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Drittbillig mat!


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Altså, Norge er ikke akkurat landet å bo i hvis man er ute etter billig mat ;) Melk er forresten utrolig digg. Drikker minst 1 liter per dag sikkert.. Grandiosa er faktisk et billig måltid. Selv om jeg vet at noen med teite smaksløker vil gå imot meg her, så må jeg allikevel si det: Mild Taco er sinnsykt god!!

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Altså, Norge er ikke akkurat landet å bo i hvis man er ute etter billig mat ;) Melk er forresten utrolig digg. Drikker minst 1 liter per dag sikkert.. Grandiosa er faktisk et billig måltid. Selv om jeg vet at noen med teite smaksløker vil gå imot meg her, så må jeg allikevel si det: Mild Taco er sinnsykt god!!

Melk er bra! Iskald lett-melk er tingen om man er tørst, eller kommer hjem etter en tur på byn lørdagskveld/søndagsmorgen.

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nvoetfiv: Jeg er faktisk enig med deg når det gjelder det angående mild taco, for den vanlige smaker jo papp og dritt! (hvertfall etter x antall vanlige grandisser :mrgreen: )


Annen billig mat kan være diverse supper da, får billige poser du blander med vann ... Husker vi hadde innbrudd, da stjal de tilogmed 10kroners poser, tomatsuppe og lignende :wow:

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Herregud. Hvem gidder å være sunne? Jeg merker ikke noe til det uansett. Har sikkert spist fisk i snitt annenhver måned i mitt liv, og har ikke drikki melk siden jeg var 5 osv. Bare spist det som smaker digg, og jeg føler meg (nesten) i fin form jeg.

Skal vi snakkes om 10 år da, se hvordan du føler deg da :p:


Jeg spiser forresten 6 farlig sunne måltid hver dag.

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Dette kan sikkert være interessant for noen, tatt fra et annet forum. :D



Flip them burgers, hup, hup, hup!



    Boy, aren't you hungry?  But I bet that you don't have a

bit of money on you.  Sucks, doesn't it?  Well, you don't have to go hungry.. all you need is a car and a little bit of guts.

    This method of getting food for free is good when you are wanting food right then... you can't wait till you have money, etc., you have to eat NOW!

    First, get in your car.  You don't have one?  Get a friend to drive, it doesn't matter, just make sure the driver is cool, because the driver usually has to do the work.

    Then, go to your nearest drive-thru fast food place, and enter the lane to get food.  Now, I know you don't have money, but not to worry.  Pull up to the ordering sign and wait.


"Can I take your order?"  Blasting out of the speaker.

    "Uh, hello, I was here about a half an hour ago and picked up food, and you forgot my -(fill in with what you want)-."

    "Do you have a receipt?"

    "It's in the bag."


If they continue to hassle you for a receipt, get angry. Tell them that this happens to you every fucking time you go there, and you are sick of it.

  You had to drive all the way back to get the missing ________ and you aren't going to be satisfied unless you get what you want.

    They should now give you the food that they supposedly forgot.  This works good everywhere, because these shitholes have a policy that says that if someone says that they were shorted, they have to owe up.  In short, "the customer is always right," even though you aren't a "real" customer.

    When doing this, don't go overboard.  Don't say that McDonald's forgot your Big Mac, your large fries, your 32oz Sprite, etc.  Narrow it down to one or two items, preferably of the same ilk.  Like go to Burger King and get the burgers,

go across the street to Kentucky Fried Chicken to get the drinks, etc., etc.

    This always works without a hitch, unless, and this is a

big unless, you go to the same place and do it often until they can recognize you.  Make a mental note of where you have been and be sure not to do it that often.  It's good if you do it once on a Monday, and then the next time on a Friday, because the chances that you get the same good working the window is slim.

    Ok, I am sure that if you run into any problems you should be creative enough to work them out.  Just remember, their job is to serve you well, even if you are ripping them off (as long as they don't know that you are ripping them off) so don't ever back down once you start talking to them or you will "ruin" that place because they will surely remember you.




In a

land of spatted foil water bison...



    You're sick to death of fast food and you want something good.  Something expensive.  But you still have not a cent to piss on.  If you are determined enough, you can eat at any restaurant in your particular city, for free.


              A phone

              A nice set of clothes

              An adult voice

    These should be easy enough to come by, unless you are a kid, which fortunately enough for me, I'm not.  So, round up these things and get ready.

    Pick out a nice place to dine at and call them up.

    (The following is a transcript from an actual call.)



    "__________ Restaurant, can I help you?"

    "May I speak to a manager, please?"

    "Yes, who may I say is calling?"

    "______________"  (Name left out coz I ain't that stupid, in this situation give them your REAL NAME)

    "Just a second."  Pause

    "Hi, this is Rick, how may I help you?"

    "Yes, this i s __________, I was in your establishment the other night with a business associate of mine, and we went ahead and ordered, and when the food came out it was a bit cold."


    "Well, I understand that this happens every once in a while, it was quite busy that night.  So we told the waiter and he took it back into the kitchen.  Well, the problem is, when he brought it back, it was even colder than it was when we first got the food."

    "That doesn't seem possible!"

    "I know, that is what is so odd!  I come into your restaurant very often, and this is the first time that this has happened.  And to make things worse, the waiter didn't even act like anything was wrong.  It was like he was totally indifferent to what was going on."

    "What night was this?"

    "This was Saturday night." (Use any night as long as it wasn't long ago, if you call Wednesday, tell them you were in on Monday, etc.)

    "Well I was working that night, why didn't you ask to speak with a manager?"

    "I would have liked to then, but as I said, I was with a business associate of mine, and it was really an embarrassing situation.  I didn't want to make things worse by causing a scene.  I wasn't even going to call at all but I really feel bad about what happened, I mean I have recommended your establishment to several colleagues of mine, and I can't just write this one off."

    "I know how you feel."

    "Well, I would just like to know what you could do to make me want to come back to your restaurant, after all, I'd hate to see you lose a reputable customer."

    "Oh, I don't want to lose a reputable customer!  Tell you what, how would you like to come in sometime this weekend?"

    "Well, I am free on Friday night."  (Or any night that you deem necessary.)

    "Ok.  Come in Friday night with your associate, and ask for Rick.  I'll make sure that your meal is perfect, and I'll pick up the tab."

    "Rick, that would be great!  I really appreciate this."

    "Well, like I said, I'm sorry this had to happen, and don't want to lose good      customer."

    "Thank you very much, see you Friday night."

    "Ok, good-bye."



We went in that Friday, and ate a rather large meal on the house, not including alcoholic beverages (something about the law).

    One of the keys to doing this successfully is to be

nice.  Don't get too angry with the managers of these places or you will not fit the image you want to project.  The last thing these guys want to do is give a free meal to an asshole.  But, if you call up and just act dissappointed in the service, food, etc., then they will glady help you out.

    Another point which is very important, is never, NEVER ask for a free meal outright!  Always make them offer it. You can't get in trouble for complaining.  Just use the line, "What can you do to make me come back?"  Or: "What can you do to make me happy?"  This way insures that you are not trying to just "freeload" in the eyes of Johnny Law.

    As with the fast food Bernsteining, don't do this too often.  The wo rd may get around.  Plus, you don't want to "burn out" your area.  Once you do it at one place, you can't do it there again for a long time (unless you know they got a new manager, etc).

    Also, above, in the transcript, I said to use your real name.  Why lie?  You can't get into any trouble!  Plus, some restaurants will just send you out a gift certificate. Whenever I go to a place, I leave a nice tip (that's right I tip!) and my business card.  This makes them feel good for doing it.  You never want to let them know that you are

scamming them.

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Melk er forresten utrolig digg. Drikker minst 1 liter per dag sikkert..

Liter'n? Wow! jeg har bare kjent to stykker som har holdt seg til et daglig inntak på liter'n og over.


Det pussige er at det også er de to eneste menneskene jeg har kjent som har blitt lagt inn på psykiatrisk avdeling *grin*

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Ett lite tips på billig middag: Bruk en familiedeig (økonomisk kjøttdeig på en måte) og lag en hel del ris. Bland i hop og fres litt i pannen med masse grill- og piffikrydder. Høres kanskje ikke så snakker ut men er rimelig godt :woot:

faktisk! :yes: det har jeg prøvd, det er god økonomisk mat!

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Holdit, pizza og annet er faktsik ikke billig i lengden.

Noe som er billig og godt som vi spiser her til tider er kyllingboller med saus, ris og salat. Boksen koster 20,- ris er billig og salat er billig. 3 personer kan spise seg mett for ca 30 - 35 ,- !


Da snakker vi billig mat !

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Ett lite tips på billig middag: Bruk en familiedeig (økonomisk kjøttdeig på en måte)

Bare vanlig kjøttdeig? Ikke kvernede småbarnsfamilier, altså? :(


Anyway, pannekaker-på-pose er iallefall råbillig.. 11kr (eller noe sånt) .. et lite glass med syltetøy, så er vi oppe i den svimlende sum av 25kr. Annet snadder er kjøtt/grønnsaks-supper med weekend-baguetter til (20kr), Jørgens Barske CowboyGryte som består av røde bønner, hakkede tomater, sjampinjonger, kjøtt/familiedeig, mais og en dæsj rømme (50kr, pluss et par kroner til weekend-baguetter), pluss pluss..

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Melk er forresten utrolig digg. Drikker minst 1 liter per dag sikkert..

Liter'n? Wow! jeg har bare kjent to stykker som har holdt seg til et daglig inntak på liter'n og over.


Det pussige er at det også er de to eneste menneskene jeg har kjent som har blitt lagt inn på psykiatrisk avdeling *grin*

Jeg drikker fort en liter melk om dagen, gjerne mer - men i disse trange tider blir det ikke mye melk, gitt.. :roll:


Psykiatriske - here I come! :p:

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