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Har nå fått Skolelinux på skolen, men jeg har et problem.

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Er dette en form for sperre? Og hvordan går det an å fjerne den?

Blir litt kjedelig i økonomi timene så da er det mye greier å henge på forum, men jeg får det ikke til.

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Hehe. I motsetning til de gamle win9x-løsningene på mange skoler fungerer faktisk skolelinux skikkelig :smile:


Nja nå er det ikke et helt stabilt system enda, men det blir bedre for hver dag. Men er det ingen som kan hjelpe meg?


som sagt: spør systemansvarlig

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hva var 445 igjen...


ENDRET: (planla å hente dette på GRC med en gang, men ble hengende fast i noe DoS greier++)

Port Authority Database


Port 445









Microsoft Directory Services




This port replaces the notorious Windows NetBIOS trio (ports 137-139), for all versions of Windows after NT, as the preferred port for carrying Windows file sharing and numerous other services.


Related Ports:


137, 138, 139





Background and Additional Information:



While ports 137-139 were known technically as "NBT over IP", port 445 is "SMB over IP". (SMB is known as "Samba" and stands for "Server Message Blocks".) After all of the trouble the personal computer industry has had with Microsoft's original Windows NetBIOS ports 137 through 139, it is difficult to imagine or believe that Microsoft could have actually made things significantly worse with their replacement port 445 . . . but they did.


Whereas the great vulnerability originally created by Windows file sharing was that hackers could perhaps gain remote access to the contents of hard disk directories or drives, the default exposure of the Internet server Microsoft silently installed into every Windows 2000 system (where port 445 first appeared), allows malicious hackers to remotely log onto the computers of unsuspecting users ? across the Internet ? and more recently, though the use of some clever and readily available freeware tools (PsExec from SysInternals) to silently upload and run (in the remote user's computer) any programs of their choosing without the computer's owners ever being aware.


As you might imagine, malicious hackers have been having a field day scanning for port 445, then easily and remotely commandeering Windows machines. Even several hackers I have spoken with are unnerved by the glaring insecurities created by port 445. One chilling consequence of port 445 has been the relatively silent appearance of NetBIOS worms. These worms slowly but methodically scan the Internet for instances of port 445, use tools like PsExec to transfer themselves into the new victim computer, then redouble their scanning efforts. Through this mechanism, massive, remotely controlled Denial of Service "Bot Armies", containing tens of thousands of NetBIOS worm compromised machines, have been assembled and now inhabit the Internet.


Dealing with Port 445


Needless to say, you do NOT want port 445 exposed to the Internet. Like Windows port 135 (which is a whole different problem) port 445 is deeply embedded in Windows and can be difficult or impossible to safely close. While its closure is possible, other dependent services such as DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) which is frequently used for automatically obtaining an IP address from the DHCP servers used by many corporations and ISPs, will stop functioning.


For the security reasons described above, port 445 has been causing so many problems that many ISPs are taking security matters into their own hands and blocking this port on behalf of their users. If our port checking shows your port 445 as "stealth" while you are not being otherwise protected by a NAT router or personal firewall, your ISP is probably preventing port 445 traffic from reaching you.


If you really want 445 closed


Any NAT router or personal firewall should be able to block port 445 from the outside world without trouble. But if your use of the Internet does not depend upon "obtaining an IP address automatically" you can firmly close port 445 by following a few simple steps. This page provides step-by-step instructions:




Trojan Sightings: Lioten


The entire contents of this page is copyright © 2003 by Gibson Research Corporation.

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Hvis du skal leke litt med maskinen til skolen er det bare å trykke litt rundt for eks på den linja helt nede til høyre(husker ikke navnet) der kan du endre på alle tingene de har blokka for deg og hvis du skal inn på en side du ikke har lov til så kan du prøve dette: før du logger deg på så drer du ut nettverks ledningen så går du te bake te pcen trykker esc eller ok på det som står der, du skal komme inn(det funker på min skole) da får du ikke noe brukernavn(kanskje en lærer sitt), etter dette plugger du i ledningen igjen og du kan gå på internett og gjøre andre ting.


Ps. tror du får full kontroll over maskinen da, ikke noen sperrer.



Det er ikke sikkert at dette virker hos deg men det virker hos skolen jeg går på.

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Windows 95 har ikke rettighetsbegrensninger. Det jeg pleide å gjøre var å trykke alt+escape eller noe for å få opp taskman. Derifra kan man starte programmer hipp som happ. En annen kjekk ting er å endre en av snarveiene på skrivebordet slikt at den peker mot command.com.

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