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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Naryshkin says Lithuanian Pres called Russia "terrorist state" cos she wanted to please "her masters...and neo-Nazis" http://www.newsru.com/russia/25nov2014/naryshkin.html


#Russian Nazi profile on VK: one faith, one land, one history, ONE NATION. VK minded by #FSB https://vk.com/public32938475


Irrefutable evidence #Russian army recruits & sends to #Luhansk to war with #Ukraine #Russian Nazi movement members.





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Ååååååhhhh Russland............. :rofl:

I spent the morning trawling gloating Kremlin TV coverage of Ferguson and Russian racist jokes so you didn't have to. http://www.buzzfeed.com/maxseddon/russia-is-trolling-the-us-over-ferguson-yet-again

BuzzFeed; Russia Is Trolling The U.S. Over Ferguson Yet Again

Rather, Ferguson gives Russia the perfect stick to poke in America’s eye.
Since the Cold War, Moscow has engaged in a political points-scoring exercise known as “whataboutism” used to shut down criticism of Russia’s own rights record by pointing out abuses elsewhere.
All criticism of Russia is invalid, the idea goes, because problems exist in other countries too.
When Putin speaks out in favor of human rights, it’s not because he supports them, but because he believes that Western principles and institutions are empty, inherently valueless concepts used to callously advance U.S. interests at Moscow’s expense.
The race card, a favorite tactic of Cold War whataboutists, has played prominently in Russia’s Ferguson coverage.
State TV largely ignores the myriad other attendant issues to paint it as a race war between rich whites and poor blacks, often referred to as “negroes.”
Usually, this degenerates into ill-judged racist jokes and a childish giggling at the fact that black people exist.
Lenta.ru, a pro-Kremlin website, called the riots a “colored revolution” — a reference to the “color revolutions” that rattled the Kremlin a decade ago when they overthrew pro-Russian presidents in three post-Soviet states, including Ukraine.
Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky, a prominent pro-Kremlin blogger, referred to the cities where protests broke out as “Black Russia” and tweeted the hashtag #Afromaidan, a nod to Kiev’s Euromaidan.
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Ser ut som NATO igjen har gjennoppdaget at Tanks egentlig er en god idè i krig.............

britain gets tanks out of storage, remembers what army is there for. to general applause https://medium.com/war-is-boring/british-tanks-practice-for-war-with-russia-7beb82bbd5e2

U.K. armor pairs up with Polish troops for eastern war game

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Psst, Europe...#Russia'n Duma speaker Naryshkin has what he calls "fantastic suggestion" for you: kick US out of NATO http://top.rbc.ru/politics/25/11/2014/5474680bcbb20f4bae5f40f4

France delays warship delivery to Russia 'until further notice' http://u.afp.com/Lb9

Korridoren till Kaliningrad rycker allt närmare. http://t.sr.se/1CaJWRD

"in case a major war breaks out" DefMin Shoygu asks Putin to launch obligatory military training for all RU governors http://rt.com/politics/208551-russia-governors-military-training/



#Donetsk breadlines. #Putin's #USSR project is going as scheduled.



The 'Putin effect' has created no-hope economies & shattered societies in Transnistria,Gagauzia,Ossetia,Abkhazia,Crimea.DPR is worst example


No one noticed that Russia just snatched Abkhazia. Will anyone notice when Moscow does the same to South Ossetia? Georgia the next Ukraine

New treaty signed by Putin & Khadzhimba: Russian & Abkhazian forces turn into a joint force led by Russian commander http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2014/11/24/deal-gives-russia-greater-control-over-abkhazia

#Georgia accuses #Russia of moving to "de facto annexation" of #Abkhazia after sweeping military deal http://gu.com/p/43tzq/tw via @guardian


#NATO does not recognise 'treaty' between Abkhazia region of #Georgia and #Russia http://goo.gl/AHst58



Russian soldiers play no role in the Ukraine. #RussiainvadedUkraine




22 Units of Equipment and 800 Russian Federation Soldiers Entered Ukraine from Russia T http://24today.net/open/220006

'Vladimir Putin rattles his nukes - an indication that Russia is running out of options' http://nucleardiner.com/2014/11/24/vladimir-putin-rattles-nukes/

Don't think Kremlin can work itself into such a paranoid lather it seeks nuclear war? Read these new docs on Op RYaN. http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/forecasting-nuclear-war

Ukrainian joke "we had hybrid warfare, now we have hybrid ceasefire"

The more the Kremlin does not know what to do next, the more impulsive, provocative and ridiculous its statements will be. #KhrushchevStyle

KGB/GRU seniors agreed Putin has created a situation there's no easy way out of and major war may be the least-bad option now for VVP.

Watered-down Putinism will have more appeal in Europe than the EU can possibly admit; if not stopped soon, it will spread quickly.

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:idea::idea::idea: Interessant artikkel i Der Spiegel - side 2 som er linket her forteller skritt for skritt de siste forhandlingene før Ukrainas president Viktor Janukovitsj fortalte EU at han ikke ville underskrive EU assosiasjons avtalen.


Artikkelen forteller hvordan Putin presset Janukovitsj, men merkelig nok utelater det ganske så viktige fakta at en av grunnene som Putin må ha brukt var kjennskapen til hvor mye Viktor Janukovitsj og hans familie hadde stjålet fra Ukrainas statskasse - noe som ville blitt oppdaget ganske snart etter at EU avtalen var underskrevet.


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Nå har regimet i Kiev vedtatt å stoppe utbetaling av alderspensjoner, barnetrygd og sosiale stønader til befolkningen i øst, og i praksis dermed frasagt seg styringsrett. Bortsett fra at handlingen er en ufyselig form for kollektiv avstraffelse av uskyldige pensjonister, barn og syke, så gir det iallefall Vladimir Putin en gylden anledning å komme til unnsetning, siden de er overlatt til egen skjebne.

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Nå har regimet i Kiev vedtatt å stoppe utbetaling av alderspensjoner, barnetrygd og sosiale stønader til befolkningen i øst, og i praksis dermed frasagt seg styringsrett. Bortsett fra at handlingen er en ufyselig form for kollektiv avstraffelse av uskyldige pensjonister, barn og syke, så gir det iallefall Vladimir Putin en gylden anledning å komme til unnsetning, siden de er overlatt til egen skjebne.

1; De har ikke stoppet utbetalingen - de er bare ikke villige til å frakte kontanter inn i områder hvor de Russiske terroristene har kontroll, fordi de stjeler stadig pengene og bruker dem på krigføring.

Alle kan reise til Ukraina kontrollerte byer og hente pensjons pengene der.


2; Putin er ikke spesielt glad for dette fordi han er ikke spesielt villig til å betale for å holde liv i befolkningen han har involvert i krig. Det var ikke det han hadde planlagt da han startet denne mislykkete invasjonen.


Her er hvordan Russland lager vanskeligheter for folk i okkuperte Krim.............

Months After Russian Annexation, Crimeans Ask: 'Where Is Our Money?'

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Alle kan reise til Ukraina kontrollerte byer og hente pensjons pengene der.


For noe tøys. Hvilke penger? Selve bevilgningen til pensjoner er jo slettet i statsbudsjettet




Men kollektiv avstraffelse er jo ikke noe nytt, Kiev-regimet stoppet også ferskvann-tilførselen over til Krim-halvøya for å straffe ulydighet.


Ellers i verden er det vel stort sett bare Israel som benytter denslags kollektive straffemetoder.

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Alle kan reise til Ukraina kontrollerte byer og hente pensjons pengene der.

For noe tøys. Hvilke penger? Selve bevilgningen til pensjoner er jo slettet i statsbudsjettet




Som vanlig finner du på ting og tøys og bruker det som argumenter - det står heller ikke det i linken din..

Selvfølgelig er ikke bevilgningene til pensjoner slettet.


Crowds of pensioners and single mothers assemble daily before the separatist headquarters.

When anybody in the crowd becomes especially vocal, one of the gunmen guarding the building rushes to bundle them away, accusing them of being "provocateurs."

Many pensioners have re-registered in towns outside rebel zones, meaning payments have still accrued to their accounts. The challenge for those people will now become making the monthly trip to banks in government-controlled areas, which can be costly and difficult, especially for the most infirm.


Men kollektiv avstraffelse er jo ikke noe nytt, Kiev-regimet stoppet også ferskvann-tilførselen over til Krim-halvøya for å straffe ulydighet.

Ferskvann til Krim ble ikke stoppet - noen ødela pumpestasjonen i våres - etter at den ble reparert så har alt vært i orden - bortsett at Putin ikke er villig til å betale for vannet.

Tror du ikke at du ville hørt mer om vannproblemer gjennom sommeren hvis vannet hadde uteblitt?


Ellers i verden er det vel stort sett bare Israel som benytter denslags kollektive straffemetoder.

Og Putin - Russland er en eneste stor kollektiv avstraffelse for Putins ambisjoner og stormannsgalskap.

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Bokanmeldelse - en fiksjons-bok som er basert på virkelige hendelser i Russland de siste årene...........

The True Russia in Book; 'Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible'




Most of the book takes place before the annexation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine.

It chronicles Russia's descent into authoritarianism under Putin.


The author becomes increasingly confused "in the world of Surkov and the political technologists" and finds that Russia was never a country in transition but a state in "delirium."


He depicts Moscow's hallucinations as they spiral out of control in a fake reality.


The further into the book, the more dangerous it feels — like a ticking time bomb.


Reading this work during the conflict in Ukraine, one cannot help but think that Russia's war on reality could only end in real war.

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Ooooopsideisi! :dremel:

Guy walking in the outskirts of Donetsk almost runs into shelling in front of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJqZahUJP18


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Ukraine@blog; Barbarism in so called 'Novorossiya'...

There is not much novo about Novorossiya. It is going back to the middle ages or worse.
Check these examples:
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Ukraina pusser opp gamle Sovjet våpen................

2S7 "Peonies" (index Bolshoi - object 216) - Soviet 203-mm self-propelled howitzer artillery reserve of the Supreme Command. Developed at the Leningrad Kirov Plant. Designed by chassis - N. Popov, 203-mm gun 2A44 - GI Sergeev.

2S7 "Peonies" is intended to suppress the rear,destruction of critical facilities and means of nuclear attack tactical depth at a distance of 47 km.



Complex 2S7 designed to fire conventional and nuclear munitions at a distance of 50 kilometers.
Therefore, peonies can be an important deterrent militants in eastern Ukraine.
"This is a powerful technique. Moreover, at the time it was developed and was predicted to fire nuclear weapons, "- said one of the officers.
In 1996, Ukraine abandoned the use of pions and passed them on storage conditions for delivery of nuclear weapons.
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Her kommer et forslag til en ny krigs strategi for Ukraina - en strategi som jeg ikke har skjønt at de ikke har brukt for lenge siden i stedet for denne konvensjonelle stillingskrigen som er brukt til nå.


Frivillig bataljonene har brukt noe av denne foreslåtte strategien i sommer, før de ble utstyrt med tyngre våpen, og var ganske suksessfulle med det.............


Time for a Hybrid War Against Russia?




Here are the two key elements of Butusov’s plan:
1. We can drive out the Russian Federation from the Donbas, but for that we need to conduct a genuine war — without flags, without PR, without advertising. Without any large attacks or maneuvers. Instead, locally, surgically, and fatally.
2. There should be one goal of the war: to inflict maximal casualties on the armies of the occupiers.
First, Kyiv would neither discuss what it is up to nor admit to having a Ukrainian military presence behind enemy lines.
Like Moscow, Kyiv would adamantly insist that the attacks are being launched by local resistance to the proxies.
Second, the goal of the offensive would not be to win back territory—at least not immediately—but to impose unacceptable casualties on Putin’s forces.
But there would be two ancillary advantages to Butusov’s strategy.
First, localized strikes would not offer Russia the option of claiming that it must launch a full-scale attack in response to a Ukrainian offensive.
Since Ukraine would purposely eschew “large attacks or maneuvers,” Russia would be placed in the same position Ukraine has been in for much of 2014: continually facing small-scale attacks that, individually, never quite merited a massive response.
Second, thanks to Kyiv’s cut-off of government subsidies, social unrest in the Donbas enclave has noticeably increased, with locals demanding that the proxies provide them with money and goods. The unrest is sure to intensify as the temperatures drop in the months ahead. Butusov’s plan would both build on and contribute to such unrest. Seen in this light, disrupting separatist rule behind the lines could turn out to be the best way of weakening separatist forces on the front lines.
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– Putinism is “a pseudo-religious and quasi-political cult” which has arisen over the course of the last year and which has “consolidated society around Putin,” including many who were at the level of political ideas opposed to the Kremlin leader, according to Fedor Krasheninnikov.

The Yekaterinburg political commentator argues in an essay posted online today that Vladimir Putin’s success in uniting Russian society can best be understood if one analyzes what is going on in religious or cultural terms, and he suggests that this cult like all others carries with it risks for its authors as well as its followers.

Putinism, Krasheninnikov says, is a cult rather than a political movement because it is based not on rational calculations but on “pure irrationality,” on categories like “correctness, truth, hope, faith,” and so on which are part of religious discourse but not at the center of political conversations.

Viewed from a theoretical perspective, the analyst says,”Putinism is more a charismatic apocalyptic Protestant cult of the American type,” with the only difference being that Putinism is primarily a cult promoted and organized by television rather than by any more direct participation of its followers.

“As in Protestantism, stress is laid on the personal emotions and experiences of the adepts: each must believe in Putin as an individual” and then “each must become a missionary” on his behalf.

Such cults and Putinism is one of them, Krasheninnikov says, are based on the idea of inspiration and have their own well-developed demonology.

Moreover, it and they have their own distinctive eschatology: They talk about a fall from grace, a recovery led by a Messiah and Savior, in this case Putin, and about a final victory over evil, a pattern that gives new meaning to the lives of the followers and causes them to look beyond their immediate problems in the name of this larger narrative.
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Hvis ønsker å gå dypere inn i kjernen av filosofien som har gitt Putin dette perverterte verdensbilde - så er denne analysen en uvurderlig og skremmende kilde som beskriver filosofien som hevder den slaviske delen av den Russiske befolkning er en overlegen rase som nå står på "startlinjen" til sin Skjebne - som er å regjere verden.


Korte utdrag av denne analysen (de fleste uthevelsene er mine)............. les hele - den er lett forståelig og veldig viktig for å forstå Putin i tiden som kommer...........



Red Religion: An Ideology of

Neo-Messianic Russian Fundamentalism

The collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union left an ideological vacuum, which is rapidly being filled by extremist and nationalist ideologies.

However, they have overlooked the much more dangerous and potentially powerful extremist ideology known as Evraziistvo, or "Eurasian concept."

The twin schools of "Eurasians" and "Russo-centrists" on the one hand, and "neo-internationalists" on the other, differ on important issues but are united by the messianic fundamentalist concept of a "Third Way" for Russia.
They share the view that the historical cataclysm that occurred in Eurasia is more than a simple defeat of communism, but rather the beginning of far-reaching changes in the world order and the first global revolution.
In that sense, Russia is the first country to suffer this trial by fire, which—in their view—awaits the other industrial nations.
Through this ideological prism, Russia is not a cluster of backward nations needing Western assistance to catch up, but rather, a pioneer country, paving the way for a new, global order.
In a transmuted context, this, of course, recapitulates the self-proclaimed vision of the founders of communism, of leading a new international order.
The main differences between the Russo-centrists and the neointernationalists is tactical rather than strategic.
Some background on the two schools of Eurasian ideology is necessary to make this distinction clear.
•The Russo-centrists stress the fundamentalist component of the Eurasian concept.
They believe that the first priority should be the revival of the Great Russian ethnos.
According to this view, only in such a way can a new statehood be rebuilt.
They reject the traditional Russian imperialist drive for expansion into neighboring nations, arguing that the central geographic position in Eurasia and the general resources in a modern world economy will guarantee Russian dominance in the twenty-first century.
The Russo-centrists maintain that those who control Eurasia will control the world (see discussion below).
•The neo-internationalists, however, emphasize the neo-messianic
significance of the events in Eurasia.
In this somewhat paranoid vision, the West will never "allow" Russia to achieve its true potential.
It can also be said that the "new thinking" of Gorbachev, Yakovlev and Shevardnadze (after Gorbachev's book Perestroika: New Thinking For the Soviet Union and the World) also captures some messianic elements.
This school of thought says that there is more socialism in the West than in the former USSR.
The neo-internationalists argue that the Western countries utilize the "positive" potential of the October 1917 Revolution more constructively than the former Soviet.
•The fledgling Soviet state in this view made grave miscalculations by transferring the class struggle into belligerence in foreign relations.
In fact, the neo-internationalists state that the class struggle is carried on not
between so-called capitalist and socialist states, but within every individual nation.
They identify two ways of thinking: humanitariansocialist, which they explicitly link to New Testament concepts, and technocratic-militarist, which in their view reflects the Old Testament's philosophy.
Finally, in their view, it is the cultural and scientific intelligentsia, not the working class (as the Soviet leadership prior to Brezhnev dogmatically believed) that is the true moving force of progress and a bearer of scientific thinking.
........................................... Following the Western geopoliticians, the Russian Eurasians believed that there is no natural border between the European and the Asian parts of the continent.
They accepted the geopolitical precept that Russia, as the central part of the continent, formed a natural bridge between East and West, North and South.
According to this geopolitical formula, those who control the heartland also control Eurasia (or, to use their terminology, the "World Island").
Those who control the World Island dominate the world.
Their starting point was that Russia belongs neither to the East nor to the West.
In their view, Russia by itself constitutes a unique, self-sufficient civilization that grew out of two heritages: the Mongol and the Byzantine.
In that sense, the 300-year dispute between"Westernizers" (zapadniki), who tried to adopt European political and economic norms, and "Slavophiles" (pochvenniki), who stressed the historical and religious roots of Slavic statehood, was pointless.
Each group, by focusing on only one aspect of this civilization, failed to grasp the bipolar dimension that is its essential characteristic.
Their perception is how the so-called "Third Way"—an attempt to synthesize both aspects—was born.
Because of its historical uniqueness, geopolitical position and enormous demographic, natural and energy resources, Russia belongs to that small number of self-sufficient "universe-civilizations" that have dominated history.
In this view, Russia is "by nature" superior to the western European or Roman-German civilizations.
Accordingly, the Russian peoples did not so much conquer their enormous land mass as take possession of it, because their ethnic energy was naturally superior to that of the indigenous groups they found there.
Thus, the local groups recognized this superiority and accepted a subordinate position in a harmonious process of assimilation.
The Eurasian vision of the future of post-Communist Russia has three key elements.
The first is political rule by a self-perpetuating, enlightened, professional elite ("ideocracy").
The second, a syndicate-style economy (the "corporation state").
And thirdly, a social order based on dominance of talents (i.e. "ideocratic selection").
The original Eurasians, as well as the current group, did not believe in democracy and in a multi-party system.
They believed that the ruling elite must be molded not by election, but by selection from a pool of highly gifted and well-organized professional intellectuals united by the same general outlooks, moral standards and religion.
The rulers emerge from this stratum and choose their successors from it.
In short, a Platonic state of philosophers.
It was, however, the historian and anthropologist Lev Gumilev,
recently deceased, who drew a line of continuity between the philosophy
of pre-war émigré Eurasians and modern Russian nationalists
According to Lev Gumilev, the life-energy of a people (ethnos) is
determined by forces from outer space.
Energy sent by cosmic sources supposedly generates a special active condition of biomass, turning it into a nation or ethnos.
This historic moment which he terms a "passionary push" corresponds to a time of supreme state, military and economic activities of an ethnos.
Thus, the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, together with
Mongol-Turkish people, formed the Great Russian super-ethnos.
Other examples of a super-ethnos are mistakenly considered as different peoples.
He terms them a single German-Roman super-ethnos.
Since every ethnos has its life span, which is about 1200-1500 years, Gumilev judges that the western European super-ethnos is spent.
In historical terms, it is doomed to die out unless it gets a new passionary energy from a young superethnos—for example, from the Great Russian ethnos, which is only 500 years old.
Inter-ethnic contact might be fatal for a young and energetic ethnos if it enters into physical contact with an elder "relic" ethnos.
Even worse would be the contact with a so-called parasite ethnos, defined as one which lost its national energy and now exists on the energy of other ethni.
Here, Gumilev shows his colors both as a crude and sophisticated antiSemite.
He labels the Jews as a parasite ethnos, which has ceased to exist
as a separate ethnos.
In fact, according to this view, the Jews are not a nation at all, but a specific way of thinking by a certain group of people having Jewish genetic heritage and/or sharing the moral norms of Judaism
Eurasians see a possible salvation from the wreckage of communism: a reinvigoration of the gene pool of Great Russians by the artificial selection of a new elite and by emancipation from stranger ethni mistakenly included by tsars and commissars into the composition of the Russian Empire.
Among these are the peoples of Central Asia, who do not share
the Great Russian cultural-religious heritage; and the peoples of the Baltic states, who belong to an alien super-ethnos.
Importantly, the new Eurasians place the awakening of their passionary energy and the creation of a new ethnos above the preservation of an empire.


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"French party, the National Front, is in talks with a Kremlin-linked bank to borrow €40mn to win power in France" http://euobserver.com/foreign/126693

There's no more pretense. Putin supports EU right wing parties explicitly. National Front's Kremlin loan worth €40mn http://euobserver.com/foreign/126693

Good compilation by @ystriya on Alexandr #Babakov, facilitator of Russia's influence in France and Ukraine https://storify.com/ystriya/babakov



The Kremlin is doing exactly what it banned at home: financing political parties abroad. http://mobile.euobserver.com/foreign/126693

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