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Har vært endel snakk om det lønner seg med infinity fabric\ram raskere enn 3800, testa det grundig idag med 4000cl16 vs 3800cl15, begge tweaka. Min 5600X kjører +200 PBO og curve optimizer samt 88W PPT som er max. Jeg har ingen WHEA 19 på 4000\2000.

Konklusjon: Litt bedre spillytelse (1-2%) med 4000cl16, men litt bedre produktivitetsytelse (1-3%) med 3800cl15. Sistnevnte har med at siden SOC\IOD-spenning kan kjøres lavere på 3800\1900 gir det større strømbudsjett til CPU så hastigheten på CPU ligger typisk 25-50MHz høyere i Cinebench og Linpack vs 4000\2000. Skalering over 3800\1900 er med andre ord ikke allverden, men enkelte apps\spill hvor båndbredde er viktig vil dra nytte av raskere ram, mens apps\spill hvor CPU-frekvens allcore er viktigst vil dra nytte av litt tregere ram slik at strømbudsjettet er større.













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On 12/23/2021 at 5:33 PM, Dragonlove said:

Lurte selv på å investere i Asus topp kort "ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VIII EXTREME" men venter å ser hva neste år bringer med Am5🙂

Lurt av deg. Jeg behøvde seriøst ny PC. Hadde brukt laptop'er i flere år forut. Så derfor landet jo jeg på AM4 når jeg så hvor gode lovnadene på 3000 og 5000-seriene CPU så ut på forhånd. Liker 5000-serien nokså bra.

Var utrolig uheldig med Crosshair Hero 8 WiFi, møkka-mandags-kort jeg endte med. Endelig har jeg en ok PC med det nye HK-et av annen modell.

Synes fortsatt at minnehåndteringen i Windows er helt håpløs da, så det har ihvertfall ikke bedret seg mye på Windows 11. Men, har valgt NTFS og ikke ReiserFS som filsystem da. Vet ikke om ReiserFS ville gjort minnehåndteringen så seriøst mye bedre egentlig. Tviler sterkt på akkurat det. Windows har aldri vært perfekt noensinne. Nåja, Windows 2000 var faktisk nokså ok, men man brynte jo ikke de maskinene like hardt som i våre dager da. Ihvertfall så gjorde ikke jeg det den gang.

Endret av G
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G skrev (37 minutter siden):

Lurt av deg. Jeg behøvde seriøst ny PC. Hadde brukt laptop'er i flere år forut. Så derfor landet jo jeg på AM4 når jeg så hvor gode lovnadene på 3000 og 5000-seriene CPU så ut på forhånd. Liker 5000-serien nokså bra.

Var utrolig uheldig med Crosshair Hero 8 WiFi, møkka-mandags-kort jeg endte med. Endelig har jeg en ok PC med det nye HK-et av annen modell.

Synes fortsatt at minnehåndteringen i Windows er helt håpløs da, så det har ihvertfall ikke bedret seg mye på Windows 11. Men, har valgt NTFS og ikke ReiserFS som filsystem da. Vet ikke om ReiserFS ville gjort minnehåndteringen så seriøst mye bedre egentlig. Tviler sterkt på akkurat det. Windows har aldri vært perfekt noensinne. Nåja, Windows 2000 var faktisk nokså ok, men man brynte jo ikke de maskinene like hardt som i våre dager da. Ihvertfall så gjorde ikke jeg det den gang.

Joda, har Am4 hovedkort jeg også samt RTX 3090 og Amd 5950X men mye vil ha mer og sånn :D

Men før det så var det ca 8 år siden jeg oppgraderte, har ett liv utenom også :D

Endret av Dragonlove
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🧐 EPYC 7373X(100-000000508) 16C32T

Sounds like one of those low core number with maximum cache and maximum speed SKUs for automated trading and special snowflake app environment where performance is critical and each of those cores has up to 96MB of L3 to themselves and shares that cache only with another core.

2P of 16C with 2C per CCD enabled with each CCD having 96MB of L3 => perfectly valid SKU for those traders.

EDIT: google by SKU returns price of $5700, so quite palatable for what this CPU gives to the right people.


Endret av Ola Norman
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Da fikk jeg testa hva kjøling har å si for frekvens i Cinebench på 5600X med curve optimizer og +200 pbo:

Noctua D15 chromax black: Maxtemp 67C, 65C avg, allcore frekvens med 76W ppt 4600-4650, 11650 poeng avg. 



Bequiet dark rock slim: Maxtemp 72C, avg 70C, allcore frekvens med 76W ppt 4550-4600, 11900 poeng avg. 


Bequiet kjøleren har ikke mer å gå på, mens D15 kan få ned temp med 5C til, dog mot dryg støy og ca 25MHz.

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6 timer igjen.. 

Om 5800x3d er "extreme gaming performance" med "market leadership, så lurer jeg på hva de vil kalle 5950x3d.. 🤩 Håper de dyrere dual ccd cpuene kommer i salg før "spring 2022"


AMD confirms Ryzen 7 5800X3D launches this spring, Zen4 Raphael in 2H 2022'


Desktop Ryzen CPUs with 3D V-Cache and next-gen Ryzen with Zen4 architecture are part of the CES 2022 announcements. 

AMD finally confirmed the name of the upcoming Ryzen CPU with 3D V-Cache. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D will offer ‘extreme gaming performance’ and it will be available in Spring 2022. What this means is that 5800X3D will likely launch in the second quarter.

A bit more interesting reveal is the platform for next-gen Ryzen CPUs codenamed Raphael. AMD confirms those parts feature Zen4 5nm process technology and will require a new AM5 socket. Furthermore, we have the confirmation of the Raphael CPU design, which was first revealed by ExecutableFix more than 6 months ago. AMD also confirms this is indeed a Land Grid Array (LGA) socket, which means that Ryzen Zen4 CPUs will not carry pins but pads.

AMD Raphael is now set to launch in the second half of 2022.


Endret av Ola Norman
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Ser det er en liten reduksjon i base og boost frekvens (3.8/4.7 til 3.4/4.5) vs 5800X men siden de hevder ~15% bedre spillytelse (1080P) blir den nok dugende, så sant prisen er riktig.

Forhåpentligvis ikke lenge til den er til salgs så jeg får skiftet ut 3700X.

Endret av PantZman
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Nizzen skrev (22 minutter siden):

Så ingen 5950x3d?


Niks, men jeg har på følesen (håper) at de venter på at Intel skal vise 12900KS med pris først, før vi får mer info om 5900x3d og 5950x3d..

Er iallefall det jeg krysser fingrene for.. Ellers synes jeg dette var meget skuffende av Lisa Su.

Er jo 6 måneder siden de viste 5900x3d, også kommer de nå å forteller oss at 5800x3d skal bli lansert "spring 2022" til en ukjent pris.. Hele keynote var jo bortkasta med mobile junk, fikk jo ingen ny overraskende informasjon som vi ikke allerede viste.. 


lol samme greia med nvidia, "tune in later this month for more details" 🤮

Endret av Ola Norman
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1 minute ago, Ola Norman said:

Niks, men jeg har på følesen (håper) at de venter på at Intel skal vise 12900KS med pris først, før vi får mer info om 5900x3d og 5950x3d..

Er iallefall det jeg krysser fingrene for.. Ellers synes jeg dette var meget skuffende av Lisa Su.

Er jo 6 måneder siden de viste 5900x3d, også kommer de nå å forteller oss at 5800x3d skal bli lansert "spring 2022" til en ukjent pris.. Hele keynote var jo bortkasta med mobile junk, fikk heller ingen ny overraskende informasjon som vi ikke allerede viste..  

Værre enn Intel jo 🤣

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Cool Stuff: Star Trek Captain Picard Facepalm Bust is Embarrassed of You

Anandtech: AMD CPUs in 2022: Zen 4 in Second Half, Ryzen 7 5800X3D with V-Cache by Spring

The processor will launch in the Spring (March/April we think), and exact pricing is yet to be announced.

For those that have been following AMD’s V-Cache news over this past year, I bet you have exactly the same questions I did when AMD first briefed us on this announcement. Here is a summary of the questions I asked, and my interpretations of the responses.

Why only Ryzen 7, not Ryzen 5/Ryzen 9? Because this is a new project for AMD, they want to find out how a processor like this will be welcomed into the market. A lot of users (myself included) expected AMD to go all-in with a big 16-core version, however anything Ryzen 9 requires two chiplets, and adding the extra V-Cache does require an extra cost in silicon and packaging. During a semiconductor shortage, I was told that this is the best way to get it into the hands of many people while also not in the super high-cost bracket. It also means one single unified 96 MB of L3 cache, without having to deal with two chiplets worth which might not be optimized immediately. Future versions of V-Cache on next-generation products may be expanded to other Ryzen members of the family.

The frequencies are lower than the regular 5800X? The cache does add a few watts to the power both in terms of idle and load. Rather than bin a stricter chiplet, the decision was made to reduce the frequency a little, but still allow overclocking. The chip, while listed at 105 W, still has the 142 W package power tracking for motherboards that support it.  

Who is this chip for? The focus is on users playing video games over anything else. The extra cache is meant to help with communications with discrete graphics cards, offering additional performance above the regular R7 5800X. Productivity workloads are less likely to be affected, and for those users the regular Ryzen CPUs are expected to be better. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D is designed to be the ‘World’s Fastest Gaming Processor’ (when compared to the 5900X and 12900K).

In terms of those performance metrics, AMD is quoting:

  • From 1.0x to 1.4x at 1080p High vs Ryzen 9 5900X + RTX3080 (15% average)
  • From 0.98x to 1.2x at 1080p High vs Core i9-12900K (DDR5) + RTX3080

De tenker altså kun på oss stakkars forbrukere..  Releaser kun 5800x3d å holde prisen nede slik at de kan "get it into the hands of many people while also not in the super high-cost bracket".  Samme år som de skal selge oss Navi31 til over 2000$.🤣

Ja jøss klart, dette har ikke noe med å gjøre med at de velger allokere så og si alle dies til EPYC isteden for consumer Ryzen for å tjene mest mulig penger.. De kunne i det miste være ærlige og si det slik det er.  

Nei for min del var det nok Samsung som sto for den mest spennende nyheten under CES 2022 da


The world’s first 4K 240Hz gaming monitor, ‘Odyssey Neo G8’

The Odyssey Neo G8, which Samsung Electronics will be unveiling at CES 2022, is a 32-inch size, 4K resolution (3,840 x 2,160), curved design with 1000R curvature, and is a product that applies ‘quantum mini LED’.


As the world’s first monitor to feature a 4K (3,840 x 2,160) 1000R curved screen with 240Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time (GtG), Odyssey Neo G8 32” (Model Name: G85NB) is set to open a new chapter in gaming monitor innovation, offering razor-sharp performance for even the most dedicated PC gamers. Its performance matches its stunning picture quality featuring Quantum Mini LEDs, Quantum HDR 2000 with a 2,000nit peak brightness and a million-to-one static contrast ratio, bringing out the most subtle details for increased world building and immersion.

The new Odyssey Neo G8 is built with a similar design language as the Odyssey Neo G9, offering a sleek white exterior that stands out even when it’s turned off. Beautiful colors leap off the screen into a user’s real environment with CoreSync lighting. The core lighting found on the backside of the monitor automatically detects colors on the screen and projects them in real life to create a deeper sense of immersion.


Endret av Ola Norman
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4 minutes ago, Ola Norman said:

Cool Stuff: Star Trek Captain Picard Facepalm Bust is Embarrassed of You

Anandtech: AMD CPUs in 2022: Zen 4 in Second Half, Ryzen 7 5800X3D with V-Cache by Spring

The processor will launch in the Spring (March/April we think), and exact pricing is yet to be announced.

For those that have been following AMD’s V-Cache news over this past year, I bet you have exactly the same questions I did when AMD first briefed us on this announcement. Here is a summary of the questions I asked, and my interpretations of the responses.

Why only Ryzen 7, not Ryzen 5/Ryzen 9? Because this is a new project for AMD, they want to find out how a processor like this will be welcomed into the market. A lot of users (myself included) expected AMD to go all-in with a big 16-core version, however anything Ryzen 9 requires two chiplets, and adding the extra V-Cache does require an extra cost in silicon and packaging. During a semiconductor shortage, I was told that this is the best way to get it into the hands of many people while also not in the super high-cost bracket. It also means one single unified 96 MB of L3 cache, without having to deal with two chiplets worth which might not be optimized immediately. Future versions of V-Cache on next-generation products may be expanded to other Ryzen members of the family.

The frequencies are lower than the regular 5800X? The cache does add a few watts to the power both in terms of idle and load. Rather than bin a stricter chiplet, the decision was made to reduce the frequency a little, but still allow overclocking. The chip, while listed at 105 W, still has the 142 W package power tracking for motherboards that support it.  

Who is this chip for? The focus is on users playing video games over anything else. The extra cache is meant to help with communications with discrete graphics cards, offering additional performance above the regular R7 5800X. Productivity workloads are less likely to be affected, and for those users the regular Ryzen CPUs are expected to be better. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D is designed to be the ‘World’s Fastest Gaming Processor’ (when compared to the 5900X and 12900K).

In terms of those performance metrics, AMD is quoting:

  • From 1.0x to 1.4x at 1080p High vs Ryzen 9 5900X + RTX3080 (15% average)
  • From 0.98x to 1.2x at 1080p High vs Core i9-12900K (DDR5) + RTX3080


Meeh... Blir nok å bruke 12900k og Hynix DDR5 minne til gaming en stund til ;)

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Ola Norman skrev (16 minutter siden):

Cool Stuff: Star Trek Captain Picard Facepalm Bust is Embarrassed of You

Anandtech: AMD CPUs in 2022: Zen 4 in Second Half, Ryzen 7 5800X3D with V-Cache by Spring

The processor will launch in the Spring (March/April we think), and exact pricing is yet to be announced.

For those that have been following AMD’s V-Cache news over this past year, I bet you have exactly the same questions I did when AMD first briefed us on this announcement. Here is a summary of the questions I asked, and my interpretations of the responses.

Why only Ryzen 7, not Ryzen 5/Ryzen 9? Because this is a new project for AMD, they want to find out how a processor like this will be welcomed into the market. A lot of users (myself included) expected AMD to go all-in with a big 16-core version, however anything Ryzen 9 requires two chiplets, and adding the extra V-Cache does require an extra cost in silicon and packaging. During a semiconductor shortage, I was told that this is the best way to get it into the hands of many people while also not in the super high-cost bracket. It also means one single unified 96 MB of L3 cache, without having to deal with two chiplets worth which might not be optimized immediately. Future versions of V-Cache on next-generation products may be expanded to other Ryzen members of the family.

The frequencies are lower than the regular 5800X? The cache does add a few watts to the power both in terms of idle and load. Rather than bin a stricter chiplet, the decision was made to reduce the frequency a little, but still allow overclocking. The chip, while listed at 105 W, still has the 142 W package power tracking for motherboards that support it.  

Who is this chip for? The focus is on users playing video games over anything else. The extra cache is meant to help with communications with discrete graphics cards, offering additional performance above the regular R7 5800X. Productivity workloads are less likely to be affected, and for those users the regular Ryzen CPUs are expected to be better. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D is designed to be the ‘World’s Fastest Gaming Processor’ (when compared to the 5900X and 12900K).

In terms of those performance metrics, AMD is quoting:

  • From 1.0x to 1.4x at 1080p High vs Ryzen 9 5900X + RTX3080 (15% average)
  • From 0.98x to 1.2x at 1080p High vs Core i9-12900K (DDR5) + RTX3080

De tenker altså kun på oss stakkars forbrukere..  Releaser kun 5800x3d å holde prisen nede slik at de kan "get it into the hands of many people while also not in the super high-cost bracket".  Samme år som de skal selge oss Navi31 til over 2000$.🤣

Ja jøss klart, dette har ikke noe med å gjøre med at de velger allokere så og si alle dies til EPYC isteden for consumer Ryzen for å tjene mest mulig penger.. De kunne i det miste være ærlige og si det slik det er.   

men hvorfor sikle etter en oppgradering/melking av allerede eksisterende Cpu'er når Zen4 kommer senere? i år

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Dragonlove skrev (5 minutter siden):

men hvorfor sikle etter en oppgradering/melking av allerede eksisterende Cpu'er når Zen4 kommer senere? i år

Zen4 er Q4 2022, nesten 1 år til nå.. Føler jeg har maxa min nåværende platform og har lyst å leke med noe nytt. Hadde sett fram til å tweake 5950x3d 😇 x570s Unity X Max ble kjøpt inn kun til det formålet. 

Endret av Ola Norman
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