Joachim_F Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Ambisiøst flerspillerspill nærmer seg tidlig lansering.I Life is Feudal må du overleve i middelalderen Lenke til kommentar
Licht Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Nå har sånne spill dette med å ikke være helt så ambisiøse i virkeligheten som de virker ved første øyekast, men jeg holder øynene åpne. Virker morsomt. Iallefall hvis folk klarer å droppe psykopat-oppførselen sånne sandkassespill i noen timer og bygge et par landsbyer og sånn. Lenke til kommentar
Pho7on Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 (endret) Nå har sånne spill dette med å ikke være helt så ambisiøse i virkeligheten som de virker ved første øyekast, men jeg holder øynene åpne. Virker morsomt. Iallefall hvis folk klarer å droppe psykopat-oppførselen sånne sandkassespill i noen timer og bygge et par landsbyer og sånn. Brb, skal slipe øksa! For vedhogst selvfølgelig >: ) Endret 10. september 2014 av Pho7on 2 Lenke til kommentar
Zedarius Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Nå har sånne spill dette med å ikke være helt så ambisiøse i virkeligheten som de virker ved første øyekast, men jeg holder øynene åpne. Virker morsomt. Iallefall hvis folk klarer å droppe psykopat-oppførselen sånne sandkassespill i noen timer og bygge et par landsbyer og sånn. Brb, skal slipe øksa! For vedhogst selvfølgelig >: ) Evt. en treskalle eller to. 1 Lenke til kommentar
Realzi Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Me likey , minner meg om en blanding av Mount & Blade mods, og Wurm, håper det ikke er like ekstremt som wurm da.. Lenke til kommentar
Hr. Jenssen Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Psst, spillet heter Life Is Feudal: Your Own, ikke "Your Life". Lenke til kommentar
Joachim_F Skrevet 10. september 2014 Forfatter Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Psst, spillet heter Life Is Feudal: Your Own, ikke "Your Life". Takk, fikset. Navnet ble marginalt bedre... Lenke til kommentar
Hr. Jenssen Skrevet 10. september 2014 Del Skrevet 10. september 2014 Haha, ja enig der. Nesten akseptabelt snart. Lenke til kommentar
Joachim Vadseth Skrevet 11. september 2014 Del Skrevet 11. september 2014 AGE OF EMPIRES FPS! FÅ PÅ! Lenke til kommentar
Theo343 Skrevet 12. september 2014 Del Skrevet 12. september 2014 Dette virker lovende Endelig en survivalsim uten zombies og fantasi monstre og som nøyer seg med faktiske og realistiske overlevelsesutfordringer Lenke til kommentar
Akseel Skrevet 19. september 2014 Del Skrevet 19. september 2014 Begynner å bli skikkelige stoked på detta! Lenke til kommentar Skrevet 5. november 2014 Del Skrevet 5. november 2014 (endret) Norsk server oppe: Norwegian Surviveors med mumble server: Endret 9. november 2014 av Erictheslayer Lenke til kommentar
major_stuen Skrevet 5. november 2014 Del Skrevet 5. november 2014 Virka veldig lovende ja! Men ble skeptisk... NOTE: The developer responded to this review. Please read the ENTIRE review for details.Requesting a refund. Firstly, this game opens up with a lot of potential, and the mechanics aren't really "that bad". However, the developers have already stated that proceeds for this game is going directly toward a "MMO" version of this game so you're really paying for just an alpha and not early access to a completed game. When the developers stated on their forums here their intentions with LIF:MMO, I replied very civilly that they needed to honor the agreements they made with their customers - FIRST before attempting to use the funding from an incomplete game. I was perma-banned for this comment without warning, rhyme, or reason. Don't take my word for it, have a look: you add all of this up, the potential doesn't matter quite as much as intent. The developers do not intend to improve upon the game. The developers do not intend to apply customer service to their game. The only intent present for this game is to make money to line their pockets for another game. This is insidious and should not be allowed to persist on Steam.Because the developers show no desire to develop this game beyond a demo for their own MMO, because the representatives of this game are not receptive to feedback and constructive criticizem, and because the developers have already admitted the proceeds for this game (ie, MMO first, this game gets left-overs), goes directly to the MMO, I cannot in good faith recommend this game.I can deal with any bug and/or inadequacy an alpha can throw at me, but what I can't deal with is developers or management that just don't care. The actions this game's management team is why class action lawsuits exist.Edit: The developer, Saxxon has replied to this review with the following:(in case it is deleted)"I also wanted to point out that you failed to mention in your post the other 17 posts that were deleted for whining and bashing prior to being banned from the forum."This troubles me even moreso being as the above stated ban was the first post I've ever had deleted, warned, or banned in my Steam history. This comment was a very obvious lie. Again, don't take my word for it: and QQing about game mechanics etc is entirely out of character for me. Most of my guild on steam that read this dev's post fell out of their chairs in shock, I assume they did, all I could hear in TS3 was a lot of "WTF!!!!!!"s. For the record, the banned message above was my first and only post in any LIF steam forum. For me, if a developer of a game would go through such an extent as to try and smear his customers to save face; well the question remains what they would do to get your money -- better yet, what ARE they doing to get your money; obviously permabanning anyone that provides negative feedback and smearing them to keep them quiet and under the rug. I'm more than certain I'm not a specail case. So the real question is how many others have they done this to?Edit 2:I was contacted by someone claiming to be a gaming journalist that asked me for proof other than screenshots being as they can be easily faked. I was advised to make a video. While I'm not sure of the validity of the user making the request, I can understand the concern and so I have taken video of exactly what I see on my steam profile. The video goes out of focus a few times but I did do my best to ensure there was at least 3-6 seconds of focus on every page. Sorry about the horrid footage, the phone is getting old (a Motorola Razr Maxx HD) 3:Well it would seem that this review has garnered more than just the attention of the developers. It would now appear that hired writers/fanbois are now giving this review some attention.To dispell some confusion that some legitimate opponents of this review have had, I'll add the following:1) As I did state in my origional review, I do believe that THIS game has a lot of potential. It wasn't a bad game either for an alpha. The problem I have is the way game management is handling the game which I will explain further down.2) The developers have reinforced that they will release this game in Q3 2015 on the game's app page here. However they have stated in their FORUMS that said completed game will be a demo of the MMO -- a starter island in which you can transfer your character from and into the MMO once you complete it.3) The developers also stated, "MMO will mirror most of the features of YO" and then "Considering the >>reduced<< scale of Life is Feudal:YO for refining and polishing code and systems that will be used in the larger scale Life is Feudal:MMO" ( src: ) indicating that they are subtracting by use of the word "reduced" from YO to promote or force the use of the MMO to keep progressing in the game.4) The developers stated themselves they are unsure if YO will be successful, "Yes. WHEN we will get to some playable MMO alpha. So far MMO tests are ceased and if we won't succeed with LiF:YO - we might will have troubles." ( src: )5) This part is not a complaint -- I like it in fact, but it is a fact none-the-less. This game nearly requires you to have about 6 characters unless you play with a lot of friends. This adds immersiveness and depth to the game which I like, but is absurb when coupled with #6.6) I understand the developers are giving away 1 character transfer from YO to MMO (and you will have to PAY for the rest). Again that's 1. If you don't want to play with a large crowd of other players and build your own town that only you own, you're looking at dropping some $200.00 on this MMO if it is anywhere like the game. This is what troubles me and this is why the MMO has absolutely no value for me.Understandably I have a bad taste in my mouth from other pay-to-win MMOs that started out sub based or even free. What adds value to a game like this for me is that I can control the progression of the game. If I don't like a change the developer makes I can choose to leave that update out of my server and everyone can play with old clients. I also know that even if they stop development, I can keep playing. With a MMO, you have to choke down any change they throw at you, even if they turn the server's off.No one can confidently sit here and state -- "pay-to-win will never happen" because there are soooo many other games out there that have stated the same thing until they were blue in the face and then turned around and did it anyway.So I'm not opposed to them developing a MMO -- I'm opposed to them making the game I paid for a demo for their MMO and using all the resources I paid for to create this mmo to market it at more than 4x the price I paid for this game. It just feels down-right Al Kapone.This is a greenlight program. The money we pay is an investment into a completed game. Yet they are not using the money you are investing for the development of this game for this game - they are using it for a MMO and you only get a chop-shop, scaled down "copy" of what you invested in.The Bait and Switch: You think you're buying ownership to a game you can play on your own terms, indefinately. But you get a MMO demo requiring access to their server that they can flip the off/BAN-switch at any point they wish. This is rubbish in my opinion.I know this is a small company, and in that light they should also know that they have to earn the trust of their customers. This is not the way. Lenke til kommentar
Realzi Skrevet 6. november 2014 Del Skrevet 6. november 2014 Eller du kan bare holde deg til YO, de legger til alle oppdateringene der og MMO spillet. Bare whining og internet piss. Lenke til kommentar
major_stuen Skrevet 6. november 2014 Del Skrevet 6. november 2014 (endret) Eller du kan bare holde deg til YO, de legger til alle oppdateringene der og MMO spillet. Bare whining og internet piss. Mulig det er "whining og piss", hva vet jeg. Jeg har bare lest litt om spillet og sett et par videoer på youtube. I går gikk jeg inn på steam for å lese litt mer og kanskje kjøpe det. På forsiden der er 20 av 20 reviews negative! Så hva skal man tro? Skal de lage to spill? Du kan godt forklare litt mer om du føler for det. Endret 6. november 2014 av major_stuen 1 Lenke til kommentar
Realzi Skrevet 6. november 2014 Del Skrevet 6. november 2014 (endret) Eller du kan bare holde deg til YO, de legger til alle oppdateringene der og MMO spillet. Bare whining og internet piss. Mulig det er "whining og piss", hva vet jeg. Jeg har bare lest litt om spillet og sett et par videoer på youtube. I går gikk jeg inn på steam for å lese litt mer og kanskje kjøpe det. På forsiden der er 20 av 20 reviews negative! Så hva skal man tro? Skal de lage to spill? Du kan godt forklare litt mer om du føler for det. haha, du feiler so totalt,XP Positive 1,133 . Negative 365. Endret 7. november 2014 av Realzi Lenke til kommentar
major_stuen Skrevet 6. november 2014 Del Skrevet 6. november 2014 (endret) Eller du kan bare holde deg til YO, de legger til alle oppdateringene der og MMO spillet. Bare whining og internet piss. Mulig det er "whining og piss", hva vet jeg. Jeg har bare lest litt om spillet og sett et par videoer på youtube. I går gikk jeg inn på steam for å lese litt mer og kanskje kjøpe det. På forsiden der er 20 av 20 reviews negative! Så hva skal man tro? Skal de lage to spill? Du kan godt forklare litt mer om du føler for det. haha, du feiler so totalt,XP Positive 1,133 . Negative 365. Piss off. Hesus christus dude, ro deg ned. Jeg sier jo jeg ikke vet noe om spillet! Kan du være så snill å forklare meg hva krangelen handler om? Herregud så aggressiv du er. Ja det står mostly positive. Men av de 20 reviews'a som står på forsiden (som er de mest hjelpsomme) så er ALLE negative, de er også alle fra den siste måneden. Så hva skal en som ikke har fulgt med tro?? Alle "førstegangskjøpere" blir møtt med disse tilbakemeldingene hvis de scroller ned. For å være helt tydelig, det virker som du trenger det: Jeg leste om spillet for lenge siden, og synes det så kjempegøy ut! Men ville la utviklerne få litt mer tid før jeg prøvde det, så jeg har ikke rørt det eller lest noe om det siden. I går så jeg posten om norsk server, og gikk da inn på Steam for å lese mer og kanskje kjøpe det. That's it! ENDA TYDELIGERE: JEG HAR KJEMPELYST TIL AT SPILLET SKAL VÆRE BRA! Endret 6. november 2014 av major_stuen 1 Lenke til kommentar
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