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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Langt interessant intervju på Engelsk...............

#swedish sniper @MikaelSkillt #AZOV Battalion 1st we fought Huylo's now up against #Russian army http://en.censor.net.ua/r303134 #A3OB #ATO #Ukraine


Not satisfied by implementation delay (shock), #Russia demands changes to #Ukraine-#EU trade deal http://reut.rs/XoiWuI via @reuters

Reports: Russian 346th special operations brigade based in Prokhladny, Kabardino-Balkaria, enters Donetsk


10,000 to 14,000 Rus troops fighting in UA as estimated by the respons. secy of Rus union of soldiers' mothers' ctees http://www.charter97.org/ru/news/2014/9/18/116421/

Meanwhile, Senate Foreign Relations passed unanimously more aid to Ukraine, inc. lethal http://www.rferl.org/content/united-states-russia-ukraine-sanctions-/26589440.html

Media: Two #Russian Su-24 violated #Swedish air space noon Wednesday. Exercising JAS #Gripen fighters took up chase. http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/svenskt-luftrum-krankt-av-ryska-attackplan/

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The Media Has Swallowed Five Russian Myths That Have Helped Putin Win In Ukraine


#1 - The first myth, and the one that set the events in motion, was the narrative that depicts Crimea and Eastern Ukraine as essentially Russian.

Moscow’s arguments promote the concept of a Kievan Rus, or a 9th century cradle of Slavic [Russian according to Moscow] civilization in the territory of Ukraine.

Yet, whatever slim basis this notion might have in medieval history, in today’s reality, according to the 2001 census, out of Ukraine’s 24 regions, only the Donetsk and Luhansk regions had populations where Russian speakers totaled more than 50 percent.

And even this figure fails to distinguish the fact that in former Soviet countries, where for many years Russian was the administrative language, a Russian speaker is not necessarily an ethnic Russian.

For instance, pre-conflict Crimea was 77 percent Russian speaking but only 58 percent ethnically Russian, with Ukrainians and Crimean Tartars making up the balance.

#2 - The second myth of Russian propaganda posits that since the Euromaidan revolution toppled the government in Kiev, Eastern Ukrainians have been calling for Russian protection from the new government.

While this notion was widely disseminated and even routinely believed, the Gallup Organization conducted polls in Ukraine April 2014, which found that only 8 percent of the population in Eastern Ukraine responded ‘definitely yes’ to wanting protection by the Russian army.

In contrast 52 percent responded ‘definitely no.’

Likewise, 11 percent responded ‘rather yes’ while 17 percent responded ‘rather no.’

These first two inventions – which can be summarized as Russia was only responding to Russians asking for protection from Russia – were used as the initial pretext for Russian military adventurism in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

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Nytt bokmerke hvis du følger..............

Hey there! As my focus is much wider, than when I started tweeting in 2011,I'm going under the Twitter name of @Conflict_Report from now on.

With every new day of the "ceasefire", #UKRAINE #IS #SHRINKING. See the official maps of the last 3 days:



Two Ukrainian soldiers died due to terrorists attacks in last 24 hours, 3 wounded, 6 are missing. UA troops open fire only in responce

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Engelske undertekster......................

Русские прозревают. Путин посеял ненависть между народами. http://fb.me/1j7afuqo4


Putin sowed hatred among peoples

Russian nationalist Dmitry Melash sheds light on the true state of affairs in Russia. Putin's propaganda quarreled all the representatives of right-wing forces and brother went against his brother not only in Ukraine. Now the Russians are fighting on opposite sides, killing each other for the sake of the imperial ambitions of the Kremlin puppeteers.





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Great applause at @AtlanticCouncil when @SenatorMenendez announces unanimous 18-0 @US_SFRC vote in support of Ukraine #ACUkraine


.@Poroshenko answering my Qs why the anti-corruption reform isn't getting ahead: that's why I dissolved the parl, we'll get there, I promise

- I asked @Poroshenko about backup plan for failed ceasefire : 'We go & fight against the aggressor' #ACUkraine

- The West reluctant to help Ukraine w/ weapons b/c of corruption inside army infiltrated by Russian intelligence - Poroshenko

- When it comes to Ukraine, Putin is very emotional, therefore unpredictable - @Poroshenko

- 'We are polite enough not to ask for NATO membership, but we're keeping it in mind - @Poroshenko laughs at #ACUkraine

- 'Putin reminded us how to be Ukrainian' - @poroshenko #ACukraine




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Hahaha! RT“@SabraAyres: Surprise: #Russia's observers at the #ScottishReferendum complain about fairness of vote. http://ria.ru/world/20140919/1024703912.html


Det må vel være toppen av frekkhet og selvbedrag ....


LOL - de går lengre enn det...............

Russian Duma deputy: the Crimean referendum conducted in a fairer way than the Scottish one https://http://newsdaily.com.ua/post/45660http://newsdaily.com.ua/post/456601


Oversatt fra linken.......

Den Ikke anerkjente av vesten folkeavstemning i Krim Russland, var mer ærlig enn en folkeavstemning om uavhengighet for Skottland sa Statsdumaen vararepresentant fra partiet "rettferdige Russland" Mikhail Yemelyanov.

"Legitimitet og vilkårene i Krim folkeavstemningen mye mer ærlig gjennomført enn folkeavstemningen i Skottland, minst, det var ingen manglende lys, ingen runder med brannalarm, stoppe telling og så videre," sa MP .

For Russland er det viktig: der kan du igjen se doble standarder ". "Se, i Europa forskjellige holdninger til den skotske folkeavstemningen og Krim folkeavstemningen.

Skotske folkeavstemningen er en respektabel handling respektable folk, Krim folkeavstemningen er en Europa ikke vil anerkjenne, sa"Emelyanov.


++>> Russisk toleranse for andre språk og kulturer.........

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The Media Has Swallowed Five Russian Myths That Have Helped Putin Win In Ukraine


#3 - The third myth of the Russian propaganda effort, the frequent reference to militias in Ukraine’s Donbas region as local “separatists,” is one that is highly relevant today and continues to obscure the facts on the ground in Ukraine.

It is an open secret that these “separatists” are largely composed of Russian special-forces, Russian militias of former (contract) soldiers, Cossack and Chechen militias, and local mercenaries.

The ongoing use of the term “separatists” by the Western media reinforces the Kremlin’s construction of events, which denies Russian interference and characterizes the war as a conflict between Kiev and a group of local, homegrown rebels.


@Conflict_Report this was Donetsk on March 5th 2014



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#Russia cries foul over #Scotland referendum. (Yes, really.) http://tinyurl.com/pa5auxa

:rofl: Vanskelig for Russland å akseptere (og vurdere) dette - de som aldri har hatt et ærlig demokratisk valg................

news.gifRussia cries foul over Scottish independence vote

Russian observers say referendum count took place in rooms that were too big and did not meet international standards
Russia has said the conduct of the Scottish referendum "did not meet international standards", with its observers complaining the count took place in rooms that were too big and that the procedure was badly flawed.
In an apparent attempt to mirror persistent western criticism of Russia's own elections, Igor Borisov – an accredited observer – said the poll failed to meet basic international norms.
Borisov said he was unimpressed by what he saw.
He said the room where he watched the count on Thursday night was a cavernous "aircraft hangar" next to an airfield.
It was difficult to see what was going on, he said, adding: "The hangar is approximately 100m by 300m.
There are tables, with voting papers stacked upon them, but the observers are stuck around the perimeter.
Even if you want to, it's impossible to tell what's happening. It's also unclear where the boxes with ballot papers come from."
Borisov said the US state department, the UK and other western countries loudly hectored the Kremlin about Russia's supposed democratic deficiencies. But in this instance, he said, London and Edinburgh had not "fully met" the requirements of a proper referendum.
"Nobody was interested in who was bringing in the voting slips. There were no stamps or signatures as the bulletins were handed over," he said.
Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, expressed qualified admiration for President Putin in an interview with GQ in March.
The Kremlin propaganda channel RT, meanwhile, speculated that the result might have been rigged and expressed surprise at the "North Korean" levels of turnout.
Afshin Rattansi, the presenter of RT's Going Underground show, said there were "international considerations", such as the UK's nuclear deterrent, which had affected the outcome.
He said: "With the vote as close as this, with the mainstream media on one side, with a massive amount of people from Westminster running up to beg Scotland the other way, and certain recounts in certain bits of the poll, which way did the vote go, really?"
He added: "It is normally the sort of turnout you would expect in North Korea. Usually media here would go 'we don't believe it. How can it be nearly 90%?'"
On Friday the Donetsk People's Republic - the Ukrainian rebel enclave - said that it, too, believed the Scottish referendum had been falsified.
Miroslav Rudenko, a member of the republic's self-declared supreme council, said he suspected the UK government was guilty of foul play. "I don't rule out that the British authorities have falsified the results of this referendum.
The difference between those who voted in favour of independence and against it is not so great," he told the Russian news agency Interfax.
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Exxon Suspending $700 Million Drilling Operation in Russian Arctic field,could hurt Rosneft production in next decade http://nyti.ms/XvwDba

Drilling Comes to a Halt on Seadrill’s West Alpha as Russian Sanctions Take Hold http://goo.gl/fb/QohLCV

Buh-bye MT @mashant So much for the pomp in launching US- #Russia #Arctic drilling last month, #Exxon is now leaving http://news.exxonmobil.com/press-release/exxonmobil-statement-treasury-department-sanctions-russia


Russia's pogrom in occupied Crimea grows: Tatar scholar attacked & robbed of passport, library closed. http://www.rferl.org/content/crimea-tatars/26595092.html via @RFERL

Video..............Engelske undertitler..........


Russian security forces have raided the offices of the Crimean Tatar Parliament, the Mejlis, and the home of Mejlis member Eskender Bariyev. The officers told him they were searching for weapons and "illegal literature," he said. They confiscated his computer and materials relating to a planned conference on security in the Black Sea. (RFE/RL)

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Utkanten av Mariupol i kveld............"våpenhvile".............

19.09.14. 23:39. Фото от очевидцев. #Мариуполь сейчас. Район Восточный. Пожары.




Locals report shelling from #Mariupol: https://twitter.com/0629ComUa/status/512964752390111232 Probably means that the Minsk peace talks are about to start. #Ukraine

LOL............"langs grensen" er et gabske så bredt begrep når det kommer fra Russland.........

WOW! Russian FSB Colonel DIES walking ALONG BORDER with #Ukraine "ACCIDENTALLY" STEPS ON "AMMUNITION" http://lifenews.ru/news/141039 #Donetsk #Putin

Oversettelse; "OSCE kan ikke bekrefte at det er Russiske tropper i Ukraina" - regner med at bildet er fra en grense overgang.............

У обсе нет доказательств вторжения РФ на территорию Украины.



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The Media Has Swallowed Five Russian Myths That Have Helped Putin Win In Ukraine


#4 - A fourth, particularly cynical myth broadcast by Russia – one that has been seen as transparent in the West – is the proposition that the Ukrainian government consists of “fascists” as the Russian media would have the people of Eastern Ukraine and the rest of the world believe.

#5 - This portrayal of the government in Kiev enables Russia to propound the fifth and most insidious propaganda myth: that the Russian government and its proxies are “anti-fascists.”

Recently Putin compared the struggle for Donetsk with the heroic anti-fascist struggle of the Russians during the siege of Leningrad in World War II.

The truth, however, is that present-day Russian “anti-fascism” is nothing more than a nationalist and xenophobic self-celebration.

It has nothing to do with genuine anti-fascism, which is characterized by adherence to democratic principles, respect for international law, and the protection of human rights.

What present-day Russia calls “anti-fascism” is rather the expression of a jingoist, nationalist mood, which in fact comes close, very close indeed, to a modern variant of fascism itself.
It is, therefore, no coincidence and has been well documented that Putin’s friends in Europe can be found in particular in neo-fascist and extreme right parties.
It is important to debunk all these myths and in particular this final, most sinister myth of Russian “anti-fascism” and call Putin’s regime what it is: ultranationalist, populist, nativist, and directly opposed to liberal democracy. Or put another way: neo-fascist.
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New memorandum in Minsk: agreement of full ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, fixation of current conflict borders

En ny "våpenhvile" avtale er underskrevet - basis; All artilleri fra begge sider skal trekke seg tilbake 15km fra en frontlinje (ingen data hvor den er) og i denne 30km buffer sonen skal OSCE overvåke våpenhvilen med 500 OSCE representanter og droner.


Ukrainske og internasjonale kommentatorers tillit til OSCE overvåkning og effektivitet hittil i denne konflikten er og har vært ZERO.


De fleste ser OSCE som deltager i et spill som favoriserer Putins aggresjon.


Minsk Agrement on 5 th sept. @Osce implant UAV monitor Borders +500 observers, Today 15 days after, nothing have happened, How come #OSCE ?

Will the 2-nd Minsk agreemend be , like the 1-st, binding only for Kyiv, not for Moscow?

OSCE publishes #Minsk Memorandum of 19 Sep: "This document is available in Russian language only" Typical! http://www.osce.org/home/123806

#Minsk memorandum, Kuchma: "both parties will stop using weapons... the units will stay in the positions in which they were on September 19"

Dette er grunnen til de store oppbygningene av Russisk tropper og avansert materiell i øst og sør Ukraina og langs den Ukrainske grense de siste dagene.

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I dag tidlig, omtrent når "våpenhvilen" ble annonser var det en gigant eksplosjon i en fabrikk utenfor Donetsk.

Varierende rapporter om hva slags fabrikk det var fra og hav/hvem som årsaket dette - undergrunn ammunisjons depot som var sikret med mine feller som DNR styrker prøvde å åpne - kjemisk fabrikk - kjemisk fabrikk som produserer ammunisjon - kjemisk fabrikk som produserer ammunisjon og pansrete kjøretøy osv. osv.

Flere videoer fra andre vinkler - eksplosjoner.......

Dette skal være noen timer senere og tydelig viser ammunisjon som fremdeles eksploderer - men er ussikkert om det er samme sted (se neste video)




Uvisst om dette har en forbindelse eller er et annet sted - ser mer ut som en form for markerings granater mer enn eksploderende artilleri.....


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