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Sjovinistråd for jalleBrølt eller kiwiLackse


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Jeg tenkte at, hvorfor kan vi ikke alle mann bli: Forfengelige og sprøytants? Nei det skal, ikke være: Morsomt, eller interessant. Men det bør, helst være i ett: Stilig og kanskje, lyrisk språk. Der igjen, så går jo: Nesten, alt. Det er lov, til og forsøke på og: Hamre ett innlegg, sønder og sammen. Men helst, ikke ta det: Noe utover, akkurat det. Vi diskuterer, aldri ekte: Samtids-høytidelighet som noen, kaller det. Men det, skal iallfall være: Spesielt. Ell Kanskje så, lå det nettopp i: Ordet, "ekte?" Eller kanskje, alt som er: Sant slik, rent ultimat? Eller noe, som bare er: En hel, masse. Kanskje så, går det på: Detaljer. Tenk ja da, så kunne man: Beskrevet en myte, kanskje. Men ta det med ro, fordi at det er kun "ei rein: Flærans Flåse," som kun sjovest hva? Svada-flåse? Nei, nei, nei. Da er, det snakk om: Samfunns-moral i tråkke-trampert, og kanskje med caps. Og så bør klart, alle forstå at: # 1 = sjov / # 2 = krenke.


Men uansett, så har jeg: En lang en, med en hel masse herunder. Plis, ikke si: At den, er tørr. Det vet, jeg likevel at den: Altså, ikke er.



‐ Draft work & audio music being defined like in a scheme for impression, of the standard by a system for one complete rank in from “the: Last & first by effect from onto a perfection inside of pipe modulation” as being free in fractal wire, of hang & tension by stoned class within the weight of some shards in a vault as being stacked up.


Art & sound editions are in general with a tripolar dot & snap as the triple of pyramid hit points in with an alphabeta gone to a manual in the line with geometry of the core from codex / push to a language in direction with interpret, for the filter as a grip & style through with every file as a clip on the layer archive of a constant by the station in charge onto it being in with the over load / momentum of sequence & formula by rank of the universal in with some kind of astral: Structure / plane as being in dimention up to the mirror of magic by symmetry within the force to beam as a flare upto being in with the super stellar on fantasy & wonder hype within “the hard print with source stipulation & in clean performance within the value from inside of the hack script / numeric sun capture from data in difference, of the essence by detail with some special unit in fragmentation & grade with character / decimal in symbolism as a calcyle & predictive spirit as by glow for continuation in dance for the descriptive mode on board.”


Sonar by true star fuel in echo repeat of soul state & drain as burn in a stream / build through out on the slashing edge of mass in fuse as ray & power in spray unto a complete melt down, being on the transfer by sail of pure & liquid light as a centrum of derivial by a strict rule in loop as of being original in a royal roll / ring of march upon an: Extreme of complex inside by the composition being full of aesthetic task mastery by motion, in tilt with the slow type in pace of a new sweep as by the walled & swift blade by a rotor engine in a refresh being ran as spun by turn unto final fill / direct batch as order onto the clock being in storage with “the central regime of occultism & a grand in with being heavy smoke of a pyre beyond an ashen / death with a skull crucible as a circle of the horned logic & discipline by the inferno magma tare ebb.”


From within a hex by torus & frame / raster shape by the direct swirl with a diagram of the cosmic launch by expanse period & date chart on the maximal / invert by nature in balance of a reactor with “the lapse of space in broke time being clash as a dynamic & machinal organ with pump mechanism, for a fat baloon puff as dunst by air in release with response of the durable flash by cascade in rhythm” as crackeling in with the forth falling out onto a swap being come unleashed by: Burst as being bent into chrome fire as open noise onto a swing & for a certain flame of distance in span width within of the sway & curl for again to drive for a slip unto the sudden flux / reshatter as by being in with the next subject & glide result to an input relay, as a pattern inside of some scent / blend by ultra violet ink as a regulate stamp with a note of the traditional set in with the clan seal & paper mark.

Endret av N*
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Ja nå, så startet jeg plutselig: En greie, med Oslo musikk-høyskole. På den teksten, som jeg: Lenket her, tidligere. Nå er den, overlatt for: Musikere.

Endret av N*
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