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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

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1 minute ago, sedsberg said:

Og hva skjer hvis en Ukrainsk jager blir skutt ned av kinesiske våpen over ukrainsk territorie?

Russland har ingen rett til å klage over at Ukraina bruker vestlige våpen.

Russland kom her for et par uker siden med en påstand om at "alle land som sender våpen til Ukraina kan angripes".

I så fall ligger Russland og Kina dårlig an, iom. at de to landene alene forsvarer den overveldende majoriteten av verdens fattigere land med store mengder relativt billige våpen, som bla. håndvåpen og artilleri. I følge deres egen logikk kan USA og Vesten angripe landet som har produsert våpnene som brukes av Taliban, Al Qaeda osv. :p

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OBS! Til de av dere som bruker Twitter: Det er nå masse falske "ukrainske soldater" som forsøker seg på scams på den plattformen. Jeg har ikke svart noen av dem, så jeg aner ikke hvem de er eller hvor de er i fra, om de er russiske eller bare sedvanlige scammere fra rundt omkring i verden.

Profilene deres ser relativt legitime ut. De poster og reposter også mye om krigen og fremstår som pro-ukrainske. Men det er altså scambots av et eller annet slag.

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(Google-oversatt fra tysk)

"Now they are afraid": Putin's propagandists get nervous

Among the Russian nationalists, a mood of hangover is spreading. The reason for this is that Putin's threats are largely ignored by the West, as well as the "red lines." NATO has awakened from its "sleep": "Falconies have no chance against eagles."

"While the finally waking western 'eagles' spread their wings and sharpen their claws, our native 'falcons' quickly turn into scary canaries. But their peace singing will no longer interest anyone. The conditions for the end of the war are determined by the eagles alone. It is not for nothing that it says: do not wake sleeping dogs," writes one of the most popular Russian political bloggers with 165,000 fans about the current mood under Putin's "Ultra-Patriots" [external link]

(resten av artikkelen under)




"Only Scholz was afraid of us"

The reason for this is strangely deceived messages on the Telegram channels of once aggressive partisan of the Kremlin. They even wanted to have observed a "flight of panic" in the government, because Russian territory was recently threatened by weapons delivered from the West [external link]. With the small speech of this danger, Putin's people are completely overwhelmed. The usual threat with the nuclear arsenal seems to be just as unlike the propaganda that "all" Western projectiles would be shot down: "No one has been afraid of us for now, except perhaps Scholz. Now the permits for the attack on the 'old' Russian territories are officially coming from the Western countries in a row."

The former head of the Russian space agency and current commissioner for the Russian Ukrainian territories, Dmitry Rogozin, regretted that the Kremlin-friendly Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban could not stop the "train with the Brussels train drivers". By the way, the Russian arms industry has "big amounts of outdated weapons". Rogozin pleaded for "many small, nimble private companies", the state should instead be limited to supply components because of its clumsiness.

"It is noted that our offensive in the Kharkov region has already stalled and the whole idea of creating a kind of buffer zone turns into a farce," says a daring Russian forecast: "Instead, thanks to the lifting of restrictions, the Ukrainians will soon begin to create such a buffer zone in the Russian border regions thanks to the lifting of restrictions [the West]."

"Missing constructive criticism"

Blogger Dmitryevlyukov regretted that the "friendly part of the international business world" share Putin's ideas of a "multipolar architecture" of the world, but regardless of this in key questions, "the West under the leadership of the United States" [external link]: "It is not easy to reverse this trend, and even the powerful China shows caution in various areas of cooperation, to many countries, to the other countries. Petersburg send, but act carefully and leisurely. It is known that stones are ground by water, however, this process does not take place very quickly."

Even the former front-line fighter and star columnist Alexander Chodakowski (530,000 fans) said contritious that any kind of criticism is unfortunately now classified by the Kremlin as a "dangerous phenomenon": "In general, the lack of constructive criticism has a negative impact on the processes in the country, since this could implement many well-intentioned initiatives."

"Getting out of the position of the frog"

With bitterness, a report by the British "Financial Times" was commented, according to which China was willing to take smaller nities of gas from Siberia, but only at the highly subsidized Russian domestic price, which would be a disastrous externer Linkgrant for Putin. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov couraged himself and said that the negotiations would continue "because there was political will to do so." A joker suggested that Putin could simply raise domestic gas prices to world market level in order to "strengthen" his bargaining position against China.

Exile political scientist Anatoly Nesmijan called it the "summit of naivety" that the Kremlin sacrificed the lucrative European gas market and was seriously assumed to be offered "chocolate conditions" by China. There Putin is rather a "bite actor" that Beijing can only benefit, no matter whether Russia needs to reduce its production capacity or respond to dumping prizes. Moscow's ability to make enemies in the world is "phenomenal": "And that without the slightest benefit."

The fact that the Kremlin had to raise taxes to finance the war also expresses the general mood: "We will not give the General Staff any advice on how to behave, but we have to get out of the position of a frog who is gradually being cooked as quickly as possible," said the military expert Roman Aljechin (131,000 fans).

"Foul, sleepy, fat, but eagle"

One of the Russian commentators remarkably disrespectfully said about the very muted atmosphere in Moscow: "Now they are afraid. No one wants to talk to them. Not even about strategic stability, as Vladimir Putin recently put it. And this despite all nuclear threats, and the only purpose of these threats is to initiate a normal dialogue with the West."

Apparently the Kremlin is now at a loss. Putin is counting on severity, but do not stick to his principles and are feeling illusions about the "new, aggressive and determined West". Only Washington or Beijing could stop: "Or the insane fear behind the severity leads to disaster."

Similarly mocking terms, another Russian analysis says: "First they begin a war, and then the war comes into its own house and the house burns down. The local Russian 'falconies' begins to dawn that the western 'pigeons' prove to be 'eagles'. Faulty, sleepy, fat, but eagle. And a hawk has no chance against an eagle. Now they want to negotiate. But without territorial concessions by the Kremlin, there will be no agreements, and Putin does not want to make any concessions. The hawks know this, but they can't say anything about it to Putin, so they just send into space how much fear they are."

"No shame to learn from the enemy"

Exile blogger Vladimir Pastuchow compared Russia's situation with a lack of "vitamins and trace elements", as everyone urgently needs to survive [external link]: "Of all this you don't need much (at least not as much as fat or carbohydrates), but a slowly intensifying shortage leads to irreversible degradation and degeneration of the body. The Putin regime is experiencing similar. Despite the fact that it is capable of covering basic needs at an appropriate and sometimes even better level than before the war, a deficit increases noticeably in these 'social trace elements', without which society cannot exist for a long time."

Putin is setting on a propagandistic "bluff" that Russia's situation is "much worse" than assumed. The defence industry is at the border of its performance, as is logistics. By the way, many opinions from the ranks of the Russian military bloggers confirm this, who are constantly complaining about the lack of supplies and devastating Ukrainian attacks on Russian convoys: "It is not a shame to learn from the enemy. If the logistics were not entrusted to the army commanders, but professional experts, at least in terms of the creation of travel routes, schedules, storage hazards with constantly changing coordinates, so safety, then everything would get to the front faster."

"What only guys can understand"

Russian political scientist Andrej Nikulin chose a meaningful fab to illustrate the current frustration in the Kremlin propagandists circles [external link). He compared Putin's attack on Ukraine by trying to fill a factory: "The problem was that they were dealing with a kind of cooperative in which both the director and the management are elected by the collective and the management, and therefore every employee considers themselves a co-owner. May be with miserable profitability, but with real pride and influence on what is happening."

Therefore, the band of robbers was initially stopped by the determined gatekeepers: "Then the rushed-up and angry workers came stormed and from the quick surprise advance there was a long struggle around the factory ground, which became more and more expensive and painful for the attackers. But you can't run away, because the honour of the boys is at stake, which only guys can understand."

The conclusion of a political blogger: "The current political beauty of Russia clearly lacks an objective view of today's reality. However, the whole foreign policy is actually only about beauty problems. Unfortunately!"



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Slik blir det nye Forsvaret

Tirsdag ble den nye langtidsplanen for Forsvaret lagt frem.


  • Styrket satsning på langtrekkende luftvern for å kunne legge til rette for permanent beskyttelse av det sentrale østlandsområdet inkludert Oslo med stor befolkning og kritiske samfunnsinstitusjoner
  • Sjøforsvaret skal få minimum fem nye fregatter med anti-ubåt helikoptre, nye ubåter og en standardisert fartøysklasse med inntil ti store og atten mindre fartøy
  • Konkrete tiltak for å rekruttere, beholde og re-rekruttere tilstrekkelig personell og kompetanse til Forsvarets struktur, og gis tilstrekkelige insentiver til at Forsvaret forblir en attraktiv arbeidsplass.
  • Skal utarbeides og iverksettes en overordnet dronestrategi for forsvarssektoren, med konkrete forslag til hvordan forsvarssektoren og de ulike forsvarsgrenene kan ta i bruk droneteknologi i takt med den teknologiske utviklingen på feltet


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Russia Forcibly Sending Military Deserters to Front Line

Russia is forcibly sending its military deserters to the front line in Ukraine, according to an investigation.

Verstka, an independent Russian news outlet that was founded shortly after Ukraine war began, said in an investigation published on Monday that hundreds of Russians who refuse to fight in Ukraine are being forcibly deployed to the battlefield. Some are held at gunpoint and are physically abused or detained if they resist.

Desertion has been an issue for Russia's military throughout President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In November 2022, the British Defense Ministry said Kremlin generals may have sanctioned the use of weapons against deserters, "including possibly authorizing shooting to kill such defaulters after a warning had been given."

Desertion from Moscow's army carries a 10-year prison sentence. In February, a Russian anti-war project named Get Lost, which was created to help Russia's men evade or escape conscription in Ukraine, said cases of desertion from the military increased tenfold this year.

Verstka's investigation said that Russian authorities may be pivoting away from prosecuting military deserters and canceling their trials to redeploy them to the front lines in Ukraine, in an attempt to boost the army's power in the war.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a U.S.-based independent think tank, commented on the findings in its latest analysis of the conflict in Ukraine on Monday.

"A Russian lawyer, who specializes in cases related to service members refusing to fight, reportedly stated that the Russian [Ministry of Defense] may be stopping criminal cases to send such service members to the front due to a shortage of forces needed to fight in northern Kharkiv Oblast," the ISW said.

The think tank said it previously assessed that Russian forces likely launched its offensive operation in the Kharkiv region on May 10 when its Northern Grouping of Forces faced a personnel shortage.

The ISW added that it assessed Russia "may be sending service members awaiting their trials to the front in Kharkiv Oblast to strengthen the limited forces in the area."

Verstka found that at least 170 men who deserted the Russian military were deprived of the right to trial and forcibly sent to Ukraine.

"On what basis these orders were issued, no one knows. People don't want to fight, they have already refused once and are ready to wind up behind bars for it. And they just cancel the criminal offense - and that's it, let's go," a family member of a military deserter told the outlet.

Ukraine's military intelligence agency (HUR) said in April that more than 18,000 Russian servicemen of the Southern Military District had fled their posts since the war began. Around 12,000 of them belonged to the 8th Guards Combined Arms Army, a unit "which the enemy constantly engages in hostilities in the east of Ukraine," it said on Telegram.

Some 2,500 troops have deserted the Russian 58th Guards Combined Arms Army, the HUR added. Newsweek has yet to verify these figures.

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1 hour ago, Brother Ursus said:
  • Konkrete tiltak for å rekruttere, beholde og re-rekruttere tilstrekkelig personell og kompetanse til Forsvarets struktur, og gis tilstrekkelige insentiver til at Forsvaret forblir en attraktiv arbeidsplass.


Veldig nysgjerrig på hva de kommer frem til der. Jeg kunne selv ikke med overlegg sabotert forsvarets personellsituasjon mer effektivt enn hva forsvaret, regjeringen og Stortinget har gjort gjennom uaktsomhet de siste drøyt 20 årene.

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Georgia vil forby «LHBT-propaganda»


Georgias regjering vil forby det de kaller LHBT-propaganda for å beskytte mindreårige og familieverdier.

Lovforslaget kommer kort tid etter at den kontroversielle agentloven trådte i kraft tross omfattende protester i landet.

Loven blir av eksperter sett på som et skritt bort fra EU og nærmere Russland, noe også det seneste lovforslaget blir tolket som.

Nasjonalforsamlingen vil stemme over forslaget i løpet av juni, men dato er ikke fastsatt ennå, skriver NTB.

Russland vedtok en lignende lov for litt over et tiår siden og forbød da promotering av «ikke-tradisjonelle» forhold overfor barn. I 2022 ble landets LHBT-lover ytterligere strammet inn.

Frå før er "agent-lova" vedteken. Det ser ut som at dei russofile har teke føringa i Georgia for tida.

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Kraftigste fall på Oslo Børs siden februar


Oslo Børs endte tirsdag med en nedgang på 1,89 prosent. Børsen har ikke falt mer på én dag siden 7. februar. Oljeprisen fortsetter sin ferd nedover.

Mandag gikk oljeprisen for første gang siden februar ned under 80 dollar fatet. Tirsdag fortsatte nedgangen og da Oslo Børs stengte for dagen, var prisen for et fat Nordsjøolje rundt 77,5 dollar, en nedgang på 0,68 prosent.

Får forhandlingar om våpenkvile på Gaza oljeprisen til å stupe? Dette skulle vere dårleg nytt for Russland og bra for Ukraina.

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torbjornen skrev (1 time siden):

Frå før er "agent-lova" vedteken. Det ser ut som at dei russofile har teke føringa i Georgia for tida.

Det er verre; det er den georgiske ortodokse kirkens ledelse som helhjertet støtter den antivestlige linjen i Georgia, og har en meget sentral rolle for å skape forvirring blant georgierne omkring EU og egne samfunn - slik at meget sterke motsetninger oppstår; når 80 % vil til EU og slutte seg til Vesten, vist det seg at mange har ganske urealistiske forestillinger om hvordan de skal bli vestlig, spesielt i sine ønsker om å bevare sin kulturelle identitet. Dette liker ikke EU som skyr meget sterkt en reprise på den britiske "kirsebærplukkingen" fra Brexit-samtalene. 

Allerede nå er store deler av økonomien i Georgia EU-avhengig. Så hvis EU ligger på is Georgias EU-søknad og deretter avslutte det nære forholdet med georgierne, kan det komme som et meget stort sjokk - så voldsomt, at det kunne få meget uante følger. Det er hvorfor det stort sett er bare de yngre i 15-30 årsalder som demonstrere, mens de eldre uteblitt - fordi de førstnevnte hadde mye større virkelighetskontakt. Georgia risikere da å bli økonomisk ruinert, slavebundet til Russland i et land med en aldrende befolkning med spøkelsesbyer og tomme industrisentre. Bare fordi de ikke forstår at man må gi for å få, og at deres ønske om å beholde "identitet" vil være kontraproduktivt. Spesielt når identitetssaken utsettes for ekstremisme som av de georgisk-ortodokse prestene som kom fra en antivestlig kirke. 

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