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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Første periode (Les førstepost)

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Trump er da en elendig president?


Hvem mener du blir en god president?


Jeg har ikke bestemt meg enda men jeg mener Buttigieg ville bli underholdende, særlig når drt blir en debatt.


Jeg frykter Trump knuser Biiden i en debatt



Amerikansk og norsk politikk er ikke helt lik. Jeg har aldri sett Trump fremstå smart, han fremstår i mine øyne som en tulling. I USA fremstår han, ihvertfall for veldig mange, som presidentmateriale.


Jeg elsker å se de valgkampevideoene som kommer, tenker ofte "hvem i alle dager faller for dette tullet her". Det tenker dere sikkert om våre også, med rette. Det er bare en vesentlig forskjell.

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Amerikansk og norsk politikk er ikke helt lik. Jeg har aldri sett Trump fremstå smart, han fremstår i mine øyne som en tulling. I USA fremstår han, ihvertfall for veldig mange, som presidentmateriale.


Jeg elsker å se de valgkampevideoene som kommer, tenker ofte "hvem i alle dager faller for dette tullet her". Det tenker dere sikkert om våre også, med rette. Det er bare en vesentlig forskjell.

Clinton var mye smartere enn Trump men tapte likevel fordi debatten er i hovedsak ikke om hvem som er smartere, det har mye å gjøre om personlighet


Dere får ikke velge kandidatene, det gjør politikere selv i hemmelige møter. Hadde det vært slik i USA ville drt blitt ingen Trump som ikke var politikker.

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Dere får ikke velge kandidatene, det gjør politikere selv i hemmelige møter. Hadde det vært slik i USA ville drt blitt ingen Trump som ikke var politikker.

For bare få dager siden stemte vi bokstavelig talt på kandidatene selv i kommune- og fylkestingvalget. Man kan da bare stille som kandidat om man vil selv.

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For bare få dager siden stemte vi bokstavelig talt på kandidatene selv i kommune- og fylkestingvalget. Man kan da bare stille som kandidat om man vil selv.



Nja. Man kan bare stille hvis man har plass på en godkjent valgliste. Og for å bli godkjent må man ha nok andre som vil stå på samme listen, samt 500 underskrifter ved stortingsvalg (2% av de stemmeberettigede/300 ved kommunevalg.) Så vi kan bare stemme på de kandidatene som partiene/listemakerne har valgt ut for oss.


Og derfor kan ingen som ikke er utvalgt av partiet stille som kandidat. Så dukker det opp lokale lister fra tid til annen, som bompengelistene. De kan lage betydelige floker i lokalvalgene, men ikke i rikspolitikken. De etablerte partiene velger sine kandidater, og de er stort sett nokså sikret mot palassrevolusjoner.


Det er i praksis Erna og Jonas og ingen andre som kan bli statsminister, og de har gått gradene i partiet. Ingen norsk Trump kan komme fra sidelinjen og kuppe nominasjonen i Høyre eller Ap.


Geir :)


Edit: Tok vekk et ord her, og la til et ord der...

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Nja. Bare man kan bare stille hvis man har plass på en godkjent valgliste. Og for å bli godkjent må man ha nok andre som vil stå på samme listen, samt 500 underskrifter ved stortingsvalg (2% av de stemmeberettigede/300 ved kommunevalg.) Så vi kan bare stemme på de kandidatene som partiene/listemakerne har valgt ut for oss.


Og derfor kan ingen som ikke er utvalgt av partiet stille som kandidat. Så dukker det opp lokale lister fra tid til annen, som bompengelistene. De kan lage betydelige floker i lokalvalgene, men ikke i rikspolitikken. De etablerte partiene velger sine kandidater, og de er stort nokså sikret mot palassrevolusjoner.


Det er i praksis Erna og Jonas og ingen andre som kan bli statsminister, og de har gått gradene i partiet. Ingen norsk Trump kan komme fra sidelinjen og kuppe nominasjonen i Høyre eller Ap.


Geir :)

Ja, dette har du selvsagt helt rett i, men her sammenlignes systemet med det som er i USA. Jeg mener terskelen er ganske lav for å komme seg på liste her i landet. Det krever litt innsats og engasjement, men det skulle jo bare mangle. Likevel er veien relativt kort for de som ønsker å ha en stemme og litt innflytelse i Norge, og det synes jeg er veldig bra. At vi stemmer på partier og ikke ansikter ved stortingsvalg liker jeg også, da tror jeg vi unngår mye skittent spill, drittkasting og overdrevent fokus på person og ikke sak (selv om vi har nok av disse tingene vi også)!

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Ja, dette har du selvsagt helt rett i, men her sammenlignes systemet med det som er i USA. Jeg mener terskelen er ganske lav for å komme seg på liste her i landet. Det krever litt innsats og engasjement, men det skulle jo bare mangle. Likevel er veien relativt kort for de som ønsker å ha en stemme og litt innflytelse i Norge, og det synes jeg er veldig bra. At vi stemmer på partier og ikke ansikter ved stortingsvalg liker jeg også, da tror jeg vi unngår mye skittent spill, drittkasting og overdrevent fokus på person og ikke sak (selv om vi har nok av disse tingene vi også)!

Alle systemer har fordeler og ulemper.


Det er typisk amerikansk å mene noen kan greie seg bra uten formelle utdannelse eller erfaring. Trump er et utmerket eksempel på hvordan det kan helt bomme mens lite erfarne Obama var et eksempel på det motsatte. Andrew Yang ville ha en god sjanse hvis han var litt flinkere til å tale selv om han har ingen politisk erfaring.

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Trumps miljøverndept. ruller i dag tilbake reguleringer som hadde til hensikt å sikre rent vann, til fordel for industri mm.
Trump EPA rolls back Obama-era water protections to boost industry
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday announced repeal of an Obama-era regulation that had expanded pollution protections for waterways such as wetlands and shallow streams, but that farmers, miners and manufacturers decried as overreach.
The widely anticipated move to repeal the 2015 Waters of the United States rule, known as “WOTUS,” is part of a broader effort by President Donald Trump to roll back environmental regulations to boost industry. Environmental groups called the move “shameful and dangerous.
Environmental groups have said the Obama rule was necessary to protect drinking water sources at risk from agri-business and industry.
Denne i dag kommer i tillegg til Trump-administrasjonens kanselleringer av over 80 andre miljøreguleringer til nå. En del av disse havner i retten, og en del av dem er så gjeninnført som resultat av rettsbehandling.
Kort utdrag:
85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump
"A New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts more than 80 environmental rules and regulations on the way out under Mr. Trump."
"The Trump administration has often used a “one-two punch” when rolling back environmental rules, said Caitlin McCoy, a fellow in the Environmental and Energy Law Program at Harvard Law School who tracks regulatory rollbacks. “First a delay rule to buy some time, and then a final substantive rule.”
"Several environmental rules — summarized at the bottom of this page — were rolled back and then later reinstated, often following legal challenges. Other rollbacks remain mired in court."
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Trump drar i dag til Baltimore for å holde en tale under et republikansk event. Dette er samme by han har kommentert på ... fargefulle måter nylig. Det er ventet protester.
Weeks after blasting Baltimore as rodent-infested, Trump to pay a visit to Charm City
"President Donald Trump, who disparaged Baltimore this summer as more deadly than Afghanistan and “disgusting, rat and rodent infested,” is coming to town Thursday afternoon.
The 45th president’s visit has the potential to snarl rush-hour traffic downtown. It’s also motivating protesters, who are using the visit to advocate against a variety of injustices, from racism to climate change.
Why is Trump coming to Baltimore if he thinks it’s so awful? The occasion for Trump’s visit is a retreat by Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The members of Congress are meeting from Thursday through Saturday at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront hotel in Harbor East.
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I kveld er septemberdebatten for demokratenes primærvalg, og denne gangen er de gjenværende kandidatene for første gang samlet på samme scene samtidig. Det er totalt 10 deltagere i denne debatten.

September Democratic debate: Everything you need to know
"Top-polling Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris and Buttigieg will share one stage in Houston after a number of candidates failed to qualify."
"The debate is being held at Texas Southern University on Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET and will be co-hosted by ABC and Univision. Viewers should stock up on provisions — it's slated to run for three hours.
ABC's George Stephanopoulos, "World News Tonight" anchor David Muir, network correspondent Linsey Davis and Univision's Jorge Ramos will be the moderators.

Dette går live i afilierte nyhetskanaler og på nett når det starter, fra kl. 02:00 i natt norsk tid. Dekningen av eventet starter en time før:


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Kveldens 15-minutters "chopper talk" med Trump utenfor WH, på vei til Baltimore hvor han skal holde en tale omtalt tidligere her torsdag kveld.




NB: "chopper talk" er uttrykket man etterhvert har brukt for Trumps stopp foran pressekorpset når han er på vei ut til Marine One (helikopteret) utenfor WH. Her stopper han og sier hva han har lyst til når pressen stiller spørsmål, i konkurranse med støyen fra helikopteret i bakgrunnen. Dette har overtatt for ordinære pressekonferanser i briefingrommet i WH, som det onsdag denne uken var 6 måneder siden ble holdt sist.

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Noen som fikk med seg denne reklamen i nattens debatt?




Hun har sett den, og kommentert:




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Ifølge formannen i Husets etterretningskommité har fung. direktør for nasjonal etterretning, som ble innsatt av Trump i august etter DNI Dan Coats' avgang, holdt tilbake og prøvd å skjule innholdet i en varsler-rapport om en kritisk hendelse innen amerikansk etterretning.

Generalinspektøren skal ha funnet varslerrapporten troverdig og alvorlig, og fung. DNI er iht. amerikansk lov forpliktet til å gjøre tilgjengelig rapporten for Husets etterretningskommité.

Ifølge ordren fra etterretningskommitéen anses det som sannsynlig at Trumps nyinnsatte fung. DNI holder tilbake informasjonen fordi varslerrapporten berører Trump direkte, og ønsker å skjerme ham mot innsyn fra etterretningskommitéen. En subpoena er dermed utstedt for å tvangsinndrive varslerrapporten fordi Trumps fung. DNI bryter amerikansk lov og holder rapporten tilbake.


Schiff accuses top intel official of illegally withholding 'urgent' whistleblower complaint


"The nation's top intelligence official is illegally withholding a whistleblower complaint, possibly to protect President Donald Trump or senior White House officials, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff alleged Friday."

"Schiff issued a subpoena for the complaint, accusing acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire of taking extraordinary steps to withhold the complaint from Congress, even after the intel community's inspector general characterized the complaint as credible and of "urgent concern."

“A Director of National Intelligence has never prevented a properly submitted whistleblower complaint that the [inspector general] determined to be credible and urgent from being provided to the congressional intelligence committees. Never," Schiff said in a statement. "This raises serious concerns about whether White House, Department of Justice or other executive branch officials are trying to prevent a legitimate whistleblower complaint from reaching its intended recipient, the Congress, in order to cover up serious misconduct."




Formannen i etterretningskommitéen har offentliggjort et dokument hvor det redegjøres for inndrivelsesordren sendt Trumps fung. direktør for nasjonal etterretning for denne varslerrapporten:


Press Releases

Chairman Schiff Issues Subpoena for Whistleblower Complaint Being Unlawfully Withheld by Acting DNI from Intelligence Committees





"Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, issued a subpoena to the Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Joseph Maguire to compel the production of a whistleblower complaint that the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s (IC IG) determined to be credible and a matter of “urgent concern,” as well as the IC IG’s determination and all records pertaining to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI) involvement in this matter, including any and all correspondence with other Executive Branch actors such as the White House. The Acting DNI was required by statute to submit the complaint to the congressional intelligence committees more than 10 days – but he refuses to do so.


Prior to issuing the subpoena, the Committee learned that the complaint involves confidentially and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community and the ODNI refused to rule out that the underlying conduct relates to an area of active investigation by the Committee, raising serious concerns that the whistleblower complaint is being withheld to protect the President or other Administration officials. Absent compliance with the subpoena, the Committee plans to require Acting Director Maguire to appear before the Committee in an open hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2019.


Chairman Schiff stated:


“A month ago, a whistleblower within the intelligence community lawfully filed a complaint regarding a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law, or deficiency within the responsibility or authority of the Director of National Intelligence. The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community found that complaint not only credible, but urgent. More than ten days since the Director was obligated to transmit the complaint to the intelligence committees, the Committee has still not received the disclosure from the Director, in violation of the law.


“A Director of National Intelligence has never prevented a properly submitted whistleblower complaint that the IC IG determined to be credible and urgent from being provided to the congressional intelligence committees. Never. This raises serious concerns about whether White House, Department of Justice or other executive branch officials are trying to prevent a legitimate whistleblower complaint from reaching its intended recipient, the Congress, in order to cover up serious misconduct.


“After Watergate exposed significant intelligence abuses, a critical bargain was struck: in exchange for the Intelligence Community’s willingness to reveal closely guarded national security secrets, the congressional intelligence committees and leadership promised to handle that information responsibly. It was also of vital importance that intelligence officials have a lawful and protected means of bringing misconduct to the attention of Congress and the public. By withholding a credible whistleblower complaint that potentially deals with executive branch wrongdoing, the DNI is in violation of the applicable statute and has made itself a party to the concealment of potentially serious misconduct.”


The Committee learned that the DNI was withholding from the Committee an authorized and protected whistleblower disclosure involving an “urgent concern,” which is defined by law as “a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information.”


On September 9, 2019, the IC IG transmitted a letter to the Committee notifying it of the existence of a whistleblower complaint. The following day, on September 10, 2019, Chairman Schiff requested the full and unredacted whistleblower complaint, the IC IG determination related to the complaint, and all records pertaining to the ODNI’s involvement in this matter, including any and all correspondence with other Executive Branch actors including the White House. As noted in Schiff’s letter to Acting DNI Maguire:


“We do not know whether this decision to withhold the disclosure was made only by you, or whether it involved interference by other parties, including the White House. The Committee’s recent experience has heightened concern of improper White House efforts to influence your office and the Intelligence Community. The failure to transmit to the Committee an urgent and credible whistleblower complaint, as required by law, raises the prospect that an urgent matter of a serious nature is being purposefully concealed by the Committee.”


On September 13, 2019, the Committee received a letter from the ODNI declining the Chairman’s request and stating that the DNI, contrary to an unambiguous statutory command, is withholding the complaint from the Committee because, in part, it involves confidentially and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community.


In Schiff’s September 13, 2019 letter to the DNI accompanying the subpoena, Schiff writes:


“… in violation of the statute’s explicit command, and in a stark break with the unbroken practice of previous Directors of National Intelligence, you have refused to transmit to the Committee the whistleblower disclosure, along with the IC IG’s determination that the information in the disclosure represents a credible urgent concern—even after the Committee’s formal request on September 10, 2019. So far as the Committee is aware, this marks the first time a Director of National Intelligence has ever sought to overrule the IC IG and conceal from Congress a whistleblower complaint—in this case, one the IC IG has already determined to be a credible urgent concern. You have also refused, in further contravention of the statute, to provide the whistleblower with required direction, through the IC IG, on how to contact the Committee directly in a secure manner.


“As Acting Director of National Intelligence, you have neither the legal authority nor the discretion to overrule a determination by the IC IG. Moreover, you do not possess the authority to withhold from the Committee a whistleblower disclosure from within the Intelligence Community that is intended for Congress.


“Your office has attempted to justify doing so based on a radical distortion of the statute that completely subverts the letter and spirit of the law, as well as arrogates to the Director of National Intelligence authority and discretion he does not possess. Under the statute, the Director serves as a conduit to transmit the complaint to the congressional intelligence committee with any comments the Director considers appropriate and consistent with proper security practices.


“Even though the disclosure was made by an individual within the Intelligence Community through lawful channels, you have improperly withheld that disclosure on the basis that, in your view, the complaint concerns conduct by someone outside of the Intelligence Community and because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications. In a further departure from the statute, your office consulted the Department of Justice about the complaint, even though the statute does not provide you discretion to review, appeal, reverse, or countermand in any way the IC IG’s independent determination, let alone to involve another entity within the Executive Branch in the handling of a whistleblower complaint. Your office, moreover, has refused to affirm or deny that officials or lawyers at the White House have been involved in your decision to withhold the complaint from the Committee. You have also refused to rule out to me that the urgent concern, and underlying conduct, relates to an area of active investigation by the Committee.


“The Committee can only conclude, based on this remarkable confluence of factors, that the serious misconduct at issue involves the President of the United States and/or other senior White House or Administration officials. This raises grave concerns that your office, together with the Department of Justice and possibly the White House, are engaged in an unlawful effort to protect the President and conceal from the Committee information related to his possible “serious or flagrant” misconduct, abuse of power, or violation of law.


“Accordingly, due to the urgency of the matter and the unlawful decision by your office to withhold from the Committee an Intelligence Community individual’s credible “urgent concern” whistleblower disclosure, the Committee hereby issues the attached subpoena compelling you to transmit immediately to the Committee the disclosure, in complete and unaltered form, as well as to produce other related materials.”

Schiff’s letter to the Acting DNI on September 10, 2019 can be found here. Schiff’s letter to the Acting DNI accompanying the subpoena on September 13, 2019 can be found here. "



Kilde: https://intelligence.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=688 

Det er postet vedlegg på siden via linken over.



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Det har skjedd et massivt droneangrep på noen av verdens største oljeanlegg i Saudi Arabia, hvor halve produksjonskapasiteten i landet skal være satt ut. Dette har potensiale for å påvirke oljemarkedet og priser snarlig, men prisendringer kan være begrenset pga. tiltak for å sikre forsyninger internasjonalt. Yemenske houtier skal ha påtatt seg ansvaret, men Trumps utenriksminister Pompeo anklager Iran for å stå bak. Trump skal ha vært i samtaler med den saudiske kronprinsen MBS i kveld.
Two Major Saudi Oil Installations Hit by Drone Strike
"Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for drone attacks on two key oil installations deep inside Saudi Arabia on Saturday, facilities that process the vast majority of the country’s output and raising the risk of a disruption in world oil supplies."
Drone strikes knock out half of Saudi oil capacity, 5 million barrels a day
"Abu Dhabi (CNN Business) — Drone strikes on crucial Saudi Arabian oil facilities have disrupted about half of the kingdom's oil capacity, or 5% of the daily global oil supply, people with knowledge of Saudi's oil operations told CNN Business."
Video fra et av verdens største oljeanlegg i flammer:

Pompeos uttalelse via twitter:


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"We call on all nations to publicly and unequivocally condemn Iran’s attacks."


Angrep på oljeproduksjonen må naturligvis fordømmes hardt. Å torturere en uskyldig journalist til døde i sin ambasade... tja... ikke så nøye... litt slingringsmonn må de få.

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