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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Første periode (Les førstepost)

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Trump forsøker å holde tale uten manuskript:

Advarsel: LANG TALE:


Trump: It is an honour to be here. I have to tell you, you know. The Coast Guard always respected, but if you're looking at it as a brand, there's no brand that went up more than the Coast Guard with what happened in Texas, and I would say in particular, Texas has been incredible. You saved 16,000 lives. Nobody knows that. 16,000 lives. In fact when I first heard the number, I said, you mean like 600? 500? 16,000 lives in Texas.

So as bad as that hurricane was, and that was bad one. That was a big water job, right? It kept coming in and going back they couldn't get rid of it. They'd never seen it. I guess it was the biggest water dump they've ever seen. But when you've got 16,000 [inaudible] big groups of people [inaudible, Trump turns back around] but when you've got 16,000, that's really something. And then Florida hit. And you know that went very well, you know that went pretty well, right? The job you did in Florida. And then Puerto Rico. I really mean that, I think that there's no brand of any kind, I don't just mean a military brand, that's gone up more than the Coast Guard. Incredible people. You've done an incredible job. I love coming in here and doing this with you today. I think it's — we have to keep you very well fed. This is good stuff. It's an honour. This is the first lady, you know.

Melania Trump: Happy Thanksgiving.


Trump: We went together to Texas. We saw what you were doing. You just followed that storm, right next to that storm. You saved so many people. I still haven't figured out how people take their boats out into a hurricane. Some day you'll explain it. Jean was just telling me they actually do it to to save their boat in many cases. They're not thinking about their life. They're thinking about their boats. They go out in a boat and think think they have a wonderful boat. They've had it for years. It can weather anything and then they have 25-foot waves crashing down. And that would be the end of that. You saved a lot of people. I want to thank you. On behalf of the whole country and on behalf of us, what a job you've done. Thank you very much.

I'll also take questions. Should we leave the media here? To do the questions or should we tell the media? It's Thanksgiving. Let's let the media stay. Anybody have any questions about the country, how we're doing or any of those things? Wow. I love it when you don't. That means you're doing great. I love that. That's the greatest. The press I know doesn't have any questions. If you do, we won't take them but that's already. The press has plenty of questions.

The stock market on Friday hit the all-time high. The highest it's ever been, ever. In your whole long life, the stock market is higher than it's ever been. And that means your 401(k)s and all the things you have. You know whether it's, even if you're in the military. You have a country that's starting to turn. We want to have a strong country.The country's doing really well. Stock market, all time high. This is all good stuff. I just spoke to a lot of your friends in Afghanistan and Iraq. We spoke to the USS Monterey. Great ship, great missile ship. We spoke to a lot of different folks, from the Air Force, to the Army, just now, a little while ago at Mar-a-Lago. The telecommunication systems [inaudible] we go live to Iraq, live to Afghanistan, and it's really incredible. I told them, our country is doing great. You folks are fighting so hard and working so hard. It's nice that you're working for something that's really starting to work. We've cut back so much on regulation and all the waste and the all of the abuse.

We want have a country where I can buy new Coast Guard cutters and not have to worry about it, alright. And that's what we're doing, we're building up wealth so we can take care of our protection. And we're ordering tremendous amounts of new equipment, we're at $700 billion for the military. And you know they were cutting back for years, they jut kept cutting, cutting cutting the military. And you got lean, to put it nicely, depleted was the word, and now it's changing.

The Navy, I can tell you, we're ordering ships, with the Air Force i can tell you we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is like almost like an invisible fighter. I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, they're fighting. How good is this? They say, well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it's right next to them, it can't see it. I said that helps. That's a good thing.

But I mean we have equipment that — nobody has the equipment that we have. And it's sad when we're selling our equipment to other countries but we're not buying it ourselves. But now that's all changed. And I said, the stuff that we have is always a little bit better too. When we sell to other countries, even if they're allies you never know about an ally. An ally can turn. You're going to find that out. But I always say make lives a little bit better. Give it that extra speed, a little bit — keep a little bit — keep about 10% in the bag. We have -- nobody has what with we have. That's what we're doing. We're really proud of the Coast Guard and I'm very proud -- I walked in today and Jean said, the day I got elected, the following morning, they were putting up the statement that I made right on your front door and I came in and the first thing I noticed, of course, I said wow, look at that. I said, did you put that up just for me because I happen to be coming here today? And you did that the first day. That tells me something. That tells me something.

Let's go, fellas. Come on. Let's get up here. Let's get up here. Yeah. This is good stuff.





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For første gang siden Trump besøkte både Sør-Korea og Kina, har Nord-Korea i dag skutt opp en ny ballistisk missil, ifølge Sør-Koreas Yonhap nyhetsbyrå.
(ps: datert 29. nov. fordi Yonhap/S.Korea ligger 8 timer foran norsk tid.)

N. Korea fires ballistic missile: S. Korea's military
"SEOUL, Nov. 29 (Yonhap) -- North Korea fired a ballistic missile from an area north of Pyongyang early Wednesday, South Korea's military said.
"North Korea launched an unidentified ballistic missile eastward from the vicinity of Pyongsong, South Pyongan Province, at dawn today," the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
South Korean and U.S. authorities are analyzing the trajectory, it added.
It marked the North's first ballistic missile launch since Sept. 15, when it fired an intermediate ballistic missile."

Missilen skal visstnok fortsatt befinne seg i luften da rapporten ble publisert.
Videre detaljer er ennå ikke kjent. Saken oppdateres.
Mer info: 
N. Korea fires ballistic missile: S. Korea JCS
"SEOUL, Nov. 29 (Yonhap) -- North Korea fired an unidentified ballistic missile from South Pyongan Province early Wednesday, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
The missile flew eastward and the South Korean military is analyzing details with the U.S., it said."


"(URGENT) Pentagon: Initial assessment indicates N.K. missile was ICBM"

"Pentagon says initial assessment of North Korean launch was an ICBM, traveled about 1,000 km before splashing into Sea of Japan(East Sea)"


Tilbakelagt distanse skal visstnok ha vært 1000km, men denne ICBM-missilen (interkontinental ballistisk missil) skal også ha nådd en mye større høyde enn tidligere, ca. 4500km, eller rundt 10 ganger høyere enn den internasjonale romstasjonen (ISS). I en ballistisk bane typisk for denne klassen missiler, vil tilbakelagt strekning langs "flight path" være mye lengre enn langs "ground path" mellom oppskytningspunkt og nedslagspunkt.



Sør-Korea responderte med å avfyre målrettede missiler mot et målpunkt i havet utenfor kysten sin som en demonstrasjon. Trump kommenterte i kveld at "we will handle it", mens Japan ber om hastemøte i FN's sikkerhetsråd for å komme frem til en samlet respons til Nord-Koreas missiltest som endte i havet vest for Japan.

Endret av xRun
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Trump hadde et møte på planen i går med lederne fra begge partier i begge kamre av kongressen: "Chuck & Nancy" (Schumer & Pelosi) og Ryan og Mcconnell, hvor det blant annet skulle snakkes budsjett. Men før møtet ga Trump "Chuck & Nancy" denne beskjeden:


"Chuck & Nancy" sin respons på "I don't see a deal" var å heller fokusere på å få gjort noe arbeid med sine kolleger i kongressen, istedenfor å kaste bort tid på noe de mistenkte ville bli en ren photo-op. Det var forøvrig nettopp hva det ble, da Trump plasserte navneskilt til "Chuck & Nancy" på hver sin side av seg foran tomme stoler, mens Ryan og Mcconnell ble plassert ute ved bord-endene. Det vanlige er at lederne i de to kamrene sitter nærmest presidenten, og minoritetslederne bortenfor lederne. Så ren photo-op hvor Trump messet i vei om hvor dårlig gjort det var av dem å ikke stille opp, etter at han selv hadde fortalt dem at det ikke var noen grunn til å komme.





Noe av problemet her er at Trump trenger "Chuck & Nancy" for å unngå at den føderale regjeringen går tom for penger om noen dager slik at de må stenge dørene, en såkalt "government shutdown" til evt. en løsning kan finnes. Under photo-op'en kommenterte også Trump dette, og sa at det ville ene og alene være "Chuck & Nancy" sin feil, og at han ikke vil ta ansvaret for dette. Likevel gjenstår det faktum at republikanerne leder samtlige grener av regjeringsmakten, og uansett hva Trump mener han ikke har ansvaret for er det han som er president.


Mcconnell kommenterte forøvrig at han aldri hadde opplevd makan, og aldri kunne forestille seg å utebli fra et sånt møte. Han hadde åpenbart glemt at han selv droppet to slike møter under forrige president.

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Fra WH i morgentimene:

Amerikanere klør seg i hodet over at presidenten deres for noen timer siden re-tweeter en rekke videoer med noe som klassifiseres som muslimsk vold mot hvite, som han later til å ha funnet på kontoer tilhørende noen av hans tilhengere i UK.

Nærmere bestemt, Jayda Fransen som skal være nestleder i en aktivistgruppe på høyresiden som kaller seg "Britain First". Fransen er tidligere straffet iht. britiske "hate-speech"-lover, og gruppen skal ifølge britisk politi være kjent for å arrangere events hvor de går inn i blandete bydeler de kaller "okkupert" hvor de så har gått inn for å fremprovosere aggressive situasjoner.


Fra WH ble det klarlagt for mange måneder siden at Trumps tweets skulle anses som president Trumps offisielle kommunikéer, og man spør seg hvilke signaler han ønsker å sende ved å retweete videoene fra denne gruppen, til verdens ledere, allierte og alle andre som ser disse.


Et av flere eksempler:



Pt. er en rekke av disse fortsatt å finne på Trumps twitter, og man lurer på hva presidenten ønsker å si med dette i dag.

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Ja, det er virkelig for galt at liberale "flipper ut" når det ser ut som om "verdens mektigste mann" har blitt "Twitter raped" av en 14 år gammel nynazist.. Men det er vel ikke vanskelig å gjette passordet til Trump heller, med tanke på at det gjerne stod: "Enter password here:" en eller annen plass i registrerings prosessen..

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Fordi nettstedet dumpert.nl sier det? Det blir som en i youtubes kommentarfelt sier noe også er det en kilde.


Telegraaf identified him as a 16-year-old boy from Monnickendam. The report made no mention of the boy’s religion.[/size]

Altså han kan like gjerne være muslim som ikke.




Legger også merke til hvordan fokuset er kun på denne ene videoen. Er det vanskeligere for unnskylderne å forsvare de to andre kanskje?

Endret av Tåkefyrste
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Veldig betryggende at det Trump mente med "We will take care of it" etter at Nord-Korea sendte opp en missil som kan nå hvor som helst i verden og truer med å begynne med atomsprenginger i atmosfæren, var "I'll go home and watch extreme rightwing propaganda that I can tweet about"... 

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Offisiell uttalelse fra WH: "It doesn't matter if the videos are real!




Dermed er all gjenværende argumentasjon fra den kanten om "fake news" en død ball. Det spiller rett og slett ingen rolle, man kan si hva man vil enten man er Trump eller media, "It doesn't matter if it is real" ifølge WH.


Tax cut? It doesn't matter if it's real.

Job growth? It doesn't matter if it's real.

Sexual assault? It doesn't matter if it's real.

Birth certificate? It doesn't matter if it's real.

North Korea? It doesn't matter if it's real.

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