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[Løst] Norge beveger seg i en rasistisk retning


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"Rasistisk" handler om rase.


Det er ikke RASISTISK å si at islam og muslimer er noe dritt vi helst ikke vil ha her til lands (ettersom det her er RELIGION man diskriminerer etter, og ikke RASE).


Det er heller ikke RASISTISK å slå ihjel en arabisk innbruddstyv fordi han er en innbruddstyv.

Ja, leste over det og forstår at jeg burde skrevet akkurat det anderledes. Burde skrevet middle eastern

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Jeg syns ikke det er en overbevisende argumentasjon for at Norge beveger seg i en rasistisk retning. Jeg er verken enig eller uenig i det - for jeg føler ikke at jeg vet. Men om du har det som konklusjon bør det jo være det du argumenterer for. I stedet for annet, som historiske fakta og filosoferinger om hva terror er. Men bra skrevet likevel.

Midtveis så ble jeg litt forvirret fordi jeg hadde to veier jeg ønsket å gå, så det er veldig forståelig det du skriver.

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Jeg skrev dette på engelsk siden jeg bor i et engelsktalene land, men lurer på hva dere syns om min mening?


Note: Engelsk

Note 2: I ene eksempelet blir Nettavisen brukt, men eksempelet kan også vises til i andre aviser


Link til hvor jeg skrev det:



Eller les det her, usikker om kildene mine funker her:


July 24 2014, the police security service (PST) and Department of Justice notified the citizens of Norway about a possible terror threat against the country. The information PST had received was reported as trustworthy and specific, and it was the Islamic State, known as ISIS, who was behind the plans. Norway was upside down, police had guns and was everywhere. Planes was called back if a passenger was suspicious, innocent muslims handcuffs on the street and more. Seven days later the terror level went back to normal; terrorist supposedly scared of the high terror level Norway had. Later, on august 28, information on how the terror attack was planned got released. It was supposed to be a knife massacre in huge crowds, similar to the train station massacre in the Yunnan-province in south-west China, back in march. 33 people got killed.

An islamist terror attack on Norway could’ve changed the world. Not only if it actually happened in the ski-loving country, but also if it didn’t. We go back 41 years, to 1973. The security services receives reports of a specific palestinian terror threat against Norwegian oil industry, and was supposed to happen on Slagentangen outside Tønsberg. The official statement about the threat was released to the citizens, to scare the terrorist away. Although the terrorist attack did actually happen, it was not in Norway. The terrorist had left the country, but in 1974, they were supposedly the onescapturing a ferry, outside the Shell oil refinery complex, in Singapore, where they held 5 hostage.

This is all very similar to the situation today. Norway, with their official statement, managed to scare the terrorist away. But on august 29, the British Secretary of the Interior states in a press conference that the country is under heavy terror threat. It’s already made clear that ISIS is behind this one as well. What country is next? Do we need to prepare ourselves for a time with constant terror threat in our minds? ISIS are not new devils to the world. They are former known as a part of Al Qaeda, but the latter chose to break corporation, because of ISIS mass murders of innocent people. With that in mind; we are facing a much worse threat now, than we did some years back.

The terror has already happened, because terror isn’t just about killing innocent, but also about fear. Two of the most hardworking countries for peace, England and Norway, now have citizens living their lives with fear of terror on their mind. Both countries have witnessed terror before: The Utøya mass murder in Norway, where 69 people got killed, mostly youth and the London bombings where 52 people got killed. How many terror attacks can a country handle before it starts changing direction?

You might be or might not be one of them who believe terror only can bring a country stronger and closer together. It’s not true. America is split in two and Norway have become more racist towards muslims. After the terror actions in 2011 against Norway, a whole country came together, holding roses, talking about bringing more democracy. What happened? Although Norway has been awarded five years in a row as the ‘Happiest country in the world’ by Forbes, clear signs of increased racism is happening. The Norwegian newspaper Nettavisen released an article about Mohammed had become more popular in the capital than normal Norwegian boys names, as Jan and Per, and the reception the article got was not pretty. The comment listed below was all up voted, some of them with more than 200 up votes.

“Scary. Frightening to think that our children is going to grow up here.”

“Interesting? Tragic”

“Super interesting. Norway is closing in on 6 million population. We, ethnic Norwegians, soon has to give the central part of the east away to immigrant.”

In respons to the comment above, a Norwegian says he wants independence in the west. There is also a user who is predicting the future of Norway, where immigrants from middle east is the majority and the Sharia law is implemented.

How close to the truth are they? Extremely far. Approximately only 1 of 30 people in Norway have muslim background, which is a lot less than most countries in the world. It just shows how much terrorist have impacted a country. Fear for the worst, a constant fear about what is on the horizon. And it will last, even though muslims themselves walks in demonstration in Oslo, against ISIS. Norway is more damaged by the terror attack than the country realize, even though the attacker was ethnic Norwegian, he had a message to muslims and the people are jumping more and more on his train.

Terror has it’s ugly effect. A terror attack might happen to a country, and they can balance back up, but what happens if there is a second one? Time will tell.

To quench any doubt about our, Norwegian, capabilitiy as a multicultural society, "we suck!"


Vi er akkurat like rasistiske som gutta oppe i Mississppi elva.

Endret av medlem-304477
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To quench any doubt about our, Norwegian, capabilitiy as a multicultural society, "we suck!"


Vi er akkurat like rasistiske som gutta oppe i Mississppi elva.

Norway is new to multiculturalism and is influenced by janteloven and a culture of conformity. America is proud of their diversity, norway is frightened. Being american means you have american citizenship, being norwegian means your ancestors were born and raised in Norway.


These things take time to adjust to Some day norway will be a mature multicultural society

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Enig der, har også lest at det mest vanelige navnet i Oslo nå er Mohammed, så vi har nok et "lite Muslim problem ja.


Det er helt feil forstått. Mohammed (og variasjoner av det) er det enkeltnavnet som flest har i Oslo, men det er nesten dobbelt så mange som heter Jan og Per. Av en mannlig befolkning på en halv million er det bare 4801 som har dette muslimske navnet. Det vanligste er faktisk å ha et annet navn enn Mohammed.

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To quench any doubt about our, Norwegian, capabilitiy as a multicultural society, "we suck!"


Vi er akkurat like rasistiske som gutta oppe i Mississippi elva.

Norway is new to multiculturalism and is influenced by janteloven and a culture of conformity. America is proud of their diversity, norway is frightened. Being american means you have american citizenship, being norwegian means your ancestors were born and raised in Norway.


These things take time to adjust to Some day norway will be a mature multicultural society


Treffende sammenligning! Viktig å innse at feilen er vår, ikke de andres. Vi er på det stadiet USA var på på slutten av det 19. århundre.


Jeg hevder ofte at muslimer ligger hundreder av år etter kristendommen. Det er litt flaut å innse at vi ligger like langt etter i integrering.

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