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Noen som vet hva som skjer hvis man ikke betaler?



Mest sannsynlig tar de kontakt og kommer med trusler, for eksempel at det går til inkasso eller politianmeldes eller at du blir saksøkt eller noe annet tull.


Bare send innsigelse på kravet og om nødvendig videresend denne til eventuelt inkassoselskap, du trenger ikke betale.

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Har fått svar av Carprice:


Your order will not be cancelled.

You confirmed that you read our terms of service and also you agreed with our price of service. When you did so we assume that you actually read our terms of service. This is your responsibility to read terms and conditions before you agree with them. 

Unfortunately, if the invoice will not be paid, we have to end your agreement and unpaid invoices will go to collectors company, with whom, all the further conversations will be held and our team will no longer have access to your account.




2 mail


You requested a refund for the digital products purchased through the website carprice.no Pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions available at carprice.no/terms (hereinafter, referred to as the “Terms”), which you explicitly accepted before purchasing the digital products, “once you receive the Digital Products, you may no longer withdraw from the contract.” 

Please note that Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions corresponds to the laws of the European Union which can be summarized as follows:

“once you start downloading or streaming the content you may no longer withdraw from the purchase, provided that the trader has complied with his obligations. Specifically, the trader must first obtain your explicit agreement to the immediate download or streaming, and you must explicitly acknowledge that you lose your right to withdraw once the performance has started.” 

By clicking on the “Order” button prior to purchasing the digital products, you provided us with your explicit agreement to (i) receive the digital products within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button, and (ii) you explicitly acknowledged that you lose your right to withdraw once you receive the Digital Products. In this regard, see Section 1.4 of the Terms which reads as follows:

“1.4 By clicking on the “Order” button, you explicitly acknowledge that you may receive the Digital Products ordered by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button. Furthermore, you acknowledge that, after you receive the Digital Products, you lose your right to withdraw the contract concluded on the basis of these Terms.” 
In the light of the aforementioned observations, it can be concluded that you are not entitled to receive a refund for the price of the digital products which have been received by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button.

By sending you this letter, I consider the issue resolved.

Your order will not be cancelled.



Jeg gir meg ikke, har sendt mail til de der jeg har brukt litt av det som har blitt brukt her, og hvis de fortsetter å true meg vil de bli politianmeldt og at det er forsøk på svindel.

Noen som kan tenke seg hva de vil svare?


Endret av villi.u
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Har fikk svar av Carprice:




Your order will not be cancelled.


You confirmed that you read our terms of service and also you agreed with our price of service. When you did so we assume that you actually read our terms of service. This is your responsibility to read terms and conditions before you agree with them. 


Unfortunately, if the invoice will not be paid, we have to end your agreement and unpaid invoices will go to collectors company, with whom, all the further conversations will be held and our team will no longer have access to your account.




2 mail



You requested a refund for the digital products purchased through the website carprice.no Pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions available at carprice.no/terms (hereinafter, referred to as the “Terms”), which you explicitly accepted before purchasing the digital products, “once you receive the Digital Products, you may no longer withdraw from the contract.” 


Please note that Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions corresponds to the laws of the European Union which can be summarized as follows:


“once you start downloading or streaming the content you may no longer withdraw from the purchase, provided that the trader has complied with his obligations. Specifically, the trader must first obtain your explicit agreement to the immediate download or streaming, and you must explicitly acknowledge that you lose your right to withdraw once the performance has started.” 


By clicking on the “Order” button prior to purchasing the digital products, you provided us with your explicit agreement to (i) receive the digital products within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button, and (ii) you explicitly acknowledged that you lose your right to withdraw once you receive the Digital Products. In this regard, see Section 1.4 of the Terms which reads as follows:


“1.4 By clicking on the “Order” button, you explicitly acknowledge that you may receive the Digital Products ordered by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button. Furthermore, you acknowledge that, after you receive the Digital Products, you lose your right to withdraw the contract concluded on the basis of these Terms.” 

In the light of the aforementioned observations, it can be concluded that you are not entitled to receive a refund for the price of the digital products which have been received by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button.



By sending you this letter, I consider the issue resolved.


Your order will not be cancelled.



Jeg gir meg ikke, har sendt mail til de der jeg har brukt litt av det som har blitt brukt her, og hvis de fortsetter å true meg vil de bli politianmeldt og at det er forsøk på svindel.


Noen som kan tenke seg hva de vil svare?



Det har ikke noe å si hva de svarer, bare si at du er uenig i at du skal betale og at du ikke kommer til å betale. Det har du forsåvidt allerede gjort så du trenger ikke å svare de.

Du skal ikke inngå i dialog eller argumentasjon med de.


Tar de saken videre til inkassobyrå er de dum, men da videresender du mailen til inkassobyrået.

Endret av IntelAmdAti
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Har fikk svar av Carprice:




Your order will not be cancelled.


You confirmed that you read our terms of service and also you agreed with our price of service. When you did so we assume that you actually read our terms of service. This is your responsibility to read terms and conditions before you agree with them. 


Unfortunately, if the invoice will not be paid, we have to end your agreement and unpaid invoices will go to collectors company, with whom, all the further conversations will be held and our team will no longer have access to your account.




2 mail



You requested a refund for the digital products purchased through the website carprice.no Pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions available at carprice.no/terms (hereinafter, referred to as the “Terms”), which you explicitly accepted before purchasing the digital products, “once you receive the Digital Products, you may no longer withdraw from the contract.” 


Please note that Section 4.1 of the Terms and Conditions corresponds to the laws of the European Union which can be summarized as follows:


“once you start downloading or streaming the content you may no longer withdraw from the purchase, provided that the trader has complied with his obligations. Specifically, the trader must first obtain your explicit agreement to the immediate download or streaming, and you must explicitly acknowledge that you lose your right to withdraw once the performance has started.” 


By clicking on the “Order” button prior to purchasing the digital products, you provided us with your explicit agreement to (i) receive the digital products within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button, and (ii) you explicitly acknowledged that you lose your right to withdraw once you receive the Digital Products. In this regard, see Section 1.4 of the Terms which reads as follows:


“1.4 By clicking on the “Order” button, you explicitly acknowledge that you may receive the Digital Products ordered by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button. Furthermore, you acknowledge that, after you receive the Digital Products, you lose your right to withdraw the contract concluded on the basis of these Terms.” 

In the light of the aforementioned observations, it can be concluded that you are not entitled to receive a refund for the price of the digital products which have been received by you within a time period of 14 days commencing on the day when you click on the “Order” button.



By sending you this letter, I consider the issue resolved.


Your order will not be cancelled.



Jeg gir meg ikke, har sendt mail til de der jeg har brukt litt av det som har blitt brukt her, og hvis de fortsetter å true meg vil de bli politianmeldt og at det er forsøk på svindel.


Noen som kan tenke seg hva de vil svare?



Det har ikke noe å si hva de svarer, bare si at du er uenig i at du skal betale og at du ikke kommer til å betale. Det har du forsåvidt allerede gjort så du trenger ikke å svare de.

Du skal ikke inngå i dialog eller argumentasjon med de.


Tar de saken videre til inkassobyrå er de dum, men da videresender du mailen til inkassobyrået.


Hvorfor ikke  inngå i dialog eller argumentasjon med de?

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Artig at de skriver "VI GARANTERER 100 % KUNDETILFREDSTILLELSE" på nettsiden.


Hvordan stiller dette seg juridisk? Kan man bruke dette som argument for å ikke betale?


Det høres ut som en påstand som må dokumenteres etter markedsføringsloven § 3 annet ledd, se også §§ 6 og 7. Man kan likevel ikke nekte å gjennomføre en avtale av den grunn selv om selskapet bryter markedsføringsloven. 

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Ser jo ut på nettsidene her at det vil være enkelt å "kødde" med noen, du legger jo kun inn nummer epost regninger og kilometerstand. Opprett en ny epostadresse og legg inn nummeret til en du ikke liker.


De må vel også kunne bevise at det er du som har bestillt for å kunne fakturere deg.?

  • Liker 1
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Noen som kan gi meg mail adressen til carprice.o



Hei! Jeg har det samme problemet og de krever 199 Euro fra meg. Jeg ville bare spørre om jeg kunne følge det du gjorde uten å få noe problemer? Mvh



Jeg kan bruke robot og slik de blir spammet ned? Eller har de sånn sikkerhetsgreie?



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Unfortunately, if the invoice will not be paid, we have to end your agreement and unpaid invoices will go to collectors company, with whom, all the further conversations will be held and our team will no longer have access to your account.

Hva mener de med dette?? RASKT SVAR ØNSKES!!!

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Da er det bare å sende en beskjed til inkassoselskapet om at denne saken er bestridet hos carprice, og inkassoselskapet kan ikke gjøre noe mere.

Hvilket inkassoselskap? har du en oppskrift på hva jeg skal skrive`? 


Endret av villi.u
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