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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Rally near UA Parliament against bill on "special status" of regions in E.#Ukraine inc fighting&throwing eggs at cops pic.twitter.com/BWXuO5vjrz


@MiddleEast_BRK let's not over hype it - 2 burning tires, 50-100 protestors, 200-300 police... you know, typical tues. afternoon in Kiev.

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Very informative article about the different Russian nationalist/ultra-right views & goals (also regarding #Ukraine). http://www.sova-center.ru/en/xenophobia/reports-analyses/2014/09/d30212/

PT- "majority of Russian nationalists r autonomous militants that don't belong to any formal political organization", disagree over #Ukraine


PT - "Russian nationalists ...are also in disagreement over #Ukraine." Think that the conflict "is a Zionist conspiracy against the Slavs"
PT- "Russia primarily sent Chechens to fight on the side of the separatist 'dupes' in hopes that many of them would never come home again"
PT- "those going to #Ukraine are members of groups such as neo-Nazi Russian National Unity; Eurasian Youth Union; Russian Imperial Movement"
PT- "Russian nationalists ...are motivated more by ideological conviction than party affiliation." They incl Chechnya & Afghanistan veterans
PT- "not only are young Russian Nazis carrying guns, but also well-trained & experienced soldiers." Many of them associate w/ RNU & Cossacks
PT- "significant number of right-wing Russian radicals are now fighting in #Ukraine. (...) they're now gaining real-world combat experience"
PT- "most will return to Russia, where their longstanding dream of staging a 'Russian revolt' or 'white revolution' will not seem difficult"
PT - "one more consequence of this war will be a sharp escalation of activity by right-wing radicals — only this time, in Russia itself." ◄
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For dem som er litt forvirret over bilder og video av politiker som blir kastet i en søppelkasse - Parlamentet klarte ikke å få nok stemmer for å vedta Korrupasjons loven i dag, men de fikk nok stemmer til å vedta "utrenskelses loven" som faktisk var et av de første og største kravene under Euromaidan.

"Utrenskelses loven" >Lustaration Bill er som jeg forstår det en lov som gjør det mulig å kvitte seg med alt overflødig "daukjøtt" i statsadministrasjonen.

Ukraina har noe av det samme problemet Helles hadde - de har en statsadministrasjon hvor veldig mange ikke gjør noe men hever lønn og stjeler det de kan fra staten.


Politikeren som ble kastet i søppelkassen (veldig symbolsk handling>kaste gammelt søppel) var også forfatteren av en lov som skulle bestemme hva det var lov å kritisere politikere for under Janukovitsj - et middel for å kneble opposisjonen.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGruVGzG_Ww Wow! MP in dumpster+tires on fire & voila...parl passes much-needed lustration bill #Ukraine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq0sRG4_Rn8 Repressive lawmaker trashed, literally, as parl stalls on lustration bill. #Ukraine


In which Ukrainian Party of Regions MP Vitaliy Zhuravsky gets tossed in the trash as police stand by today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMf2_RQWdUQ


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Thank you Russian bastards for letting @RT_com film you,giving a shit about the signed #ceasefire! vs.Donetsk airport

Russian invaders shelling #Donetsk airport from self-propellered artillery pieces.

And @RT_com: Your #lies/#incompetence doesn't get more true when you write it 20 times. 2S1 #Gvozdika. No 2S9 Nona-S


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Russians urged 'don't panic' as rouble hits new low

on Tuesday as the rouble fell to a new all-time low against the US dollar amid concerns about the effect of sanctions on the country's economy.

The rouble fell about 1% to 38.71 per dollar, the weakest it has been since the currency was restructured in 1998.
Ordinary Russians are concerned the fall in the rouble could drive up the already high rate of inflation.
In early September annual inflation was 7.7% as the weaker rouble increased the cost of foreign imports and Moscow's food import ban reduced competition.
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NB; @ASLuhn - Alec Luhn er et talerør for pro-Russiske krefter, selv om han skriver for respekterte internasjonale publikasjoner - han lar alltid de pro-Russiske kreftenes argumenter få plass uten motforestillinger/motargumenter............ikke la dere lure hvis dere leser hans artikler.............





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Er Putin i ferd med å renske ut en politisk motstander eller en konkurrent til en av Putins kompis Oligarker................. ?

Is the arrest of the oligarch who owns Bashneft oil the start of "Yukos number two"? http://www.rferl.mobi/a/evtushenko-arrested-russia-sistema-money-laundering-charge/26588656.html

Oligarch down! Vladimir Evtushenkov, Russia's 15th richest man and head of Sistema, arrested for money laundering http://itar-tass.com/proisshestviya/1446770

Russia's Investigative Committee is pursuing Yevtushenkov for alleged money-laundering linked to the acquisition of shares in Bashneft.

For background on Evtushenkov, the arrested oligarch, here's my 2013 interview http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/88a75cc0-f457-11e2-8459-00144feabdc0.html "Everyone has a black box inside them"

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PUTIN CONTINUES INVASION Russian camp set up in August at Genichesk,Azov Sea,#UKRAINE #Russiaterroriststate #Russia pic.twitter.com/dcXv8GAJvM


Russian reconnaissance air drones keep violating UA border, 3 in Mariupol area, 2 – on the border with occupied Crimea

@MiddleEast_BRK Confirmed Info from Chechnya. All military units from Gudermes were sent yesterday to Donbas https://twitter.com/kavkazcentercom/status/512212998753366016

Russian troops continue to shell at the positions of the ukrainian forces near Donetsk airport - 2 Civilians Killed http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/147816

#Donetsk Airport multiple explosions of GRAD rockets now explode http://bit.ly/1oZO2Aj #Ukraine #UkraineUnderAttack #Putinhulyo #Russia

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Dette kan man jo kalle en trussel i en konflikt Russland hevder de ikke er involvert i...........Kremls kontra logikk.....

"Out of a maximum of 10 Russian battalions that were on the territory of Ukraine,I think 4 remain there." - Commander of US European Command

From what I saw, Russian troops indeed disappeared from the areas around Ilovaisk and around Saur-Mohyla after defeating Ukr troops there.

In my opinion, these approximately 6 battalions withdrew to just behind the Ukr-Rus border. Being back in hours if needed.

Four Russian Battalion Groups Remain in Ukraine - NATO Allied Commander http://24today.net/open/146198

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75 years ago today, Moscow acted on its secret deal with Hitler & invaded Poland http://bit.ly/1u5lPLH



September 17th 1939 the USSR invaded Poland as part of its agreement with its ally Germany. http://www.businessinsider.com/afp-75-years-on-polish-brothers-relive-soviet-invasion-2014-9



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Ukrainian president and wife arrived in Canada for a 3-day North American tour - pic via @poroshenko



NB; President i åpen skjorte uten slips og frue i jeans :nei: på rød løper ankommer for offisielt besøk til Canada (og USA) for å søke støtte........tror de burde vurdere klesstilen.......feil sted/anledning for uformell klesstil.

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I keep meeting new business owners in the EU who are backing out of Russia voluntarily, or canceled previous plans to enter the market.


Meanwhile, Russian tanks keep pouring into #Ukraine.

Delusional #hypocrite

- Donbass Soviet workers of 25 years ago yearn for the social & job security of USSR & label liberals/free marketeers as the enemy (fascists).

- In Donbass the Soviet workers of 25 years ago cannot cope with transition to a free market and so yearn for a past that no longer exists.

- Pro-Ukraine residents of Donbass (including those who have now fled) probably outnumber the rest but have been brutalised into submission.

- Mackinder's world-island theory. Who CONTROLS European Russia/Belarus/Ukraine has stranglehold on Eurasia.

Ukraine's struggle/Europe's future

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Haven't seen so much desperation on social media since 10-day June ceasefire. People are angry Special status bill wasn't explained to them

The biggest critics of the special status bill - internal migrants They fear the conflict is now frozen, they won't be able to return home

Last comment on special order bill. A friend told about a #Donetsk woman who'd bought mascara to look nice when UA army enters the city...

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