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Større kjønnslepper av å ha sex?

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Jeg har hatt sex med en del gutter, men vet ikke om det har hatt noen sammenheng med at jeg har fått større kjønnslepper?

Kjønnsleppene mine ble større før jeg hadde sex, og kan ikke se noen forskjell på underlivet mitt fra da jeg var jomfru til nå.

Grunnen til at jeg spør om dette nå er fordi jeg har hatt reduksjon av de indre leppene, og nå når det ser så bra ut har jeg ikke sex lyst lengre fordi jeg vil ikke "ødelegge" det. Hører selv at dette høres latterlig ut men dette er noe jeg spekulerer på:p

Anonymous poster hash: febdd...651
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Correlation is not causation.




 Changes over time


The genital tissues are greatly influenced by natural fluctuations in hormone levels, which lead to changes in labia size, appearance, and elasticity at various life stages. At birth, the labia minora are well-developed, and the labia majora appear plump due to being exposed to maternal hormones in the womb. The labia majora have the same color as the surrounding skin. Labial adhesions can occur between the ages of 3 months and 2 years, and may make the vulva look flat. These adhesions are not usually a cause for concern, and usually disappear without treatment. Treatment options may include estrogen cream, manual separation with local anesthesia, or surgical separation under sedation.


During early childhood, the labia majora look flat and smooth because of decreasing levels of body fat, and the diminished effects of maternal hormones. The labia minora become less prominent.


During puberty, increased hormone levels often significantly change the appearance of the labia. The labia minora become more elastic, prominent, and wrinkled. The labia majora regain fat, and begin growing pubic hair close to the pudendal cleft. Hair is initially sparse and straight, but gradually becomes darker, denser, and curlier as growth spreads outward and upward toward the thighs and mons pubis. At the end of puberty, pubic hair will be coarse, curly, and fairly thick. The patch of pubic hair covering the genitals will eventually often form a triangle shape.


By adulthood, the outer surface of the labia majora may be darker than the surrounding skin, and may have wrinkles similar to those on a male's scrotum. During the reproductive years, if a woman delivers a child, the fourchette will flatten. Pregnancy may cause the labia minora to darken in color.


Later in life, the labia majora once again gradually lose fat, becoming flatter and more wrinkled, and pubic hair turns grey. Following menopause, falling hormone levels cause further changes to the labia. The labia minora atrophy, making them become less elastic, and pubic hair on the labia majora becomes more sparse.


Med andre ord, shit happens og dette er noe du kan forvente skjer over tid, uavhengig av sex.


Blir litt som sammenligningen med menn: "Jeg har hoppet mye opp og ned, og pungen min henger ørlite granne lenger ned, burde jeg hoppe mindre opp og ned?".


Nei kjør på du.

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