lqpl Skrevet 27. november 2003 Del Skrevet 27. november 2003 (endret) Veldig kjekk oversikt over stepping for AMD prosessorer: --------------- AMD Processors FAQ's (Post #1) STEPPINGS The stepping code is a 4 or 5 letter string printed on the CPU either on the core (on Durons , Athlons and Athlons XP with Palomino core) , or on a black label near the core (on the Athlons XP Tbred core or Bartons) . Every stepping indicates a revision/change in the CPU manufacturing process , wich usually has an impact on the overclockability and on the temperature of the CPU . Duron Spitfire: 600-800: AKAA < AKCA < AKBA 800-950: AKCA < ALCA < AMCA = ANCA < ANDA Duron Morgan: AHHAA < AHLCA < AHLDA 9 < Z < Y Athlon Thunderbird : AXHA = ALUM < AQGA = AGGA = ASHHA < ADFA < AJFA = ARGA < AXIA = BXIA = AVIA = AXIAR < AVHA = BVHA < AYHJA = EYHJA < AYHJAR 9 < K < Y Athlon Palomino: AGKFA < AGKGA < ARKGA < AGLHA < AGNGA < AGOGA < AGOIA < AROIA < AROGA 9 < 4 < K < F < Y Athlon Thoroughbred : A : AIRCA < AIRDA < AIRGA < RIRGA < RIWGA < RIUGA < AIUGA < AJUGA B : 1600+ : KIUHB < JIUHB 1700+ and 1800+ : JIUCB < JIUGB < KIUHB < JIUHB over 2000+ : AIUAB < AIUCB < AIUGB < AIUHB Athlon Barton : AIUAA < AQUCA < AQXCA < AQXDA < AQXEA < AQZEA < AQXFA < AQFZA < AQYFA < AQZFA Duron Applebred : MIUHB < MIXHB < MIXIB It seems AMD started locking the CPU's after week 39. See the end of the post for details. PROCESSOR CARACTERISTICS Palomino - 0.18 microns , model 6 , FSB 266 , cache : 128K Level1 , 256K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 1500+ 10.0 X 133 1.75V 53.8W 1600+ 10.5 X 133 1.75V 56.3W 1700+ 11.0 X 133 1.75V 57.4W 1800+ 11.5 X 133 1.75V 59.2W 1900+ 12.0 X 133 1.75V 60.7W 2000+ 12.5 X 133 1.75V 62.5W 2100+ 13.0 X 133 1.75V 64.3W Thoroughbred A - 0.13 microns , model 8 CPUID 680 , FSB 266 , cache : 128K Level1 , 256K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 1700+ 11.0 X 133 1.50V 44.9W 1800+ 11.5 X 133 1.50V 46.3W 1900+ 12.0 X 133 1.50V 47.7W 2000+ 12.5 X 133 1.60V 54.7W 2100+ 13.0 X 133 1.60V 56.4W 2200+ 13.5 X 133 1.65V 61.7W Thoroughbred B - 0.13 microns , model 8 CPUID 681 , FSB 266 , cache : 128K Level1 , 256K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 1600+ 10.5 X 133 1.60V 48.5W 1700+ 11.0 X 133 1.50V 44.9W 1800+ 11.5 X 133 1.50V 46.3W 2000+ 12.5 X 133 1.60V 54.7W 2100+ 13.0 X 133 1.60V 55.9W 2200+ 13.5 X 133 1.60V 57.0W 2400+ 15.0 X 133 1.65V 62.0W 2600+ 16.0 X 133 1.65V 64.0W Thoroughbred B - 0.13 microns , model 8 CPUID 681 , FSB 333 , cache : 128K Level1 , 256K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 2600+ 12.5 X 166 1.65V 64.0W 2700+ 13.0 X 166 1.65V 64.0W Barton - 0.13 microns , model 10 , FSB 333 , cache : 128K Level1 , 512K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 2500+ 11.0 X 166 1.65V 53.7W 2800+ 12.5 X 166 1.65V 55.9W 3000+ 13.0 X 166 1.65V 58.4W Barton - 0.13 microns , model 10 , FSB 400 , cache : 128K Level1 , 512K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 3000+ 10.5 X 200 1.65V 56.5W 3200+ 11.0 X 200 1.65V 58.4W Applebred - 0.13 microns , model 8 , FSB266 , cache : 128K level1 , 64K Level2 Name Mult X FSB Vcore Power 1400 10.5 X 133 1.50V 00.0W 1600 12.0 X 133 1.50V 00.0W 1800 13.5 X 133 1.50V 00.0W UNLOCKING The Duron , Athlon Thunderbird , Athlon XP Palomino processors have the multiplier locked from the factory , and to unlock it you must connect the L1 bridges . It will unlock all the multipliers in the 5X-12.5X range , except for the XP2100+ and XP2200+ with Palomino core , wich will have the 13X-18.5X range available . On any CPU you can toggle between the multiplier ranges (5-12.5X to 13X-18.5X) by changing the connection of the L10 bridges (cut one and connect the other) . The Athlon XP Thoroughbred core and Barton processors have the multiplier unlocked from the factory , so any motherboard that has the option for multiplier setting cand adjust it . The processors under 2000+ have the 5X-12.5X range available , and the 2100+ and higher have the 13X-18.5X range available . The exceptions are XP2600+ / 333FSB and Barton 2500+ , wich have the 5X-12.5X range available . To toggle between ranges , you need to connect/cut the rightmost L3 bridge . AMD started locking the multiplier on their CPUs after week 39; while some of the CPUs made during weeks 39-42 are still unlocked, all the ones from week 43 and later come multiplier locked. This applies only to the Barton core for now (AFAIK). Known locked steppings : AQFZA 0341 XPMW AQXCA 0340 AQXFA 0339 AQXFA 0340 MPMW AQYFA 0340 AQYFA 0341 AQYFA 0342 AQZEA 0341 AQZFA 0339 UPMW AQZFA 0342 UPMW Known unlocked steppings : AQZEA 0339 UPMW AQZFA 0340 Hentet fra extremeoverclocking.com: http://forums.extremeoverclocking.com/show...&threadid=20803 lqpl Endret 27. november 2003 av lqpl Lenke til kommentar
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