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Coronaviruset i verden: Nyheter og diskusjon

Gjest Slettet-404071

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1 hour ago, G said:

Hvilken tror du er tryggest av vaksinene 0laf, om du i det hele tatt har innsikt i hva det går i av pre-klinisk, fase 1-2-3-markedslansering.. ?

Man skal hverken stole blindt på at biotech-selskapet har gitt alt i fra seg til godkjenning før det bør godkjennes og heller ikke stole blindt på at EMA gjør en god nok studie av forholdene rundt vaksinen.

Dette er et spennende spørsmål. Moderna er et oppstartselskap som kun har eksistert siden 2012, mens Pfizers vaksine kommer fra et tysk oppstartsselskap de kjøpte opp. Begge er basert på mRNA, som er en ny metode som aldri er blitt brukt i stor skala før. Oxford-vaksinen er mer konvensjonell.

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CNN: Kina hemmeligholdt Covid-19-tall

Hemmelige dokumenter CNN har fått tilgang til hevder kinesiske myndigheter gjorde feil på feil da virus-faren ble kjent i februar 2020.

CNN skriver, med bakgrunn i de lekkede dokumentene, at det allerede for ett år siden, i desember 2019, var et stort og tidligere ikke kjent utbrudd av en influensaepidemi i tre provinser i Kina. De største utbruddene fant sted i Yichang i Xianning. Hubei med byen Wuhan, episenteret for corona-utbruddet, skal ha vært den tredje verst rammede provinsen i dette influensa-utbruddet.



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Svenske myndigheter har registrert 117 nye coronadødsfall siden fredag. Det skriver Aftonbladet. Til sammen har 6. 798 personer dødd i pandemien.

Statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell sier det er fortsatt oppgang i antall smittetilfeller i Sverige. Det er også oppgang i antallet som får intensivbehandling.

– Det er fortsatt en veldig alvorlig situasjon, sier han.

Rettelse: VG skrev først at det er registrert 117 dødsfall det siste døgnet. Det riktige er siden fredag, ifølge Aftonbladet.


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Fnugle skrev (Akkurat nå):

Rettelse: VG skrev først at det er registrert 117 dødsfall det siste døgnet. Det riktige er siden fredag, ifølge Aftonbladet.

Det er vel heller ikke helt riktig? En del av dødsfallene fra helgen kommer nok i morgen, samt at noen av de vil komme i ukene fremover, ettersom svenskene ser ut til å være totalt inkompetente til å rapportere inn slikt.

Man kan jo undres hva som er problemet for sykehus og kommuner med å rapportere dødsfall daglig?
Det er merkverdig at det skal 3-4 uker noen ganger før dødsfall innrapporteres, når selv bananrepublikker i den tredje verden klarer å se at noen er døde, at de døde av COVID-19, og så rapportere det inn til gjeldende myndighet samme dag.

"Vi har världens säkraste siffror kring dödsfall" - Anders Tegnell

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0laf skrev (2 timer siden):

Det er vel heller ikke helt riktig? En del av dødsfallene fra helgen kommer nok i morgen, samt at noen av de vil komme i ukene fremover, ettersom svenskene ser ut til å være totalt inkompetente til å rapportere inn slikt.

Man kan jo undres hva som er problemet for sykehus og kommuner med å rapportere dødsfall daglig?
Det er merkverdig at det skal 3-4 uker noen ganger før dødsfall innrapporteres, når selv bananrepublikker i den tredje verden klarer å se at noen er døde, at de døde av COVID-19, og så rapportere det inn til gjeldende myndighet samme dag.

"Vi har världens säkraste siffror kring dödsfall" - Anders Tegnell

Nei det er et godt poeng. Dødsfallene fra helgen er vel knapt registrert.

Jeg vet ikke hvorfor, men det er jo sånn Sverige har holdt på hele veien, bortsett fra at de etterhvert bestemte seg for at de ikke trengte å rapportere tall hver dag, også har de bare fortsatt med noen rapporteringen i uken, selv om situasjonen tilsier at de burde gå tilbake til daglige oppdateringer.

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Mer om vaksinen i Storbritannia


The vaccination programme will be the “largest-scale vaccination campaign in our country’s history”, the chief executive of the NHS in England has said. Sir Simon Stevens added:

This is an important next step in our response to the coronavirus pandemic and hospitals will shortly kick off the first phase of the largest-scale vaccination campaign in our country’s history.

The NHS has a proven track record of delivering large-scale vaccinations from the winter flu jab to BCG and, once the final hurdles are cleared and the vaccine arrives in England’s hospitals, health service staff will begin offering people this ground-breaking jab in a programme that will expand to cover the whole country in the coming months.

The UK’s health secretary Matt Hancock has hailed the vaccine news. He told Sky News the Joint Committee on Vaccine and Immunisation (JCVI) would set out its priority list later on Wednesday.

This is fantastic news. The MHRA, the fiercely independent regulator, has clinically authorised the vaccine for rollout. The NHS stands ready to make that happen.

So, from early next week we will start the programme of vaccinating people against Covid-19 here in this country.

Hancock added:

As we know from earlier announcements, this vaccine is effective. The MHRA have approved it as clinically safe. And we have a vaccine, so it’s very good news.

Asked about the challenge posed by the need for the vaccine to be stored at an ultra-low temperature, he said:

This is a challenging rollout and the NHS in all parts of the UK stands ready to make that happen. They are used to handling vaccines and medicines like this, with these sorts of conditions.

It’s not easy but we’ve got those plans in place, so this morning I spoke to my counterparts in the devolved nations to make sure that we are all ready to roll out this vaccine ... from early next week.

There will be “three modes of delivery” of the vaccine, Hancock has told Sky News.

The first is hospitals themselves, which of course we’ve got facilities like this – 50 hospitals across the country are already set up and waiting to receive the vaccine as soon as it’s approved, so that can now happen.

Also vaccination centres, which will be big centres where people can go to get vaccinated. They are being set up now.

There will also be a community rollout, including GPs and pharmacists. Now, of course, because of the -70C storage conditions of this vaccine, they will be able to support this rollout where they have those facilities.

Is this a reason to celebrate?
Yes. Analysis shows the vaccine can prevent 95% of people from getting Covid-19, including 94% in older age groups.

The vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and no safety concerns were raised.

What type of vaccine is this?
The jab is known as a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine. Conventional vaccines are produced using weakened forms of the virus, but mRNAs use only the virus’s genetic code. An mRNA vaccine is injected into the body where it enters cells and tells them to create antigens. These antigens are recognised by the immune system and prepare it to fight coronavirus.

What are the advantages of this type of vaccine?
No actual virus is needed to create an mRNA vaccine. This means the rate at which it can be produced is dramatically accelerated. As a result, mRNA vaccines have been hailed as potentially offering a rapid solution to new outbreaks of infectious diseases.

In theory, they can also be modified reasonably quickly if, for example, a virus develops mutations and begins to change. The mRNA vaccines are also cheaper to produce than traditional vaccines, although both will play an important role in tackling Covid-19.

One downside to mRNA vaccines is that they need to be stored at ultra-cold temperatures and cannot be transported easily.

Are they safe?
All vaccines undergo rigorous testing and have oversight from experienced regulators.
Some believe mRNA vaccines are safer for the patient as they do not rely on any element of the virus being injected into the body.

The mRNA vaccines have been tried and tested in the lab and on animals before moving to human studies.

The human trials of mRNA vaccines involving tens of thousands of people worldwide have been going on since early 2020 to show whether they are safe and effective. Pfizer will continue to collect safety and long-term outcomes data from participants for two years.

Do we have enough doses to vaccinate the UK population?
The UK has secured 40m doses of the vaccine, with 10 million due in the UK by the end of the year.

Patients need two doses, meaning not enough shots have been secured for the entire UK population. However, it is likely other vaccines, including one from Oxford University, will be approved in the coming weeks and months.

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magb skrev (3 minutter siden):

Mens vi i "EU" venter på ett møte 29 desember? 🤔

Jepp, EMA har planlagt et ekstraordinært møte den 29. desember for å vurdere om Pfizers vaksine godkjennes eller ikke i EU.

Det er dog ingenting i veien for at de fremskynder dette nå, møtet i desember er satt som "siste frist" for Pfizers vaksine.
Vi får håpe at britenes raske godkjenning, bare noen dager etter at søknaden ble levert, også legger press på EMA til å få ut fingeren.

De har altså at hatt en rullerende godkjenningsprosess gående, slik at myndighetene i de fleste land har mottatt data fra Pfizer underveis i studiene, for lengst fått info om ingredienser, produksjon og transport osv. slik at mesteparten av dataene har de hatt lenge, det er ikke slik at de først fikk dette inn nå på mandag, når søknadene ble levert inn.


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WHO skjerper sine retningslinjer for munnbind.

Det anbefales nå at alle i områder hvor det kan være høy smittefare benytter masker innendørs i dårlig ventilerte områder, som på arbeidsplasser, skoler og butikker.

De anbefaler også bruk av masker hjemme, når man mottar besøk, å det kan være vanskelig å holde en meters avstand og ventilasjonen kan være dårlig.

Barn opp til fem år bør ikke bruke masker, men for de fra seks til elleve år bør risikoen vurderes, mens de over tolv år bør følge samme retningslinjer som voksne.

WHO bemerker at retningslinjene gis på tross av begrenset bevis for at masker har noen beskyttende effekt i samfunnet.


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Interpol has issued a global alert to law enforcement agencies around the world warning them that organised crime networks may try to sell fake Covid-19 vaccines or steal real .

The global police coordination agency, based in France, said on Wednesday it had issued an orange alert to police forces in its 194 member states warning them to prepare for organised crime to target vaccines both physically and online.

It said the pandemic had already triggered “unprecedented opportunistic and predatory criminal behaviour” and warned of a new wave of criminal activity “in relation to the falsification, theft and illegal advertising of Covid-19 vaccines”.


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G skrev (22 timer siden):

Neida, 60 tusen mennesker er ingenting det, eller kanskje en bør sperre øynene litt opp?

52 uker delt på 3 uker er lik 17,33

17,33 ganger med 60 tusen blir 1 million og 40 tusen mennesker på et års tid. Er det normalen på sesonginfluensaen i USA det, eller?

Er USA normalt ?


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Sweden’s anti-lockdown experiment flopped. Now it faces a wave of pandemic pain - The Washington Post

SWEDEN’S INITIAL response to the coronavirus pandemic was mild, keeping younger schoolchildren in class, allowing businesses and restaurants to stay open with distancing, limiting public gatherings to 50 people or fewer and hoping the population would develop immunity to a sufficient level that tighter restrictions would not be needed. Now, Sweden is caught up in a surge of infections and rising deaths, and a needed reconsideration is underway. There are important lessons, including: Don’t try this if you want to save lives.

The response last spring, at the urging of state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, seemed attractive while the United States and others struggled with lockdowns. Many people wondered whether the Swedish experiment might offer an easier alternative, avoiding the severe economic and social costs of closure. President Trump, after a few weeks of lockdown, essentially embraced it, urging states to reopen. More recently, his former adviser Scott Atlas championed the ideas that stricter shutdowns can cause damage to education and economic well-being and are not necessary for public health. On Oct. 22, the Swedish public health agency announced some relaxations for nursing homes and elderly people, and permitted gatherings of up to 300 people for cultural and sporting events as long as they were properly distanced.

But Sweden is now caught in a wave of pandemic pain — and reversing course. Sweden has 48.9 new confirmed cases per 100,000 population, compared with 21.7 in Denmark, 8.2 in Norway and 7.7 in Finland. Sweden is averaging about 42.6 deaths per day, compared with 6.9 in Denmark, 3 in Norway and 2.1 in Finland. Sweden’s total 6,798 deaths, predominantly among the elderly, dwarf the toll in the other Nordic nations combined.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven declared Nov. 16 that Swedes were not following restrictions as closely as they did in the spring, so gatherings during the next four weeks would be limited to eight people. “This is the new norm for the entire society,” he said. “Don’t go to gyms, don’t go to libraries, don’t host dinners. Cancel.” Mr. Lofven gave a nationally televised speech on Sunday reiterating that people should “call it off, cancel, postpone.”

In Sweden, people are inclined to follow crisis instructions voluntarily and the public health agency has a great deal of independence; the government had delegated the early pandemic response to Dr. Tegnell. But it appears the promised immunity was not reached. “The issue of herd immunity is difficult,” Dr. Tegnell said at a briefing in Stockholm on Nov. 24. “We see no signs of immunity in the population that are slowing down the infection right now.” Polls show that Swedish public confidence in the authorities has sagged.

Sweden probably was right to keep classrooms open. But in other respects, the experiment flopped.
There are no magic wands. Until a vaccine is ready, the virus will leap from person to person in close contact, and the most effective way to stop it is to avoid that contact.


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