strategic Offensive in Kursk:

    • CIA Director Burns and MI6 Chief Moore praised Ukraine’s incursions into Russia’s Kursk region, stating that the offensive has shaken Russia's elite and put pressure on Putin’s regime.
    • Russia's elite, who were promised a quick and easy victory, are now questioning the prolonged conflict, especially with Ukrainian forces advancing into Russian territory.
  2. Putin's Confidence and Western Reactions:

    • Despite heavy losses, Putin remains confident that time is on his side, believing that the West will eventually tire of supporting Ukraine. However, Western intelligence officials believe Ukraine’s advances are undermining this narrative.
  3. North Korean and Iranian Missile Supplies to Russia:

    • Ukraine recently destroyed a Russian ammunition depot containing North Korean ballistic missiles, supplied to Russia as part of ongoing military support from its allies. Additionally, Iran is reportedly supplying Russia with hundreds of ballistic missiles.

Russian Propaganda and Influence:

  1. Russian Influence on U.S. Politics:

    • The U.S. Department of Justice recently indicted two RT (Russia Today) employees for attempting to sway U.S. voters towards supporting Trump and opposing Ukraine through a money laundering scheme. This operation included paying U.S. influencers to promote pro-Russian content.
    • Several influencers have been implicated in this scheme, with some having their YouTube channels banned. The Kremlin is reportedly offering political asylum to these influencers.
  2. Putin’s Mock Support for Kamala Harris:

    • In a trolling move, Putin publicly expressed mock support for Kamala Harris, which Russian state media acknowledged as an attempt to confuse and manipulate American public opinion.

Human Impact:

  1. Civilian Tragedies:

    • The video highlights the devastating impact of Russia’s attacks on civilians, particularly a story about a family in Lviv, where a father lost his wife and three daughters in a Russian drone strike.
  2. Evacuations Amid the War:

    • As towns like Pervomaisk face increasing bombardments, many elderly civilians are being forced to evacuate, leaving behind their homes and memories.

Western Support for Ukraine:

  1. New Military Aid Announcements:
    • The U.S., European Union, and other Western allies have announced new military aid packages for Ukraine, including vehicles, drones, and missile systems.


The video paints a complex picture of both military advancements and human suffering in the ongoing conflict. Ukraine continues to make gains in both Russian and Ukrainian territories, while Russia faces mounting internal and external pressure. Despite this, the war's toll on civilians and the destruction of cities continues to be a sobering reality.


Anbefales. Vel verdt å få med seg. Nå har han dykket litt dypere i saken om kjøpt og betalte propagandatalerør i blog og youtube sfæren. Det virker som saken er langt mer alvorlig og mer omfattende enn det gjorde når de første avsløringene kom. 

Når vi så vet at russerne kjører kampanjer mot feks youtubere som ikke er pro-russisk og forsøker å få de stengt ned ved å stadig rapportere falske anklager gjør det situasjonen ennå mer vanskelig. 

putin forsøker å få kontroll på sosiale medier ved at de aktivt går inn å forsøker å få satt munnkurv på alle som taler mot kreml, også går de inn og betaler store summer til personer som lar seg bli overløpere og svikter sitt land og sitt folk for penger fra russland. Og i mye større omfang enn jeg få for meg. 

Fra disse betalte overløperne så dannes det fort mange mennesker som ved å falle for putins løgner spredt av en på sosiale medier som får betalt for å lyve, blir gratis-propagandister. Disse tullingene er neppe klar over at de har gjort seg til en av putins nyttige idioter ved å spre putins propaganda til alle som orker høre på. Og mange av disse sprer løgner både online og til alle folk i sin sfære som kanskje gradvis slites ned av påvirkningen, de blir usikker på hva som er korrekt og sakte men sikkert faller også de for putins løgner. 

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