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Coronaviruset i verden: Nyheter og diskusjon

Gjest Slettet-404071

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Er det nødvendigvis så forferdelig bra at alt skal være berøringsfritt? Skal vi ende med et samfunn der man ikke blir eksponert for bakterier og virus i det hele tatt? Det høres ut som en stor bjørnetjeneste for immunforsvaret, som ikke lenger får noe å bryne seg på. Grunnen til at immunforsvaret fungerer i utgangspunktet, er at det blir eksponert for diverse uhumskheter opp gjennom livet. Det er slik det lærer.

Det blir litt som å kjøre "Australia-strategi" på kroppen. Det er fint så lenge man ikke blir eksponert, men når noe først bryter gjennom er helvete løs.

Vi ser jo allerede tendenser til hvordan germofobien det siste halvannet året nå slår tilbake:



Kjersti Rydland, seniorrådgiver ved avdeling for smittevern og vaksine ved Folkehelseinstituttet, sier at det er mange som ikke er beskyttet mot influensa da det er lenge siden siste influensabølge.

- Når man åpner opp for tiltakene som har vært så vil det åpne opp for importsmitte av influensa. Det er så lenge siden vi har hatt influensa nå, så det er mange som ikke har antistoffer som kan bekjempe influensaen. Viruset endrer seg ofte, så hvis du ikke har vært av influensasyk på flere år så har du ikke antistoffene du har stoppe det.



Norske FHI slo alarm allerede i juli om at utbrudd med noen luftveisinfeksjoner, spesielt RS-virus-infeksjon og influensa, kan bli kraftigere enn normalt kommende vintersesong.

På grunn av smitteverntiltak og reiserestriksjoner regnet FHI med at befolkningen har lavere immunitet mot disse smittestoffene enn vanlig.


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Jo, men er bakterier fra toalettet det første du ønsker deg? E.coli er ikke å spøke med. Ellers finnes noen kjønnsykdommer derfra, men hvorvidt de så lett får fotfeste uten sex har jeg ikke helt innsikt i. Men kan nevne syphilis, gonoré, Mycoplasma genitalium undertype L1-3, Mykoplasma genitalium, Chlamydia trachomatis - som alle er bakterielle. Ellers finnes vel enkelte virus og til og med parasitter på dosete. Mange av disse vil slite med å overføres naturligvis. Men noen ting vil lett kunne overføres da. Så minimum hygiene ville jeg sagt at var smart, framfor å oppsøke de potensielle problemene aktivt. Noen av dem kan finne på å infisere andre steder enn kjønnsorganet.

Covid som ikke regnes for en kjønnssykdom er svært smittsomt spesiellt fra feces. Men kan henge i luften også på toaletter om det er dårlig ventilert.

Så har man jo andre sykdommer utenom de nevnte i tillegg.

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Rapperen Nicki Minaj nektet å bøye seg for kravet fra Met Gala om at alle deltagere måtte være vaksinert mot covid.

I følge Deadline refererer hun blant annet til sin fetter i Trinidad. Hans kamerat hadde tatt vaksinen, og ble angivelig impotent etter at testiklene hans hovnet opp. Kameraten til fetteren skulle gifte seg, og i følge Deadline har den vordende bruden nå avlyst bryllupet som følge av vaksinens bivirkninger på brudgommen.


Alltid noen som tror de vet bedre enn andre. Hvorvidt testikkelhistorien er vaksinerelatert, eller ikke? Må være sjeldent?

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Er innført vaksinepasskrav i British Columbia, Canada i fra i dag av. Fikk svar fra BC health på e-post, at EU-vaksinepasset er gyldig til nært utgangen av september til bruk i provinsen. Hva som gjelder etter denne sene septemberdatoen vet jeg ikke helt.

Sånn ellers i den korte perioden jeg har oppholdt meg her før kravet så har jeg observert en god del asiatere spesiellt som bruker munnbind selv utendørs, enten det er trafikk rundt dem, men selv midt i naturen også. Snodig fenomen.

Jeg har også observert asiatere uten munnbind utendørs.

All offentlig innendørs besøk krever munnbind. Dette gjaldt også før vaksinepasskravet kom i dag.

Er nok en 40-50 prosent asiatere alt etter hvilke bydeler du besøker i Vancouver. Har forsøkt google det, men blir litt utregninger. Så det tallet fra meg er et anslag fra forsøk på å summere ulike typer asiatere.


Fant lenke:


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1 hour ago, DaniNichi said:

Last month, Japan's health ministry halted the use of approximately 1.63 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, after an unknown contaminant was discovered in a similar manner.

Har Japan bare uflaks, eller har de bare bedre laboratorier og bedre media og varslere som skriver om og røper slikt?

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11% of Israeli Children Infected With Virus Suffer From 'Long COVID'
Health Ministery survey conducted among parents found that between 1.8% and 4.6% of Israel's youth aged up to 18 experienced COVID symptoms six months after recovery

Eleven percent of youngsters aged three to 18 that contracted the coronavirus are suffering from ongoing symptoms even after recovering – a condition that has been dubbed long COVID –according to a Health Ministry survey.

In some cases (between 1.8 and 4.6 percent, depending on the age), symptoms persisted six months after recovery.

Resten ligger bak betalingsmur.



Israeli survey finds about 1 in 10 kids have lingering COVID symptoms.


The ministry said that 11.2% of children had some symptoms after recovery. The figure declined to 1.8%-4.6% at six months from acute disease, with older kids suffering more.



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Israeli anti-vaxx leader dies of COVID-19


Hai Shaulian, a well-known Israeli activist against coronavirus vaccines, died on Monday morning at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon due to the coronavirus. Shaulian called on his followers on social media not to get vaccinated against the virus under the headline: "There is no epidemic - the vaccine is unnecessary and dangerous."
Shaulian uploaded a video to social media from the time he was hospitalized. He said that "I am connected to an oxygen machine without which I suffocate. If I remove it and walk three meters - I faint. I cough hard and feel a lot of suffocation."


Later in the video, Shaulian complained about the treatment he received at the police station where he was arrested, saying that the policemen put their legs on his neck, and even claimed that "the Jerusalem police tried to poison me. I have never felt this way in my life. All week I struggled as if nothing had happened, but today I could no longer breathe and went to the HMO and from there I was evacuated to Wolfson Medical Center. If something happens to me - know that it's an assassination attempt."



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New plans for Moderna to open a vaccine manufacturing facility in Canada are being welcomed by experts as a way to strengthen the country’s capacity to address future pandemics – even if it might not help directly with the current one.

The federal government announced Tuesday that it had reached a memorandum of understanding with the vaccine developer for it to build a facility in Canada to produce mRNA vaccines for a variety of diseases, capable of producing 30-million doses of vaccine per year.




‘None of the ICU cases in B.C. under 50 are fully vaccinated’: health minister


A child under a year old was also recently admitted to the ICU with the virus but has since recovered and been released, he added. A tween (someone who is not yet a teenager) is also in the ICU.




Ivermectin bruk Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada



Anti-vax activist dies of COVID-19 amid QAnon demands for ivermectin


Veronica Wolski, 64, died early Monday of pneumonia related to COVID-19, the Amita Resurrection Medical Center told Forbes.

Wolski was a popular far-right activist who frequently promoted her conspiracy theories through bridge protests in the city, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

She opposed coronavirus safety measures and was a devoted supporter of QAnon, the online fantasy that imagines a satanic cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles within the highest levels of Hollywood and the U.S. government. She had also previously supported Sen. Bernie Sanders in his failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“The smartest virus ever…” she posted on her Instagram last month. “It doesn’t affect those who don’t believe in it.”


Historien ovenfor om ivermectin er også ganske artig/tragisk. Men kanskje greit å ikke lime inn smitt og smule.


Hurtigtest kluss i Quebec, Canada

“The teachers absolutely do not have the time to do these tests,” Legault said Monday in an interview. “So, we’re asking, who will conduct the tests? Because no staff has been added, no money has been added for this and we already have a shortage of staff in our schools.”


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Her har vi muligens anti-vaxxernes neste botemiddel. Immunforsvarssvekkende sopp har angrepet og drept mange flaggermus vinterstid, men kun vinterstid. Er jo knapt begynt på høsten enda, så "come on" få ut fingeren ☺️



The U.S. anti-vax movement is contaminating Canada



COVID-19 hospital protests ‘a morale blow’ to Canada’s exhausted health-care workers

More than a year after pots and pans were clattering to honour Canadian health-care workers amid the fight against COVID-19, throngs of anti-vaxxers are now protesting vaccine passports at their workplaces.

As a result, the demonstrations have led to patients wading through crowds of anti-vaxxers, and at times provided a challenge for paramedics to find safe passage to transport them.

“As a front-line emergency physician practising in three hospitals, this is frankly disgusting,” said Dr. Raghu Venugopal, a Toronto emergency physician.



Det blir pålegg om at helsepersonell er vaksinert senere i år i noen provinser. Dette protesteres det altså på. Hørte på TV et tall på uvaksinerte sykepleiere.  Tallet er 4000 sykepleiere som foreløpig er uvaksinerte. Googlet kilde på dette:



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Vials of the Israeli drug Codivir  (photo credit: Courtesy)
Vials of the Israeli drug Codivir
(photo credit: Courtesy)

An Israeli antiviral drug previously used to treat HIV may be able to stop coronavirus in a matter of days

The Phase II study, which will involve around 150 patients and is expected to launch in the next month, will also take place in Spain, Brazil and South Africa. According to Code Pharma CEO Zyon Ayni, the goal is to complete the trial within about three to six months and then already apply for emergency use authorization of the drug
“Codivir has a very good safety profile and a very impressive antiviral effect, both in laboratory conditions and in a phase I clinical trial in humans,” he said. “We eagerly await the results of the double-blind studies using Codivir. It may be a breakthrough in the field of antiviral therapy for early COVID-19 patients.”
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Shortly afterwards, his vision in his right eye began to deteriorate, until he was able to detect only wide movements. Also, any movement in this eye caused intense pain. This case story has been published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. 
Cases of temporary vision loss due to SARS-CoV-2 infection are uncommon, yet aren’t rare, with several cases suggesting a connection between the virus and short-term blindness. The place where this case stands out is in the combination of symptoms, including severe headaches and discomfort in the eye itself.
A CT scan quickly revealed the source of the patient's pain: the sinuses on the right side of his face were severely inflamed.


This antibody is known to cause its own problems through IgG4-(RD), an autoimmune condition that can affect almost any part of the body, which incorporates various diseases and can mimic diffuse vasculitis, infectious diseases or tumors. With a diagnosis of IgG4-related rhinitis, the patient received steroids and quickly returned to good health and recovered his vision. Within three weeks he fully recovered.


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Plans for tackling Covid during autumn and winter in England have been unveiled, with Boris Johnson warning the disease "remains a risk".

They include booster jabs for millions - but hold in reserve measures like vaccine passports for certain settings.

"Plan A" is designed to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed, and promotes vaccines and testing.

"Plan B", to be used if the NHS is coming under "unsustainable pressure", includes measures such as face masks.


"Because so many of the population have some degree of immunity, smaller changes in the way we're asking people to behave can have a bigger impact."

He added that this would "give us the confidence that we don't have to go back to the lockdowns of the past".


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Singapore reports worst daily Covid case tally in more than a year
Government pauses reopening plans after 837 new daily infections, despite just four deaths in a month among 80% vaccinated population


Singapore is now considering a third shot for younger adults and may start inoculating children early next year. This week it will start boosters to the elderly and immunocompromised groups.

“If by offering booster shots to the people, including young adults, Singapore is able to relax its restrictions quicker especially with respect to reopening Singapore’s borders, then this may be an existential decision that the government is forced to take,” said Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore.



Nesten bedre tall enn Norge dette, om da Norge ikke har startet å tilbakeholde dødsfall da?

Nå har jo Singapore et fungerende diktatur da. Så at de er på tredjedose-tanker for hele sin voksne befolkning pluss unge voksne barn er vel et verdensunntak, eller?


In the UK, the majority of those now in hospital with Covid-19 are unvaccinated. Many face their last days with enormous regret, and their relatives are telling their stories to try to convince others like them


Birks had rejected the vaccine because he thought it had been rushed through. “He thought it was an emergency vaccine,” says Wynter, “and he wanted to wait it out a little bit, before taking it.” Birks was the sort of person who was always “very anti putting anything in his body at all”, Wynter says. He wouldn’t drink or touch drugs – he wouldn’t even take paracetamol for a headache. And besides, Birks was a fitness enthusiast, going to the gym five times a week, so he figured that if he got Covid, he would most likely be fine.


Birks never got a chance to get out of hospital and get vaccinated. He died on 27 August, aged 40. He left behind his wife and musical partner, Lis, who is pregnant with their first child.


“Just because someone has an opinion on something doesn’t mean they deserve the worst thing to happen to them. There are thousands of people who don’t agree with vaccinations. That doesn’t mean this should happen to them. I never met a person who would put people before himself more than Marcus. He was the one person who would be with you through thick and thin.”




Already everyone in the global village is starting to draw lessons. In France, Macron has predicted “this period will have taught us a lot. Many certainties and convictions will be swept away. Many things that we thought were impossible are happening. The day after when we have won, it will not be a return to the day before, we will be stronger morally. We will draw the consequences, all the consequences.” He has promised to start with major health investment. A Macronist group of MPs has already started a Jour d’Après website.




Tech giants struggle to stem 'infodemic' of false coronavirus claims

Click over to Google, type in “coronavirus”, and press enter.

The results you see will bear little resemblance to any other search.

There are no ads, no product recommendations, and no links to websites that have figured out how to win the search engine optimisation game. Government, NGO and mainstream media sources dominate.

Algorithms and user-generated content are out; gatekeepers and fact checking are in.



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