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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Uttalelse fra Ukrainas statsminister før møtet i FNs sikkerhetsråd........

@Yatsenyuk_AP Hundreds of "red lines" were already crossed. Thousands have lost their lives because of the Russian aggression.


In international politics, there is a concept of a "red line". It's always said: if this line is crossed, there will be additional decisions, additional sanctions, the pressure will be increased.
Before today's UN Security Council meeting begins, I'd like to stress that the world should not suffer from a geopolitical colour blindness.
Hundreds of "red lines" were already crossed.
Thousands have lost their lives because of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
The Ukrainian side applies all efforts to de-escalate the situation in accordance with the Minsk agreement.
But the Minsk agreement is not implemented by Russia and by the terrorists under its control.
Our forces are not unlimited.
Especially when it comes to facing a nuclear state which is armed to the teeth.
Ukraine needs peace.
And in order to achieve this goal, the whole world has to act as one united civilized democratic institution that struggles not only for the peace in Ukraine, but also for the global peace.



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Bra skutt - Ukrainsk Tank kjørende i 60km/t på Donetsk flyplass får inn en fulltreffer på noen terrorister på et tak.......




Åpen Ukrainsk lastebil med maskinkanon skyter mot terroristene på Donetsk flyplass - filmet fra flyplass tårnet - modig gjort siden all bevegelse utenfor flyplass bygningene regnes som dødelig pga. faren for artilleri angrep....er dette nytt at de beveger seg så åpent?

Alle beskrivelser til nå om f.eks. forsyninger, er at de må dumpe forsyningene utenfor bygningene og så snike seg ut til dem på natten og feste en wire i dem og trekke dem inn i sikkerhet - såpass farlig er det å bevege seg i åpent lende.



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Gjest Gjest slettet-ld9eg7s96q

Bra skutt - Ukrainsk Tank kjørende i 60km/t på Donetsk flyplass får inn en fulltreffer på noen terrorister på et tak.......





Utrolig at den stridsvognen kunne holde den farten med tanke på vekten av de massive ballene til mannskapet. Imponerende og modig. Deilig treffer på slutten av videoen

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Russiske armeen ved Torez. Zoopark-1M



Russian surveillance radar system designed to improve artillery fire spotted by AFP in Torez http://bit.ly/1EuMs0P cc @ChristopherJM

#Russian humanitarian aid: "Leopard" Radar - RU artillery reconnaissance ground station - @Bojko13



An #MT_LB in the eastern Ukrainian town of #Torez today. Must from from anywhere, but #Russia ...


Små detaljer er ofte viktige i identifikasjonen av militært utstyr i denne konflikten - denne platen skal være et merke som er en etterlatenskap av Sovjet Unionens Røde Arme og som ikke finnes på Ukrainske kjøretøy.

Mye av utstyret som Russland sender til Ukraina er eldre utstyr - både for å "lure verden" til å tro at dette er utstyr terroristene har stjålet fra Ukrainske hær - samtidig som det er utstyr som er tatt ut av daglig bruk i den Russiske hæren ettersom den Russiske hæren er inne i et stort oppgraderings og fornyelses program.

På denne måten får Putin brukt opp gammelt utstyr som snart allikevel skulle "bli spiker" og på denne måten sparer han mye utgifter under invasjonen i Ukraina .

#UNSC meeting on #Ukraine goes as expected.

West: 'Minsk ceasefire in danger; #Russia fuels conflict, sends troops!'

Russia: 'Nonsense!'

#Russian journos in t conflict zone in E #Ukraine is armed not only with camera,but with rifle as well @germanwindow:



USAs FN ambassadør..............

Recent interview with warlord of rebel-held town of Perevalsk, Ukr says it all. When asked who he reports to, "Only to Putin and our lord."

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@LukeDCoffey @2111015 Mariupol - Berdyansk - Melitopol operation will require >150 000. Russian losses in such campaign will exceed 30 000.

Basically Russian representative at UN is now accusing #Ukraine that it dares to defend itself

1939 German mentality. We are strong, our oppponents weak. If we push, they fall. We mock their values & principles. Same with RUSSIA 2014.

Hitler did not know when to stop, couldn't stop as had no peacetime strategy. I fear Putin also cannot stop which makes conflict inevitable.

Once West eventually accepts conflict inevitable will make tough military decisions.Now still trying to interpret rationale of Putin's moves

EU needs statesman of Churchillian stature to stand up & shout Putin cannot be accomodated only resisted & delay means worse conflict later!

Never say Reagan didn't matter, that Churchill didn't matter, that "forces of history" alone won wars & freed millions. Leadership matters.

Dear America and Europe, what if I told you your soft power has turned flaccid? Would you be offended? #Ukraine #Caucasus #NKpeace

The idea that the US can "isolate" Russia is patently ludicrous.

The next 48 hours will see the West launch a full scale avoidance of the word "invasion".

Had Greek breakfast next to a bunch of Serbian rebels in a Cuba styled restaurant in #Donetsk, #Ukraine

Rus. officer used OSCE insignia without authorization, probably more than once. JCC not OSCE http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/125107


MoD Shoigu: Russia needs military presence in Atlantic & Pacific "as well as the Caribbean & the Gulf of Mexico" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-announces-bomber-flights-to-the-caribbean


Sarkozy told me that Russia can't be invading Ukraine, they don't have enough Russians to occupy their own territory.


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Wow. I'd like to see how they justify this. "@AP: BREAKING: FIFA judge clears Qatar and Russia of corruption in World Cup bids; closes probe

USAs ambassadør til Ukraina.........

At Minsk, Russia committed to remove all illegal military formations & militants, yet Russia surging more forces & equipment across border.

Lurer på hva det er for slags skritt Medvedev tenker på..................?

Hvilke skritt har USA tatt som gjorde at forholdet ikke er normalisert....?

Hva har Russland gjort..........ingenting?.........uskyldig?......."fredselskende"?

Medved: The first step for normalization of relations must be taken by #USA.


#Russian ambassador to #NATO: The media storm around heightened activity of #Russian air force is propaganda of the West.

#Russia in the #UN: Claims on Russian army being deployed into #Ukraine is propagandistic falsification.

Yes, #Russia definitely faces military threat in the Gulf of Mexico… Oh the games they play…



it;s not Russian nukes that are the problem. It's willpower: that Putin is willing to use them and we're not http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/11/12/russias-long-range-bombers-to-conduct-regular-patrols-over-arctic-ocean-caribbean-and-gulf-of-

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Har det fullstendig rabla for Norske politikere og det Norske Forsvaret..............?

NRK; Forsvaret droppa millionkontrakt i siste liten

Det har tatt ti år og kosta over 100 millionar kroner å utvikle ein ny automatisk granatkastar for Forsvaret.
Like før signering av den ferdigforhandla kontrakten, annulerer Forsvarsdepartementet ordren. – Vi har aldri opplevd liknande prosess før, seier NAMMO-sjefen.
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#Ukrainian government handed over to #OSCE SMM 10 armoured vehicles |EMPR @OSCE_SMM





Kjøretøyene er utlånt til OSCE, ikke donert.

Opprinnelig så tilbød Russland armerte kjøretøy til OSCE, men betingelsen fra Russland var at de ble kjørt av Russiske sjåfører som Russland ville supplere - OSCE foretrakk å velge sine egne sjåfører - regner med at grunnen ikke var pga. Russiske sjåførers dårlige rykte som villmarsskjørene........? :wee:


OSCE says on Nov 11 van with sign 'Cargo 200' (military code for killed soldiers) crossed from Russia to Ukraine, then back few hours later.

Hvorfor trenger Russland å frakte døde krigere fra Ukraina til Russland hvis det ikke er Russiske soldater i Ukraina?

@Conflict_Report @OSCE_SMM Taking dead soldiers from #Ukraine to #Russial? Puzzling, RF says conflict is UA internal



OSCE saw truck with "Gruz 200" - military code for soldiers killed in action - crossing from Ukraine to Russia http://www.osce.org/node/126629

OSCE har kontroll over et par kilometer av grensen - grensen i konflikt-sonene er 400 kilometer.

OSCE har søkt Russland om å få tilgang til å observere hele grensen - noe Russland har avslått - det er vel fordi de ikke har noe å skjule?



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Russland skryter av hvor mange flere atomvåpen de har enn NATO.................


Etter min forståelse så trenger NATO bare 2 atombomber - en for Moskva og en for St. Petersburg og Russland vil være tilbake på nivå med Europa på 1960 tallet.


Det sies at 4 mil utenfor den ytre ringveien rundt Moskva så stopper all modernitet og levestandarden er betraktelig lavere...............


Fakta eller fiksjon i denne artikkelen?

Her i dette interaktive kartet kan man velge type atomvåpen og detonasjonsted for å finne ut hvor stor skade de forskjellige atomvåpnene vil gjøre rundt om kring i verden...........


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G20 møte i Australia - vil Putin trappe opp invasjonen i Ukraina rett etter møtet eller vil han vente til etter sjakk VM er ferdig 28 November..............

#Putin brings a guided missile cruiser & 3 attendent ships with him to the G20 Summit #Russia #Ukraine



Four Australian warships have been sent to intercept a Russian flotilla bound for #G20 in #Brisbane.



Good background on Russia's massive purchases of gold. Plus interesting links to Switzerland http://bv.ms/1v9xqhu via @BV

@OliverBullough 'we'll create our own reality' to quote a Cheney staffer.

Putin 3.0 seems hellbent on copying all the worst Bush mistakes.

Gen Pavel on how to respond to Russia: "show your resolve, determination & some strength so that you are respected” http://blogs.wsj.com/emergingeurope/2014/11/10/cold-wars-25th-anniversary-stark-reminder-of-russian-threats/

Finland govt. insider points to "consistent softness shown by the EU & US when it comes to Russian actions" #Ukraine http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/finland-warns-of-new-cold-war-over-failure-to-grasp-situation-in-russia


Russian presidential librarians to create alternative Wikipedia, unhappy with "non-objective" info about geopolitics. http://www.newsru.com/russia/14nov2014/russiapedia.html

The struggles of the @OSCE mission in Ukraine: "If we are not permitted to do it right...is it worth doing at all?" http://bit.ly/1wszrAG

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What do you think, @usosce ? Is US citizen @PLnewstoday cute or what, hugging his teddy bear after battle for Russia?



Dear @OSCE_RFoM, Any advice for journalists @GrahamWP_UK & @PLnewstoday as they enjoy their freedom of the media?


Because, @OSCE_RFoM, you did pressure Ukraine to release @GrahamWP_UK when he was arrested. http://www.osce.org/fom/121824



No Ukrainians in the OSCE SMM as part of its mandate. But there are 18 Russians; only way it was passed. Yet Russia is party to conflict.


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Events in Ukraine have no effect on what Russia does or says, because its propaganda is not based on reality but on pushing Europe’s sensitive buttons.

The true object of Moscow’s policies is not even Ukraine, it is Europe, which finds it hard to accept what the Ukrainian crisis is really about, says Yale University professor Timothy Snyder in an interview to DELFI. The historian has recently dedicated much attention to studying Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, its implications to the West and propaganda methods.

What else are we to expect from Russia?

You never know what the future holds. The main thing to remember is that Russia’s Ukraine policy is not really about Ukraine. It’s really about Europe. The attempt to destabilize Ukraine is part of a larger attempt to destabilize Europe.

We can’t expect that Russia’s policy will change because of the ceasefire in Ukraine or because of elections in Ukraine. Nothing in Ukraine will change Russia’s policy. I think the only thing that will change Russia’s policy towards Ukraine is a fundamental reorientation of Russian foreign policy towards the European Union from negative back into positive. And until that happens, we could expect more of the same.

Russia is also waging a massive propaganda war. Which parts of its propaganda work and which don't?

It’s best to think of Russian propaganda as political marketing campaign, where you are totally unconcerned with the truth and with the consequences of the lies you are telling and you are concerned with constituencies.

The two most effective Russian propaganda lines were, first, that in Ukraine all of the Ukrainian revolutionaries where fascists. That was nonsense, of course, and had no basis in reality, but it distracted the press, especially the German press, for several months. And they still keep that up in the minor key.

And the second very effective propaganda line is that this is all a geopolitical struggle. The reason that’s effective is that if it’s a geopolitical struggle, that means only the Americans and the Russians are involved, that you can forget about the Ukrainians, you just cannot mention them, you cannot talk about them. It’s also effective because many Europeans would prefer not to take responsibility for their European neighbour Ukraine. And if it’s a geopolitical struggle, that means the Americans should have to take responsibility or maybe Americans are even involved.

Putin has said that the current world order is only useful to the US. China also likes to say that Washington dictates world order. Are we seeing the emergence of a bloc of countries dissatisfied with the current world order? Putin has also said that the Ukraine crisis is a consequence of the shifting balance of power in the world.

The balance of power is always changing, That’s a natural rule. What’s worrying is the idea that international law or international order is the same thing as American power. The equation of international law with American power is very upsetting, because what follows from that is that there is no reason to follow international law, since all these rules are not really rules. They are just things that the Americans invented.

And that’s dangerous for everyone who benefits from international order, which is pretty much everyone in the world. If you just throw out international law or if you though out state sovereignty, as President Putin has done in other remarks, then you are inviting the world of anarchy which is not good for anyone including Russia. In the long run, it’s not good for Russia if its eastern border with China is not a real border. In the long run it’s not good for Russia if there is no legal way to carry out trade, for example.

It’s not that these arguments are wrong. The international order that exists is not some function of the American power. It’s that these arguments, if you take them seriously, are harmful for everyone and, probably, much more harmful for Russia than for China.

The relationship between Russia and China is really interesting here. Because it’s not the Russians, it’s the Chinese who have interest in testing how much you can break the rules. They are the ones who have real power to do it if they want to. And at this point it looks like the Chinese are just using the Russians to issue this challenge to the order. And I don’t think Russian public opinion realizes how much they are being used here, how much they are not actually in the lead of something, they are actually following someone else.
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Mer Timothy Snyder - en viktig artikkel for å forstå hvordan Putin nå bruker den samme taktikken som Stalin brukte før WW2 da Russland var alliert med Hitler og gjorde det lettere for Hitler å starte total krig i Europa.........

Timothy Snyder
Kort UTDRAG........
As Russian military convoys continue the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has chosen to rehabilitate the alliance between Hitler and Stalin that began World War II. Speaking before an audience of Russian historians at the Museum of Modern Russian History,
Putin said: “The Soviet Union signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany. They say, ‘Oh, how bad.’ But what is so bad about it, if the Soviet Union did not want to fight? What is so bad?”
In fact, Stalin did want to fight.
The August 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop pact had a secret protocol that divided Eastern Europe between Hitler and Stalin.
It led directly to the German-Soviet invasion of Poland the following month that began World War II. In speaking of this agreement, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, as good foreign policy, Putin has violated both a long Soviet taboo and revised his own prior position that the agreement was “immoral.”
What might he have in mind? What it is about rapprochement with Nazi Germany that is so appealing just at the present moment?


A Day in History - November 12, 1940 - German–Soviet Axis talks http://nekropole.info/en/event/view?id=218&dlang=en



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10:20 (GMT)

Ukrainian journalist Andrei Tsaplienko wrote today on his Facebook page that two commanders from the separatist Oplot and Kalmius battalions have said that an offensive is being prepared for Sunday, November 16.

Tsaplienko wrote that Ukrainian forces had detained three suspected militants last night at a checkpoint near Volnovakha, along the Donetsk-Mariupol road. The phone numbers of the commander of the Kalmius battalion and the leader of an Oplot unit were found on the detainees' phones.

According to Tsaplienko, the Ukrainians rang and pretended to be separatist militants who had detained potential Ukrainian saboteurs at a checkpoint in Yelenovka, to the north. The separatist commanders told them to allow these men to pass as they were their own, effectively confirming the identity of those who had in reality being detained by the Ukrainian forces.

Tsaplienko wrote (translated by The Interpreter):

Then, both the commanders took asked how things were going at the checkpoint and ended their conversations with roughly the same phrase:

"Put up with it until Sunday men, the offensive is on Sunday."

"You know the order, on Sunday we go on the offensive."

As the Kalmius commander said goodbye he promised to "finally knock the shit out of the dillweeds [slang for Ukrainians]."

Noting that he could not vouch for the veracity of the commanders' claims, Tsaplienko said that, as a reporter, his job is to report what he sees and hears.

"I cannot guarantee there will be an offensive on Sunday. For guarantees contact this address: The Kremlin. Moscow."

-- Pierre Vaux

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:hmm:EDIT: Postet dette i går - noen timer senere uttalte Putins pressesekretær at det ikke var sant at Putin ville forlate Australia før G20 møtet var over - derfor så slettet jeg innlegget - lærer meg vel at man aldri skal stole på Russiske uttalelser.

Nå er den originale posten gjenopprettet................



Ref forrige post; Flykter Putin hjem i sikkerhet før han starter en storoffensive i Ukraina?

#BreakingNews Putin to leave #G20Brisbane early (Sunday) as he cannot stand the international criticism of his aggressive policy in #Ukraine


Vladimir Putin to leave G20 early after 'tense' meeting with David Cameron



EDIT; Dette var meldingen som fikk meg til å slette posten.........


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