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Nei, hans hovedoppgave var ikke å dø, hans hovedoppgave var å gi verden evig liv.

1. Et merkelig problem du har, selvsagt er Faderen og Sønnen to personer, hvordan i all verden skulle de kunne være en og samme person ?

2. Jesus Kristus døde, men Gud vekket ham opp til livet igjen, djevelen som drepte ham gikk rett i fellen :)


1. Evig liv til hvem? Jordkloden?


2. Hvis de er to forskjellige personer, tror du på 2 forskjellige Gud`er? Du sier jo selv at Jesus er Gud.


3. Hvorfor vekket ikke Jesus seg selv? Har ikke han denne kraften?



1. Ordet "verden" betyr "verdenssamfunnet" ikke "jordkloden" eller "universet"

2. Ja, som er i hverandre.

3. Jo, men det var likevel hans Far som vekket ham til livet igjen.


Joh 10:38 "jeg er i Faderen og Faderen i meg"


Joh 14:10 "Tror du ikke at jeg er i Faderen og Faderen i meg? De ord jeg sier til dere, har jeg ikke fra meg selv; det er Faderen som er i meg og gjør sine gjerninger. Tro meg når jeg sier at jeg er i Faderen og Faderen i meg. Om ikke for annet, så tro det for selve gjerningenes skyld."


1. Okay verdenssamfunnet, så hans hovedoppgave var å gi verdenssamfunnet evig liv? Skjønner det fortsatt ikke.


2. Første svaret ditt: Et merkelig problem du har, selvsagt er Faderen og Sønnen to personer, hvordan i all verden skulle de kunne være en og samme person ? Andre svaret ditt: Ja, som er i hverandre.


Trenger fortsatt litt mer forklaring på dette, fordi jeg får det ikke til å stemme, de er to forskjellige individer, med forskjellige meninger tydeligvis.


a)Siden Gud krevde et offer, en syndebukk, og Jesus sa, chill jeg kan være syndebukken, så er dette en indikasjon på at de ikke tror på det samme, og mener det samme. Enig? Så hvordan kan de være i hverandre, når de i ikke mener det samme?


b) Så Gud setter opp en regel, der han mener at han krever et offer for våres synd.

Så sier Jesus som er i han, og han i han igjen og som er i hverandre, at jeg selv kan dø for menneskeheten?


c) Og siden Gud er/var i Jesus, så døde en del av Gud også den dagen Jesus døde. Enig?


3. Hvem vekket Jesus til livet igjen, Gud, hvordan ikke han selv? Han er jo en del av Gud? Eller hadde han ikke guddommelige krefter når han var på denne jord? Og de miraklene han gjorde var gjennom Gud, men ikke han selv som utførte de. Enig?




4. I Matteus 24:35-37 sa Jesus: ”Himmel og jord skal forsvinne, men mine ord blir til evig tid. 36 Men ingen vet dagen eller timen – ikke engang englene. Nei, ikke engang Guds Sønn. Bare Faderen vet det. 37 [37, 38] Verden vil være ubekymret – det skal være selskaper og sammenkomster og brylluper – akkurat som det var på Noahs tid før flommen plutselig kom.


Hvis Gud var i Jesus, eller en del av Jesus, hvorfor kunne han ikke svare på dette? Og selv sier at det er KUN Gud som vet dette?




4. Og hos hvem "blir mine ord til evig tid" ?

Gitt at Himmel og jord først forsvinner..

Finner han en "alien" (fremmed) vesen i universet som holder på disse ord, og kanskje fra en annen planet til og med? Eller skal han igjen skape et helt for oss fremmed vesen, som skal leve og holde på disse ord. Slik at prosjekt menneske må skrinlegges i tilfelle?


Har guden noe annet enn oss, kan han skape noe annet? Er guden dømt til å eksistere en uendelighet i elendighet - når han ikke har oss?


DET blir jo ikke rare ettermæle om det ikke finnes noen til å skrive det ned :green:

Endret av G
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1. Okay verdenssamfunnet, så hans hovedoppgave var å gi verdenssamfunnet evig liv? Skjønner det fortsatt ikke.


2. Første svaret ditt: Et merkelig problem du har, selvsagt er Faderen og Sønnen to personer, hvordan i all verden skulle de kunne være en og samme person ? Andre svaret ditt: Ja, som er i hverandre.


Trenger fortsatt litt mer forklaring på dette, fordi jeg får det ikke til å stemme, de er to forskjellige individer, med forskjellige meninger tydeligvis.


a)Siden Gud krevde et offer, en syndebukk, og Jesus sa, chill jeg kan være syndebukken, så er dette en indikasjon på at de ikke tror på det samme, og mener det samme. Enig? Så hvordan kan de være i hverandre, når de i ikke mener det samme?


b) Så Gud setter opp en regel, der han mener at han krever et offer for våres synd.

Så sier Jesus som er i han, og han i han igjen og som er i hverandre, at jeg selv kan dø for menneskeheten?


c) Og siden Gud er/var i Jesus, så døde en del av Gud også den dagen Jesus døde. Enig?


3. Hvem vekket Jesus til livet igjen, Gud, hvordan ikke han selv? Han er jo en del av Gud? Eller hadde han ikke guddommelige krefter når han var på denne jord? Og de miraklene han gjorde var gjennom Gud, men ikke han selv som utførte de. Enig?


4. I Matteus 24:35-37 sa Jesus: ”Himmel og jord skal forsvinne, men mine ord blir til evig tid. 36 Men ingen vet dagen eller timen – ikke engang englene. Nei, ikke engang Guds Sønn. Bare Faderen vet det. 37 [37, 38] Verden vil være ubekymret – det skal være selskaper og sammenkomster og brylluper – akkurat som det var på Noahs tid før flommen plutselig kom.


Hvis Gud var i Jesus, eller en del av Jesus, hvorfor kunne han ikke svare på dette? Og selv sier at det er KUN Gud som vet dette?


I forbindelse med Jesus Kristi død, så hopper du over en ting


Matt 27:46 "Ved den niende time ropte Jesus med høy røst: «Elí, Elí, lemá sabaktáni?» Det betyr: «Min Gud, min Gud, hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Mao: Gud var ikke i Jesus Kristus når han døde på korset.


Også var det dette med offer, Jesus Kristus tilfredstilte her et behov mennesket har, ikke et behov Gud har.


Og det at Gud er i Jesus Kristus betyr ikke at hele Gud (fks. alle Guds tanker) er i Jesus Kristus.


Av en eller annen grunn har du enorme problemer med å skjønne at Jesus Kristus og Gud er to forskjellige personer ? Det er ikke uten grunn de kalles Faderen og Sønnen, de er ikke en og samme person, kun enig i et og alt.

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Nja, de var nå ikke helt på bølgelengde når jesusen ropte ".. hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Også har man dette paradokset, at jesusen måtte dø på korset, likevel har han fått større makt enn gud. Jesus har den utøvende makt i følge de kristne.

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Nja, de var nå ikke helt på bølgelengde når jesusen ropte ".. hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Også har man dette paradokset, at jesusen måtte dø på korset, likevel har han fått større makt enn gud. Jesus har den utøvende makt i følge de kristne.


At Jesus vart forleten av Gud Fader har ingenting å gjere med ei usemje mellom desse. Det har å gjere med at Jesus måtte ta på seg all verdas synd, og av den grunn ikkje kunne kome nær Gud Faders heilagdom. Gal 3:13: "Men Kristus kjøpte oss fri frå forbanninga av lova då han kom under forbanning for vår skuld. For det står skrive: Forbanna er kvar den som heng på eit tre."


Kva er paradoksalt med ditt såkalla paradoks? Kvar står det at Jesus har større makt enn Faderen?

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Nja, de var nå ikke helt på bølgelengde når jesusen ropte ".. hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Også har man dette paradokset, at jesusen måtte dø på korset, likevel har han fått større makt enn gud. Jesus har den utøvende makt i følge de kristne.

Så hvis kong Harald gir kronprins Haakon kongemakt for en tid, så har kronprins Haakon større makt enn kong Harald som er over ham ?

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Muligens. Han har jo gitt den utøvende makten i fra seg. Så hvilken makt sitter han igjen med? :)


"God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth." (Philippians 2:9, 10)



Matthew 28:18-20English Standard Version (ESV)

18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Acts 2:36New English Translation (NET Bible)

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know beyond a doubt that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ.

Romans 1:4

4 And * declared to be gthe Son of God with power, according hto the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead



Romans 1:20 (New Revised Standard)


20 Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse


Colossians 1:11-20English Standard Version (ESV) The Preeminence of Christ

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by[c] him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones ordominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.


Revelation 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Ephesians 1:10English Standard Version (ESV)

10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

John 13:3-15New International Version (NIV)

3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

ESV John 3.35

35 The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.
Burde vel holde med disse bibelsitatene
Endret av G
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Nja, de var nå ikke helt på bølgelengde når jesusen ropte ".. hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Også har man dette paradokset, at jesusen måtte dø på korset, likevel har han fått større makt enn gud. Jesus har den utøvende makt i følge de kristne.

Så hvis kong Harald gir kronprins Haakon kongemakt for en tid, så har kronprins Haakon større makt enn kong Harald som er over ham ?




Så vis kronprins Haakon dør en lang stund etter at han har overtatt makten, så faller muligens makten tilbake til Harald, eller Haakons arvtaker, alt etter hva regelverket i den norske Grunnlova måtte fortelle om slike forhold.


Men, det vi vet er at Harald må abdisere for at Haakon kan ta over i hans levetid. Sykdom kan gi en kortvarig vikarjobb for Haakon.


Men, det er vel ikke slik med himmelen, at Gud er syk, eller er det det?

  • Liker 1
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Jeg vet dette muligens er ubetydelig. Vi har det jo fint her på jorden. Men, jeg synes slik informasjon er litt "awesome" også da :) Sjekk selv:



Du snakker om å ta munnen for full, de vet ingen ting


Her kaller de "The Great Attractor" a gravity anomaly !



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Ok, jeg skal innrømme at påstanden om at "vi har det jo fint her på jorden" er litt å ta i kanskje. Jeg har det ganske fint, men det er jo ikke ensbetydende med at alle har det:



Higher Perspective: The World Has Been At Peace For 8% Of History

(by Wes Annac)




Ellers foreslår jeg at du utbroderer hvorfor du synes "de vet ingenting", videre i denne tråden som diskuterer temaet utfyllende:







Human beings, also known as Homo sapiens in Latin, are a bipedal species of ape with very little hair and large genitals. Humans are an invasive species. Unique among mammals, humans never reach a natural equilibrium with their environment. They spread to an area and they multiply and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. Then they spread to another area. One other organism on this planet follows the same pattern - a virus.




Om guden (kilde):



Hence the Original Failure: Either God was unable to create such a universe, in which case His superpower of omnipotence failed; or else He really enjoys stuff like giving Sudanese babies diseases which make them shit themselves to death. In which case His superpower of perfect goodness is certainly a big flop
No just and reasonable court on Earth sentences people to such punishment for being born blind, or crippled. The fact that God sentences His children to unending torment for being the way He created them is a gross failure of His superpower of perfect justice.
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Om masturbasjon / onani / runking:


Igjen er det mye enklere å lese det i sin helhet fra kilden. Men jeg siterte for å kunne utheve noen ting:


http://www.ccg.org/s/p162.html (kilde)



For å respektere kopirettighetene må jeg ta med all tekst i sin helhet, jmf. denne formaliteten nevnt slik:


Christian Churches of God


Email: [email protected]

(Copyright ã 1996, 1998, 1999 Wade Cox)

This paper may be freely copied and distributed provided it is copied in total with no alterations or deletions. The publisher’s name and address and the copyright notice must be included. No charge may be levied on recipients of distributed copies. Brief quotations may be embodied in critical articles and reviews without breaching copyright.

This paper is available from the World Wide Web page:
http://www.logon.org and http://www.ccg.org




Christian Churches of God
The Sin of Onan (No. 162)

(Edition 1.0 19960506-19960506)

For centuries the Christian churches of various persuasions have identified the sin of Onan with masturbation and identified this act as the reason for the fact that the Lord slew Onan. This has become part of secular myth and entered the language in specific terminology. This paper points out the error in this belief and exposes a related sin committed by many of the churches themselves.

Christian Churches of God


Email: [email protected]

(Copyright ã 1996, 1998, 1999 Wade Cox)

This paper may be freely copied and distributed provided it is copied in total with no alterations or deletions. The publisher’s name and address and the copyright notice must be included. No charge may be levied on recipients of distributed copies. Brief quotations may be embodied in critical articles and reviews without breaching copyright.

This paper is available from the World Wide Web page:
http://www.logon.org and http://www.ccg.org

The Sin of Onan

For centuries the Christian churches of various persuasions have identified the sin of Onan with masturbation and identified this act as the reason for the fact that the Lord slew Onan. This has become part of secular myth and entered the language in specific terminology.

The Universal Oxford Dictionary defines Onanism simply as deriving from the proper name Onan and being self abuse or masturbation.

However, the identification of Onan with this sin is incorrect and trivialises the entire issue of the sin of Onan and the reason for which the Lord slew him. It also shows a complete inability on the part of modern Christianity to understand the issues involved in this most important aspect of the family and inheritance laws which are integral to the biblical system and which are necessary aspects of the Jubilee and tithe systems.

Genesis 38:1-30 1 And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. 3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. 4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan. 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him. 6 And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar. 7 And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him. 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him also. 11 Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law, Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house. 12 And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite. 13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep. 14 And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife. 15 When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. 16 And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me? 17 And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it? 18 And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him. 19 And she arose, and went away, and laid by her vail from her, and put on the garments of her widowhood. 20 And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not. 21 Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the harlot, that was openly by the way side? And they said, There was no harlot in this place. 22 And he returned to Judah, and said, I cannot find her; and also the men of the place said, that there was no harlot in this place. 23 And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed: behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her. 24 And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. 25 When she was brought forth, she sent to her father in law, saying, By the man, whose these are, am I with child: and she said, Discern, I pray thee, whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff. 26 And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more righteous than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah my son. And he knew her again no more. 27 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb. 28 And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first. 29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez. 30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah. (KJV)

We see here that the story relates to the laws of the brother’s duty. This was an ancient law that preceded the giving of the law at Sinai. It was an aspect of the law which we can see was understood as ongoing and dictated by the land inheritance systems. Sinai was thus a reiteration of the law in its complete form. This law is seen in Deuteronomy 25:5-9. The law is important in this lineage and relates directly to the lineage of Messiah.

Judah took to wife, or as a concubine, Bathshua the daughter of Shuah, a Canaanite. From this union Judah produced three sons. Er, Onan and Shelah.

This specific marriage (and not only to Canaanites (including Heth); but to the Hittites) was forbidden under the Covenant and the law, by reason of idolatry only (cf. Gen. 24:3; 26:35; 27:46; 28:1; Ex. 34:16; Deut. 7:3).

Er married a woman (perhaps Hebrew) named Tamar. The name comes from an unused root meaning to be erect and means a palm tree (SHD 8558 and 8559).

Er was wicked and the Lord killed him. Judah then ordered Onan the next and only available brother to produce offspring to his brother (Shelah had not as yet come of age). This was in accordance with the custom that the child so produced would succeed to the inheritance of the brother.

This ancient law was enshrined also at Sinai.

Deuteronomy 25:5-9 5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her. 6 And it shall be, that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel. 7 And if the man like not to take his brother's wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother. 8 Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him: and if he stand to it, and say, I like not to take her; 9 Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house. (KJV)

This law was to be prominent in the affairs of the nation and to also occur in the lineage of Messiah’s family on two other occasions, namely with Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 4:10 ff.) and also Zerubbabel (1Chron. 3:19 cf. Mat. 1:12). This matter is examined in the papers Genealogy of the Messiah (No. 119) and also The Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 13).

Onan was aware that the offspring would not be his and the opportunity to take the inheritance by default which was a double portion would be lost. Thus he withdrew so that Tamar would not conceive. Judah did not intervene and, because of this attitude, God killed Onan.



(continuation from spoiler)

The Sin of Onan



The sin of Onan thus has nothing whatsoever to do with masturbation other than the dubious link of wasting sperm. Onan’s sin was covetousness and theft. He disobeyed his father and the laws of God. He thus broke the first, fifth, seventh and tenth commandments. Breach of one commandment breaches the law entire.

It was to be in Judah’s line through Tamar that Messiah would come. Thus Tamar was central to this matter. She was also without support in the family and so placed herself in a position where Judah could fulfil the vow he had made to her and which vow he failed to honour.

Tamar placed Judah in a position where he committed incest with her through his own weakness. He was thus forced to honour his duty to her under the law. From this union came the twins, Pharez and Zarah. Both Pharez (meaning breach) and Zarah (meaning a rising of light, Offspring or Dawn) together with their mother Tamar are mentioned in the genealogy of Messiah in Matthew 1:3.

Messiah also acknowledged the correctness of this law.

Matthew 22:24-33 24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. 27 And last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. 33 And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine. (KJV)


Note that Christ did not deny the law but changed the emphasis explaining the nature of the resurrection. Indeed, how could he when it was so central to the lineage of the kingship and indeed his earthly parents Joseph and Mary (Lk. 3:23-38).

The fixation of modern Christianity with masturbation is because they (perhaps) do not understand the laws involved and prefer to ignore, or trivialise, the issues. This appears to be done so that people are deceived regarding the real prohibitions. Masturbation is irregular in that the individual is open to sin at the higher levels that Christ laid on the elect in thought (e.g. Mat. 5:28). There is, however, no legislation concerning the matter. Onan sinned because he would not honour the laws governing the welfare of his brother’s family under the land ownership laws as laid down by the Bible. To acknowledge this fact would require the churches to explain the Jubilee system and the land ownership laws of the Bible and the laws of inheritance. It would prevent them from attaining land by biblically unlawful wills made out by people in ignorance, in the hope of buying their way into salvation. It is absolutely forbidden for a church or priest system to take lands by estate other than among the Levites that live in towns, where houses can be passed on in perpetuity (Lev. 25:32-33). The lands outside of the towns should belong in the Jubilee tribal system (Lev. 25:34). The lands belonging to the Temple and the Levites (and hence the church system) are set in biblical law and in each of the nations should be set and limited. In this way freedom of the nations is ensured.

For the churches to acknowledge this sin would be to condemn themselves for the avarice and greed that they have displayed over the centuries, since the Council of Constantinople (c. 381 CE). They can receive money only from estates but not at the expense of the land and inheritance system of the family.

The inheritance of the Church is the tithe system (including the firstfruits) and the priestly housing (and on a local basis, i.e, within your gates, Deut. 12:12-19; 14:27-29; see the paper Tithing (No. 161)). The sin of Onan is the very sin that Christianity has committed for centuries. Onanism is, in reality, clerical theft, or condoned family theft (in this instance condoned by Judah as priest of his family), of the inheritance of the brethren.

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Jeg så en interessant dokumentar via Netflix. Fant den igjen på Youtube. Så til alle de som tror jorden er 6000 år gammel, basert på bibelsk tidsregning. Se her, Sphinx'en er jo eldre enn bibelen. Hvem har laget Sphinx'en da?


Vesentlig detalj om endringer av klimaet (er jo eldre enn kreasjonist-jorden, hvordan kan det ha seg) ?







Endret av G
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1. Okay verdenssamfunnet, så hans hovedoppgave var å gi verdenssamfunnet evig liv? Skjønner det fortsatt ikke.


2. Første svaret ditt: Et merkelig problem du har, selvsagt er Faderen og Sønnen to personer, hvordan i all verden skulle de kunne være en og samme person ? Andre svaret ditt: Ja, som er i hverandre.


Trenger fortsatt litt mer forklaring på dette, fordi jeg får det ikke til å stemme, de er to forskjellige individer, med forskjellige meninger tydeligvis.


a)Siden Gud krevde et offer, en syndebukk, og Jesus sa, chill jeg kan være syndebukken, så er dette en indikasjon på at de ikke tror på det samme, og mener det samme. Enig? Så hvordan kan de være i hverandre, når de i ikke mener det samme?


b) Så Gud setter opp en regel, der han mener at han krever et offer for våres synd.

Så sier Jesus som er i han, og han i han igjen og som er i hverandre, at jeg selv kan dø for menneskeheten?


c) Og siden Gud er/var i Jesus, så døde en del av Gud også den dagen Jesus døde. Enig?


3. Hvem vekket Jesus til livet igjen, Gud, hvordan ikke han selv? Han er jo en del av Gud? Eller hadde han ikke guddommelige krefter når han var på denne jord? Og de miraklene han gjorde var gjennom Gud, men ikke han selv som utførte de. Enig?


4. I Matteus 24:35-37 sa Jesus: ”Himmel og jord skal forsvinne, men mine ord blir til evig tid. 36 Men ingen vet dagen eller timen – ikke engang englene. Nei, ikke engang Guds Sønn. Bare Faderen vet det. 37 [37, 38] Verden vil være ubekymret – det skal være selskaper og sammenkomster og brylluper – akkurat som det var på Noahs tid før flommen plutselig kom.


Hvis Gud var i Jesus, eller en del av Jesus, hvorfor kunne han ikke svare på dette? Og selv sier at det er KUN Gud som vet dette?


I forbindelse med Jesus Kristi død, så hopper du over en ting


Matt 27:46 "Ved den niende time ropte Jesus med høy røst: «Elí, Elí, lemá sabaktáni?» Det betyr: «Min Gud, min Gud, hvorfor har du forlatt meg?"


Mao: Gud var ikke i Jesus Kristus når han døde på korset.


Også var det dette med offer, Jesus Kristus tilfredstilte her et behov mennesket har, ikke et behov Gud har.


Og det at Gud er i Jesus Kristus betyr ikke at hele Gud (fks. alle Guds tanker) er i Jesus Kristus.


Av en eller annen grunn har du enorme problemer med å skjønne at Jesus Kristus og Gud er to forskjellige personer ? Det er ikke uten grunn de kalles Faderen og Sønnen, de er ikke en og samme person, kun enig i et og alt.


1.Gud var ikke i Jesus når han døde, det skaper jo bare enda mer forvirring.


Da betyr det at det er Gud som bestemmer over Jesus, at han kan gå inn og ut når enn han vil. Da betyr det at Jesus ikke har noe makt over Gud, kun Gud som sitter med denne makten ergo Jesus er ingen Gud. Hvis du mener fortsatt han er en Gud, hva slags er han, siden han ikke har no makt over å være Gud?


2.La oss si Jesus ikke døde på korset, hva hadde skjedd da? Hadde vi mennesker levd i synd? Hvorfor?


3.Og nå sier du igjen at det er to personer, og siden Jesus spør HVORFOR har du forlatt meg? Er dem tydeligvis ikke enig om dette. Hadde dem vært enig så hadde Jesus visst hvorfor Gud forlatte ham?

Og hadde dem vært enig i alt, så hadde det vært greit for Gud at Jesus ofret seg for menneskene.


Gud skaper oss med synd,

Jesus ofrer seg for oss slik at vi skal leve uten synd.


Hvordan er disse to enige i et og alt?

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Ser ut til at det stadig kan dukke opp nye eller sammenfallende utgaver av testamentene:

Håper å finne nye hemmeligheter i Bibelen

En 1400 år gammel tekst kan kaste nytt lys over Det nye testamentet.






UNDERTEKST: I manuskriptet Codex Zacynthius finner vi Lukasevangeliet, slik det ble skrevet på 600-tallet. Manuskriptet, av dyreskinn, ble vasket og overskrevet på 1300-tallet, men den originale teksten kan fortsatt sees som rød tekst, bak den mer fremdtredende svarte teksten. Foto: Cambridge University Library





Cambridge University Library har sikret seg et manuskript fra 600-tallet som kan kaste nytt lys over utviklingen av det nye testamentet.[/size]

Manuskriptet er kjent som Codex Zacynthius, etter den Greske øya Zakynthos, der manuskriptet ble funnet.

De 176 sidene er laget av pergament - behandlet dyreskinn.[/size]

Nytt lag
På 1300-tallet ble sidene vasket for å gjenbrukes, en praksis som var vanlig i en tid da få leste bøker, og det var vanskelig å få tak i materiale å skrive på.

Et nytt lag med tekst, ble skrevet over den eldre teksten fra 600-tallet.[/size]

Det er imidlertid den eldste teksten, underteksten fra 600-tallet som er av interesse for forskerne.

I denne underteksten, som kan sees som røds skrift under den mer fremtedende sorte, finner man Lukasevangeliet 1:1 - 11:33.[/size]

- Detektivarbeid
Det Nye Testamentet, mer eller mindre slik vi kjenner det i dag, ikke ble ferdigstilt før på 1500-tallet, av den nederlandske skriftlærde Erasmus. Han baserte sin versjon av Det nye testamente på seks eldre manuskripter. [/size]

Men Erasmus hadde bare tilgang til en ufullstendig versjon av Codex Zacynthius. Man håper derfor at en fullstendig gjennopprettelse av originalteksten kan kaste nytt lys over bibelhistorien.

- Funnet og identifiseringen av denne underteksten er et virkelig detektivarbeid. Vi håper foto- og datateknologi vil gi oss muligheten til å gjenopprette hele den skjulte teksten, sier Lord Williamss of Oystermouth, som har jobbet for at Cambridge University Library skulle sikre seg manuskriptet.[/size]

Cambridge University Library kjøpte manuskriptet for 1,1 millioner pund fra The British and Foreign Bible Society, som hadde hatt manuskriptet i sitt eie i mer enn 200 år. [/size]

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