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Coronaviruset i verden: Nyheter og diskusjon

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“It’s not easy to go to work every day and watch people in their 30s die,” an ICU nurse in Edmonton told the Guardian. “Having to help a family say goodbye and then going through the actions that are required at the end of someone’s life, is worse than anyone can imagine.”

Alberta has long boasted of its loose coronavirus restrictions – including advertising the previous months as the “best summer ever” as it rolled back those few restrictions. It has also been the site of North America’s highest caseloads.


Medical staff in Edmonton, the provincial capital, warned they would soon have to triage incoming patients to determine who could receive lifesaving care.


While these rates dwarf those in the United States, the relentless spread of the Delta variant highlights how catastrophic outbreaks can occur if even a tiny fraction of the population resist public health measures.


“No one can ever understand what it’s like to have a Zoom call with a family member whose patient is dying. No one will ever understand that,” said a third nurse. “That is the most awful thing I’ve ever done. And I think we’re all shifting a bit from this very intense sadness to this anger – because this really does feel preventable.”


Joe Vipond, an emergency room doctor in Calgary and vocal critic of the government, called the latest surge the “intentionally cruel” wave.

“This was always part of the plan – letting younger, low-risk people get infected to build herd immunity. I just think they didn’t realize how much illness would result from it.”



Instead, nurses say they are left pleading with a narrow minority of the public that increasingly is ending up in the hospital.

“We’re just asking for them to trust us one more time – we need them to so our entire healthcare system doesn’t collapse,” she said. “And I worry – because I don’t know how to reach those people.”


Skikkelig ille altså, nært behov for å måtte nytte triage.

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Poorest countries will be $12tn worse off by 2025 due to Covid – UN

The world’s poorest countries will be left $12tn (£8.7tn) worse off by 2025 amid a weaker economic recovery from Covid-19 as wealthy nations limit their access to vaccines, the United Nations has warned.



Covid kills a 9/11’s worth of Americans every three days. The vaccine mandate shouldn’t be controversial
Jill Filipovic


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No reports of 'testicular swelling in Trinidad': Nicki Minaj’s claim dismissed – video


Terrence Deyalsingh, Trinidad and Tobago’s health minister, has dismissed claims by the rapper Nicki Minaj that her cousin’s friend had become impotent after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. 'As we stand now, there is absolutely no reported such side effect or adverse event of testicular swelling in Trinidad … and none that we know of anywhere in the world,' Deyalsingh said in a press conference. Deyalsingh lamented the time health officials spent investigating the claim, saying that they 'take all these claims seriously'. Minaj prompted a global backlash with a tweet in which she claimed that a cousin’s friend had become impotent after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Nicki Minaj claim that Covid vaccine can cause impotence dismissed by Trinidad and Tobago
Why is Nicki Minaj tweeting about vaccines and some guy’s swollen testicles?
Source: Courtesy of Kevz Politics



One in 500 Americans have died of Covid – and some hospitals reach capacity
The US passed another grim milestone, even as people in some regions remain stubbornly resistant to vaccines and masking



Another confrontation involving a person refusing to wear a mask on public transit in B.C. has been posted to social media.

In the video, a man can be seen refusing to wear a mask or get off the 401 Richmond bus.



Metro Vancouver Transit Police are investigating after video uploaded to TikTok surfaced showing a woman spitting on a bus passenger, and the man retaliating by shoving her off the bus.



Harpell said the next few weeks will be key. If COVID cases and hospitalizations rise, she said there will be a greater need to protect people from the flu and keep hospitals from being impacted further.



‘Despicable’: Sydney police stop Muslim mourners from watching funerals from cars


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3000 uvaksinerte permittert


Den franske helseministeren Olivier Véran sier i et radiointervju torsdag morgen at rundt 3000 permitteringsvarsler er sendt ut til uvaksinerte ansatte ved helsesentre og klinikker i landet, ifølge AFP.

President Emmanuel Macron ga i juli beskjed til ansatte ved sykehus, sykehjem og i brannvesenet om at de ville bli permittert om de ikke hadde sørget for å få minst én vaksinedose innen 15. september, skriver NTB.


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Anti-vaxxer mother and daughter die from Covid in Northern Ireland hospital


Forde’s father, Kevin McAllister, told the BBC’s Nolan Show: “This has just shattered my world. I’ve lost my daughter, my best friend.” He said Forde, who had four children, and Maddern were “very, very close”. “They worked together, they lived together and they died together,” he said.

“I never, never thought in my life I would bury my daughter,” McAllister told the BBC. He said he believed his daughter had no underlying health conditions. “She’s a 32-year-old healthy girl and she took heart failure at the end because she just couldn’t cope,” he said.



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Alberta reverses hands-off approach to Covid to tackle ‘crisis of unvaccinated’
Premier Jason Kennedy admits ‘we were wrong –and, for that, I apologize’ as he warns ICU beds may run out in 10 days

... Kenney, whose government consists of moderate and far-right conservatives, has previously resisted vaccine passport systems, citing privacy concerns. But on Wednesday evening, he admitted he had little choice.

... In his remarks, Kenney also apologized for treating Covid-19 as something that was not an immediate threat to the lives of Albertans. In July, officials had said Alberta was “open for summer” and the governing United Conservative party began selling hats proclaiming 2021 was the “Best Summer Ever”. Those hats are no longer for sale.

... The province has already cancelled surgeries to increase ICU capacity. As of Tuesday, 270 people were in Alberta’s ICUs, far more than the limit of 173. More than 90% of patients in the ICU are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated.


Popular much? 😰 Litt mye dans og litt lite hamring med 🔨 

Jeg kjenner noen der, hvor søsteren fikk utsatt operasjon nok en gang etter flerfoldige måneder venting.

De er mildt sagt forbanna på anti-vaxxerne, og de skulle ønske de ikke slapp inn på sykehus for å stjele seng pga. sin idiotiske oppførsel. Mao. la de selv ta ansvar.


With the full approval comes some new names for the vaccines, which Health Canada announced on Twitter Thursday morning.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine will now be known as “Comirnaty,” Health Canada wrote. Moderna’s, meanwhile, has been dubbed “Spikevax” and AstraZeneca’s will be called “Vaxzevria.”

“These are only name changes. There are no changes to the vaccines themselves,” Health Canada said.


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The shit hit the fan 🙄

Alberta’s COVID-19 surge a cautionary tale. Vaccines alone ‘won’t be fast enough’: Tam


Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, told reporters at a news conference on Thursday that COVID surges can be tamed if provinces act quick enough, but acknowledged that vaccines take time — suggesting Alberta has run out of it for the time being.

“We’re always learning through this pandemic, and navigating through the next months is not going to be an easy thing,” she said.

“If measures are let go of too quickly, and vaccination rates aren’t going up fast enough … you’re giving room for this virus to accelerate if your vaccine coverage isn’t moving up faster than your reopening or easing measures.”



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USA, Idaho

Idaho public health leaders on Thursday expanded health care rationing statewide amid a massive increase in the number of coronavirus patients requiring hospitalization.

...The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare made the announcement after St. Luke’s Health System, Idaho’s largest hospital network, on Wednesday asked state health leaders to allow “crisis standards of care” because the increase in COVID-19 patients has exhausted the state’s medical resources.

Idaho is one of the least vaccinated U.S. states, with only about 40 percent of its residents fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Only Wyoming and West Virginia have lower vaccination rates.

... Crisis care standards mean that scarce resources like ICU beds will be allotted to the patients most likely to survive. Other patients will be treated with less effective methods or, in dire cases, given pain relief and other palliative care.

... Public health officials have warned Idaho residents for weeks to take extra care to ensure they don’t end up in hospitals. Last week, Jeppesen said residents should take their medications as prescribed, wear seatbelts and reconsider participating in any activities like cycling that could lead to injuries.



Wow, når det beste rådet de klarer å gi, er "la være å sykle, tilfelle det leder til sykehusbehov". 🤪

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Wow, hva blir neste? Hamstring av mat, toalettpapir, unntakstilstand deretter anarki? For å dra strikken utrolig langt..

Jaja, de var jo tom for ivermectin, så noen ville vel gjøre profitt. Vanligvis er det jo narkotika som selges på gaten..

The disappearance of a box of COVID-19 vaccine from the RBC Convention Centre supersite is being investigated by Winnipeg police as a possible theft.

... To date, approximately 4.3% of Manitoba residents have had a confirmed case of COVID-19.




... “We get phone calls at our office here — phone calls and emails — from people who are angry that we’re enforcing these health orders at all, but we also get angry phone calls and emails from people who think we aren’t enforcing them enough,” he said.

“It’s just extremely divided and it is a struggle for the officers. It’s a tough time for everybody — being in a pandemic is not fun for everyone.

“Businesses are having a tough time and individuals as well, so we’re certainly not alone in that.”

In late August, Winkler Mayor Martin Harder told Global News he didn’t feel the province’s efforts at taking a punitive approach to those who didn’t follow public health orders was working — at least not in his community.



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No room in B.C. hospitals for Alberta COVID-19 patients, says province

... Alberta kids have surgeries postponed due to volume of COVID-19 cases in hospitals



Forsøk på en stakkars barna inni artikkelen også. Selvsagt er det stakkars alle der nå.


Oppvask i Quebec

There was tension over who was in charge at the privately owned Residence Herron care home as a COVID-19 outbreak worsened last year, with residents and their families left on the sidelines, a Quebec coroner’s inquest heard Thursday.



B.C. students stealing soap, dispensers from schools as part of TikTok challenge


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... Italy has decreed health workers, including pharmacists, who are not inoculated could face suspension without pay for the rest of the year.


What about widespread vaccine mandates for whole countries?
Italy has toyed with the idea of going even further than it already has, with the prime minister, Mario Draghi, suggesting his government could make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory, prompting a row in the country, where there has been a recent rise in protests and violence from anti-vaxxers.

That would follow Indonesia, which announced mandatory vaccination in February, with potential hefty fines for those who do not comply.



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... Mens flere vestlige land legger planer for tredje dose, er store deler av verden uvaksinert. Ifølge VGs oversikt har under fem prosent av befolkningen i Afrika nå fått første stikk.

Gapet har ført til en kamp i Verdens handelsorganisasjon (WTO) om å få selskapene til å dele vaksine-oppskriftene, blant annet drevet frem av The Peoples Vaccine Alliance som består av en rekke organisasjoner, verdensledere og aktivister. Men verdens land har ikke klart å bli enige.



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Simen1 skrev (6 timer siden):

Jepp - kvalmt at helsearbeidere nekter vaksiner som beskytter både de og pasientene.

Tvang er kvalmt uansett hvordan man vrir og vender på det..Hva om de har opplevd at folk i familien sin er blitt alvorlig syke av vaksiner eller dem selv har opplevd det ? Hva om det ligger noen annet bak som gjør at de ikke ønsker ta den ? At du tror du er noe hellig eller bedre menneske fordi du tar en vaksine er jo helt bakover.

Når det er sagt så skal jeg også si at jeg mener helsearbeidere burde være innforstått med at de må ta slike vaksiner når de gjør jobben de gjør, men da burde det stå skriftlig noe sted når de blir ansatt og/eller starter utdannelse at de kan miste jobben eller bli permittert om de ikke gjør det, det burde ikke være noe man skal oppleve etter man er utdannet og ansatt.


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