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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Første periode (Les førstepost)

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Biskopen i den episkopale kirken i DC: Trump brukte vår kirke til et politisk stunt uten å ha bedt om tillatelse, etter å ha sanksjonert skyting (gummikuler og gass) mot fredelige demonstranter samtidig som han hevdet disse hadde hans beskyttelse.
Live interview på CNN nå.

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Mer voldelige angrep på presse:


White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter


Other misinformation and misleading claims spread across Twitter on Sunday night and into Monday related to the protests.


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Snikpellik skrev (6 timer siden):

Dette er grunnen til at Twitter og Facebook absolutt ikke bør brukes som kilde til politikk eller vitenskap.
Å ikke bruke seriøs journalisme til å sette seg inn i politikk er som å la "venner fra nettet" ta seg av rørleggerarbeidet ditt når du må bytte varmtvannstank, eller klippe håret ditt med lighter.

Når det kommer brunt tiss ut av dusjhodet, og kjelleren er oversvømt, så hjelper det fint lite å innse at man har gjort feil -- oppryddingen er faktisk ekstremt krevende.
Det samme gjelder å fjerne desinformasjon fra hodet sitt.

Og det å bare fortsette å dusje seg i kloakk og la vannivået i kjelleren øke er åpenbart ikke en god løsning heller.


Edit: Jeg sjekket litt rundt, og reddit virker å være like gale som Twitter.
Reddit Conservatives deler falske nyheter over en lav sko, inkludert falske antifa-tweets, men 
reglene fra Conservatives gjør at de banner alle som påpeker fakta om fakta ikke passer deres agenda, selv om ingen meninger er ytret:


We are not a debate forum. (...)
We are not fair and balanced. We don't pretend to be unbiased. We don't pretend to give all commenters equal time. This is by conservatives and for conservatives. (...)
Leftists and moderates have never been welcomed here.

Minner meg om at jeg må slette reddit-kontoen min, da reddit åpenbart har tenkt å fortsette å kultivere ekstremisme.

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Mildt sagt forstyrrende det som kommer frem av videoer og bilder i sosiale medier fra diverse byer i USA nå. Så utrolig trist og rart å se på at mennesker blir angrepet for å demonstrere fredelig i det som skulle være et fritt land, og at pressen nå ser ut til å være fritt vilt.

Får prøve å samle det opp her etterhvert. Eller kanskje noen på Reddit er i gang. 

Her er et Google Spreadsheet med lenker til en del videoer:


EDIT: Her er en Twitter-tråd som samler opp. Tråden startet for noen dager siden, men går man inn og scroller er det over 150 videoer:



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Australias statsminister Scott Morrison sier at Australia har satt i gang etterforskning etter at et australsk nyhetsteam uprovosert ble angrepet og slått av politet mens de var live på lufta utenfor White House.

Calls for media freedom during George Floyd protests as Australian news crew assaulted on air


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has asked the Australian embassy to investigate the assault on a Network Seven reporter and cameraman covering the US protests.

An Australian journalist and cameraman have been assaulted by US law enforcement in what press freedom advocates say is one of the latest cases of more than 100 targetted "attacks" on media during the widespread protests against police brutality. 

During a 7News Australia live cross from outside the White House on Tuesday morning cameraman Tim Myers was physically hit by police even after journalist Amelia Brace shouted “media”.

The footage, broadcast on live on Sunrise, shows police in riot gear storming past before hitting the camera which then goes black. Both the reporter and the cameraman were located to the side of the main group of protesters and did not appear to be participating. 


Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the attack as troubling and has asked for an investigation.

Mr Morrison has spoken to Seven to check on the crew's welfare and offer his government's support, should they wish to pursue a formal complaint against police through the Australian embassy.

He also ordered the embassy to investigate the incident and register Australia's "strong concerns" with local authorities.

The incident is understood to have taken place as police attempted to clear a path for President Donald Trump to walk to a photo opportunity as the protests rage for a seventh day.

A day earlier, the peak body representing journalists in Australia wrote to the United States Ambassador seeking an end to the targeted attacks on reporters, camera operators and photographers covering the George Floyd protests across the country. 

Mer: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/calls-for-media-freedom-during-george-floyd-protests-as-australian-news-crew-assaulted-on-air

Videoer av hva som skjedde:




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Snikpellik skrev (9 minutter siden):


Australias statsminister Scott Morrison sier at Australia har satt i gang etterforskning etter at et australsk nyhetsteam uprovosert ble angrepet og slått av politet mens de var live på lufta utenfor White House.

Calls for media freedom during George Floyd protests as Australian news crew assaulted on air

Mer: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/calls-for-media-freedom-during-george-floyd-protests-as-australian-news-crew-assaulted-on-air

Videoer av hva som skjedde:

  Skjul innhold



Skremmende! Dette er gjerne slik politiet oppfører seg i land uten pressefrihet, men når man har en president som konstant snakker ned media som noe ondt og fiendtlig, er det ikke rart at det finnes politimenn som adopterer denne tankegangen!

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Politisjefen i Houston, Art Acevedo, sier i et intervju at han snakker på vegne av alle politisjefer i USA og kommer med en klar melding til presidenten: "If you don't have something constructive to say, keep your mouth shut":


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:utakt skrev (3 timer siden):

Og nå "truer" Trump med å bruke militære styrker mot egne borgere? Sirkuset ruller videre!

Brukte han ikke militærpoliti til å angripe fredelige demonstranter utenfor Det Hvite Hus i natt, da ? Og dette fordi han skulle lage en photoshoot utenfor kirken...noe som har ført til fordømmende ord fra kirken. Biskopen der sa hun var rasende, og at han ikke så mye som ba en bønn men brukte kirken til egne formål uten å be om tillatelse.

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Siden mange religiøse er en del av Trumps kjernevelgere, tar jeg med denne. Kan bibelstuntet eller hva man skal kalle det ha virket mot sin hensikt blant noen av hans religiøse tilhengere?

'The Bible is not a prop': Religious leaders, lawmakers outraged over Trump church visit



The widely criticized photo-op was the president's idea because he "wanted the visual," sources told NBC News.


Father James Martin, a prominent Jesuit priest and author, said in a statement to NBC News, "Using the Bible as a prop while talking about sending in the military, bragging about how your country is the greatest in the world, and publicly mocking people on a daily basis, is pretty much the opposite of all Jesus stood for."

He added, "Let me be clear. This is revolting. The Bible is not a prop. A church is not a photo op. Religion is not a political tool. And God is not a plaything."

Rabbi Jack Moline, president of Interfaith Alliance, said in a statement Monday, "Seeing President Trump stand in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church while holding a Bible in response to calls for racial justice — right after using military force to clear peaceful protesters out of the area — is one of the most flagrant misuses of religion I have ever seen. This only underscores the president's complete lack of compassion for Black Americans and the lethal consequences of racism."


Mer: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/religious-leaders-lawmakers-outraged-over-trump-church-visit-n1221876

EDIT: Enda mer:

Borgermesteren i Washington D.C. mener angrepet på fredelige demonstranter gjør politiets arbeid vanskeligere:


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Tucker Carlson kritiserer Trump for å ikke være agressiv nok:


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson goes after Trump and Kushner over protests


Amid heated altercations between protesters and the Secret Service and local police, the White House temporarily went on partial lockdown last week, and Trump reportedly took shelter in a White House bunker.

If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent from getting attacked directly across the street from your house, how can you protect my family?” Carlson said on his show. “How are you going to protect the country? How are you trying?

He continued: “On Twitter the next morning, the president reassured America that he and his family were just fine. The federally funded bodyguards had kept them safe. He did not mention protecting the rest of the nation, much of which was then on fire. He seemed aware only of himself.”

Carlson also evoked Nero, who — according to legend — fiddled idly as Rome burned, implying Trump would be remembered similarly if he didn't take decisive action to contain the protests. Still, Carlson acknowledged Trump's Monday evening news briefing, where he promised a display of force if governors and mayors did not rein in the demonstrations.


Han sier også dette om Trump-velgere:

"'No matter what,' they'll tell you," Carlson said of a handful of advisers around the president, "'our voters aren't going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock-solid. What choice do they have? They've got to vote for us.'"

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Soldater fra National Guard legger ned skjoldene sine i solidaritet med demonstrantene i Nashville.

National Guard lays down shields during peaceful Nashville protest


Activists and local church leaders held a peaceful protest at the state capitol Monday evening.

The crowd sang songs like "This Little Light of Mine," held signs reading "Black Lives Matter," and chanted "no justice, no peace."

They walked from Legislative Plaza to the Capitol to stand in front of National Guard troops. One of the protesters asked the guardsmen to drop their shields and they did.

One of the organizers said, "We want to invite these law enforcement officers to lay down their swords and shields and join us."

The troops did not join in on the songs or chants. But, the crowd erupted in cheers as some of the guardsmen laid down their shields, allowing the activists to continue to peacefully protest.

Another organizer said, "We want to thank our National Guard for being on the right side of history. We want to thank our National Guard for making Tennessee proud."


Mer: https://www.newschannel5.com/news/protesters-gather-at-legislative-plaza





Mens vi er inne på Nashville, ble Metro Nashville courthouse satt i brann og vandalisert under demonstrasjoner. Politiet har pågrepet gjerningsmannen; Wesley Somers, en "white supremacist". Somers er tidligere straffedømt. 

Nashville police: Arrest made in historic courthouse fire

Bilder av Somers tidligere på dagen med "three percenter" tatovering synlig, og faktisk da han satt fyr på bygget:






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Live nå nettopp:
Trumps konkurrent i valget til høsten med tale i Philadelphia ifbm. urolighetene i landet.

Gikk live i nyhetskanaler og på nett, nettopp avsluttet:



Biden to deliver remarks in Philadelphia Tuesday on nationwide protests


"Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will deliver remarks in Philadelphia on Tuesday addressing the protests across the country sparked by George Floyd’s death.

Biden will speak in front of a pooled press on “the civil unrest facing communities across America” Tuesday morning, his campaign announced in a release Monday night. 

The former vice president met with African American community leaders in Wilmington, Del., on Monday and said he would be making national speeches on the future and direction of the country.

“I need help and advice as we go on as to what I should and shouldn’t be doing,” he said."


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