Raae3s Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Såklart noen ting er bra å bli tabufisert. Selv om noen kan bruke dette imot homofili og alt seksualitet i samfunnet ellers i bestialsk tankegang. Men hebefili betyr tiltrukket til unger i 11 - 14 års alderen. Jeg bare leste på nettet at alle har de genene eller noe som stammer ifra før tidens tid. Mens pedofili er definert som en mental forstyrrelse som går under det. Ikke at det gjør noe slikt rett. Er også en dokumentar som heter "Are all men pedophiles?" ifra 2012. Så jeg bare lurer på hvordan dere vil argumentere for slikt om det blir tatt opp. Lenke til kommentar
vidor Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Vår kultur tilsier at dette er barn og at de er uaktuelle på kjønnsmarkedet for voksne. Kjønsmodningen på jenter skjer vel rundt 13 år alderen, så logisk sett er dette en alder som er mulig for kopulasjon, men samtidig har vi veldig sterke kulturelle styringer som tilsier at dette er uholdbart for voksne å tiltrekkes og ha samleie med barn. Lenke til kommentar
Kablam Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Vår kultur tilsier at dette er barn og at de er uaktuelle på kjønnsmarkedet for voksne. Kjønsmodningen på jenter skjer vel rundt 13 år alderen, så logisk sett er dette en alder som er mulig for kopulasjon, men samtidig har vi veldig sterke kulturelle styringer som tilsier at dette er uholdbart for voksne å tiltrekkes og ha samleie med barn. Så at de er fysisk i stand til å få barn gjør at det kun er kultur som gjør at man ikke skal ha lyst på sex med dem? Den er jeg uenig i. Selv om en gutt på 13 hadde vært i stand til å få ejakulasjon hadde jeg ikke vært tiltrukket av gutter på 13. Selv om en mann på 70 hadde vært fysisk i stand til å få barn er jeg ikke tiltrukket av menn på 70. Det har ikke med kultur å gjøre for min del... Lenke til kommentar
ViciousDeli Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Disclaimer: I am a hebephile and may therefore give the impression of answering from a biased position. I may also run the risk of being perceived as offensive merely because of what I am. I don't mean any offense and hope my answers are informative. Såklart noen ting er bra å bli tabufisert. I agree that a society has an inherent right to make certain things taboo, although it may not be as simple as simply making something taboo, to fight it effectively. Which why we in addition to making something taboo, also have laws in place to prevent the exploitation of minors by adults. Which coincidentally, is why the age of consent is the age it is in the western world: To provent minors being coerced into prostituting themselves. Jeg bare leste på nettet at alle har de genene eller noe som stammer ifra før tidens tid. The discussion is kind of raging. On the one side we have those hebephiles who think that girls having matured to develop secondary sexual characteristics (breasts and hips) is nature's way of signalling that the female is fertile. On the other side there are those who argue that women are the most fertile at 25, which coincides with both the maturation of the adult brain (the pre-frontal cortex which regulates risk assessment, decision-making and such), and the body's ability to give birth safely in general. I'm pretty much in the later camp, and luckily most hebephiles are also attracted to mature women - only perhaps not quite as strongly. Mens pedofili er definert som en mental forstyrrelse som går under det. Not entirely correct, pedophilic disorder is not the same as pedophilia. Which is probably part of the reason why most who commit sexual offenses against children, are situational offenders and not pedophiles. Which means that the taboo isn't stopping them. Er også en dokumentar som heter "Are all men pedophiles?" ifra 2012. Not a very good one IMHO, compared to for example the one who got released a few days ago: cbc.ca/firsthand/episodes/i-pedophile. You need a canadian IP to watch it for now. Så jeg bare lurer på hvordan dere vil argumentere for slikt om det blir tatt opp. Part of making children and minors safe from exploitation and abuse, is providing them with the information that they need, so that in the event of any abuse, they can put words on what is happening, and also make them understand that they have rights and especially that they can assert those rights. Which is why I think the Newton childrens' TV-series was so great. It just told kids straight out "This is what happens in puberty and this is what sex is". On the topic of Age of Consent laws and minors' protection under these laws, the debate on the side of the "Abolish AoC"-crew (the sane ones who can rub two sticks together and come up with cogent arguments) is primarily predicated on considering the issue from asking "how would our western societies need to change in order to lower or abolish AoC?". Some of those suggested changes are in my view not bad, such as how granting minors greater autonomy, trust, sense of responsibility and information about their own bodies and rights is good in raising them to become sensible adults in general. For example, one need look no further than to a number of young girls who have played parts in movies where they were expected to think more maturely and also do their job and be respected for working together with adults. A few examples come to mind, such as: "Pretty Baby", Brooke Shields "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane", Jodie Foster And looking at how the "let kids be kids"-attitude plays out in producing some of the most spoilt brats the world has ever seen, I think maybe we are doing young people a great disservice by holding their natural development back for the sake of sexual morals. Not the least because age of menarche (first menstruation) has dropped by some seven years on average since AoC was raised from 13 to 16 in order to stop child prostitution, and 50% of Danish girls now are in puberty before nine years of age. And they clearly sext to eachother. Which is also why normal people who are interested in the wellbeing of minors and reform of laws to reflect reality and not criminalize an entire upgrowing generation, are up in arms about US sex offender laws: https://www.change.org/p/alabama-state-house-stop-criminalizing-young-people-who-engage-in-consensual-sex-or-sexting Personally, I think questions about minors having sex and issues of AoC are best left to unbiased and responsible adults who work in child development / sexology, and the minors themselves. Not hebephiles, who in many cases are not only biased but argue from a position of reacting to shunning and taboos, by way of self-justification. You kind of know where they are coming from, what their arguments are, and why they present them, for the most part. Feel free to ask questions, I hope I won't get banned but we usually do. 2 Lenke til kommentar
AnonymDiskusjon Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 I have a question to the person above.Why do you keep mentioning why it's good for little girls to have a mature role, and not boys? Maybe because you're a guy yourself and want this to be limited to the other sex? Boys can be children, while little girls should have sex with adults??If you try to defend hebephily, shouldn't you include little boys too?Also "start of puberty" is very vague, boys also start puberty before the age of 10.Anyway, I think you're nasty, I don't agree with your views at all, but if you want to defend your views at least include your own sex too....... Anonymous poster hash: bcb81...744 Lenke til kommentar
ViciousDeli Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Why do you keep mentioning why it's good for little girls to have a mature role, and not boys? A number of reasons; from the top: * boys can't get pregnant * girls mature about a year earlier * it's mostly young girls below the age of consent who have sex with older boys, not the other way around * I'm kind of writing from my own perspective of attraction here * I find most of the now defunct NAMBLA-movement to be quite distastefull and won't present their views Anyway, I think you're nasty, I don't agree with your views at all, but if you want to defend your views at least include your own sex too....... There's a difference between defending views, and merely presenting them. Also people can be quite "nasty" in their fetishes, so thank God we don't have to know or approve of anybody else's perversities. Or, for them to approve of ours. Lenke til kommentar
misanthrope Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Mennesker er født med mange instinkt. Det er overhodet ikke noe galt i å være triltrukket av seksuelt modne mennesker. Det er sånn naturen har utstyrt oss. MEN vi lever i et moderne samfunn med lover og regler og de fleste av dem eksisterer med god grunn. Bare fordi noen er modne i kroppen betyr ikke at de er modne emosjonelt og intellektuelt. Ironisk nok er det de som ofte har tidligst seksuell debut. Men det er altså ikke slik at man kan reagere på alt man føler. Voldtekt, drap, å fillebanke folk osv. var normalt før det eksisterte lover og regler og er normalt blandt dyr. Men vi har altså bestemt i fellesskap at det ikke er akseptable ting å gjøre.Så nei, du trenger ikke føle deg skyldig. Bare ikke gjør noe med saken. Respekter seksuell lavalder. Lenke til kommentar
ViciousDeli Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2016 Mennesker er født med mange instinkt. Which is pretty much determined by our genes. Det er overhodet ikke noe galt i å være triltrukket av seksuelt modne mennesker. I don't think an attraction is "wrong" in and of itself, what matters is what you chose to do with it. MEN vi lever i et moderne samfunn med lover og regler og de fleste av dem eksisterer med god grunn. Unfortunately, these arguments are all strawmen. Arguing from modernity isn't really addressing the issue of whether having sex with minors is harmfull. Neither is arguing from legality. Nor arguing from tradition. Bare fordi noen er modne i kroppen betyr ikke at de er modne emosjonelt og intellektuelt. That's a bit of a red herring I think, maturity is never considered as making somebody allowed to have sex, only ever referred to as an explanation why the laws are the way they are, conviniently sidestepping that the issue of lack of maturity is only ever brought up for people under the age of consent. Or mentally disabled people. For which there is legal precedent for allowing to have sex with adults, at a mental maturity level of development roughly corresponding to an average eight-year-old. Voldtekt, drap, å fillebanke folk osv. var normalt før det eksisterte lover og regler og er normalt blandt dyr. All of those examples directly produce clearly definable victims. It's not the same with sex, in fact I know of no scientific study that irrefutably show that sex in and of itself is harmfull. As such, I think in time, the current AoC will need to be revised. Not gonna happen in my lifetime though, and I see no reason to break the law, nor personally argue for any change in AoC. Lenke til kommentar
AnonymDiskusjon Skrevet 14. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 14. mars 2016 Why do you keep mentioning why it's good for little girls to have a mature role, and not boys? A number of reasons; from the top: * boys can't get pregnant * girls mature about a year earlier * it's mostly young girls below the age of consent who have sex with older boys, not the other way around * I'm kind of writing from my own perspective of attraction here * I find most of the now defunct NAMBLA-movement to be quite distastefull and won't present their views Wow, one whole year earlier for girls, that's not relevant at all. You do know some girls get their first menstruation at 16? It varies a lot. And boys can have children, what does pregnancy have to do with it. Some women can't even get pregnant at all. You could for example defend how little boys should be a fetish for older women, just like you do with girls/men. But you will not, probably because you were a boy yourself, and knows deep in your heart that it would be super creepy? Anonymous poster hash: bcb81...744 Lenke til kommentar
ViciousDeli Skrevet 14. mars 2016 Del Skrevet 14. mars 2016 (endret) I'm not really sure what you want me to comment on here, nor why you aren't writing under your own username. So I'll just re-emphasize, Homo Sapiens sapiens are a dimorphic primate species. The female bears live young; she does not lay eggs. As such, having sex at an early age means she is running a real physical risk of complications, simply because her hips are too narrow and her birth-canal isn't really wide enough. Leading to needing a caesarean due to a heightened risk of vaginal fistulas, and in poor countries, even death from failure to deliver. Furthermore, from what I am reading the number of minor-attracted heterosexual males probably outnumber the females by two magnitudes, about 100:1 . And as if to mirror this difference, females being infatuated by older males isn't unusual. The argument on pedo-sites basically attemts to explain this difference in sexual attraction by pointing to a simple calculation of breeding years: For a male to make the most of a females years of fertility - which ends at roughly 40 yo - it makes evolutionary sense to be attracted to females in puberty. And vice versa, a male's ability to provide for a female and support her nurturing offspring, it makes sense for him to be a strong and capable adult of full maturity. I don't know why this needs explanation, but ok, there you have it. Then again, there's the fetish aspect of forbidden fruit, also. When you make something taboo, "unnatural", you make it attractive at the same time. To more or less perverts, yeah. Endret 14. mars 2016 av ViciousDeli Lenke til kommentar
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