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I forbindelse med installasjon av program for Buypass kortleser, Smartkort og nett-tjenester, ble det installert Java på min pc, m Win XP. Nå får jeg opp en feilmelding som sier asdas - register failk. Har noen vært borti problemet tidligere?

Trykker jeg Ok der, kommer følgende melding:


Java Plug-in 1.4 Fatal Error

Cannot load class sun/plugin/JavaRunTime.

The Bridge was installed at <F:> but the class is not there. Modify the registry key to reflect the new bridge location. The key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in or change your CLASSPATH to include the new directory.

Please consult the documentation for more information.


Har prøvd å avinstallere all Java på min maskin, restarta, og installere ulike Java utgaver på nytt, men får fortsatt samme feilmelding.


Har lest litt på utenlandske forum om samme problem, men ikke funnet noe fornuftig ennå. Mulligens bortsett fra en som nevnte at Java må fjernes fra toolbaren i IE. Under Tools finner jeg Sun JAva Console, men hvordan evnt fjerne?


Jeg har ikke peiling. Anyone?

Endret av Sushigirl
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Wow, for en kriminelt dårlig feilmelding.


Jeg har gravd opp dette:



Der er det en link til bugdatabasen til Sun. Den må du registrere deg for å ha tilgang til, så her er den (nokså forkortet, den er ganske lang):

Installed JREs:

When Java plug-in version 1.3.1_xx is installed on a system that also has Java
Plug-in version 1.4.2-beta, applets using 1.3.1_xx are not displayed correctly.

When an OBJECT tag is used to force an applet to run under Java Plug-in version
1.3.1_xx on a Windows client, the applet appears in a small box in the upper
left corner of Internet Explorer if JRE 1.4.2-beta was also installed on the
same client computer. The applet appears to hang until the mouse cursor is
positioned over it, at which point tghe applet runs. However, the applet is
still unusuable because all GUI components are 'squished' into the small box

Resizing the IE window and reloaded/refreshing the web page do not help.
Uninstalling JRE 1.4.2-beta does not resolve the problem either. The only
resolution is to actually eliminate the problem by not installing JRE
1.4.2-beta on the same client as long as there is a need to run 1.3.1_xx

After double-clicking the blink13106.html, Java Plug-in 1.3.1_06 should have
started the demo applet and the applet should have run normally.
The applet appears in a small window in the upper left corner of the Internet
Explorer window. The applet is essentially unusable. Also, the applet appears
to hang (or IE appears to keep loading something) until the mouse cursor is
moved over the applet at which point, the applet runs but is still unusable.

No errors are reported.

This bug can be reproduced always.

No workarounds. You must uninstall all JREs and then re-install the desired
Java 1.3.1_xx version in order to get applets requiring that version to
(Incident Review ID: 187157)

xxxxx@xxxxx 2003-08-28

webbug zmansour

Workaround  Suggested workaround:

Until better workaround or solution is available, here is the suggested
workaround (based on scenario 5):
If 1.3.1_0X must co-exist with other later JRE version(s), make sure it's
installed LAST.
xxxxx@xxxxx 2003-08-28

the problem was caused because of several registries required for
1.3.1_X to operate are missing.  These registries were removed when 1.4.2
or later JRE is installed on your system
after installation of 1.3.1_X.  They are:

              ->MiscStatus (Name=(Default), Type=REG_SZ, Data=0)
                 ->1 (Name=(Default), Type=REG_SZ, Data=2449)

The workaround for Mantis is to manually add these registries or import the
attached file "fix.reg" at
The real fix should go to tiger (1.5.0), where the installer should add these
registries to make sure 1.5.0 is
backward compatible with 1.3.1_X.  Contacted JInstall engineer to make sure
this fix go
into 1.5.0.
xxxxx@xxxxx 2003-09-03


Du bør altså legge inn JRE 1.3.1x til slutt.

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Trykker jeg Ok der, kommer følgende melding:


Java Plug-in 1.4 Fatal Error

Cannot load class sun/plugin/JavaRunTime.

The Bridge was installed at <F:> but the class is not there. Modify the registry key to reflect the new bridge location. The key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in or change your CLASSPATH to include the new directory.

Please consult the documentation for more information.

Ok, jeg svarte før du redigerte innlegget ditt. Denne feilmeldingen var en smule mer informativ.


Det er tydeligvis noe kluss med stiene, siden plug-inen klager på at den ikke finner JRE. Hvordan ser classpath ut hos deg? Og hva står det i den nevnte registernøkkelen? Hvor har du installert JRE på disken?

(classpath finner du i Kontrollpanel/System/Avansert/Miljøvariabler elns (jeg har ikke norsk Win))

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Takker for all hjelp. Tar Datakort-kurs på nett, og de hadde en annen Java-versjon som man kunne bruke. Installerte den på riktig disk, og vips! Skal vente litt nå med å installere Smartkortleseren og den Java-versjonen, til jeg evnt gidder å plages mer. Kan være at det hjelper å installere den på riktig disk, men nå er jeg oppriktig lei! :)



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