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USA: Covid-19 kan ha kommet ifra laboratorie i Wuhan


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"The Department of State says researchers in the Wuhan lab were experimenting with a virus genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2."

"The US says it has intelligence that researchers in a Wuhan lab became sick with COVID-19-like symptoms in autumn 2019 - before the first identified case of the outbreak. "

Og hvem skal etterforske dette? Jo, WHO har sent Dr. Peter Daszak. En mann med dype økonomiske og personlige forbindelser til Kina og forskere ved Wuhan-instituttet som flere ganger, uten bevis, har påstått at dette kun er en konspirasjonsteori - selv om han har personlige og økonomiske motiver for å hevde det, og for å hindre en faktisk etterforskning.

Dette etter at Kina i første omgang løy og dekket opp eksistensen av viruset. Og deretter til og med nektet for at det hadde begynt i Kina. For lang tid har også gått siden virusets utbrudd, åpenbart ved design ifra kommunistpartiet. De har hatt over et år på seg til å dekke opp alle mulige bevis.

Jeg tipper vi aldri vil få vite om viruset var naturlig eller ei. Å krysse virus er faktisk noe forskere gjør regelmessig for å forsøke å utvikle nye vaksiner og medisiner. Det er på ingen måte utenkelig at en ansatt kan ha blitt smittet da de forsket på NETTOP SARS lignende virus på flaggermus. Mannen som er ansvarlig, Dr. Shi Zhengli, er en nær venn og partner av Dr. Peter Daszak.

Laboratoriet i Wuhan ble også mange ganger kritisert for dårlig sikkerhet og dårlige rutiner.

Stinker ikke dette, så vet ikke jeg.

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Det virker mest sannsynlig at koronaviruset Sars-CoV-2 ble skapt i ett laboratorium i Wuhan så lekket ut med ett uhell. Sars 1 lekket ut av forskningslaboratorium en rekke ganger. 


Laboratory accidents Edit

After containment, there were three laboratory accidents that resulted in infections.


One doctoral student at Singapore General Hospital in Singapore in August 2003[70]

Two researchers at the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing, China around April 2004, who spread it to around six other people. The two researchers contracted it 2 weeks apart.[71]

Study of live SARS specimens requires a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) facility; some studies of inactivated SARS specimens can be done at biosafety level 2 facilities.[72]






At WHO ikke fikk komme på besøk før ett år senere sier litt. Kineserne fucked up forsket på koronaviruset og lekket det ut av laben med ett uhell. Resten er historie. 

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Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

For more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation. Nearly two million people have died. Their families deserve to know the truth. Only through transparency can we learn what caused this pandemic and how to prevent the next one.

The U.S. government does not know exactly where, when, or how the COVID-19 virus—known as SARS-CoV-2—was transmitted initially to humans. We have not determined whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The virus could have emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals, spreading in a pattern consistent with a natural epidemic. Alternatively, a laboratory accident could resemble a natural outbreak if the initial exposure included only a few individuals and was compounded by asymptomatic infection. Scientists in China have researched animal-derived coronaviruses under conditions that increased the risk for accidental and potentially unwitting exposure.

The CCP’s deadly obsession with secrecy and control comes at the expense of public health in China and around the world. The previously undisclosed information in this fact sheet, combined with open-source reporting, highlights three elements about COVID-19’s origin that deserve greater scrutiny:

1. Illnesses inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV):

  • The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses. This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli’s public claim that there was “zero infection” among the WIV’s staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses.
  • Accidental infections in labs have caused several previous virus outbreaks in China and elsewhere, including a 2004 SARS outbreak in Beijing that infected nine people, killing one.
  • The CCP has prevented independent journalists, investigators, and global health authorities from interviewing researchers at the WIV, including those who were ill in the fall of 2019. Any credible inquiry into the origin of the virus must include interviews with these researchers and a full accounting of their previously unreported illness.

2. Research at the WIV:

  • Starting in at least 2016 – and with no indication of a stop prior to the COVID-19 outbreak – WIV researchers conducted experiments involving RaTG13, the bat coronavirus identified by the WIV in January 2020 as its closest sample to SARS-CoV-2 (96.2% similar). The WIV became a focal point for international coronavirus research after the 2003 SARS outbreak and has since studied animals including mice, bats, and pangolins.
  • The WIV has a published record of conducting “gain-of-function” research to engineer chimeric viruses. But the WIV has not been transparent or consistent about its record of studying viruses most similar to the COVID-19 virus, including “RaTG13,” which it sampled from a cave in Yunnan Province in 2013 after several miners died of SARS-like illness.
  • WHO investigators must have access to the records of the WIV’s work on bat and other coronaviruses before the COVID-19 outbreak. As part of a thorough inquiry, they must have a full accounting of why the WIV altered and then removed online records of its work with RaTG13 and other viruses.

3. Secret military activity at the WIV:

  • Secrecy and non-disclosure are standard practice for Beijing. For many years the United States has publicly raised concerns about China’s past biological weapons work, which Beijing has neither documented nor demonstrably eliminated, despite its clear obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention.
  • Despite the WIV presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military. The WIV has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.
  • The United States and other donors who funded or collaborated on civilian research at the WIV have a right and obligation to determine whether any of our research funding was diverted to secret Chinese military projects at the WIV.

Today’s revelations just scratch the surface of what is still hidden about COVID-19’s origin in China. Any credible investigation into the origin of COVID-19 demands complete, transparent access to the research labs in Wuhan, including their facilities, samples, personnel, and records.

As the world continues to battle this pandemic – and as WHO investigators begin their work, after more than a year of delays – the virus’s origin remains uncertain. The United States will continue to do everything it can to support a credible and thorough investigation, including by continuing to demand transparency on the part of Chinese authorities.


Ingen tvil om at koronviruset er et naturlig virus som er forbedret via forskning i laben i Wuhan og så sluppet ut ved ett uhell.

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10 minutes ago, leifeinar said:

Viruset kan da like greit komme fra et Amerkansk labratorium.

Det er dog ingen indikasjoner på det. Amerikanske laboratorier har bedre rutiner. Og virusets spredning begynte utvilsomt i Wuhan. Det var også denne labben i Wuhan som forsket på nettopp respiratoriske coronavirus i flaggermus.

Det ville være en meget stor tilfeldighet om de to ikke hadde sammenheng.

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leifeinar skrev (14 minutter siden):

Viruset kan da like greit komme fra et Amerkansk labratorium.

Ingen land er gale nok til å bevisst slippe ut et pandemi virus. Kina har flere ganger tidligere hatt uhell som blant annet førte til at SARS ble med ut av laboratorium ett par ganger. Jeg er overbevist om at det var ett uhell, men det er likevel Kina sitt ansvar.


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34 minutes ago, Pc Lynet said:

Ingen land er gale nok til å bevisst slippe ut et pandemi virus.

Du antar at alle har samme moral og etisk sans som deg selv. Du vet vel at det finnes psykopater der ute, og disse har ikke evnen til å føle empati - så jo disse kan gjøre slikt OM de kan kontrollere situasjonen.

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Betroz skrev (15 minutter siden):

Du antar at alle har samme moral og etisk sans som deg selv. Du vet vel at det finnes psykopater der ute, og disse har ikke evnen til å føle empati - så jo disse kan gjøre slikt OM de kan kontrollere situasjonen.

Hvis du har makt nok til å slippe et virus ut som del av en konspirasjon så har du også noe å tape: den samme makten.

Virus er vanskelige å styre, og en statsleder som slipper ut et smittsomt virus må regne med at det vil spre seg til hans egen befolkning, og kanskje hans nærmeste.


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5 minutes ago, knutinh said:

Virus er vanskelige å styre, og en statsleder som slipper ut et smittsomt virus må regne med at det vil spre seg til hans egen befolkning, og kanskje hans nærmeste.

Hvem har sagt at det er presidenter og statsministre som tar slike besluttninger...
Hva om Sars-cov2 ikke engang finnes, men at folk bare blir syke og dør av samme årsaker som åra før?
Hva om det er vaksinen som er biovåpenet?

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Lekasjer fra laberotoriumer skjer dessverre ganske ofte, men normalt fører det ikke til en global pandemi. F.eks. USA hadde en lekasje i 2014 av koppevirus.

Fører forskning på farlige virus til mer skade enn det hjelper. Kanskje burde vi ha et globalt forbud mot forskning på farlige virus?

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Det var nok ingen konspirasjon om å slippe viruset ut i det fri. Det var nok heller grunnet inkompetanse.

Men jeg tror helt sikkert på en  kommunistparti-konspirasjon i ettertid for å legge lokk på hele greia. Det er en grunn til at de ikke engang slapp inn WHO, som de delvis har i lomma, før etter 1,5 år. Alle bevisene er langt vekk og umulig å spore. Alle som kunne tenkes å si noe kritisk har blitt "overtalt" eller blitt flyttet på eller sikkert forsvunnet.

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We’re still missing the origin story of this pandemic.

China is sitting on the answers.
A Chinese institute must be opened to investigators.

WHAT IS China trying to hide about the origins of the pandemic — and why?

In Wuhan, a World Health Organization team has launched its investigation into the origins of the virus that has infected 105 million people worldwide and cost 2.2 million lives over the past year. The terms of reference for the investigation say it will be “open-minded” and “not excluding any hypothesis” about the origins of the virus. Many scientists have speculated that the virus leaped from animals, such as bats, to humans, perhaps with an intermediate stop in another animal. This kind of zoonotic spillover has occurred before, such as in the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014.

But there is another pathway, also plausible, that must be investigated. That is the possibility of a laboratory accident or leak. It could have involved a virus that was improperly disposed of or perhaps infected a laboratory worker who then passed it to others. Wuhan, with a population of 11 million, is a major transportation hub and a center of virus studies in China, with at least six facilities with BSL-3 laboratories for handling infectious agents. Published papers show that some of these institutions have been very active in coronavirus research. The most active is the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where Shi Zhengli leads a research team that has extensively studied and experimented on bat coronaviruses that are very similar to the one that ignited the global pandemic.

‘Gain of function’ research

To find out if there was a leak or laboratory accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) or another lab, investigators would want to carefully examine research done there, including archived lab notes, records of experiments and data, intra-laboratory communications such as email, as well as bat samples, viral strains and all sequences from the WIV collection to compare them with known genetic blueprints from the pandemic virus. This would require transparency and verification of data and sample provenance. But it has not been forthcoming.

It is known from public documents that Dr. Shi was conducting “gain of function” research on bat coronaviruses, which involves modifying their genomes to give the viruses new properties, such as the ability to infect a new host species or transmit from one host to another more easily. Such research is controversial — a gain of function experiment can create a danger that didn’t exist before. But the research might also help predict how a virus might evolve toward spillover, enabling the development of effective countermeasures such as a broad coronavirus vaccine.

The research carried out by Dr. Shi was financed in part over the years by the United States, China and Europe. Grant documents show the work was aimed at determining the potential for spillover of bat coronaviruses from one species to another. The research involved constructing a series of novel chimeric viruses that would use different spike proteins from some unpublished natural coronaviruses. The ability of the resulting novel viruses to infect human cells in culture, and to infect laboratory animals, was to be tested. This included experiments on mice with cells that are genetically modified to respond as human respiratory cells would.

The WIV also collected thousands of samples from bat caves in China. The work under Dr. Shi was partially funded by the National Institutes of Health through EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nongovernmental organization whose president, Peter Daszak, is a member of the WHO virus origin investigating team, and is leading a separate investigation by the Lancet.

A critical database went offline

At the core of Dr. Shi’s work is a database at the institute. According to research by DRASTIC, a network of researchers and scientists, this is the most important bat coronavirus database in China. Overall, it holds records of some 22,000 samples and some of their genetic sequences, including for WIV virus sampling trips going back many years. The institute collected more than 15,000 samples from bats, covering over 1,400 bat viruses. The database holds more than 100 unpublished sequences of bat coronaviruses that could significantly help the probe into the origins of the pandemic.

Of particular interest are the full sequences of eight viruses sampled in 2015 in an unidentified location in Yunnan province, which was only recently disclosed. In 2012, six people who were clearing bat feces from an abandoned mine in Yunnan developed an illness with symptoms very similar to covid-19. Three eventually died. The results of the investigation into the cause of their illness have not been fully disclosed. A bat-virus sampling trip by WIV-EcoHealth was underway in nearby locations while these six people were infected. A virus designated RaTG13 was sampled from the mine in 2013 and has been described as the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2. Based on limited information about their sequences, the other eight viruses are very similar to RaTG13 and may hold evolutionary clues.

A section of the database was password-protected and not accessible. This may well have been to protect the materials so that scientists from WIV could be first in writing scientific papers about the viruses and sequences. But except for that private section, the database was accessible until Sept. 12, 2019, when it became unreachable from outside the institute, according to DRASTIC, which has studied the database usage records. Why then? Dr. Shi has said it was taken offline for security reasons. “We have nothing to hide,” she told the BBC.

In his final days in office, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who had been harshly critical of China, issued a fact sheet and statement claiming: “The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both covid-19 and common seasonal illnesses.” If the U.S. government possesses information to corroborate that statement, it should release it, including declassifying any intelligence.

A second portal of virus databases in China, created by the National Virus Resource Center, affiliated with the WIV, has also gone offline, with the result that all the key virus databases managed by the WIV are now offline.

On Feb. 3, the WHO team investigating the origins of the virus visited the WIV. We do not know what was said. But the goal must be to open the closed doors at the institute. If the WIV had no role in sparking the outbreak, it should be relatively straightforward for Dr. Shi to safely open up the databases to scientists so they can properly understand the evolutionary origins of SARS-CoV-2. The institute should provide all records regarding bat samples, viruses and sequences, with verified information provenance, and eventually, it should be disclosed to all. The origin of the pandemic is of interest to every person on the globe.

We don’t know where the pandemic began. But a major step toward finding the answer is to examine all the relevant databases and laboratory records, including those at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and elsewhere, and the clues they may hold.


Kina lagde viruset i ett laboratorie i Wuhan og lakk det ut med ett uhell. 

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Dette er bare tull. Kina har ikke brukt viruset som våpen. Da måtte Kina i tilfelle kontrollere eller forutse at media kom til å slå viruset stort opp, noe Kina ikke kunne gjøre. Covid-19 er ikke mer smittsomt og dødelig enn en rekke andre virus. Eneste forskjell er at media har skrevet mye om det. Uten medias sensasjonsjag ville ikke en sjel tenkt på covid-19 og samfunnet ville gått som normalt. Det er bare 70-80 åringer med alvorlige sykdommer som dør, og disse er forventet å dø innen kort tid uansett. Derfor ville ingen lagt spesielt merke til dødsfallene. Kina kunne ikke vite at dette skulle bli en stor sak, for media beveger seg på en planløs, tilfeldig måte, og det er heller ikke alltid at de beveger seg i flokk. Vi har hatt en mange lignende virus, men da skrev ikke media om det, og det er hele forskjellen. 

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Vaniman skrev (44 minutter siden):

Dette er bare tull. Kina har ikke brukt viruset som våpen. Da måtte Kina i tilfelle kontrollere eller forutse at media kom til å slå viruset stort opp, noe Kina ikke kunne gjøre. Covid-19 er ikke mer smittsomt og dødelig enn en rekke andre virus. Eneste forskjell er at media har skrevet mye om det. Uten medias sensasjonsjag ville ikke en sjel tenkt på covid-19 og samfunnet ville gått som normalt. Det er bare 70-80 åringer med alvorlige sykdommer som dør, og disse er forventet å dø innen kort tid uansett. Derfor ville ingen lagt spesielt merke til dødsfallene. Kina kunne ikke vite at dette skulle bli en stor sak, for media beveger seg på en planløs, tilfeldig måte, og det er heller ikke alltid at de beveger seg i flokk. Vi har hatt en mange lignende virus, men da skrev ikke media om det, og det er hele forskjellen. 

Ingen skriver at viruset er ett bevisst våpen fra Kina. 

Du tar helt feil. Egentlig utrolig at man kan være så naiv og tro at koronaviruset ikke er farligere enn influensa.


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Vaniman skrev (På 6.2.2021 den 1.48):

Dette er bare tull. Kina har ikke brukt viruset som våpen.

Ja, for hvorfor slippe ut et virus som også ville ramme dem selv. Men at det kan ha skjedd ved et ulykkestilfelle er nok mulig.

Har man oversikt over når viruset slo seg ned i resten av verden? Det krangler de vel om.

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