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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Det er mye misnøye med OSCE monitor teamene i Ukraina fra kommentatorer som følger krigen nøye - de mener OSCE ikke bare er "tre blinde mus" men at de er i et spill hvor de "overser" Russiske militære og deres aktivisere og brudd på våpenhvilen.

Det er jo også ganske lette for Russiske tropper å vite når et OSCE inspektører er på vei og da gå i skjul og bare la de Ukrainske terroristene møte OSCE.

Enda lettere blir det når inspektørene skal ha Russiske militære med som observatører..............

BREAKING On late night of Sept 25 to #Kharkov airport a special charter w #Russian soldiers arrived in full uniform. pic.twitter.com/y9uayLkjOm

This tweet explains a lot. 76 RUS army soldiers arrived to #Kharkov to monitor ceasefire within #OSCE mission. https://twitter.com/lukakunagilaku/status/515454841817411585


Så de 76 Russiske soldatene i full uniform på Kharkov flu\yplassen skulle hva....?

#Russia denies the fact that its 76 uniformed officers participate in "ceasefire contact group" u. #OSCE ."Those R reps of east regions")

Minsk group arrived to Donbas @OSCE Michael Botsurkiv quoted by http://censor.net.ua confirms it contains RU mil reps RU media denies this

Why are all EU foreign ministers so quiet about non-stop Russian-backed blatant violations of cease-fire each night?

WOW! At @OSCE mtg my #Russia|n counterpart Sergei Lavrov just said this:"try not to blame RF for what happened (in Ukraine)" v @HonJohnBaird

Focus On Organisation @OSCE not performing/fulfilling its monitor mission #ukraine then on Russian atrocities: #OSCE makes thoose possible!

@alsimplicio I just can’t get it how the aggressor country can be part of OSCE mission monitoring in Ukraine…?

Have U bashed ur Countries delegates in organisation of #OSCE for not fulfilling @OSCE monitor mission in #Ukraine?, If not: Time to do so!

#OSCE staff in Ukraine has very warm relationship with Russian occupants and terrorists, - Serhii Melnychuk, UA Army "Aidar" Battalion comm.

I read breaches of ceasefires & other intel from spox- I report it on twitter, in what use? As long as @OSCE not following its mission?

Tymchuk: the Russian military is dumping the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in action in #Ukraine into old mines in Sverdlovsk (Luhansk)

RU propaganda begins spinning lies on @OSCE reporting observers inspection of mass burial Donetsk mine site http://grani.ru/Politics/World/Europe/Ukraine/m.233326.html

among members of OSCE involved in #Russia-#Ukraine border monitoring are Russians, former MFA.

Coordinator of the @OSCE Transnational Threats Dept, Alexey Lyzhenkov, who is working on #Ukraine is an ex-Russian Foreign Ministry official

Tymchuk: @OSCE reports about the situation in east #Ukraine have suspiciously been contradicting the reports of other sources in the region


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På hvilken måte beviser forresten et angrep på NatGuardstyrkene på Donetsk flyplass 'russisk invasjon' (for tusende gang)? Dette kan man fint få til med våpnene som fantes i Donbass.


Flyplassen er blitt angrepet fordi Donetsk by (sivile områder) beskytes med artilleri derfra, tildels med titalls sivile ofre hver dag under 'våpenhvilen'.. Man har også slått tilbake et forsøk på å unnsette styrkene der. Denne operasjonen rapporteres nå å ha nådd sitt mål: juntastyrkene er drevet ned i flyplassens bunkere og deres pansrede kjøretøyer og artilleri skal være satt ut av spill.

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På hvilken måte beviser forresten et angrep på NatGuardstyrkene på Donetsk flyplass 'russisk invasjon' (for tusende gang)? Dette kan man fint få til med våpnene som fantes i Donbass.


Flyplassen er blitt angrepet fordi Donetsk by (sivile områder) beskytes med artilleri derfra, tildels med titalls sivile ofre hver dag under 'våpenhvilen'.. Man har også slått tilbake et forsøk på å unnsette styrkene der. Denne operasjonen rapporteres nå å ha nådd sitt mål: juntastyrkene er drevet ned i flyplassens bunkere og deres pansrede kjøretøyer og artilleri skal være satt ut av spill.

Hyggelig du stikker innom i ny og ne for å vise oss siste nytt i Russisk propaganda...... :ph34r:


I mai og Juni hadde ikke terroristene mer enn to GRAD missiler kjøretøy (men fikk det etterhvert fra Russland) og på denne tiden hadde de 50% mer territorier så de burde hatt GRAD missiler da - de siste ukene har de bombardert flyplassen med GRAD hver dag så logisk sett så må de ha fått dem fra Russland.


GRAD missisler skutt innefra Donetsk finnes det en haug av videoer som beviser og rapporter fra vestlige journalister som hører dem bli skutt fra nært til hotellet de bor på.


Å prøve å benekte at terroristene skyter med GRAD, og ikke alltid skyter langt nok og derfor treffer boligstrøk, på nåværende tidspunkt er bare tåpelig.


Russian forces conducted 100ds attacks on Donetsk airport since 5th of September. Loses + 500 in their ranks. Most be important to capture!


Jeg ser du fremdeles støtter de Russiske fascistene og diktator Putin med Russisk propaganda selv om du bor i et fritt land - noe som er vanskelig å forstå.


Ref; Til den propaganda artikkelen fra det Canadiske nettstedet som Putin betaler for............

http://www.globalresearch.ca/war-crimes-committed-by-ukraines-military-in-donbass-from-illegal-arms-trafficking-to-human-organs-trade/5404389 War Crimes Committed by Ukraine Military in Donbass: From Illegal Arms Trafficking to Human Organs Trade



By Alexander Donetsky

Global Research, September 26, 2014

Strategic Culture Foundation

Artikkelen om "Organs Trade" er et gammelt propaganda triks som først ble forsøkt spredd i April - morsomt at det dukker opp nå igjen.

Også interessant hvordan dine Russiske propaganda venner spinner om mobile Ukraina har kjøpt mobile Krematorier bare noen uker etter at det ble publisert flere bilder av Russiske krematorier lastebiler både i Ukraina og i Rostov.


Dette ble meldt for noen uker siden før Russerne var klar over at de var oppdaget - nå dukker det opp igjen..........

Tymchuk: the Russian military is dumping the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in action in #Ukraine into old mines in Sverdlovsk (Luhansk)


RU propaganda begins spinning lies on @OSCE reporting observers inspection of mass burial Donetsk mine site http://grani.ru/Politics/World/Europe/Ukraine/m.233326.html


Du kan ikke på alvor prøve å påstå at det ikke er Russland som har skapt denne krigen, forsyner denne krigen og trekker i alle trådene.

Hvis alle Russiske soldater og leiesoldater forlot Ukraina og Russland stengte grensene for våpen forsyninger som det står i teksten i "Våpenhvilen" så ville denne krigen være over i løpet av uker.

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Putin rewarded his propaganda machine, Russia Today (catering to an international audience) w/ a 41% budget increase http://top.rbc.ru/politics/23/09/2014/950629.shtml


Monday: Putin meets on how to cut Russia off from internet. Wednesday: lawmakers take aim at Skype. Friday: Facebook, Twitter, Google warned

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Denne operasjonen rapporteres nå å ha nådd sitt mål: juntastyrkene er drevet ned i flyplassens bunkere og deres pansrede kjøretøyer og artilleri skal være satt ut av spill.

Ikke forhast deg med med å ta seieren for de Russiske fascist vennene dine på forskudd (og en som fremdeles kaller regjeringen i Kyiv junta har vel meldt seg ut av diskusjonen).

Donetsk flyplass ligger på Ukrainsk territorier og er derfor for alltid Ukrainsk........


Large catacombs w/ weapons/supply caches is one of the reasons why Russian forces are trying so hard to capture #Donetsk airport (& failing)

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.@AndersFoghR suspects Russia has "master plan" to "establish a zone of Russian influence in their near neighborhood" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/outgoing-nato-chief-russia-considers-us-an-adversary

Mmkay this is real bad. Russian International Affairs Council predicts Baltics "may well become the next hot spot" https://twitter.com/neretnieks/status/515543805760897024

#Russia may have its eyes on Odessa via #Transnistria since it is a is a key transit point for arms exports overseas. http://arirusila.blogactiv.eu/2014/09/23/arms-trade-odessa-network/

Pentagon: In past 2 months Russian nuclear bombers have violated US & Canadian air defense id zones at least 16 times http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russian-air-incursions-rattle-baltic-states

Estonia said its sovereign airspace had been violated by Russian aircraft 5 times this year http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russian-air-incursions-rattle-baltic-states

Last week, Sweden suffered what @carlbildt called the "most serious airspace incursion" in 8 years. #Russia http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russian-air-incursions-rattle-baltic-states

NATO jets scrambled well over a hundred times due to Russian activity near alliance airspace, 3x increase over 2013 # http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russian-air-incursions-rattle-baltic-states

NATO fighters policing Baltic airspace scrambled 68 times over Lithuania this year, highest count in over 10 years http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russian-air-incursions-rattle-baltic-states

Grybauskaite: #Russia is ready & willing to go to war. The West is not. There's no leadership in #EU or in the world able to stop #Putin.

Lithuania Pres: Ukraine "is a real war....it is not the last territory where Putin is going 2 demonstrate his powers" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/lithuania-s-president-russia-is-terrorizing-its-neighbors


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:idea:Viktig artikkel..............om mer enn Rubel verdier............

#Russia's Ruble Hits Record Low Against U.S. Dollar http://tmt-go.ru/507895 #business

The Russian ruble has weakened 18% in the past year http://on.wsj.com/ZXfvgv #Putin #Russia #RussiainvadedUkraine


Ruble sinks to new record 39.01 vs $ as RU prosecutors filed suit to regain state ownership of oil producer Bashneft. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-26/ruble-heads-for-weekly-decline-record-low-on-political-concerns.html

Russian draft law would allow seizure of foreign property intended as a response to Western sanctions over #Ukraine. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/25/us-russia-sanctions-law-idUSKCN0HK1EO20140925

Russia threatens #Ukraine with economic war if it implements EU deal. EU accommodates Russia which continues invading http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/23/us-ukraine-crisis-trade-idUSKCN0HI1T820140923

What a surprise…#Russia not interested in veto right changes at #UNSC. http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/751347

...the worst dream for Kremlin is to see Chechens in US uniform fighting for democratic principles in Ukraine http://chechencenter.info/n/breaking-news/34-breaking-news/2209-1.html

Jet-setting fascist #Dugin holding forth in São Paulo, 9 Sep. 2014. Speaking Portuguese (kind of). http://youtu.be/odr67_tdxOE

The way Russia abuses passport protocols and cynically disseminates its citizenship to Russians living abroad shouldn't be legally valid.

Russian diplomats, propagandists are keep repeating this line - "give us what we want in Ukraine, because you need us to fight wild Islam."

Margarita Simonyan the head of RT was rubbing her hands with glee at the prospect of a new Western war in Mideast. "You'll be needing us."

A dictatorship is there's one restaurant in town & it serves only one dish. If you say you don't like it you starve. Is that dish "popular"?


At @OSCE mtg my Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov just said this: "try not to blame Russia for what has happened (in Ukraine)." #UNGA

Good breakdown of how Putin's firehose of propaganda turned fringe lunacy into Russia's new political orthodoxy. http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2014/09/window-on-eurasia-how-putin-broke.html

:idea: Bra interaktivt kart.........merkelig prisforskjell................

Why do poorer countries pay more for Russian gas? Story: http://bit.ly/1lP0AN2 Interactive: http://bit.ly/1sUILkD



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Let's stop calling him "President" Putin. He is nothing more nor less than a dictator now. It's "Russian dictator Vladimir Putin".

Putin has absolute power, no checks or balances, no elections, & clearly plans on staying in power for life. The definition of a dictator.

Washington is eager to condemn an American football team name, so how about dropping offensive "president" Putin for accurate "dictator"?

I always said Putin's dream was to be Ayatollah, not President. Rule from behind the scenes, unaccountable & untouchable. He's close!

"What Russia has become: A country with no law, where anything can happen on Putin's whim in a matter of minutes."


Everything out of the Kremlin now is a lie, but West doesn't have to cooperate. No more "president" Putin. No more "Russian media".

Don't call Kremlin propaganda "the media". RT @KevinRothrock: The Russian media should be fucking ashamed of itself.



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Det er vel etter tilfeller som dette at alle de pro-Russiske propagandistene kommer ut i hopetall å beskylder Ukraina for å beskyte sivilbefolkningen med artilleri............for der er jo ingen sjanse for at noen av disse granatene treffer bebyggelsen................. :eek:

..........og OSCE melder at...........?

Footage of Russian artillery placed next to civilian structures firing at a residential area in #Donetsk #Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xz6tTajT3c


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Finnish officer's (top FP and SecPol blogger) military strategic analysis of Russia: http://fmashiri.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/russia-a-military-strategic-and-defence-economic-view/



Russia, a military strategic and defence economic view

The Russian Federation Armed Forces are transforming from an army of masses to an army of excellence in the next ten years. After this Russia will develop capabilities to conduct modern warfare with power projection and long range strike capabilities.

Russia will fuel this reform with all available economic means as it gives the State the tools needed to secure access to diminishing resources in the next four decades.

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Litt lesestoff for helgen for dem som allerede er litt informert og kan skille mellom ganske kompliserte detaljer...


:idea: 1; Mest Interessant...............og ganske lettlest...........

Analysts - Donbass Needs Ukraine For Economic Survival While Ukraine Can Survive Without The Occupied Territories http://bit.ly/1rykoaz

UTDRAG...........detaljene er viktige så les hele artikkelen............

For example, Mariupol accounts for 31-36% of the total industrial output of the Donetsk region. By comparison, the city of Donetsk produces half as much. Indeed Mariupol's two steelworks make up more than 70% of the region's steel production of which 62.6% was sold in exports in 2013.

Similarly, hydrocarbon resources are also distributed in the government's favour.

The Yuzivska shale gas field lies in government-held territory.

The article also states that more than 50% of the coal mined last year in the Donetsk region came from mines in government-controlled territory.

The situation in the Lugansk region is more complicated but still poor for the separatists with major chemical production areas and the largest power station in the region under government control in the north.

......the region's sole iron and steel plant in separatist-held Alchevsk accounts for 46.5% of the Lugansk region's exports. However, the plant was forced to cut production in the first half of July.

Destruction from the conflict has also forced the Stakhanov ferro-alloy plant and a number of other industrial plants in separatist-held areas to shut off production.

......the region's industrial production for 2014 will be only half of last year's, this figure is largely due to the less affected output from the first half of this year.

Sergei Kuznetsov writes that the Donbass region cannot survive economically without staying in Ukraine.

The steel industry, for example, relies on raw materials from neighbouring regions in Ukraine.

Most of the iron ore processed by plants in Donbas is supplied from the Kryviy Rih basin in the nearby Dnipropetrovsk region.

"the Donbas is self-sufficient in coking coal and coke, but has no in-house sources of iron ore. The integration of the Donbas region into Ukraine's iron ore-coke-steel chain is very deep."

The Donbas is also heavily dependent on exports - it sells about 70 per cent of its products abroad.
Ryabchyn says it is losing its traditional export markets because clients don't want to deal with an unstable and unpredictable grey zone.
He says most industrial enterprises in the Donbas have loans from western banks, while their competitiveness depends on western energy-saving technologies.
"I do not see any other reasonable way for the Donbas to exist, other than for it to remain under Ukrainian jurisdiction. Otherwise, this industrial region will die," Ryabchyn says.
He argues that the Ukrainian government will not provide budgetary support to regions that remain under DNR and LNR control, citing a statement by President Poroshenko on Sunday, in which he said that financial assistance would only be provided to territories that raise the Ukrainian flag.
Those areas would, he says, likely receive economic assistance from Western aid, creating a wider gulf between the separatist-held territories, cut off from their body economy, and the functional areas under Ukrainian control.
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Mer komplisert..........den Russiske Oligarken Yevtushenkov ble nylig satt i husarrest og hans mest profitt generende selskap blir tatt over av den Russiske stat...........er dette Putin som klår tilbake selskaper til staten og begynner med de eierne som Putin og hans nærmeste liker minst.......eller er dette en politisk motiver handling mot folk som har gjort sin nytte og nå vil få redusert sin makt.................etter alle utskiftningene i DNR/LNR ledelsen i den siste tiden er forbindelsen til Russiske oligarker som har delfinansiert krigen interessant å studere........

Putin throwing the separatists and their bankrollers under the bus? http://bit.ly/1ryjISk

What is Yevtushenkov's Relationship to Support for Russian-Backed Separatists in Ukraine?

Denne er relatert..................

Ruble Falls To Record Low After Prosecutors Confirm Lawsuit to Nationalize Oil Unit of Sistema http://bit.ly/1ryjvP6


Vanskelig å finne mer komplisert intrikat artikkel enn denne.........

Leaders of 'Donetsk People's Republic' Have Strong Connections to Yanukovych's Party Of Regions http://bit.ly/1rpSFbv

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"Russiske fredsduer" :hmm: ...........kall meg skeptisk...........

Joint group of UA, RF military and OSCE continue work to cease fire. Russian servicemen visited Donetsk to persuade rebels to stop attacks

Shchastia, Luhansk region, was shelled by terrorists: hospital, the military commandant's office were damaged. One woman killed, 16 injured.

#BreakingNews Constant Russian artillery and Grad fire in #Donetsk since 40 minutes. More fires burdning around the #airport.

Taler vel sitt eget språk vs dem som påstår at terroristene ikke skyter mot bebodde områder..........Lørdagsunderholdning utenfor stuevinduet.........

#PICTURES Ukrainian T-64 tanks, fight off Russian attacks in #Nikishyne. Invaders attack the village since 5 days. pic.twitter.com/NaMVOFsX2R


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Så hvis USAs Moskva ambassade begynte å henge tilsvarende banner på ambassaden...ville Russiske myndigheter tillate det............?

Now here's something strange: 1) It took the Moscow police just a few minutes to arrest a woman with a rainbow banner



2) It took the Moscow police just a few seconds to arrest some people unfurling a Ukrainian flag. http://youtu.be/ENPglnPtJaU

3) But the Moscow police didn't notice the men in balaclavas hanging a banner near the US embassy.



FSB hang banner at US Moscow Embassy to deflect attention from mass executions by Russian-backed forces near Donetsk

Another important message for the US embassy in Moscow, brought to you by hooded thugs hanging banners from rooftops.


Russia announces that all future diplomatic communications with Washington will occur via banners hung across from the US embassy in Moscow.

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Uante konsekvenser med moderne teknologi............


Oversatt; Speidere i den Russiske hær. To foto - et geotagged i Donetsk - et geotagged i Makeyevka.

Разведчик российской армии. Две фотки с геотегом, одна в Донецке, одна в Макеевке https://vk.com/id47147878 pic.twitter.com/6yDXbCmFoy


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Wake me up in some 100 years & ask me what's going on in Russia.& I'll say they drink & steal (Rus.writer M.Saltykov-Shchedrin,1826-1889).


Oversettelse av tweeten under...............

Mikheil #Saakashvili: #Georgia signed 4 Minsk-like agreements with Russia, but Russia violated each of them. https://http://24today.net/open/157105

Грузия четырежды подписывала соглашения с Россией похожие на Минским. Каждый раз Россия их вероломно нарушала.... http://fb.me/3hreQDEoL


Oversettelse av tekst i linken.................videoen er den Georgiske drømmen om å vende tilbake til Sukhumi som nå er i utbryter republikken Abkhasia skapt av Russisk invasjon (en av to i Georgia) - tilsvarer hva DNR/LNR vil bli hvis de får liknende status - Russisk "frozen conflict".


Georgia har signert fire avtaler med Russland er svært lik Minsk.
Hver gang deres russiske troløst krenket.
Så, i juli 1993 ble det inngått Sochi avtale om tilbaketrekning av regjeringssoldater og separatist på lik avstand.
Georgiske soldater tok sitt artilleri og pansrede kjøretøyer og tillot den russiske "humanitære" konvoier å bevege seg fritt.
Sjevardnadze kunngjorde at innsatsen til den georgiske diplomati fred er oppnådd, og oppfordret folk til å gå tilbake til den vanlige rytmen i livet.
Kort tid etterpå ble våpenhvilen brutt.
Nesten en halv million georgiere ble fordrevet fra sine hjem.
I 2008 kunngjorde Kreml at den gamle avtalen det er ikke lenger koblet som å "skape en ny virkelighet", særlig i Abkhasia har blitt anerkjent av Russland som en selvstendig stat.
Sukhumi ble okkupert av den russisk-abkhasiske gruppe 27 september 1993.
Etter okkupasjonen ble tusenvis av mennesker drept, mange av dem fortsatt begravet i massegraver.
Clip georgiske stjerner om retur til Sukhumi - ". Vi vil definitivt være tilbake"
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