vihovde Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Del Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Det er en sann historie. Det er en historie om kar som jobbet for Word Perfect's kundeservice. Han fikk sparken fra jobben sin, selv om jeg mener han burde blitt forfremmet. Han er visstnok i rettsak mot Word Perfect for grunnløs oppsigelse. Her følger samtalen han hadde med en som ringte. A. representerer kundebehandleren og B. er kunden: A. Ridge hall computer assistance; may I help you? B. Yes, well, I'm having trouble with Word Perfect. A. What sort of trouble? B. Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away. A. Went away? B. They disappeared. A. Hmm. So what does your screen look like now? B. Nothing. A. Nothing? B. It's blank; it wont accept anything when I type. A. Are you still in Word Perfect, or did you get out? B. How do I tell? A. Can you see the C: prompt on the screen? B. What's a see-prompt? A. Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen? B. There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type. A. Does your monitor have a power indicator? B. What's a monitor? A. It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV. Does it have a little light that tells you that its on? B. I don't know. A. Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that? B. Yes, I think so. A. Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if its plugged into the wall. B. Yes, it is. A. When you where behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one? B. No. A. Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable. B. Okay here it is. A. Follow it for me, and tell me if its plugged securely into the back of your computer. B. I cant reach. A. Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is? B. No. A. Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over? B. Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle, it's because it's dark. A. Dark? B. Yes, the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window. A. Well, turn on the office light then. B. I can't. A. No? Why not? B. Because there's a power failure. A. A power... a power failure? Aha, okay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packaging stuff your computer came in? B. Well, yes, I keep them in the closet. A. Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to the store where you bought it from. B. Really? Is it that bad? A. Yes Im afraid it is. B. Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them? A. Tell them that your too Happy stupid to own a computer. Hehehe Lenke til kommentar
Jonas Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Del Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Den er litt gammel, men drit kul! Synes egentlig at selv om man er litt dum innen pc så bør man skjønne det! Lenke til kommentar
Blib Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Del Skrevet 5. desember 2003 Det er en sann historie. Det er en historie om kar som jobbet for Word Perfect's kundeservice. Han fikk sparken fra jobben sin, selv om jeg mener han burde blitt forfremmet. Han er visstnok i rettsak mot Word Perfect for grunnløs oppsigelse. Og her har vi et perfekt eksempel på hvordan vandrehistorier sprer seg Historien er like fake som det meste på internettet, men utrolig morsom uansett, selv om den er litt vel gammel nå Lenke til kommentar
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