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IRQ feil ved OS installasjon


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Asus p4c800 deluxe-e hovedkort og Corsair xms 3200LL 2x512 når æ prøve å legge inn os på maskina så kommer det en feil(irq_xxx_xx og huske ikke ka x hva igjen) og har prøvd det meste skifta volt og greier i bios.Har spurt litt omkring men blir bare forvira kan noen av dere i forumet hjelpe meg?!


I hele tatt passer denne ramen med hovedkorte?





Vil gjerne få fiksa pc'en før juL!



*tittel fikset av moderator*

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IRQ feil tyder jo på at du har en konflikt i HW en plass.

Fjern alle kort/duppeditter som strengt tatt IKKE er

nødvendig for installasjon, reset BIOS og installer på nytt.

Hvis installasjon går greit, installer 1 og 1 kort.. helt til du

antakelig -ja- finner feilen.


Hvis ikke.. tja



Håper dette ikke høres slemt ut, men;


Hvis du hadde kommet med en mer konkret feilmelding hadde

dette hjulpet både meg og andre på forumet.. da hadde vi faktisk

hatt en reell mulighet for å finne årsak til feilen.


Det er lov å komme med litt mer spesifikasjoner vettu.

Ikke minst.. har det vært OS på maskina før? Er den ny?

Har du HD? Andre kort? Testet med andre OS? Feil på CD etc etc..



Btw :xmas: God Jul

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Jeg har akkurat samme hovedkort og ram. Ikke merket noen problemer. Maskinen startet og Xp gikk rett inn. Skjønt jeg har hatt problemer med skjermkortet asus 9800xt og dette hovedkortet, og sendte da mail til asus. Svaret jeg fikk var alt annet enn logisk. Det startet med "These products are not incompatable!". Deretter svarte de ikke på noen av mine øvrige spørsmål. Men åtte ganger forsøkte de å skylle på rammen. De sendte meg mao kanskje din løsning. Jeg syntes det var et fint svar dersom jeg hadde hatt problemer med rammen. Vil du ha? Kan vel poste om nødvendig.

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Mange av kortene deres har vært plaget av å være lettere ukompatible med div produkter =/

Hmm. Alle maskinene jeg har hatt opp gjennom årene, har vært med ASUS kort. Har nå tre maskiner med ASUS kort. En Celeron, en P3 og en P4. Har ikke opplevd at noen av dem har vært "ukompatible med div produkter". Har selv ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe. Har hatt både ASUS GF4 og nå Radeon9800 PRO på det hovedkortet, uten at det har skapt noen problemer.


Har prøvd mage forskjellige OS cd'er

Må bare spørre. Er det pirat versjoner du bruker, siden du har så mange. Kan jo være noe feil med den. En dårlig kopi eller noe slikt?


En annen ting du bør prøve, er å slå av "Legacy USB Support" i bios, når/hvis du kjører mem test eller lignende, da det med denne på, kan gi feil uansett.

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Sorry, det tok tid. Har nok med egne problemer og returnerer alt i morgen.

Lykke til!


Asus standard svar:


Dear Sir/Madam,

These products are not incompatable!

The problem you are reporting is a stability issue and is usually caused

by either the memory, power supply or the CPU running too hot. Please

check with the memory maker to see if the module you are using has been

tested or certified with the chipset on your motherboard. Also, check

that your power supply can supply enough power for your system

configuration and that your CPU's heatsink and fan are properly installed.

First, please check that your CPU is not overheating. You can check this

in the BIOS setup, under Power, then Hardware Monitor. If the CPU is

overheating, please check that your heatsink and fan are properly

installed and that you are using exactly one heat transfer agent between

the CPU and heatsink (ex. Artic Silver). Make sure that the heatsink

compound is applied ONLY to the CPU die and that it is NOT shorting any

surface mount components on top of the CPU or contacting the CPU's pins.

Please check http://www.asus.com/support/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx to

verify that your board will properly support the CPU that you have. This

link will list the minimum BIOS and PCB version that you must have to

PROPERLY support your CPU.


Please ask the memory manufacturer the following questions:

Have you done any certification testing with this memory module and our MB

(motherboard) or any MB using the same chipset at the density you are

trying to use (ex. 3*512MB DIMMS totaling 1.5GB of memory)?

If the answer is no and they just build to a certain

specification/standard, then who's specification/standard do they use and

how do they validate their design? If they just build the memory and do

not validate it how do they know it will perform?

When we design our MB we follow the chipset makers spec. with regards to


We do validate the memory IC maker's reference designs with our MB to make

sure they are up to spec. and if we need to add support for Higher density


Most memory module makers do not follow the IC maker's reference designs

so they can use whom ever IC's on their memory Module. There is nothing

wrong with this, but the problem is if they deviate from the IC makers

reference designs and or even if they use the IC makers reference they

should do some level of validation to insure quality.

We are one of the largest MB makers so one would think that if you were

making a product you would test your product with the most popular

associated products.

Here is a list of memory manufacturers that use our MB's as well as others

to do this type of testing and also will post a guarantee that their

memory will work in our MB's as well as others. Please check the following

websites for compatibility:





Also, here are some setup tips that may help you to set up the system.

Please start by clearing the system c-mos memory following the procedure

in your manual. Make sure the power AND the battery on the motherboard is

removed before shorting the CLR RTC solder points or jumper pins.

You may need to refer to the "Interrupt Request Table" in your manual and

arrange your PCI add-in cards so they do not cause interrupt conflicts.

Some devices just do not get along with each other. You may also remove

your PCI cards to see if this corrects the problem. If it does, add the

cards back one by one to see which card is causing the problem. Anytime

you add, move, or remove a PCI card, please enter BIOS setup and set the

option "Reset Configuration Data" to "Yes" if your BIOS has this option.

This will force the BIOS to reassign resources to your PnP devices.

Next, enter Bios Setup and load setup defaults.

Under Boot, if needed, please set the BOOT order. Then set "Reset

Configuration Data" To "YES". Any other changes you need to make for your

specific system configuration please do so at this time.

Next, exit "Saving Changes" and this should correct the issue.

Also for Windows 9X or ME, they have some issues with CPU speeds greater

than 2.1 GHz (see MS Q312108) or memory above 512 MB total system memory

(see MS Q253912). These O.S. cannot cache the memory properly. If your

CPU is greater than 2.1 GHz, you will need to contact Microsoft Product

Support Services to obtain a patch to correct this issue.

Here are some links for common memory related problems:

Err Msg: "Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM



Err Msg: Windows Protection Error in NDIS with a CPU That Is Faster Than

2.1 GHz


Err Msg: While Initializing Device NTKERN: Windows Protection...


Err Msg: Insufficient Memory to Initialize Windows


Computer May Reboot Continuously with More Than 1.5 GB of RAM


Computer Speed and Performance May Decrease


Err Msg: Not Enough Extended Memory Available to Run Windows


Troubleshooting Stop 0x24 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM Error Messages




Make sure you have a FRESH install of your OS on THIS motherboard and that

the drive was partitioned and formatted on this motherboard. Make sure

that you install the most recent drivers in the following order:

1) Chipset/Motherboard drivers (Example, VIA 4 in 1's for VIA chipsets,

Intel INF and Application Accelerator for Intel chipsets, Etc.) Do this

BEFORE loading any other driver!

2) Latest version of Direct X.

3) Latest Video Card drivers.

4) SCSI/ATA drivers

5) Lan/NIC drivers

6) Modem drivers, then any other drivers

7) Finally, install sound card drivers last.


Also, please check to make sure your power supply can supply enough power

to your system.

If the CPU is below 700 MHz, the power supply we suggest as follows:

300 Watts with +5 Volt @ 25 amps, +12 Volt @ 10 amps, and +3.3 Volt @ 14


If the CPU speed is above 700MHz, the power supply we suggest as follows:

350 Watt with +5V @ 30 amps, +12V @ 12 amps, and +3.3V @ 22 amps.

For Dual Intel MB, Min. P.S. should be:

350 Watt with +5V @ 35 amps, +12V @ 15 amps, and +3.3V @ 22 amps.

For Dual AMD MB, Min. P.S. should be:

400 Watt with +5V @ 38 amps, +12V @ 15 amps, and +3.3V @ 20 amps.

Please note that these are only suggestions and the actual size of the

power supply may be higher than we suggest. Also, depending on the config

of your system, you may need more power than listed above. For example,

running multiple hard drives, CR-Rom drives or other accessories may

increase the power requirements of your system!


If that still doesn't work, then please check that the MB is not picking

up EMI interference or improperly grounding against the case. Please

remove the MB from the case and set it up DIRECTLY on the cardboard box it

came in or some other non-static, non-conductive surface like a telephone

book. Connect up everything to the MB and see if the problem persists.

If this corrects the problem, you will need to electrically isolate the MB

from the case. You will need to use electrical tape over the brass

stand-offs that support the MB to the case and use the red paper washers

between the screw heads and the MB. The red paper washers should have

came with your case hardware or they can be purchased at Radio Shack or a

computer store. Also double check that a motherboard standoff is NOT

placed in a spot where the motherboard is not designed to be grounded, as

some cases will have different standoff locations to accommodate different

styled of motherboards. Also check that there are no other metal objects

that could contact the motherboard or any other electrical device attached

to the system, such as a metal burr, loose screw, metal rod, or any other

object that could cause a short.


Please call 502-995-0883 if you need further assistance.

Best Regards,

Technical Support Team




Technical Support

Email: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]

Phone: +1-502-995-0883

URL: http://usa.asus.com/

http://download.asus.com.tw/ (for download page)


Customer Service

Email: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]

Phone: +1-510-739-3777 EXT. 5105




For Knowledge Base Please click the link:



For CPU Support for MB Please click the link:



For Technical Reference Please click the link:



For Download Please click the link:


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