Pc Lynet Skrevet 3. april 2021 Del Skrevet 3. april 2021 (endret) Sitat A new study on excess deaths by France Stratégie (French Govt department) was released and it's quite interesting. Doesn't include Ireland unfortunately for the same reasons as always but I'll go through some of it. /1 Sitat The period analysed is March 2020 to February 28th, 2021. Northwest Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. Covid deaths: 265,820 Excess deaths: 293,118 Unattributed difference: 27,298 (9.3%) Nesten alle korona døde er telt med i blant annet Norge og Sverige. Manko på 9% Sitat So the Covid death count covers over 90% of the excess in our part of Europe, which shows diligent counting and attribution of deaths, in general. There's still 27,000 deaths unattributed, with a chunk of that in the Netherlands. Sitat South Europe: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain. Covid deaths: 191,866 Excess deaths: 300,541 Unattributed difference: 108,675 (36.2%) So, as expected Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy have an awful lot of Covid deaths not counted. 36.2% av overdødeligheten er ikke registrert i sør Europa. Sitat Latin America: Countries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru. Covid deaths: 337,884 Excess deaths: 718,957 Unattributed difference: 381,073 (53.0%) Expected but still it's just an horrendous level of deaths and most of it going uncounted in Covid totals. Latin Amerika mangler hele 53% Sitat Near Middle East: Countries: Egypt, Iran, Israel, Oman, Qatar. Covid deaths: 78,153 Excess deaths: 264,498 Unattributed difference: 186,345 (71.5%) Colossal deaths uncounted, which you'd understand for Iran but Egypt and Qatar seem to be not even counting. Deler av Midtøsten hele 71.5 dødsfall ikke registrert som korona. Sitat This study puts Qatar's excess deaths at 18.1%, which is something like 4 times more than Ireland per capita but on laughable official numbers, Ireland have 9 times more. They seem to count with a "World Cup in mind" method, i.e. not counting or a lot of pneumonia going around. Fotball er livet... Sitat Former USSR countries (their definition not mine): Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Covid deaths: 121,594 Excess deaths: 613,824 Unattributed difference: 492,230 (81.2%) Much of that excess is in Russia but all of them aren't counting. Russland og co med hele 81.2% utrolig at de ikke prioriterer egne borgere før vaksine diplomati. Sitat Quote: "The differences observed between national reports and excess mortality can be explained by the difficulties in counting Covid deaths already mentioned, or by deliberate political choices." France Stratégie stating the obvious. Sitat Of the 69 countries studied: Covid deaths: 1,787,937 Excess deaths: 3,304,568 Taken as a totality, excess deaths are roughly double Covid deaths or 1.5 million dead not counted in headline totals. How anyone can still believe "it's the Flu" is beyond me. Så dobbelt så mange døde som offisielle tall i disse land. https://mobile.twitter.com/Care2much18/status/1378406399483469836 Endret 3. april 2021 av Pc Lynet 2 Lenke til kommentar
neijanei Skrevet 5. april 2021 Del Skrevet 5. april 2021 Det betyr at koronatiltakene har drept i mange land langt flere mennesker enn selve viruset. Lenke til kommentar
Hugo_Hardnuts Skrevet 5. april 2021 Del Skrevet 5. april 2021 neijanei skrev (10 minutter siden): Det betyr at koronatiltakene har drept i mange land langt flere mennesker enn selve viruset. Hvordan underbygger du det? 2 1 Lenke til kommentar
a_aa Skrevet 5. april 2021 Del Skrevet 5. april 2021 neijanei skrev (49 minutter siden): Det betyr at koronatiltakene har drept i mange land langt flere mennesker enn selve viruset. Hva med landene som har flere koronadøde enn de har over-dødsfall? Eller til og med generell underdødelighet, som feks Sør-Korea, Norge, Japan, Singapore, Filippinene, Thailand, Georgia, Island, Costa Rica, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Mongolia - har korona-tiltakene der skapt en masse Lasarus-er? https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker 2 Lenke til kommentar
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