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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Første periode (Les førstepost)

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Spørsmålet er hvorfor han gjør det. Det vet vi ikke ennå.

Det gjør vi ikke. Og inntil videre må vi kun forholde oss til at det han sier er hans personlige meninger som en støttespiller av verdens største løgner som leder, i den vestlige verden.
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Det gjør vi ikke. Og inntil videre må vi kun forholde oss til at det han sier er hans personlige meninger som en støttespiller av verdens største løgner som leder, i den vestlige verden.

Personlige meninger av en efarne byråkrat med en solid rykte.

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Live i nyhetskanaler nå: DOJ regner med å levere rapporten innen midten av april, om ikke tidligere.


Siste ukedag nær midten av april er fredag 19 (uken starter 15. april), og fredag er ofte en news-dump dag. Innen 19 da, med litt godvilje.

Endret av xRun
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Bare hvis Schiff aksepterer Muellers konklusjoner. Ellers er bare Beyond a Reasonable Doubt nok til å fjerne Trump. Resten er i hovedsak et politisk spill som Schiff er glad til å fornøye partiet sitt med men ikke mye mer.


Jeg tror ikke du forstår hvordan dette fungerer. For det første er det justisdepartementets syn at en sittende president ikke kan tiltales. Da blir eneste måten å fjerne en kriminell president på via riksrett. For å fjerne en president må han/henne gjort "high crimes and misdemeanors" noe som i grunn betyr at han/henne kan fjernes for omtrent det kongressen ønsker så lenge de har en supermajoritet i senatet og enkelt flertall i representantenes hus. I grunn er det nok grums rundt Trump som ville være grunnlag for å fjerne ham om vi skulle holdt Trump til samme standard normale presidenter må forholde seg til. Riksrett følger ikke samme normer som ordinære rettsaker.


Hadde du sett innlegget som xRun linket med videon om Schiff så var ikke det et innlegg om politisk spill. Det var en forsvarstale for sunne verdier, sunn fornuft og ikke minst at loven skal gjelde for alle. I grunn synes jeg at det var en fyrtårn av en tale for anstendighet og ærlighet. Noe som virker å være begrenset hos Republikanere generelt og Trump totalt fraværende.


Uenig, Barr er en typisk mer eller mindre ærlig byråkrat.


Jeg tror ikke man skal skyte Barr for mye, enda i hvertfall. Det er et par punkter mot ham, sett i den store sammenheng, han skrev et 19 siders memorandum til visejustisminister, daværende sjef for Mueller granskningen, Rosenstein når han var en vanlig borger uoppfordret. Et skriv som på manger måter var et forsvarsskriv av sittende President Trump. En forsvarstale som ga et eksplisitt syn på at en sittende president ikke kan tiltales. På mange måter en ganske grei jobbsøknad som jeg har hørt/lest mer enn en amerikansk pundit har kalt det.


Det er i grunn ikke Barr som er problemet, om det er noe der, men det er at Barr og Rosenstein skal være dommere og trekke slutning om Trump bedrev obstruction of justice. Samtidig er Muellers rapport over 300 sider, i følge NYT, noe justisdepartementet har bekreftet  og da kan Barrs brev til kongressen på fire sider bli noe kort.


I det store og hele er det i grunn best om hele rapprten, så langt det lar seg være uten å utgi sensitiv informasjon, blir gitt ut i sin helhet.

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Kritiserer ikke demokratene republikanerne når de ikke aksepterer Etteretningsrapporter/meninger om f eks Russland?

Etter Irak?


Med god grunn.


Men demokratene er generelt moralsk høyverdige og frigir informasjonen - mens republikansk side forsøker å spille på systemet.


Det er trolig at rapporten impliserer kritikkverdige forhold hos et dusin republikanere, eller fler - og Barr er der for å redde partiet.


Det er åpenbart at et upartisk organ, FBI selv, burde fjernet sensitiv informasjon - ikke en person oppnevnt av partiet og lederen som er etterforsket.


Det er bare absurd at Trump-lojalister som selv kan være korrupt eller komprimert får spise delene av rapporten som ikke tåler dagens lys før Trump-uavhengige får muligheten til å se på den.


Barr selv kan være involvert i Trump sin kriminalitet;

Det kan være derfor han ble oppnevnt av Trump, etter å ha protestert mot Mueller etterforskning.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Jeg tror ikke du forstår hvordan dette fungerer. For det første er det justisdepartementets syn at en sittende president ikke kan tiltales. Da blir eneste måten å fjerne en kriminell president på via riksrett. For å fjerne en president må han/henne gjort "high crimes and misdemeanors" noe som i grunn betyr at han/henne kan fjernes for omtrent det kongressen ønsker så lenge de har en supermajoritet i senatet og enkelt flertall i representantenes hus. I grunn er det nok grums rundt Trump som ville være grunnlag for å fjerne ham om vi skulle holdt Trump til samme standard normale presidenter må forholde seg til. Riksrett følger ikke samme normer som ordinære rettsaker.

I'm american. I studied political science at the university during Watergate. The political reality is that without a recommendation of a criminal indictment after vacating the presidency from Mueller there will not be enough support to convict Trump of "high crimes and misdemeanors" and remove him from office. Trump has an 80% approval rating amongst republican voters which makes it very difficult to convict him with likely but difficult to prove criminal behavior.


Your condescending tone doesn't make your arguments any stronger.


Hadde du sett innlegget som xRun linket med videon om Schiff så var ikke det et innlegg om politisk spill. Det var en forsvarstale for sunne verdier, sunn fornuft og ikke minst at loven skal gjelde for alle. I grunn synes jeg at det var en fyrtårn av en tale for anstendighet og ærlighet. Noe som virker å være begrenset hos Republikanere generelt og Trump totalt fraværende.


I saw it, you are naive to think there is no political calculation involved.


Jeg tror ikke man skal skyte Barr for mye, enda i hvertfall. Det er et par punkter mot ham, sett i den store sammenheng, han skrev et 19 siders memorandum til visejustisminister, daværende sjef for Mueller granskningen, Rosenstein når han var en vanlig borger uoppfordret. Et skriv som på manger måter var et forsvarsskriv av sittende President Trump. En forsvarstale som ga et eksplisitt syn på at en sittende president ikke kan tiltales. På mange måter en ganske grei jobbsøknad som jeg har hørt/lest mer enn en amerikansk pundit har kalt det.


Det er i grunn ikke Barr som er problemet, om det er noe der, men det er at Barr og Rosenstein skal være dommere og trekke slutning om Trump bedrev obstruction of justice. Samtidig er Muellers rapport over 300 sider, i følge NYT, noe justisdepartementet har bekreftet  og da kan Barrs brev til kongressen på fire sider bli noe kort.


I det store og hele er det i grunn best om hele rapprten, så langt det lar seg være uten å utgi sensitiv informasjon, blir gitt ut i sin helhet.

I support release of the report, but I believe Barr's conclusion is likely to be substantially accurate. The politics, however, of constant investigation of less than indictable behaviour will be counterproductive to the democrats' interests

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I'm american. I studied political science at the university during Watergate. The political reality is that without a recommendation of a criminal indictment after vacating the presidency from Mueller there will not be enough support to convict Trump of "high crimes and misdemeanors" and remove him from office. Trump has an 80% approval rating amongst republican voters which makes it very difficult to convict him with likely but difficult to prove criminal behavior.


Your condescending tone doesn't make your arguments any stronger.



I saw it, you are naive to think there is no political calculation involved.



I support release of the report, but I believe Barr's conclusion is likely to be substantially accurate. The politics, however, of constant investigation of less than indictable behaviour will be counterproductive to the democrats' interests


Nå kan det være den pedantiske delen av meg som bare må fortsette enda bitte litt, hva var det du kalte det? Jo belærende, men var det galt? Tror ikke det, og om du har statsvitenskaplig kompetanse kan du godt peke ut hvor jeg tok feil.  Artig lite hersketeknisk trekk å skifte om til engelsk ikke at det betyr så mye for min del. Jeg har stor takhøyde og litt styr er bare greit.


Allhough I am not aware of any limitations on the use of foreign languages in this thread I willl make an exception this one time. Your command of the Norwegian language appear decent enough.


The judicial reality is that the justice departments holds the view that a sitting President cannot be indicted for a crime. This alone stymes any attempt by a prosecutor to bring forth charges. Justice is a gatekeeper in this regard. Now hypothetically if there is a prosecutor with balls that would plain ignore Justice, or leadership at Justice for that matter to challenge its own policy, that would want the legality of this interpretation of law explored in the courts then this is a possibility as has been explored in the news. I am not competent to evaluate the merits of the arguments. This aside, I am not sure whether it would be a good solution for a politically elected leader to be prosecuted in a court of law rather than the more appropriate tool of impeachment. Then again i have more trust in a judicial proceeding than a political impeachment.


The political reality is that impeachment does not follow the judicial norms and standard set forth in law. It is and remains a political instrument. Herein follows the obvious limits, or potential strengths, of a politically charged judicial process.


The institute of impeachment is purposely vague to give the elected representatives leeway in its application. As any compromise it has its ups and downs. Though I would presume that the violation of a law or laws would be a sufficient litmus test to pass the bar for high crimes and misdemeanors. A political question would be if any of the matters brought forth by Mueller, or any of the other investigations into Trump, would meet the bar for high crimes and misdemeanors. This is probable in the house of representatives (whether it is politically, election wise, smart is something else), but is likely to flounder in the senate where it needs a super majority. Not necessarily because Trump would not be guilty of such acitivites but because it would be bad politics for the GOP. It would be a choice of a rock or a hard place for the senate majority leader Mcconnell and his cohort of GOP senators. Either they dump an immensly popular, with the party base, President and bear the political cost of impeachment or they condemn a sitting republican president and possibly take a political hit in elections. Whether from primary challenges or from the disfranchisement of voters loyal to the republican party. Given how popular Trump is with the party base and how insulated his acts are from shifts in the approval rating this is nothing short of incredulous. If we were to use the language of statistics it would be considered an extreme outlier. How Trump brings out voter devotion or  outright dislike is seemingly binary. This is unprecedented in american political history and possibly in world poltical hisotry though i would say it includes a few nasties that play in a different leage from Trump.


I fully agree that the collusion theme is difficult to prove with a judicial standard; beyond a reasonable doubt. That Trump has conspired against the United States with Russia is according to Mueller not the case. I have no reason to doubt, as any reasonable person would, these findings. I do question why Trump seeimgly has obstructed justice in order to hide that he, his family, and associates, not colluded. There is a faux rational here from Trump et al. If there was no collusion why would he do all the odd things to prevent the executive branch from investigating him and his campaign? If there is no skeleton why pretend there is one so one can pretend to hide it? It makes little sense. Now personally I do not believe Trump to be a traitor (collude). SImply because I do not think him sufficiently competent to collude with Russia, given the US significant signint capabilities (and other intelligence capabilities), without getting caught. Hence i would have to conclude that since Mueller has not caught him red handed there must not be any collusion. I do wonder at the manner in which he played defense on the theme of collusion though. It could be that the man just is not very bright and that people over interpret the man consistently.


The institute of impeachment presumes that the members of the US congress holds their oath and pledge to country above personal and party interests. This is in todays political environment a grand fallacy of bipartisan trench politics. If Trump is impeached on good grounds by the house of representatives then it is the duty of the members of congress to weigh the evidence and make a decision based on the interests of the United States.


Both house and senate, in bipartisan fashion, was willing to remove Nixon towards the end of his tenure but he was let off due to the political ramifications impeachment proceedings would incur. Not on the GOP, the executive or congress but on the United States. Was it the right move to pressure Nixon to resign? Possibly, is it probable solution for Trump if he is guilty of some crime? I think not, he either needs to be removed at the next presidential election (which would be the best solution) or through the mechanism of impeachment. He is, in my insignificant opinion, an unprecedented disaster for the United States but that does not mean an elected offical is removed without cause.


I am seldom, with cause, called naive and I do not believe it to be the case in case of the linked video. While it certainly was emotional it showed the lapse in standards for political oversight the prior iteration of the house of represenatives. It failed for the first two years of Trumps presidential period. The house justice committee under Nunez was nothing short of an exercise in playing Trump defense. Rather than doing its job of, amongst other things, executive oversight. Now with the new house majority the new leader wants proper, not the sham Nunez lead, oversight and the GOP starts a firestorm against him. What are they afraid of? The recent attacks on Shieff is nothing short of a disgrace and a continuation of partisan politics in a increasingly partisan age where the cracks are appearing in the american political foundations. Now if the GOP committee members wanted to object to the new direction the committee has taken there are many ways to do this and retain grace and decency. There is little of that in GOP politics these days. Shieff's speech the other day was nothing short of a full broadside. He cannot be accused of misrepresenting its content  which gives ample grounds of investigations. Now it is possibly good politics for one party to investigate the president and bad politics for the other it in itself is not cause to stop such deliberations. Now had the comittee done its oversight under Nunez, over the last two odd years, then we could discuss whether a new round of oversight would be called for. Given that Nunez et al did jack shit to get the facts straight we might as well consider the first day of comittee hearings (this round) as the first proper round of hearings. Republicans got this problem on their hands because they skirted away from their duty for personal and party political reasons. That is not healthy for the republic.


In the political poisoned reality that exist in the Unites States of today nothing short of the full report (obviously with redactions on matter of national interests/security) will satisfy the voting public. I read this evening that Justice believe to have the report available to congress by mid april which is a good start. Good work takes a little time.


In regard to the interests of the Democratic party I do get your point on not digging themselves too far down into the impeach Trump trail of thought. That a side i do believe it to be pertinent to comprehensively investigate the probable criminal currently elected as president. He is already criminally implicated in the Cohen case, though that in its not settled so time will tell on that particular case.

The ability ot juggle redistributive efforts like health care, greater taxation of the 1% and other social or infrastructure policies will be important for the democratic party to take control of the senate and executive branche of government. Trumps hold on republican voters, hence the electoral college, is a danger if democrats appear vindictive against Trump rather than focus on making the lives of ordinary americans better.


god natt

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Nå kan det være den pedantiske delen av meg som bare må fortsette enda bitte litt, hva var det du kalte det? Jo belærende, men var det galt? Tror ikke det, og om du har statsvitenskaplig kompetanse kan du godt peke ut hvor jeg tok feil. Artig lite hersketeknisk trekk å skifte om til engelsk ikke at det betyr så mye for min del. Jeg har stor takhøyde og litt styr er bare greit.

Det var ingen hersketeknikk, det var til å illustrere at du ikke vet hva andre vet og nedlatende toner hindrer saklig debatt.



Both house and senate, in bipartisan fashion, was willing to remove Nixon towards the end of his tenure but he was let off due to the political ramifications impeachment proceedings would incur. Not on the GOP, the executive or congress but on the United States. Was it the right move to pressure Nixon to resign? Possibly, is it probable solution for Trump if he is guilty of some crime? I think not, he either needs to be removed at the next presidential election (which would be the best solution) or through the mechanism of impeachment. He is, in my insignificant opinion, an unprecedented disaster for the United States but that does not mean an elected offical is removed without cause.

Det ser ut som det er en misforståelse om impeachment prosessen. Ingen blir fengslet i en impeachment rettsak. Impeachment rettssaken bare bestemmer hvis presidenten bør fjernes eller ikke fordi han blir funnet skyldig av high crimes and misdemeanors. En Kriminelle rettssak kan begynne like etter en slutter å bli president.


Nixon ble fortalt at han ville bli dømt som skyldig hvis det ble en impeachment rettsak og han unngikk det og sa opp jobben isteden. Han kunne da bli arrestert like etter men President Ford benådet Nixon fordi han mente det ville skade landet og føre til mer forakt mellom partiene. Trump gjør alltid det stikk motsatte.

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Og når man trodde at Trump ikke kunne bli verre...




"USAs president Donald Trump har vært en aktiv pådriver for at Jens Stoltenberg skal være NATOs generalsekretær helt fram til 2022."


Her er det bare å la skjellsord og negative personkarakteristikker hagle mot Trump!

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Stoltenberg har jo bare sagt gode ord om Trump offentlig, så det er vel ikke rart.

Stoltenberg er en kompetent leder, ikke spesielt inspirerende kanskje, men så er NATO om dagen bare en greie vi har fordi det er dumt å ikke ha det så kjedelige men kompetente Stoltenberg passer helt inn der. 

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En føderal distriktsdommer i Alaska har blokkert Trumps ordre fra april 2017 om bla. å åpne for ojleboring i arktiske områder. Ifølge dommer Sharon Gleason var Trumps "Executive Order" lovstridig og ugyldig. Beslutningen Trump tok kan ifølge dommeren kun gjøres som et vedtak i kongressen. Et slikt vedtak foreligger ikke. Dermed blir 3 av Trumps forgjengers ordre om å bevare disse områdene stående.


Judge throws out Trump order that overturned Obama offshore drilling ban in Arctic
"President Donald Trump exceeded his authority when he reversed bans on offshore drilling in vast parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of canyons in the Atlantic Ocean, a U.S. judge said in a ruling that restored the Obama-era restrictions.
Judge Sharon Gleason in a decision late Friday threw out Trump's executive order that overturned the bans that comprised a key part of Obama's environmental legacy.
Trump's Arctic Oil Drilling Edict Blocked by Federal Judge 
"President Donald Trump’s bid to restore oil and gas leasing in U.S. waters was blocked by a federal judge in Alaska, delivering a win to environmentalists who argued that offshore drilling isn’t worth the risk.
U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason ruled late Friday that Trump didn’t have authority to resume selling drilling rights in more than 125 million acres (50.6 million hectares) of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans that former President Barack Obama had sought to protect.
The ruling is a defeat for the president as well as for oil companies eager to keep new territory open for exploration. It complicates the Trump administration’s plan to auction drilling rights in Arctic waters that are believed to hold more than 30 billion barrels of oil equivalent. It also reimposes three executive orders from Obama that had removed vast stretches of the Arctic and Atlantic from future oil and gas leasing.

Endret av xRun
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Og når man trodde at Trump ikke kunne bli verre...




"USAs president Donald Trump har vært en aktiv pådriver for at Jens Stoltenberg skal være NATOs generalsekretær helt fram til 2022."


Her er det bare å la skjellsord og negative personkarakteristikker hagle mot Trump!

Endelig fant du et eksempel på at Trump faktisk gjør noe godt, i vestlige medier.

Han ble spilt som en fele, men hey -- sammen lager Donald og Jens vakker musikk.




Relatert: Sjelden video av Putin etter møte med Trump:





Og relatert til det igjen:

nyhetene om at Trump ikke hadde et nært samarbeid med Russland har fått Putin til å begynne å lure på hvem han faktisk gjorde avtaler med:


Endret av Red Frostraven
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Ifølge formannen i Husets Kontroll- og reformkommité, Elijah Cummings (D-MD), skal et stabsmedlem fra WH ha stått frem med navn (Tricia Newbold) og varslet om at over 2 dusin sikkerhetsklareringer er presset gjennom av Trump og andre personer i seniorstillinger i WH, tross sikkerhetsstabens protester pga. forhold som ble vurdert som  alvorlig diskvalifiserende ift. til slike klareringer. Da hun prøvde å ta dette opp med sine overordnede skal hun ha blitt utsatt for represalier.


White House whistleblower says 25 security clearance denials were reversed during Trump administration
"A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two-dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed.
Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens” of denials for security clearance applications that were later approved despite their concerns about blackmail, foreign influence, or other red flags, according to panel documents released Monday.
Newbold, an 18-year veteran of the security clearance process who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents, said she warned her superiors that clearances “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” — and was retaliated against for doing so.

White House whistleblower tells House panel about 'systematic' security clearance problems
"Newbold laid out a series of explosive allegations, often implicating Carl Kline, the former White House personnel security chief. She kept a list of White House officials whose clearance applications were initially denied but eventually overruled, and said the list included as many as 25 people, some of whom had daily access to the president.
“According to Ms. Newbold, these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct,” aides wrote in the 10-page memo, summarizing Newbold’s testimony.



Det er tidligere varslet granskning av tildelingsprosessen for sikkerhetsklareringer i WH, etter at det ble kjent at Jared Kushners sikkerhetsklarering ble presset igjennom på lignende måte. Denne uken kan nåværende og/eller tidligere medlemmer i sikkerhetsstaben få tilsendt ordre om å vitne for kongressen.

Endret av xRun
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Etter at konspirasjonsteorier om Russland har blitt pushet i lygepressen i flere år kommer de selvsagt med null beklagelser eller selvransakelse, derimot leter de nå fortvilet etter noe annet å ta Trump på. Å si at han lyger like mye som dem ser ikke ut til å holde. Hva med at han jukser i golf?



Objektivitet, nyanse kommer du med nå?

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