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fjerning av sexlyst

Bård h

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det er jo permanent som er tanken. ved kastrering så stopper jo hormonproduksjonen. man får lysere stemme og sjeggveksten stopper. men som sagt så blir det ikkje lenger utført i norge.

men er det ingen andre permanente løsninger så går det jo med midlertidige løsninger over lang tid..

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det er jo permanent som er tanken. ved kastrering så stopper jo hormonproduksjonen. man får lysere stemme og sjeggveksten stopper.

Haha, nei. Har du først fått mørk stemme går den ikke bort igjen om du kastrerer deg. Og skjegg som er dannet forvinner heller ikke, det dannes bare ikke nye hår.


All lyst forsvinner ikke selv om hormonproduksjonen har stoppet. Ellers ville jo ikke kvinner hatt sexlyst.


men er det ingen andre permanente løsninger så går det jo med midlertidige løsninger over lang tid..

Enkelde psykiatriske medisiner kan ha redusert sexlyst som bivirkning. Være obs på at den kan bli permanent, selv om du slutter på medisinen.
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Gjest Bruker-95147



har eit spørsmål om det er noen her som veit om det finnes noen måter man kan fjerne sexlysten?


eg veit at kastrering gjør det men det blir ikkje lenger utført i norge.


håper noen kan gi meg noen seriøse svar


Ja det finnes metoder, og ja, de virker hvis man trener - lykke til! :)


Asubha Sutta: Unattractiveness
translated from the Pali by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu

"Monks, there are these four modes of practice. Which four? Painful practice with slow intuition, painful practice with quick intuition, pleasant practice with slow intuition, & pleasant practice with quick intuition.

"And which is painful practice with slow intuition? There is the case where a monk remains focused on unattractiveness with regard to the body, percipient of loathsomeness with regard to food, percipient of non-delight with regard to the entire world, (and) focused on inconstancy with regard to all fabrications. The perception of death is well established within him. He dwells in dependence on the five strengths of a learner — strength of conviction, strength of conscience, strength of concern, strength of persistence, & strength of discernment — but these five faculties of his — the faculty of conviction, the faculty of persistence, the faculty of mindfulness, the faculty of concentration, the faculty of discernment — appear weakly. Because of their weakness, he attains only slowly the immediacy [1] that leads to the ending of the effluents. This is called painful practice with slow intuition.

"And which is painful practice with quick intuition? There is the case where a monk remains focused on unattractiveness with regard to the body, percipient of loathsomeness with regard to food, percipient of non-delight with regard to the entire world, (and) focused on inconstancy with regard to all fabrications. The perception of death is well established within him. He dwells in dependence on these five strengths of a learner — strength of conviction, strength of conscience, strength of concern, strength of persistence, & strength of discernment — and these five faculties of his — the faculty of conviction, the faculty of persistence, the faculty of mindfulness, the faculty of concentration, the faculty of discernment — appear intensely. Because of their intensity, he attains quickly the immediacy that leads to the ending of the effluents. This is called painful practice with quick intuition.

"And which is pleasant practice with slow intuition? There is the case where a monk — quite secluded from sensuality, secluded from unskillful qualities — enters & remains in the first jhana: rapture & pleasure born of seclusion, accompanied by directed thought & evaluation. With the stilling of directed thoughts & evaluations, he enters & remains in the second jhana: rapture & pleasure born of concentration, unification of awareness free from directed thought & evaluation — internal assurance. With the fading of rapture he remains equanimous, mindful, & alert, and senses pleasure with the body. He enters & remains in the third jhana, of which the noble ones declare, 'Equanimous & mindful, he has a pleasant abiding.' With the abandoning of pleasure & pain — as with the earlier disappearance of joy & distress — he enters & remains in the fourth jhana: purity of equanimity & mindfulness, neither pleasure nor pain. He dwells in dependence on these five strengths of a learner — strength of conviction, strength of conscience, strength of concern, strength of persistence, & strength of discernment — but these five faculties of his — the faculty of conviction, the faculty of persistence, the faculty of mindfulness, the faculty of concentration, the faculty of discernment — appear weakly. Because of their weakness, he attains only slowly the immediacy that leads to the ending of the effluents. This is called pleasant practice with slow intuition. [2]

"And which is pleasant practice with quick intuition? There is the case where a monk — quite secluded from sensuality, secluded from unskillful qualities — enters & remains in the first jhana: rapture & pleasure born of seclusion, accompanied by directed thought & evaluation. With the stilling of directed thoughts & evaluations, he enters & remains in the second jhana: rapture & pleasure born of concentration, unification of awareness free from directed thought & evaluation — internal assurance. With the fading of rapture he remains equanimous, mindful, & alert, and senses pleasure with the body. He enters & remains in the third jhana, of which the noble ones declare, 'Equanimous & mindful, he has a pleasant abiding.' With the abandoning of pleasure & pain — as with the earlier disappearance of joy & distress — he enters & remains in the fourth jhana: purity of equanimity & mindfulness, neither pleasure nor pain. He dwells in dependence on these five strengths of a learner — strength of conviction, strength of conscience, strength of concern, strength of persistence, & strength of discernment — and these five faculties of his — the faculty of conviction, the faculty of persistence, the faculty of mindfulness, the faculty of concentration, the faculty of discernment — appear intensely. Because of their intensity, he attains quickly the immediacy that leads to the ending of the effluents. This is called pleasant practice with quick intuition.

"These are the four modes of practice."

Note 1.

According to the Commentary, this means the concentration forming the Path. This is apparently a reference to this passage in Sn 2.1:

What the excellent Awakened One extolled as pure and called the concentration of unmediated knowing: No equal to that concentration can be found. This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be well-being.

Because the description of pleasant practice here contains the standard jhana formula, while the description of painful practice contains no mention of jhana, some writers have taken this as proof that there is an alternative path to awakening that does not involve the jhanas.

However, this reading ignores the description of how painful practice and pleasant practice can yield either slow or quick intuition. Intuition comes slowly when the five faculties are present in a weak form, and quickly when they are present in an intense form. Now, in both cases, the faculty of concentration — which is defined with the standard formula for the jhanas (SN 48.10) — has to be present for the ending of the effluents. Because this is true both for painful practice and for pleasant practice, both sorts of practice need jhana in order to succeed.

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Hva med å reise til utlandet og få utført inngrepet`?

Som sagt så vil ikke dette fjerne sexlysten. Den er både psykologisk og hormonelt betinget. Dessuten er andre hormoner, som dopamin og prolaktin involvert.


Evnen til orgasme reguleres bl.a. av hormonet prolaktin som skilles ut fra hypofysen (dette er inni hodet). Prolaktin vil være upåvirket om man fjerner testiklene.

Endret av Tåkelur
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Alderen din vil være en faktor til sexlysten. Hvis man er 18-28 år (varierer), så er man i sin beste reproduktive alder og har naturlig en økt sexlyst. Det finnes også forskjellig typer sexlyst, og du bør snakke med en fagperson, ev.Sexolog, om dette for å få korrekt råd og veiledning for riktig behandling.

Ville ikke anbefalt å kastrere, dette er en veldig gammeldags behandling, og det er en grunn for at man ikke gjør dette i norge. Husk at testiklene produserer bl.a. Testosteron, hvilket har andre funksjoner i tillegg til å utvikle maskuline særpreg.

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det er ikkje reproduksjonsevnen eg er ute etter å få bort. det er sex-lysten. eg er i den situasjon at det aldri mer vil bli noe mer sex på meg. da er lysten bare til ein plage.

Du er 38 år og vil ikke ha mer sex, hvorfor? Sex er en nytelse, både alene eller sammen med fler. Hvorfor ikke nyte dette så lenge du kan. Lysten på sex vil gradvis forsvinne med alderen.

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det er ikkje det at eg ikkje vil ha. det er det at eg ikkje vil få. eg skal leve resten av livet alene. så enkelt er det. eg vil ikkje da at sex-lysten skal skape problemer og frustrasjon. men vist det ikkje er noken måte så får eg bare leve med det. kjemisk kastrering blir kun tilbudt som ein behandling ved prostatakreft. det får du ikkje fra noen lege.

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det er ikkje det at eg ikkje vil ha. det er det at eg ikkje vil få. eg skal leve resten av livet alene. så enkelt er det. eg vil ikkje da at sex-lysten skal skape problemer og frustrasjon. men vist det ikkje er noken måte så får eg bare leve med det. kjemisk kastrering blir kun tilbudt som ein behandling ved prostatakreft. det får du ikkje fra noen lege.

Hvordan vet du at du ikke vil få sex noe mer? Har du vært utsatt for en ulykke som gjør at du ikke kan utføre seksuelle handlinger?

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nei, eg er i forsåvidt stand til å utføre seksuelle handlinger. det går heller på at eg sliter med depresjon. eg har 3 unger å ta meg av. for å kunne være ein god far så vil eg komme meg ut av depresjonen. i allefall den værste biten. i den prosessen så veit eg det at vist eg noken gang skal finne meg ein ny partner så må eg legge innsats i det sjøl. og eg veit at i den prosessen kommer eg bare til å bli skuffet og få tilbakefall av depresjonen. derfor tar eg det valget no at eg aldri skal inn i noke nytt forhold igjen. eg kommer til å kutte ut all unødvendig kontakt med det motsatte kjønn. eg må bare bli frisk nok til å ta meg av mine barn. ved å da fjerne sex-lysten så vil dette kunne bli lettere.

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Beklager at jeg er så direkte, men du er på jordet. Du kan ikke gå ut i fra at du vil slutte å se etter en partner bare fordi du ikke har sexlyst! Mennesket er uansett et sosial dyr, og du kommer nok til å fortsette å se etter en partner. Du kan fortsatt bli forelsket uten sexlyst.


Bare la vær å se etter en ny partner uten å kutte ut sexlysten.

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