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Coronaviruset i verden: Nyheter og diskusjon

Gjest Slettet-404071

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Tyskland har gitt opp smittesporing kaller det en epidemi.

Til deg som skulle til Frankrike, anbefaler deg å droppe det. 

Bli hjemme og avvente og ha heller turen til gode.

Dette skjer endringer fortere enn jeg aldri har opplevd. Nå melder norske myndigheter at lockdown som i Italia og Kina også kan bli nødvendig i Norge.

Kameraten min var på Svinesund, kjøtthylllene var tømt...

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7 minutes ago, daruu said:

Med 5 stk i isolat på Elverum å så spørs det om det er for sent... 



Fem personer testet for koronaviruset i Elverum

Fem nordmenn som nylig var i et smitteutsatt område i Italia, er nå testet for det nye koronaviruset. De fem er nå isolert hjemme i Elverum.

De kontaktet selv legevakt i Norge etter at de hadde influensa-symptomer, skriver Østlendingen.

– De har vært i et område i Italia der det er smitte. Da de kom hjem, tok de på helt riktig måte kontakt med legevakten og fortalte om situasjonen. Da har vi sørget for at de nå er isolert og ikke går utenfor huset. De har det etter forholdene bra, sier kommuneoverlege Knut Skulberg i Elverum til avisa.

Prøvene er nå sendt til Oslo, hvor de vil bli analysert enten på Folkehelseinstituttet eller på Oslo universitetssykehus.


Blir nå alle flypassasjerer (nå sporet opp) som har evt. har delt flytur med disse personene nå oppsøkt? Eller kom de kjørende med bil hjem?

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pappkake skrev (3 minutter siden):

Han ble tatt ut i en tilfeldig test...

Bare flaks at det ble oppdaget, som vanlig...

De "regner med" at han ikke er smittefarlig. Flott FHI. Han har vært her siden helgen.

BRA jobbet Norge! Nå kan dere klappe hverandre på skuldrene...

Du må se pressekonferansen til FHI på nytt.



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29 minutes ago, pappkake said:

Han ble tatt ut i en tilfeldig test...

Bare flaks at det ble oppdaget, som vanlig...

De "regner med" at han ikke er smittefarlig. Flott FHI. Han har vært her siden helgen.



BRA jobbet Norge! Nå kan dere klappe hverandre på skuldrene...

Det kan jo hende at man bør opprette noen fabrikker slik at man kan produsere små mengder av dette utstyret selv?


Hva i all verden er det hun har av sminke i pannen. Fra høringen i USA:



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Just now, xRun said:

Folk shopper...

Norske apotek tømmes for munnbind
"Frykten for å bli smittet av koronavirus i Norge har ført til at de største apotekene nå er tomme munnbind. Helseminister Bent Høie har et godt råd: – vask hendene!"

Herregud, er det nødvendig da, når norske helsemyndigheter tydelig har sagt at det mest sannsynlig ikke gir mye hjelp da?

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G skrev (33 minutter siden):

Det kan jo hende at man bør opprette noen fabrikker slik at man kan produsere små mengder av dette utstyret selv?


Hva i all verden er det hun har av sminke i pannen. Fra høringen i USA:


Nasjonal markering av religiøs høytid: Askeonsdag. Starten på det de kaller "Lent" eller fasteperiode, som varer 40 dager frem til like før påskesøndag. En ser dette denne onsdagen hvert år i amerikanske medier. Hun har vært i kirken, og presten har merket henne med aske el.

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1 hour ago, xRun said:

Nasjonal markering av religiøs høytid: Askeonsdag. Starten på det de kaller "Lent", som varer ca. 6 uker frem til like før påskesøndag. En ser dette denne onsdagen hvert år i amerikanske medier.

Burde sikkert google det selv, men hva er askeonsdag? Husker at det var en galning i det gamle testamentet (den jødisk-kristne bibel) som ville vise gud hvor liten han var, at han vasket seg i aske.


Tilbake på sporet:

Han der som ble grillet Hon. AZAR. Fy fader for en slimål. Han fikk sikkert ganske mange tøffe spørsmål, men han valgte jo å la være å svare på mange av dem også da.




Bahrain has detected seven new cases of coronavirus, taking the number 33, the country’s minister of health has said. And flights to and from Dubai International airport have been suspended for an additional 48 hours, the country’s Civil Aviation Affairs (CAA) has announced.




19m ago21:55

Romania confirms its first case

The Romanian health minister, Victor Costache, has said a man from the southern county of Gorj has become the country’s first case.

The man had been in direct contact with an Italian citizen who travelled to Romania earlier this month. He is in a good condition and will be transferred to a Bucharest infectious hospital.


Verdensbanken og "Coronavirus bonds"


‘Useless’ pandemic bonds offer little hope for dealing with coronavirus

Issued on: 26/02/2020 - 16:24Modified: 26/02/2020 - 16:24

The World Bank created an insurance mechanism in 2017 to help some of the world’s poorest countries deal with a possible pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak could lead to its use for the first time – but there are doubts about how effective this tool would be.

The so-called “pandemic bonds” were created in response to the Ebola outbreak in Africa that killed more than 11,000 people between 2014 and 2016 – and the idea was to transfer some of the economic risks caused by disease outbreaks from under-developed countries to the financial sector.

They work in a similar way to insurance: as long as there is no pandemic, the buyers of these securities make money from high annual interest and premiums, but if an outbreak occurs, they must return all or part of their investment to a specific World Bank fund intended to fight pandemics. In this way, there would be no need for fraught political negotiations when states raise funds to respond to the crisis.

However, pandemic bonds have lost more than 50 percent of their value since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak originating in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


‘Financial goofiness’

For NGOs and healthcare workers, the new coronavirus – which has infected nearly 80,000 people worldwide, including more than 2,600 fatally, represents a critical test for the viability of this very controversial insurance mechanism.

In April 2019, Larry Summers, the influential former chief economist at the World Bank and former treasury secretary under then US president Bill Clinton, described pandemic bonds as “financial goofiness” and an “embarrassing mistake”.

Olga Jones, a senior fellow at the Harvard Global Health Institute, a former economic advisor at the World Bank and among the most vocal critics of pandemic bonds, has argued that investors have been the only winners – describing them to the Financial Times as a “gamble with taxpayers’ money” at “terrible odds”.

The World Bank has issued two types of bonds. The first covers a wide range of potential pandemics – such as coronaviruses, Ebola, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and Rift Valley fever. It is considered riskier – and more lucrative – than the second pandemic bond because the conditions triggering reimbursement by investors are easier to meet. The second type covers only the influenza epidemic and potential hypotheses for what could happen with the coronavirus.

When the bonds were first created, investors – mainly pension funds and specialists in “catastrophe insurance” – immediately rushed in to buy these financial instruments and the World Bank had no trouble achieving its goal of selling $330 million (€303 million) in bonds. This eagerness with which they were snapped up suggests that financiers saw them as a great deal.

‘The terms are too stringent’

The devil was in the detail – the 386 pages of documentation setting out how the bonds work and, above all, the conditions to be fulfilled for a pandemic to cause money to be transferred to the World Bank’s special fund. In order to be triggered, the first type of bond requires 12 weeks to have passed since the start of the outbreak (a point which will be reached on March 23 for the coronavirus), 250 people to have died in the country where it began, and 200 deaths in a second country.

In this context, the second Ebola outbreak illustrated the limitations of pandemic bonds. Still ongoing after it started in 2018, this health crisis has already killed more than 2,200 people, almost entirely in DR Congo. But not a single penny has been transferred from the portfolio of pandemic bondholders to the World Bank fund, as 20 people have not yet died from the outbreak in another country.

“The terms are too stringent; it shows how useless this instrument is,” Bodo Ellmers, director of the Global Policy Forum’s sustainable development finance programme, told the Financial Times.

In establishing such tight criteria, the World Bank was partly trying to ensure that the insurance was only triggered in response to a genuine emergency – but also, it seems, to attract investors. That would also explain why the pandemic bonds’ interest rates are so generous, at around 10 percent for the holders of both types.

But in trying to please bondholders, the World Bank seems to be neglecting the interests of the poor countries the insurance mechanism was supposed to help. “The whole scheme is set up to minimise the probability of payout,” Jones told the Wall Street Journal. “The instrument has triggers that are well into an epidemic that’s about to be out of control or already out of control,” she continued.

So by this point in the outbreak, critics of pandemic bonds argue that they will be an inadequate response to a situation that is already out of hand – while it will only benefit countries on the World Bank’s list, under-developed states excluding South Korea and Iran.

Moreover, it takes 84 days after the first WHO “situation report” on an epidemic before the funds can be transferred. In the case of coronavirus, the first such report was issued on January 21, which means that – even if the criteria were reached – poor countries that need the money won’t get the money until April.

This article was adapted from the original in French.

Kilde: https://www.france24.com/en/20200226-coronavirus-pandemic-bonds

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1 hour ago, DiskusDød said:

Kaste bort penger på falsk trygghet. Disse munnbindene hjelper ikke. 

Tja, de er bedre enn ingenting, men filtrerer ikke bort luftbårne partikler...men det påstår vel FHI enda at ikke eksisterer her?

For Coronavirus trenger man N95 eller N100, men proffer bruker selvfølgelig gassmaske med vanlige NATO 40mm filter :)

Det skal bli vanskelig å finne munnbind fremover, men samtidig er det bra om folk bruker det. Det beskytter dem rundt bedre enn dem som bruker det. Det eneste som er synd er om helsepersonell mangler dem. Krise at vi ikke har fabrikker som kan produsere dette...

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