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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Første periode (Les førstepost)

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Ja, fordi det er bare republikanerne som lyger, demokratene lyger aldri, ikke sant?


Her er demokratisk presidentkandidat Marianne Williamson som klager over hvor mye folk på venstresiden lyger.



Demokrater som gjorde én av de umoralske eller udemokratiske eller ulovlige tingene denne administrasjonen eller republikanske senatorer har foretatt seg ville måtte gå av.


Det er oppstått en situasjon hvor det ene partiet ikke holdes moralsk ansvarlige for sine egne handlinger, hverken av sitt eget lederskap, eller av folket, nettopp på grunn av propaganda og propagandateknikker, som whataboutism, og koordinerte løgner / talking points -- som blir utlevert til konservative propagandakanaler i tillegg til republikanske politikere.


Det ble ikke funnet noe lignende i demokratenes lekkede eposter -- selv om trollfabrikken til Russland pluss trollfabrikkene til republikanerene fikk gå gjennom hundretusener av e-poster.


Og republikansk side er så full av dritt, at det bokstavelig talt lekker over når 0.01% av epostene deres feilsendes.




Republikanerene sitt transcript av ukraina-samralen vil ikke være reellt, men fabrikert/redigert.

Og offentligheten vil ikke få se det opprinnelige uredigerte scriptet.


De har allerede flyttet det opprinnelige scriptet av samtalen for å beskytte seg selv mot sannheten.



Endret av Red Frostraven
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Varslerrapporten er nå offentliggjort, og kan leses på nett. Den er postet på etterretningskommitéens domene.

Rapporten er 7 sider lang + 2 sider med vedlegg, og dekker en rekke hendelser og personer, ikke bare telefonsamtalen som har vært i fokus så langt.




READ: House Intel Releases Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint 


In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election,” 



Rapporten via etterretningskommitéens domene: https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/20190812_-_whistleblower_complaint_unclass.pdf

Sekundær URL via Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/20190812_-_whistleblower_complaint_unclass.pdf


Deler av innholdet på de to sidene med vedlegg er sensurert.





Live nå: 

Åpen høring med direktøren for nasjonal etterretning, fung. DNI Maguire, i Husets etterretningskommité ifbm. varslersaken. Temaet for denne høringen er varslerrapporten, som ble publisert for få minutter siden og kan leses via linkene øverst i dette innlegget.


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Fred Trumps son (Fred Jr) WAS demied admission to Wharton. Perhaps Fred Trump was not as omnipotent as you suggest, besides he died 20 years ago. How can a 12 year old function for 26 years without family to protect him from all the sharks looking to take his money? The reality is that he was the shark that took from others and yes, for 26 years without Fred

And where is the evidence Trump had any actual success for the past 26 years?

He won't disclose tax records or financial information.


We know he has committed numerous accounts of bank fraud, and tax fraud.


We know his lawyers have been involved.


He can't lose all his money because it's tied in buildings, for as long as they stand, and are insured.

But he can lose millions each year, due to musnanagement, despite having lawyers and financial advisors handling his money.


His inherited fortune dwindling,while he makes no money on his own, legally.


And absolutely.

A well trained 12-year old, with 60 years worth of experience being 12, can absolutely pretend to be adult enough to pass for an adult.


And he has family.


A sister, who happens to be a judge involved in various tax frauds. As the offender. But whom won't be held accountable.

And his corrupt lawyers.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Ila. høringen kom det frem at etter å ha mottatt et varsel om at Trump forsøkte å få Ukrainas president til å etterforske en av Trumps motkandidater ved neste valg, og deretter forsøkte å skjule at dette skjedde ved å omgå vanlig rutine og flytte informasjon om samtalen til et system som er designet og ment for det høyest graderte av klassifisert informasjon, og fjerne alle spor av det fra systemet det normalt skal lagres på, tok DNI Maguire kontakt med WH for å høre hva han skulle gjøre med rapporten om at de hadde gjort dette. Han tok også kontakt med DOJ, og sendte rapporten til FBI (DOJ's etterforskningsorgan) for kriminell etterforskning, hvor ingen valgte å gjøre noe med det. Både WH og justisministeren var omtalt i rapporten han spurte dem hva han skulle gjøre med.
Etter høringen kommenterer Trump:

Schiff's respons da han ble bedt om kommentar til Trumps tweet:

"I'm always flattered when I'm attacked by someone of the President's character"
Adam Schiff i korridoren utenfor høringssalen.

- - -
New York Times melder nå om at Trump langer ut mot varslerens kilder, ønsker deres identitet, og hinter om straff for de som har "spionert" på ham.

Trump Attacks Whistle-Blower’s Sources and Alludes to Punishment for Spies
"WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday morning told a crowd of staff from the United States Mission to the United Nations that he wants to know who provided information to a whistle-blower about his phone call with the president of Ukraine, saying that whoever did so was “close to a spy” and that “in the old days,” spies were dealt with differently."


Igjen: varslerloven er der for å beskytte varslere mot represalier for å ha fulgt loven og varslet om uregelmessigheter. 

Endret av xRun
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1. Spesialiseringen hans var i finance, ikke i real estate. Økonomistudiet innebærer blant annet harde fag som matte og statistikk. Økonomi er en vitenskap, det er derfor universiteter har økonomiprofessorer og department of economics etc.


2. Han kan ikke både være en middelmådig student og være den verste, dårligste studenten. Pick one. Disse "vitnene" er politiske motstandere av Trump, og er dermed ekstremt, usannsynlig lite troverdige som vitner mot Trump. Det er større sjanse for at det er aliens i Area 51 enn at disse "vitnene" forteller sannheten.


3. Om man ser på en linje som Trump aldri tok? Det utsagnet gir ingen mening. Studenter skifter grader og bytter mellom ulike universiteter ofte, det er helt vanlig, ingenting nytt her.

Økonomi kan forskes vitenskapelig på, men er ingen vitenskap. Begynn med å få de grunnleggende tingene rett i første omgang. Og som en som har en bachelor i økonomi og administrasjon kan jeg med en gang avkrefte at det er noen tunge/vanskelige fag oppi der, og i hvertfall ikke matematikk. Kan du lese og skrive må du nesten legge ned en innsats for å ikke bestå.


Forøvrig, Obama er jo langt bedre utdannet enn Trump. Regner med du ikke har noe problem med å si at Trump er intellektuelt underlegen Obama?

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Forøvrig, Obama er jo langt bedre utdannet enn Trump. Regner med du ikke har noe problem med å si at Trump er intellektuelt underlegen Obama?


Obama er intellektuelt overlegen Trump, han er overlegen meg, og veldig mange andre folk. Hva har det med saken å gjøre? Mener du det betyr at Trump er like dum som en tilbakestående 12-åring som ble påstått her?


Intellekt er ikke den mest avgjørende egenskapen for å bedømme kvalitetene til politikere, vil jeg mene. 

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Og titler gir ingen kunnskaper eller intelligens, uansett hvor mye du ønsker det.

En ape kan lære seg svaret på spørsmål, om den lærer seg ordene og assosierer dem ned spørsmål - selv om den ikke forstår hvorfor svaret er hva det er.

Som Trump selv sier: "I have the best words".

Han koblet ikke noen nøkkelord relatert til bedriftsøkonomi bare få år etter Wharton, og tapte mer penger enn noen amerikaner de årene vi kjenner til hans inntekter og utgifter.
Han tapte over en milliard av sin far sine penger på 80-tallet.

Det neste vi vet sikkert er at han ikke klarte å betale tilbake flere hundre millioner i lån, kostet bankene som lånte penger til ham flere hundre millioner dollar, og at han brukte Trump Foundation som sin personlige lommebok, før den ble stengt ned for ulovlig drift.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Rudy Giuliani, som er omtalt i varslerrapporten, ønsker å bli hyllet som helten i denne sagaen og er misfornøyd med manglende lovprisninger. Han kommenterte utviklingen tidligere i dag:
Rudy Giuliani: ‘You Should Be Happy for Your Country That I Uncovered This’
"Even among the president’s closest allies, Giuliani is now the subject of scorn.
When I reached him by phone this morning, following House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s release of the full whistle-blower complaint at the center of the Ukraine scandal, he was, put simply, very angry.
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,” Giuliani told me.
“I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government,” he continued, sounding out of breath. “Anything I did should be praised.


Fra journalisten han sa dette til:



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And where is the evidence Trump had any actual success for the past 26 years?

He won't disclose tax records or financial information.


We know he has committed numerous accounts of bank fraud, and tax fraud.


We know his lawyers have been involved.


He can't lose all his money because it's tied in buildings, for as long as they stand, and are insured.

But he can lose millions each year, due to musnanagement, despite having lawyers and financial advisors handling his money.


His inherited fortune dwindling,while he makes no money on his own, legally.


And absolutely.

A well trained 12-year old, with 60 years worth of experience being 12, can absolutely pretend to be adult enough to pass for an adult.


And he has family.


A sister, who happens to be a judge involved in various tax frauds. As the offender. But whom won't be held accountable.

And his corrupt lawyers.

Stealing real estate, investments and property is easy to do to a 12 year old. Just trust me...I will protect you if you just sign this...


Trumps most lucrative and intelligent moves  happened after his father developed dementia.  Trump's branding intelligence is first class resulting in the celebrity apprentice and real estate licensing arrangements to use his name.

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He has lawyers and people handling his money.


He built hus image on lies upon lies, using his father's money, and his titles, and threats, to get what he wanted.


He'd be a common conman or thief without his father and family, who funded him and got him into schools he didn't qualify for, and secured him the titles everyone in this thread who haven't seen through the charade cites as the reasons for why he can't be an imbecile.


The Apprentice-producers think he's a joke, and regret giving him credibility through their show, and tell a story of a guy who is incoherent and doesn't know what he's doing.


The writer of the art of the deal tells the same story.


His security advisors.

Every single person who quit from his administration.


His Wharton professor.


Understanding what impresses gullible people is exactly what a 12-year old with years of experience being 12 can do, even though he doesn't understand finance nor laws, nor loans, nor politics:


Big words, directed at people not in the relevant business and thus don't know a fraud from the real thing, gold, abusing other people's dunning Kruger with his own, and using personal threats against people and their families through mobsters and lawyers, bribing people, and making people promise loyalty to his treehouse club.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Og som en som har en bachelor i økonomi og administrasjon kan jeg med en gang avkrefte at det er noen tunge/vanskelige fag oppi der, og i hvertfall ikke matematikk. Kan du lese og skrive må du nesten legge ned en innsats for å ikke bestå.



Men her er det vell ganske stort spenn innen "økonomi"? At "økonomi og administrasjon" på enkelte høyskoler/BI kanskje er temmelig enkelt endre jo ikke på at eksempelvis "matematikk og økonomi" på UiO er temmelig krevende. 

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He has lawyers and people handling his money.


He built hus image on lies upon lies, using his father's money, and his titles, and threats, to get what he wanted.


He'd be a common conman or thief without his father and family, who funded him and got him into schools he didn't qualify for, and secured him the titles everyone in this thread who haven't seen through the charade cites as the reasons for why he can't be an imbecile.


The Apprentice-producers think he's a joke, and regret giving him credibility through their show, and tell a story of a guy who is incoherent and doesn't know what he's doing.


The writer of the art of the deal tells the same story.


His security advisors.

Every single person who quit from his administration.


His Wharton professor.


Understanding what impresses gullible people is exactly what a 12-year old with years of experience being 12 can do, even though he doesn't understand finance nor laws, nor loans, nor politics:


Big words, directed at people not in the relevant business and thus don't know a fraud from the real thing, gold, abusing other people's dunning Kruger with his own, and using personal threats against people and their families through mobsters and lawyers, bribing people, and making people promise loyalty to his treehouse club.

A 12 year old lacks enough intelligence to know which lawyers to trust or protect him
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A 12 year old lacks enough intelligence to know which lawyers to trust or protect him

Not with years of experience being 12, and a network of contacts he inherited through his father.


And do you seriously claim Trump looks like a guy who "hires the best people" at this point?


Steve Bannon.

Jared Kushner - who had to be paid into college, and is a part of the college admission scandal.


Bill Barr.

Sarah Sanders.

Wilbur Ross.

Acosta, who corruptedly managed to defy justice as the state attorney under Epsteins first trial that let Epstein continue raping underage girls while serving - let epstein rape underage girls WHILE SERVING - only ten months for his crimes against over 100 girls, who weren't informed about their rights or chances of complaining or seeking compensation during Epsteins trial... A man who Pimped away justice for a billionaires pedo-pimp favor.


...how does he dig up these spineless slimes, and from where, and why on earth does he think they're competent?


His administration is a clown Fiesta.

A Sad Clown Fiesta.

With the kind of clowns that aren't funny, but found in R-rated movies.


His hiring and firing of people - and lack of ability to actually find people with good enough pediatrics skills to satisfy him for every position he hasn't filled - in the white house and in his administration, looks exactly like the work of a delusional 12 year old man child who doesn't have the slightest clue what he's doing, and is manipulated by people around him.


He takes advice from Putin, and rejects his own security leaders' Intel.


Looks up to and can't stop telling people about how he has a man-crush on Kim-Jung Un, and hates Merkel.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Not with years of experience being 12, and a network of contacts he inherited through his father.


And do you seriously claim Trump looks like a guy who hires the best people?


Steve Bannon.

Jared Kushner - who had to be paid into college, and is a part of the college admission scandal.


His hiring and firing of people - and lack of ability to actually find people with good enough pediatrics skills for every position he hasn't filled - in the white house and in his administration looks exactly like the work of a delusional 12 year old man child who doesn't have the slightest clue what he's doing, and is manipulated by people around him.

If he is so easily manipulated as you say he would be a vagrant on the streets, not sitting in the White House. Trump clearly listens to nobody than his self. No 12 year old could hold on to a fortune, especially when you make so many enemies through the incompetence you present
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You assume his lawyers haven't been protecting him in their own interests, because they're overpaid and already swindle his ass.


You assume that it's easy to trick a paranoid person who only invests in real estate into giving away money, when he's obsessed about *owning* big towers with golden frames.

Remember how glad he was when the trade centers fell, because that ment he had the highest towers in New York?

Not even glee or sociopathy; Just childish stupidity.



You also assume that he hasn't lost practically all of his father's fortune that's not tied to his remaining real estates, which all are involved in his bank frauds for hundreds of millions of dollars that he didn't manage to pay back, already.


He's not stuck at 12 with no ability to take in new information, he's stuck at the intelligence and intellectual capacity, cognitive ability, but still with the ability to build experience and understand new things.

Only not deeply, and not complex matters.


A 12 year old doesn't let a dog bite him a thousand times. He'd stop trusting dogs after being bitten a couple of times.


He'd not go with a person he doesn't know nor trust, even if he was promised a burger with ketchup and an extra large coke.


He'd not give away money, if taught not to do so, no matter the case.

Though, he did pay over 230 000$ for two instances of sex with prostitutes.


Trump requires people to pledge loyalty.

Remember how he asked James Comey of FBI to pledge loyalty to him, placing him before the United States?



His hiring in this administration proves his inability to judge character and comptence, yet highlights his ability to sort loyalists from competent and moral candidates.

Children are better judges of peoples' intentions than adults, after all.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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You assume his lawyers haven't been protecting him in their own interests, because they're overpaid and already swindle his ass.



You assume that he listens to anybody else when all evidence points to someone who never listens to advisors. Otherwise, he would not be so self destructive.


All that try to protect him realize they can be thrown away at any time, increasing the incentive to rip him off.  We saw what happens to those who try to protect him, the list is long...

Endret av jjkoggan
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Yes he has tantrums, like all children. But it's easy to be on a spoiled child's right side:

Just do and agree with what he sais, whatever it is, even if it's threatening journalists and schools, and even if he's requesting hookers while his wife is pregnant.


Put the blame on others, for your mistakes and his, and you're golden.

Problem is actually stooping so low, and not feeling you're the one being used.


Tantrums pass.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Yes he has tantrums, like all children. But it's easy to be on a spoiled child's right side:

Just do and agree with what he sais, whatever it is, even if it's threatening journalists and schools, and even if he's requesting hookers while his wife is pregnant.


Put the blame on others, for your mistakes and his, and you're golden.

Problem is actually stooping so low, and not feeling you're the one being used.


Tantrums pass.

Many have tried your recommendation, none have succeeded Endret av jjkoggan
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